
This is it. You're going to die now Hana, you will be homeless in months time. You know, there's always the strip club. I want to strangle you subconscious! But you can't. Mehrong. Aigo, what am I gonna do? I only have so much left in my bank account and I have rent to pay in 2 weeks. That's it, goodbye car. Goodbye stable life. Goodbye -

RING. RING. RING. Someone's calling my phone and it's an unknown number, tsk. Probably some prank caller, or wrong number... or a ghost. I shook my head, brushing off the thought and answered my phone “Hello?”

Ms. Kim Hana?” The voice belonged to a female “Yes?”

This is a call from Wu Enterprise” Gasp. No way! “We've received your resume and your scheduled for an interview later at 4” I'm at a loss for words but wait... I didn't drop my resume. “Uhm, can you please hold on for one second?” I ran to my room and checked the folder, shuffling through the other papers but didn't find my resume. . I must've dropped it! But wait... this is good news! It's a good thing I dropped it! Ha! Wu Enterprise is scheduling me for an interview and – Crap! I pressed the phone back onto my ear “Four this afternoon?” I glanced at the clock: 2:50 PM

Yes...” I swallowed hard, unable to hide the smile on my face “Great!”

Please be noted that we don't give second interviews if you fail to appear as scheduled; we'll be seeing you later Ms. Kim, good day” I nodded my head frantically “I understand, thank you” and the call ended.

“YES!” I threw my fists in the air and jumped around in joy; I'm not gonna be homeless! I just have to pass this interview, get hired and do my best! Yeah and then one day I'll be just like Kris Wu! Powerful, rich and I won't be working my for anyone anymore! But wait... speaking of Kris.

Gasp. If I pass this interview and get hired... he'll be my boss which means... I'll get to meet him! WAH! I can't wait, I bet he's the best, no... I bet he's perfect just like in the billboard, so attractive and angel-like. Aigo, I can't wait to meet him; it will be my greatest pleasure after all the inspiration he's been giving me. I'll surely thank him.



4 PM did not take long.

Now, here I am sitting down outside what seems like a conference room, waiting for the secretariat to tell me to come in. I looked around me, everything was so lavish and expensive but it shouldn't be a surprise, this company earns billions every year, surely they are only equipped with the best.

“Ms. Kim” I was cut off my thoughts, the middle aged woman smiled at me and told me that I could in. I quickly got up from my seat and headed for the door; I take a deep breath and calm myself down. It's just an interview Hana, if you fail this, you'll be homeless so do your best! I really would appreciate it if my inner-self would stop pressuring me. It's not helping me relax at all. I held the door knob and turned it, pushing the door open to see a group of people sitting behind a long curved table, one of the seats were empty.



“So, you're saying that we're going to give an interview on someone whose resume you found on the street?” Kai questions as he sits down and fixes his coat. I looked over to him “Exactly”

“Don't you think we should call Kris?” Chen asks, twirling the pen in his hand as he leaned back on his chair. I let out a sigh and take my seat beside Suho “Look, Kris said we can hire whoever we want so long as they do their job right” I explained. “And how sure are you that this person can do the job right?” Lay asks, raising a brow at me. I looked at Kyungsoo and he nodded his head at me before breaking his mouth to speak “I think she'll do fine if ever she passes; she's worked at Cube Inc. for three years and we know how their company runs”

“Well, yes but... just because she's worked at Cube for 3 ears does not mean she's the best” Tao says, crossing his legs. “You know what, let's just get this on with and see if she makes the cut, okay?” I say and everyone quiets down. The door opens and a head pops in; surprisingly, she looks more attractive in person. She gave a small smile and a polite bow as she entered the room.

“Please take a seat, Ms. Kim” Kai tells her with a small smile on his face. I notice him lean forward, someone seems eager all of a sudden. Sigh. It's no surprise, he's been eager even with the other interviewees. Tsk. Cassanova. Suho clears his throat and reads over the documents in his hands then he questions her “Ms. Kim, you've been the head of Cube's finance department for 3 years... what happened?”

I lean back on my chair and eye her carefully. She seemed to have tensed all of a sudden but nevertheless, she's composed. “Well, you see sir, the company had to replace people and unfortunately, they had to... replace me” she cleared . Oh, no wonder she's here. Suho took a quick glance at me and Kyungsoo. There were more questions asked and she answered them all, in a way that it wasn't the best but it was proper and straight to the point.

Kris would be pleased with her, she gives the right answers.

“Ehem... well, Ms. Kim” Sehun starts, shifting in his chair to sit properly “We would like to know if you're aware of some things about the company regarding performance” she listens properly too. I look at her and wait for her answer, she nods her head and speaks “Yes sir” a playful smirk appears on Sehun's lips. Oh God, is he trying to intimidate her? Not now, Sehun. “Then you should also know that there are only two possible things that would happen after this interview” Kim Hana remained quiet in her seat as Sehun finishes his words “You're either hired or you're fired”

She nods her head “I understand, sir” Sehun's eyes twinkle playfully and he breaks his mouth once again, this time to ask her a question “So, tell us Ms. Kim... how qualified do you think you are?”

A snigger escapes Chanyeol's lips, he looks over at Sehun and asks “Did you just ask what Kris asked someone earlier?”

Sehun ignored him and we all turned our attentions back on the girl who sat infront of us. She swallowed hard before she spoke with such full confidence “I'm very qualified, sir”

My brows jumped at her answer, no one's ever answered that question with such confidence and also... something else... there's determination in her voice. Satisfied, Sehun smiles and looks over at Suho for the final word; Suho closes the folder and stood up.

“Welcome to Wu Enterprise, Ms. Kim”



I hate it when Suho asks me to deliver something to Kris. I do as much as I can to avoid his office, the aura in there is just so dark that it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on its ends. But, as much as I don't want to, here I was inside the elevator on the way up to his office to inform him about the new employees we've hired. Even though Kris seems like he didn't care whoever we hired, he always asked for the names just in case he needed to fire someone before they even start.

Ding. I step out and walked forward, towards the entrance to hell. I knocked on his door twice and came in; his chair's back was facing me. “Hey Kris, here are the new employees” Kris holds his hand up to the side and gestures me to come closer, I let out a quiet sigh before doing so and handed him the envelope. He quietly took it and opened the folder, looking over the folder, page by page while I stood there waiting.

“There are eleven” he says bluntly and lets out a sharp breath afterwards; he pulled out one of the papers from the folder and handed it to me. I looked at the paper and saw that it was Hana's. “Kris, what's -”

“She's fired...” I swallowed hard and looked at him as he continued going over the papers “Kris, I don't think you would want to fire this one” he looks at me from the corner of his eyes “and why not?”

“Trust me, she's the only one who has openly admitted that she's very qualified” Kris raised a brow. I was surprised too. He holds out his palm to me once again and I return the paper to him, he reads through it for a moment before putting it back inside the folder and handed it over to me. “They start first thing tomorrow, those who are absent on the first day are considered fired and this, Kim Hana, try to see what she's capable of doing”

Geez, he's so strict. I gave him a small salute before turning on my heel to exit his office “Xiumin...”


“Tell Kai not to meddle with any of them”

I almost sniggered. “Sure Kris”



First day.

Deep breathing Hana, you'll do fine! I fixed myself before I entered the building and yet once again, it took my breath away. The number of people working here are almost uncountable plus it really shows how huge this building is. Kris Wu, you really are the best. Speaking of him, I haven't seen him during the interview, no wonder there was one empty seat there... Sigh. He must've been busy during that time. Shame, but atleast one of these days I'll meet him. I bet he's nice since so many people work for him.

“Ms. Kim” I turned my head and saw one of my bosses, Do Kyungsoo. I returned the smile he had on his face and gave a polite bow “Good morning, sir” he let out a small chuckle “It's really awkward to be called sir by you, Ms. Kim” I let out a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of my neck “Please call me Hana instead, sir” he smiled “Then call me Kyungsoo”

“What a fine morning it is, I see you've met the reason why you're here, Ms. Kim” I almost jumped, Mr. Kim Jongin appeared so suddenly and brought my hand to his lips for a kiss. My face was burning red but he only laughed at my reaction as he released my hand. I looked at Kyungsoo who gave me a small smile; “If Kyungsoo had not found your resume, you wouldn't be here today; Please call me Kai” Kai explained, ending with a bright smile

“Kai, Kris said not to meddle with any of the new employees” Kyungsoo told him.

He let out a sigh and pocketed his hands “I was just greeting her as a gentleman, Kyungsoo. Chill.”

“Yeah, tell that to Kris, he needs to be the one who chills” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.

“Uhm, if you don't mind me asking but where exactly do I go now?” I ask feeling a bit dumb. I still didn't know the ins and outs of this place plus I don't even know where's my workplace. “Oh, right, come on, I'll show you...” Kyungsoo said but as he was about to lead the way, Kai held him by the shoulder “Isn't Kris looking for you, Kyungsoo? You shouldn't keep him waiting, I'll show Ms. Kim her workplace”

I felt myself shudder, there was something different about Kai. Playboy... definitely. Kyungsoo gave him a stern eye “Alright, fine but please promise me you won't harass her” Kai placed a hand over his heart, faked a gasp and acted like he was offended “Harass? Kyungsoo, how dare you accuse me” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at him and bid me good luck before leaving. As decided, Kai showed me my work place at the financial department.

“Here's your desk, hope you enjoy your stay here, Ms. Kim” he smiled brightly at me. “Thank you, sir; I'll do my best” he gave me a pat on the shoulder before turning to leave. As soon as Kai was gone, a lady came by and began stacking my desk with folders “File these up, organize them and write reports. Mr. Wu expects to receive atleast 5 of them on his desk before two in the afternoon” she gave me a smile and held out her hand for me to shake “Welcome to Wu Enterprise, I'm Seohyun” I returned her smile and shook her hand “Kim Hana”

“Well, good luck Hana, I'll be seeing you around and uh, a little piece of advice... two o'clock is different from two o-one” I nodded my head and she leaves. I let out a sigh and tie my hair to a bun before beginning with work, well that was quite an interesting advice. What a great first day... not.

I did my work from the moment Seohyun left and never once did I leave my desk. Two reasons: one, everyone was too busy to talk and socialize and two, they all look like robots, not muttering anything unless necessary or asked to. No wonder Wu Enterprise is such a powerful company, everyone here goes only for one reason and that is work. Break time flew by, Seohyun came over my desk and asked me if I wanted to grab lunch with her but I politely declined, I still had to do reports on 2 more of these files and I've only began on the third.


Knock. Knock. Tsk. Whoever it is through that door, they're interrupting the peace and quiet that I'm enjoying. I heard the door open and someone walked in, a girl, judging by the annoying tacking of heels. I didn't turn my seat and kept looking over to the view of the city.

“Mr. Wu, here are the files you wanted compiled, would there be anything else sir?” Yeah, get out of my office before I fire you from where you stand. I held up my hand and motioned, whoever it was, to go away. Heels tacked once more and I heard the door open and close but it wasn't even a second later when it opened again and this time I had made sure the person hears my annoyed sigh. “You're disturbing me”

“As much as I don't want to, I have to...” I swivel my chair around and faced Chen. He sat down comfortably on one of the seats infront of my desk, crossing his legs as he fished out his phone. I looked at him and he looked back at me “Well?”

“Oh right!” he puts his phone away momentarily and smiles at me “YG Corporation is filing a lawsuit against us and they've pulled out their investment for the next month”

“Well that doesn't concern me at all to be honest, tell them we'll see them at court”

“Kris, you know you fired ten employees yesterday, right?” No , Sherlock.


“Four of them were from the financial department and it just so happens that one of them was the head of the financial department and right now, that department is a snake without a head”

A heavy sigh escapes my lips; sometimes I think about quitting but then again, I won't have any distractions anymore and besides, having power and wealth comes in handy. I rest my elbows on the desk, bringing my hands together and brought them up to my lips as I look at Chen “So what are you suggesting?”

He gives me a smirk before saying “Promote someone”

Promote? As far as I'm concerned, no one in this company has yet deserved nor heard those words from me. “That sounds more of a challenge than a suggestion, Chen”

“Actually, it is” Chen sharply smiles at me and turns to his phone, probably tapping a text to God knows who. “I know you're not gonna re-hire that poor girl, not even if she got down on her knees infront of you, so why not just promote someone? Or atleast let them be the lead for awhile... since we're expanding another branch in China, the financial department needs to be stable”

I sat there looking at him, considering what he had just told me. Not a bad idea, I can just fire whoever gets chosen if they don't do a good job. I leaned back on my seat, my hands limply resting on the chair's arm rests and my head leaned back on the soft leather back rest. “Who do you have in mind?”

He stops tapping on his phone and makes eye contact with me “Lee Taemin has been giving an outstanding performance, consider him”

“Anyone else?” honestly, I'm not really interested nor am I so jolly about promotions, not because I don't want to give them but I just feel like most of them don't deserve it. I don't care if you've worked your here for three years or more, if you've been slacking around or you plan to do so afterwards, forget it.

“Hm... well, there's this girl...” Please tell me it's not that girl Xiumin told me not to reject yesterday. “Her name is Kim Hana” Aish.

“Are you giving that girl special treatments? She was only hired yesterday, as far as I know yet I've been hearing her name as if ti was a viral epidemic that broke out in Seoul” I frown, my temper is rising and they very well know that they shouldn't make it go past the boiling point.

“Hey, hey, calm down... it's just a suggestion; we can put Taemin as the head if you want” Chen got up from the chair and straightened his gray coat. You're making me hate her already. “I have to go, we can't keep YG waiting, now can we?” he gave me a playful smile and headed for the door. Sigh. These people need to take work more seriously.

Knock. Knock. Damn it! Can't a man get some peace and quiet?!

“S-sir? The files you wanted done are here” a female voice said from the other side of the door. I raise a brow, usually they would just go in and leave them at my table. Must be a new employee, too afraid to just barge into their boss's office.

“Just leave them by the door” I say, pushing my body out of the chair and walked to the mini bar on the side of the room. Taking out a wine glass and poured myself some wine to soothe my nerves.

“Araso... I'll be going now!” Well someone sounds cheery. Noob... I take a sip of my drink and walk back to my seat. Sigh.

“Oh and sir” What the hell? I glared at the door “Mr. Kim Jongdae said you should stop drinking, it's bad for the health. Sorry for bothering you, I'll be going now”

The sound of faint heels tacking on the other side had confirmed that she was gone. Whoever that girl was, she better not do something like that again or her is going to be fired.


“Oh and sir... Mr. Kim Jongdae said you should stop drinking, it's bad for the health. Sorry for bothering you, I'll be going now” I quickly turned around and left; my heart almost leaped out of my chest. Kris Wu was just on the other side of the door and his voice has managed to send shivers down my spine with such a short sentence. It's so deep and serious. I snap out of my thoughts and enter the elevator. When I reached the floor of our office, my stomach began to grumble.

Right, I haven't had lunch. Quickly, I rushed to my desk and grabbed my wallet then just as I was about to leave, Seohyun appeared “Hana-ssi, where are you going?” I blink my eyes and saw more folders in her hand “I'm just going to grab something to eat, why?”

She puts down around ten folders on top of my desk and I swallow the lump in my throat. Seohyun casts me a sympathetic smile “Sorry if there's so much work on the first day but the department's pretty unstable after the head got fired yesterday; anyway, why don't you get some take out and return so you can work” Well, this is reality. You wanted to work here Hana, do your best. “It's okay Seohyun-ssi, we all have to work anyway”

She gives me a bright smile before she walks off. I let out a quiet sigh as I take a quick look over the folders before going down to buy something. So... hungry. I exit the elevator and make my way out of the building, there was a nearby burger store and I needed a double cheese at the moment.

“Ms. Kim Hana”

I quickly turn around and see Kai with another one of my boss, Mr. Huang Zitao. I put on a smile and give a courteous bow as they approached me “Good afternoon, sir”

“You look exhausted and it's not even 5 o'clock yet” Kai mentions; I rubbed the back of my neck “Sorry, I just had a lot to finish before two o'clock and had to skip lunch”

“Well would you look at that, Kai; someone's actually willing to starve to get the job done” Mr. Huang smiles at me, there's a glint in his eyes that confuses me with his true personality: is he nice or just playing nice? Come to think about it, he has pretty dark circles under his eyes... must be exhaustion and stress. Either way, he still looks pretty handsome. I force a smile on my face and break my mouth to speak “I think it's only right that we give time to our work for it to have a great outcome, Mr. Huang”

A laugh escapes Kai's lips; Mr. Huang gives a sigh and looks at me with pleading eyes “Please refrain from calling me 'Mr. Huang'... it makes me sound like I'm fifty years old or something; Tao is fine”

“Sorry...” I fluster and look down. Kai's laughter dies down and he pockets his hands “Anyway, Mr. Huang and I” Mr. Hua -I mean, Tao looks at Kai with a warning stare but he didn't seem to care. Aish, now I suddenly feel responsible for the -not really- so awful name call! A red card for you Kim Hana! “were just gonna get some coffee, care to join us?”

Yes! “Sorry sir, but I have to get back to work as soon as possible, I was just gonna get some take out” I declined. Tempting was their offer but I'm here to work, not spend time having coffee with my bosses and besides, it would give others the wrong impression and I really don't want people scratching my back. Tao smirks at Kai “Turned down on the first try, that's a new record Kai” Kai gives him a blank stare before turning to me “Too bad, maybe next time?”

Definitely. “If it doesn't get in the way of work sir, hopefully” Another indirect declination and Tao laughs, clapping his hands, obviously entertained. Kai forces a smile on his face and reaches out a hand, pinching my cheeks “Aren't you just so cute, Ms. Kim?” blood rushes to my cheeks as he pulls his hand away.

“Wow, another world record; two in a row! You're on a roll today Kai” Tao pats his shoulder; Kai finally lets out a sigh “Ah well, maybe when you're free Ms. Kim” Uh-oh, you've upset one of your bosses Hana. Don't push it further.

“Ofcourse Mr. Kim” I smiled at him. “Well, we're gonna be on our way now, thank you for the mini-entertainment Hana-ssi, it definitely made my afternoon” Tao chuckles and eventually leaves with Kai. Sigh. There are a few silly people in this company after all. GRUMBLE. Oh, right...


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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
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Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
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Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
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Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
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Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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Chapter 36: t-two wu's???