Chapter 28/33

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A/N: Since my work life has gone up in flames, I had time to write. You lucky lucky people. Enjoy! Oh also, I am officially an Aunty to a beautiful baby boy now…. So… good news there. Haha!!!


Name: Park Sun Mi (박선미)
Age: 22
Status: Single
Employment: Park & Piper Int’l Law Firm

The name plate on her desk was heavy and gilded, the halogen spotlights of the private office caught the embossed letters and made them shine. Strewn across the desk were piles of manila folders, papers and stationary. A woman, with brunette hair tied in a bun and a block fringe, sat in the plush leather office chair, her knees fit snugly beneath the marble topped desk and her pencil skirt was wrinkled from sitting for a long time. Her crisp white shirt was ruffled around her elbows and her glasses sat slightly askew on her mascaraed eyes.

*Knock knock*

Sighing, the woman looked towards the door,

“Come in!” She announced and watched as the door slid open only a sliver before a body pushed its way inside.

“I brought you some coffee, I thought you might need…it.” The man trailed off as he noticed a coffee machine perched in the corner of the large room. “Oh, well, this was kind of pointless then.” He sighed and looked around sheepishly.

“It’s okay Jonghyun, a proper coffee sounds great. I’m pretty sick of that stuff anyway, come sit down.” Sunmi smiled lightly and chuckled a little at Jonghyun’s expense.

“You look like you have been up all night” Jonghyun noted as he sat down and placed the coffee on a spare piece of desk.

“I could say the same to you” Sunmi answered but nodded anyway.

“So, how’s it going, did you find anything yet? Or is it too early to tell?” Jonghyun asked whilst running a hand down his face in exhaustion.

“Well, nothing major yet, a few small undeclared accounts but that could just be a simple mistake for a large company such as this. Sorry Jonghyun, but, I’ll keep digging. Maybe Kibum could help us out here, he knows the business better than anyone.” Sunmi asked, despite knowing the response she was going to get.

“No. I don’t want Bummie involved, he has enough to deal with and he is happy with Jinki, for the first time in a long time, he is doing something for him and I don’t want to spoil that.” Jonghyun answered in a measured voice, his affection for the boy was clear.

“Okay, I will keep trying but you need to know that realistically, we are going to need him on board at some point Jonghyun.” Sunmi replied with a resigned tone.

“I know…just… let him enjoy a little first, let him rest.” Jonghyun replied with a small smile and Sunmi nodded as she finally stood up from her desk and walked towards the large window that covered an entire wall.

“You going to join me? I think I could do with some company and a rest for a little bit.” She asked as she sat on the large sofa that overlooked the city view from the window.

“Sure” Jonghyun smiled and moved over to join her.

“So, you really care about Kibum don’t you.” Sunmi said after a few moments of peaceful silence.

“Yeah, of course I do. I have known him my entire life.” Jonghyun responded as he gazed at the people walking on the street below, it was around 10am and the streets were bustling. Though watching from up here, the people looked like tiny specs of dust, the cars and other vehicles reminding him of leaves blowing in the wind. It was an odd kind of peace, being able to remove yourself from the hectic life below yet still being able to witness it.

“So you still…” Sunmi began but was interrupted.

“Don’t Sunmi, please.” Jonghyun begged with a stern tone.

“Don’t you think it’s only fair that I know? After all, I’m the one who got hurt in this.” She countered back.

“You’re not the only one who got hurt, okay!” Jonghyun snapped, before he sighed and rubbed his fingertips across his temples. Sunmi was stunned into silence and she didn’t know what to say. “I…” his voice cracked and he tried again “I put myself out there, I put everything on the line. In the end, I just got hurt. He is still my best friend and that will never change, but that’s all we will ever be. Are you happy now?” Jonghyun asked.

“How could I be happy, hearing that you were hurting and I wasn’t there to help. Did you forget how much I care about you? How much I wanted to be with you but your heart was taken by someone else? If anyone can relate, Jonghyun; it’s me. So don’t ever ask if your pain makes me happy because it’s a stupid question that you already know the answer to.” Sunmi answered back, her tone stern yet vulnerable. 

They fell back into a silence for a few minutes before the boy spoke up.

“I’m sorry” Jonghyun announced softly and their gazes met for a few moments before Sunmi smiled.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry too.” She said, and they both changed the topic, chatting away until the coffee was gone and they both had to get back to work.

“I’ll speak to you soon, make sure you get some rest and eat something or I will be back to feed you.” Jonghyun spoke as he made his way to the door. They were both grinning as Sunmi rolled her eyes and ushered him out of the office, not before begrudgingly promising to order some food from the company canteen.

They had a rough road ahead, not just with Kibum’s father but with their hearts, however, Jonghyun was feeling surprisingly optimistic.

‘H-hello’ a shaky voice answered the phone call.

‘Is this Kim Jonghyun?’ a deep voice asked.

‘Yes, who is this?’ Jonghyun asked, already knowing who it was.

‘This is Mr Kim. Is my son with you right now?’ he asked.

‘N-no sir, he isn’t.’ The boy answered carefully, he knew who he was dealing with here.

‘He left home, do you know where he is?’ Mr Kim asked, a hint of warning in his voice, just waiting for Jonghyun to lie to him.

‘N-no sir, I don’t.’ Jonghyun answered, lied.

‘Is he at that boy’s house?’ Mr Kim snapped.

‘I don’t know sir’ Jonghyun lied again.

‘I KNOW he is there and I KNOW that you knew that! Why are you lying to me Kim Jonghyun?’ Mr Kim boomed loudly, scaring the boy on the other end of the call.

Jonghyun no longer knew what to say, so he just stayed silent.

‘I need you to tell Kibum to come home, immediately.’ Mr Kim said, his voice once again measured and calculated.

‘I don’t think he will listen to me sir.’ Jonghyun replied, still a little wary of where this was going.

‘And I don’t think you understand me boy. MAKE him come home, or else there will be trouble for your father, do you understand now?’ Mr Kim spoke; a venom in his voice that sent chills down Jonghyun’s spine.

‘W-what? My father is a good man who works hard for you sir. If Kibum won’t come back, there is nothing I can do.’ Jonghyun fretted.

‘He IS a good man, he works hard. It would be a shame if his image was ruined suddenly, wouldn’t it boy?’ The older man spoke with malice.
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