
After lunch, Kris and I had headed back to the office and as I have theorized, everyone was shocked at the sudden change of hair. “Ms. Kim, arrange a meeting for all the heads to meet tomorrow morning. Tell them it's urgent” I nod my head as he presses the button for the 30th and 35th floor. “Yes, Mr. Wu”

You know, it suddenly occurs to me that whenever it's Kris Wu who is in the elevator, it doesn't make stops. Ding. The door opens and I step out, I turn back to Kris with a smile before giving him a bow “Thanks for lunch, Mr. Wu” I then turn on my heel and walk to my office. As soon as I was inside, I lock the door and lied down on the carpeted floor. So.Tired.

Knock. Knock. I almost weep when I heard the knock; I silently cry invisible tears before pushing myself off of the floor and tossed my bag aside then opened the door.

Hi!” Kai smiled and stepped inside, two cups of coffee in hand. “S-sir!” I blink, taken by complete surprise at his sudden show up.

You know how you rejected my offer of coffee last time?” he asks as I close the door and give a small embarrassed smile “I was really busy that day, sorry” he smirks and hands me one of the cups which I stare at “Well I have found a way for you to not reject me with coffee” I emit a small laugh before taking the coffee and thanked him.

I took my seat on my chair behind the desk while he pulls the seat infront of my desk closer. Kai sits himself down and puts his cup of coffee on my desk, it seemed as if we really were in a coffee shop. Atleast the atmosphere felt like it.

I let out a quiet sigh and lean back. “Tired?” he asks, intently looking at me with a soft smile on his face. Gulp. “I'm fine, sir”

Come on Hana, it's just you and me here... just call me Kai” he insists. I give him an apologetic smile “Sorry Kai” and he gives me a satisfied smile. He picks up his coffee and takes a quick sip “You know, I was going to ask you to lunch today but I heard you went out”

I blink my eyes and remember Kris “Oh yeah, Mr. Wu asked me to go with him to the salon, he got his hair done then we went to eat lunch before returning here” Kai looks at me in an amused manner, as if he didn't believe me, as if what I said were all made up. Okay... that's a little offensive. “Really?”

I nod my head, forcing a smile. “How was it?” he follows up; I take a sip of my own coffee “How was what?”

Lunch... with Kris” I blink my eyes and suddenly got lost in thought.

How is it, sir?” I ask Kris. Taking a piece of meat into my mouth; he doesn't look up from his food and just mumbles his answer “The meat's fine...” I give a soft laugh at his answer and look up from my plate. He was looking at me with a questioning look. “Was it that funny?” he asks, emphasizing the sarcasm in his voice.

I swallow and pick up some kimchi from a bowl. “I didn't mean the food, sir...” I clarify.

Well you're question was incomplete anyway” he remarks. I bit my lower lip then look at him; he was once again looking down, concentrating on his meal. “I meant family...” I mumble

Kris seemed to have frozen for a moment but then resumes eating. “What do you mean?”

The girl who came to your office a week ago was your sister, right?”

Kris sighs and he stops eating “Ms. Kim, I don't rea -”

You're a very blessed person, sir. You have everything a person could want... especially someone to call family... I mean... it's something money can't buy... you know?” I keep my eyes on my plate. I snap at myself and shoot my head up before laughing “Aigo! I'm sorry about that Mr. Wu!”

Kris was looking at me when I looked at him. There was a puzzled expression on his face and I quickly bow my head to apologize. He blinked his eyes and looked down on his food once again.

It's okay... finish your food, Ms. Kim”

Hana!” Kai snaps his finger infront of my face and I snap out of my daze. I scratch the back of my head and awkwardly laughed “Sorry! Just feeling a little off, today”

Kai leans back on his chair and takes another sip of coffee. “Seriously, Kris needs to lessen the things he orders you around to do, you're also the Head of the FD, incase he forgot” I smile at Kai and explain “It's okay, I have to work hard so I won't feel guilty about being promoted at such a short span of time”

Kai rolls his eyes before he gives me a bright and adoring smile. I feel my face fluster all of a sudden. “K-Kai, is something -”

No” he cuts me off “You're just admirable”

My cheeks burned. O ~ kay. What is up with him? I purse my lips together and look down at my cup of coffee “Damn, Kris is lucky to see you everyday” he says out of nowhere and it didn't help lessen the numbness on my cheeks. I clear my throat.

Oh yeah, Mr. Wu said you will be having a meeting tomorrow morning... which reminds me” I get up from my seat “I have to arrange it. Sorry for cutting this short... Kai” I walked over to the file cabinets and look through it. I heard shuffling sounds and I almost screamed when I turned around because Kai was standing quite close.

Personal Space... personal space... personal space... invaded. Kai smiles at me “Thanks for the coffee, Hana”

I quickly dodge my head the moment he moves “Sir...”

I take a step to the side, giving us both some distance. “Sorry...” he apologizes, rubbing the back of his neck before looking up at me with an apologetic smile “Sorry about that Hana, I'll be on my way now” he chuckles.

I force on a smile and he leaves.

SIGH. That was awkward. Note to self: Have coffee with Kai in public.


The office was dim, the only source of light being the lamp on my desk and the lights on the side of the ceiling. I rub the back of my neck as I feel it slowly stiffening and leaned back on my chair. I glare at the blank page on my laptop as the insertion point continually blinks. I reach my hands forward and to type but nothing's coming into my mind at the moment. I groan and retreat my hands to each side of the laptop. I drum my fingers on the wooden surface as I think.

Speech. Speech. Speech. Ugh, come on think.

My eyes trail to the time on the top right of the screen: 10:05 PM

Knock. Knock. I shot my head to the direction of the door and the knob turns and opens; Hana pops her head in and I sigh a little bit in relief “Mr. Wu” she gives me a tired smile and lets herself in.

Yes?” I look at her from behind the screen of my laptop. “I'll be going home now, I've arranged for the meeting tomorrow morning”

I lean back again on my chair and swivel it around to look at the view of Seoul. “Ms. Kim, one more request before you go” I mumble.

Yes sir?”

Bring me some coffee; cream and sugar”

Yes sir...” I then heard the door close and open. Sigh. I lean my head back and begin to massage my temples to ease down the stressed feeling. Moments later, I heard the door open then close and heels came forward. I heard Hana set down the cup on my desk then takes a step back. “Will that be all, sir?”

I raise a hand and send her off. Heels tack again and stop before the door. “Have a good night, Mr. Wu and... drive safe”

I then heard the door close and once alone, I swivel my chair around and raised a brow immediately. I reached for the cup of coffee and saw a sticky note on the mug: Don't overwork yourself, sir. There's still tomorrow :)

Tch. I wonder who put this in here.


Home” I smile as soon as I enter my house and just drop my things to the side and walked to my bedroom to lie down.

As much as I love working at Wu Enterprise, I have my limits and just like everyone else, I long for home at the end of the day. I hug my pillow and let out a contented sigh. I turn my head to the side and notice some magazines on the floor, all sprawled out. I must've forgotten to clean them up last night. Being the neat freak that I am, I hauled myself out of bed and walked towards the magazines. I picked them off the floor and my eyes blink at the cover of the top most one in my hands.

Oh yeah, I bought this two months ago. I remember and open the magazine, stopping at a page that featured my current boss.

I breathe out some air and softly smile “You should really smile some more... it suits you” I close the magazine and set it aside; I want to go up to the rooftop but unfortunately, my body is ready to break and I can't be efficient with work if I don't rest. I take a quick warm bath and change into comfortable clothes before climbing onto bed, not bothering with dinner.


Good night, Mr. Wu...”




Sigh. Kris switches on the lights to his condo unit and tosses the briefcase of files to the side before he walks to the nearby sofa and plops himself down. Exhausted from the long day at work. He closes his eyes, pinches the bridge of his nose and keeps his breathing steady.

There was already so much to think about and so many to work on and just this morning, the chairman -his Dad- had called in and told him that he was expected to prepare a party gathering as well as presentation for some foreign investors that would be coming in two weeks. Kris takes one last deep breath before hauling himself off the couch and walked to his room not bothering to turn on the lights. He kicks off his shoes before climbing onto the bed, he reached for the lamp on the side and turned it on.

He puffs out a breath and turns to the other side and picks up the white stuffed alpaca

Ace...” he calls the furry white toy as he sets it on his stomach “Papa is so tired...”

He the alpaca's soft head as it continues to smile back at him; a small smirk forms on the side of his lips as he brings his hand to side of the alpaca's face and the corner of it's smiling mouth with his thumb “You know... you remind me of someone... always smiling” his face softens.

Not a care in the world” he mumbles before he sits up and sets the alpaca to sit infront of him. “Papa's confused right now” he brings a hand up and runs it through his now short hair and let's out a sigh as he looks at the alpaca's feet. A half smile makes its way to his lips “Papa's PA is a very weird person, Ace..." He pauses and swallows hard

"...who makes Papa feel very weird things”

Kris sat there for awhile, letting himself be succumbed into silence then slowly, he lifts himself off the bed and walks to the bathroom to take a shower.

Very weird things.


My crappy side notes:

Ah, well I received more than five comments I think, so as promised, here is chapter 9  :) even Ace is in it, kekeke. So, how much shall be the ransom for Chapter 10? Let's go with 10 for chapter 10, shall we? Kekeke, thank you for the subscriptions everyone :">

also, thank you for the upvotes PinkyStarryNight and mentari4486 :)

Thank you for all the nice comments too :) YOU GUYS, Y U MAKE ME FLUSTER? Kekekeke :)

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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
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Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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Chapter 36: t-two wu's???