“I didn't see you today Kris...” Sigh. “But I heard your voice” she smiled “And you sound like the nicest person on earth”

Call Kim Hana crazy but she actually goes through the trouble of going up to the rooftop of the building where she lives just so she could have someone to talk to and in this case it's Kris... well... a billboard. However, for her, it beats having no one to talk to at all. No one to share your problems with, no one to comfort you when you cry, she would rather talk to a billboard than jar it all up and go crazy.

“Well, I'll see you tomorrow! I'll do my best for the company!” she pumps a fist in the air “Fighting!” she shouts and turns around to go back down to her apartment.



Impressive. I scan through the folder and couldn't be more satisfied, it was a neat and accurate work for a newbie; seems like that girl who left these at the doorstep of my office is useful afterall. I wonder how long she'll last? A month maybe? Perhaps. I continue to flip through the paper and when I arrive at the last one, I see a blue sticky note on it: Have a good day sir and don't forget to smile! :)

I frowned. So... childish and unprofessional. But I have to be honest, she did a pretty good job.

“Someone looks satisfied” Chanyeol said, emerging from the door. I toss the folder on top of the others and quietly got up from my chair. I grabbed my coat from the back rest of my seat and put it on “Did you seal the deal with the investors?” I ask him and he gives me a sigh.

“Kris, its past office time and you're still talking to me about work? but if you wanna so badly, then yes, I did... now can we go to dinner? The others are waiting at the restaurant” he holds the door open for me while I face my reflection on the glass window as I fix my tie. As much as I wanted to decline their offer for dinner, I didn't want to go home to an empty piece of luxurious space; I don't want to drink my to sleep because I'm doing very well at slowly killing the habit. I quietly walked past Chanyeol and he closed the door to my office.

“Yeol...” We both entered the elevator and I pressed the button for the ground floor “Has Chen appointed Lee Taemin to be the head of the finance department?” Chanyeol hummed in thought and shook his head “Nope, not yet, why?”

Ding. The doors opened and we both stepped out to the deserted lobby, slowly walking towards the front entrance “Good because I have something for you to do and I want it done the day after tomorrow” a heavy sigh escapes his lips but I could really care less, he'll end up looking for a way to make it happen anyway. “What do you want me to do?”

I fished my keys out of my pocket and pressed the button, the quick beeping sound had confirmed that the car had been unlocked; I open the door to the driver's seat while Chanyeol gets inside the passenger side. I pressed a button and the engine started. “Put Kim Hana with a team, have them do a photo shoot and presentation all on the same day”

Chanyeol raised a brow at me “You're not serious, right?” Tsk. When was I ever not serious about work? I began to drive. “Kris -”

“Make it happen” I picked up the pace, eager to get to dinner so I could drain all my energy and just go home to sleep not think. “Kris, she just started working today” I know that, idiot.

“If she can handle it, I'll put her as head for the finance department, if not I'll fire her”

“You're too much, don't you think?”

“Chanyeol, she was hired for a reason and judging by the output she's given me today, she's the type who takes work seriously and if I'm right, she won't turn down the challenge”

A defeated sigh escapes his lips. He very well knew that I don't change my mind once I've made it up, it's good he stopped trying to convince me. The car slows down to a stop and I park up infront of the restaurant.

“Alright but if she declines the challenge, you have to promise you won't fire her” I raise a brow at him and give him a disapproving look “What are you? Her boyfriend? If you are, I'll fire you both” I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the car door as Chanyeol gives me a chuckle “No, but if I was, why the hell would you suddenly add up a 'non-fraternization' clause to the company rules? You're gonna have to fire half the company then”

Tsk. No wonder some of them are inefficient, they spend more time flirting than doing what I pay them to do. We both get out of the car and enter the restaurant where everyone was waiting. Dinner began.

“Oh, by the way... I've witnessed history being made this afternoon” Tao announces as he reaches for a glass of water and takes a sip while eying Kai, who was sitting beside me. “Tao, don't you dare...” Kai warns him but he merely cares about the warning.

“Kai got rejected twice in a row at the office today and by the same girl” A soft scoffed up chuckle escapes my lips as I quietly eat my food. Everyone else was eager to hear about it; well, I can't blame them... it's unusual for Kai to be rejected afterall since a number of female employees in the past got fired because of him. Cassanova.

“Whoever she is, I salute her! Talk about being brave enough to turn down her own boss” Xiumin laughs as Kai let's out an annoyed sigh. He set down his chopsticks and breaks his mouth to speak “Hey, she was busy!” he defends himself.

“Aigo, don't bother Kai... we know how hurt your pride is” Suho tells him. “Gege, if she's turned down Kai, do you think she'll turn you down if you ask her out?” I let out a sigh at Tao's question. Insulting. “Tao, you're gonna have to kill me first before I ask whoever it is that you're pertaining to... however, are you trying to say Kai looks more handsome than me?” I raise a brow at him; he gave me a playful smile “Just asking gege; but really though, I have to hand it to her, no one's ever rejected Kai” Pft. How can girls do so? He always goes for the ually frustrated ones.

After main course, desserts were served and as soon as the waitress placed the plate of vanilla pudding infront of me, my eyes narrowed. A heavy sigh escapes my lips and I excuse myself from the table to make a call. Great. Just great, Kris. You forgot... again. I walked out of the private room and stayed in the quiet hall and tried to make the call but the person on the other line just wasn't picking up.

I can't make it tonight. Important business meeting.

- Kris

I was about to go back to the room when a message popped up. Sigh. I knew this was coming.

Save it. If you don't show up this Friday, we're over.


Jesus, why do women have to be so complicated? This is why I never wanted to date in the first place. I already have a huge company to run and now this woman is only adding up to my problems with her constant PMSing and annoying demands. Tsk. She's a drag... not a girlfriend. Maybe I shouldn't show up this Friday.

But then, she'll probably make a ruckus if I don't. Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have gone out with her. I returned back inside and sat back down. Suho handed me a bottle of beer.

“I want to talk to you guys about something...” I mumble, taking a sip out of the bottle as they all turned their attention towards me; “We're going to promote someone by the end of the week”

Chanyeol spat out his drink, to Baekhyun's great dismay, he was the one who had to face the wrath since he was the one sitting directly infront of Chanyeol. The suspect coughed, hitting his chest to soothe out the pain. Shock was written all over everyone's faces except for Chen who just smiled at me from his seat. I'm going to rip you to shreds if this turns out bad.


Sadly, I had to sell my car because I needed the cash to pay for my rent. I've only been working at Wu Enterprise for three days, surely I won't be receiving a paycheck on the deadline of my payment which is tomorrow. Sigh. I locked the door and caught a cab as soon as I was out of the building, eager to get to work. The harder I work, the faster promotion will come but it's not as if my bosses would promote me in a week... I'll get through a year and when they see how committed I am, I'll get that promotion and it's a sweet kiss to a step forward towards my dream!

“Miss!” I snap out of my thoughts and turn my head, the taxi driver was looking at me and only then did I notice that the car has stopped and Wu Enterprise was just outside. I smile sheepishly and hand him my fare then got out of the car. With a deep breath, I cross the streets.

But just as I was about to reach the other side...

SCREEEECH. I turn my head and my whole body froze as a fast speeding motorcycle came into my view, heading straight for me. I shut my eyes closed and waited for my sight to go bright and my body to be thrown off somewhere.

You're gonna die Hana! You're gonna – wait... I open one eye and saw that the motorcycle had stopped infront of me. I let out a heavy breath of relief and silently thanked God. I honestly thought that my life was going to flash before my eyes, although maybe if I had been hit... atleast I won't have to pay rent anymore. But... aigo, who would hold my funeral?

“Yah” I hear a voice; I open both my eyes as the rider sits up, he was wearing a tux, his hands engulfed by black leather gloves and his face covered with a black full-face helmet. He lifts up the darkly tinted face shield of his helmet and I was met by his eyes. Omo... the heat rushed to my cheeks as I stared back at his eyes. So... mesmerizing. The growl of the engine made me flinch. “Are you gonna move or what?” he sounded annoyed.

I swallowed hard and walked forward, my feet reaching the sidewalk. The motorcycle speeds away and I was stuck in a daze. His eyes look so famili - “Ms. Kim” I jump and turn to see who called me and I saw Mr. Park Chanyeol.

“G-Good morning, sir” I bowed as he walked over to where I was. He gave me a smile “I'm glad I found you, I have to talk to you about something” I blinked my eyes. Whatever it may be, I hope it won't be about something bad. “Shall we talk in my office?” he asked and I nodded. We both made our way inside the building, up the elevator and stopped at the floor where his office was; three floors under Mr. Wu's office. Mr. Park walked ahead of me and when we reached the doors, he opened it up for me “Ladies first” he said; I give a small nod and enter his office.

It's breathtaking; Seoul could be viewed through the large glass windows behind his desk and also, his office is so lavishly designed in black and blue. “Ehem... please take a seat Ms. Kim”

He took his seat on his leather chair while I sat on the chair infront of his desk. He shuffled through some drawers while I just awkwardly sat there, waiting for him to utter a word. I mean, he was the one who wanted to talk to me, not the other way around. Gosh, this carpet looks so expensive. I thought as I looked down on my feet and notice the black carpet underneath me. “Ms. Kim” I shoot my head up and meet his gaze “Sir?”

“If you haven't known...” he shuts his front drawer and leans back on his chair; a black folder resting on top of his table. Gulp. “The finance department has no head as of the moment and if it keeps up any longer, it may become unstable and this company could go through some... difficulties” I only nod my head, not sure of where he was getting to “Now, yesterday Mr. Wu was -if not fully- then a little bit impressed with whatever you had done” Mwo?! Did I hear that right?! Aigo! I suppress the smile that was tugging on the corner of my lip and let Mr. Park continue “So here's what's going to happen, Ms. Kim” he gives me a smile as he leans forward, bringing his hands together and rests them on the table.

“A group of people are waiting for you downstairs in the 3rd Conference room, you will be leading them for a photoshoot and presentation for one of the branches in the clothing department”

My eyes widened. What? Me? L-leading a team? “W-what?”

“The photoshoot and presentation will happen all in one day; if you pull this off, we'll promote you as the head of the finance department” My throat suddenly ran dry and heat rushed on my back, my hands have begun to shake aswell and it felt like a huge boulder had been dropped on my shoulder. I bit my lower lip and ask “W-what if I don't?”

The door opens and my head turns;

“You're either hired or fired” Mr. Oh Sehun said, walking directly towards Mr. Park's desk. When he reaches it, he swiftly turns around and leans on the edge of the desk, crossing his arms over his chest. Gulp. D-did you hear that Hana? They've just put your job on a life and death situation and you're not even a week-old here. I want to cry.

“At Wu Enterprise, we don't believe in second chances so Ms. Kim, you have one shot at this” Mr. Oh said, giving me a one of a kind smile. A smile that says 'I wish you the best but I'm not sorry if you fail'

Your team is waiting downstairs for you, Ms. Kim” Mr. Park catches my attention. I nervously stand up and give them both a polite bow “I-I'll do my best, thank you... Mr. Park, Mr. Oh”

Chanyeol laughs a bit before instructing me to call him Chanyeol instead of Mr. Park and to call Sehun by his first name rather than the fatherly address of Mr. Oh. I nodded my head before exiting the office; I leaned back against the door and drew in a heavy sigh. Aigo, what am I gonna do?


Knock. Knock. I crack open the door and poked my head inside; I felt my cheeks burn when I saw them all looking at the door as a lethal wave of silence fills the air. I swallowed hard and walked inside, closing the door behind me and gave them all a bow. Their faces were all so stiff and serious. I bowed before all of them

“Hello everyone, my name is Kim Hana... I... I'll be leading you all through this project” So far, so good, Hana... keep it up.

There were eight people in the room excluding me; they had all introduced themselves to me, on the left side of the table was Jessica Jung, Kim Taeyon, Kwon Yuri and Kim Hyoyeon -they were from the clothing branch and are incharge for the pieces to be used in the shoot including the models. On the right side of the table was Choi Minho & Lee Jinki -they were going to be in charge for the publicity and they were also going to be putting up the presentation; next to them were Victoria Song & Choi Jinri, under the same department as me. The next hours were spent brainstorming ad putting up together the pieces to make all of this possible. Surprisingly, it wasn't hard for me, they were all easy to get along with and were very cooperative. Thank God they're nice otherwise, I'd be fried!

In such a short amount of time, I became closest with Victoria.

“You know, you're at an advantage here, Hana-ssi” I blinked my eyes at her statement as we went downstairs to buy some take outs while the others stayed up to continue working “What do you mean?” I ask her; we step out of the elevator and walk towards the cafeteria then ordered food. “Having a reputation of working at Cube Inc. for three consecutive years is an eye-catcher and to be quite honest... Cube runs their company a little bit similar to how Mr. Wu runs Wu Enterprise only difference is that, over here... it's much more strict”

I hand over the bills to pay for the food and take the paper bags in my arms “Well, I got fired, that's an eye catcher too” Victoria gives me a sympathetic smile “But working there and getting a three-year experience is better than nothing at all, makes you seem more efficient, you know?” I puff out a sigh and press the button. We waited for the door to open.

“Hey Victoria-ssi” she turns her head to look at me, the second bag of food in her arms “Yes?”

“What's Mr. Kris Wu like in person?” I ask in curiousity, a smile forming on my lips as his name leaves my mouth. She gives a snobbish 'tsk' and lets out a sigh, she looks around before turning back to me and speaks “He's quite the apple of the eye but -”

Ding. The elevator doors open and Victoria quickly straightens herself before stepping aside. My eyes widen and my heart momentarily stops breathing;

There inside the small four-walled container was Kris Wu, talking on his phone.

It's like heaven has opened its gates for me and I saw an angel come down. I have never ever imagined nor expected him to look so perfect first-hand; he was ten times good looking compared to the large billboard. He's the most handsome -no, scratch that; he's the most perfect human being I have ever seen walk on the face of the earth. But the glare on his face falters the angel-like face of his. Why is he glaring at me?

. He's glaring at me!

“Well? Are you going to get out of my way or am I going to have to force you to?” He sounds annoyed

I swallow hard and break my mouth open to speak but no words come out, suddenly, I felt someone pull me to the side and Kris walks out of the elevator. I realize it was Victoria. Once Kris was out of ear-shot, she pushes me inside the elevator.

“Are you crazy or something?! You almost got fired back there!” Victoria hisses as the doors close and the elevator begins to climb. I gather my thoughts and breathe in and out “T-that was...” I'm so dazed by him. He was just so... perfect. “Victoria, that was Kris Wu” I breathe out. Victoria raises a brow at me “Hey, are you inlove with CEO Wu or something?”

I blink my eyes at her and feel the heat rush to my cheeks. Ofcourse not! “Ofcourse not!” I repeat my thoughts and the doors opened. She gives me a sigh and we both walk to the conference room “Good, because you can say goodbye to your job if you are” she smiles at me before entering the room first. He's just inspiration.



A heavy sigh escapes his lips as he turns his head and glares at the person. The young woman stood up from where she sat and gave him a smile that he didn't nor planned to return. “I'll call you back” he tells the person on the other line and ends the call. The young woman walks up to him.

“What are you doing here?” he asks her coldly. She swallowed hard and cleared “It's mom...” she whispers; Kris's brows were quick to knit together, he fishes his wallet out of his back pocket and takes out some bills then handed it over to the girl but she only looks down. Kris takes her hand and puts the money there “Don't ever show your face in this building again... understand?” the girl nods her head and Kris leaves her standing there.

“Yi Fan...” she weakly calls out to him, tears stinging her eyes but he doesn't even stop to give her a second look, he just keeps walking. “I have nowhere else to go...” she mumbles and the tears finally fall.


11:53 PM

Hana stretched in her seat, unfortunately she was not excused from her personal work in the department. The group meeting had ended just four hours ago and she had to stay in late because there were some files needed to be ran by for an 8AM meeting tomorrow that the company was going to be having with representatives from SM. The numbers on the papers were no joke, they ran up to around thirteen digits and just by typing them, Hana felt nervous. There was no room for error.

Yawn. She stretched her hands over her head and pouted when she had seen three more unfinished files resting in three separate folders. She let out a sigh and got up from where she sat to grab some coffee, there were only a few lights on inside the office and a few ones outside the doors. She was the only person left on the floor.

“Do this for the promotion Hana...” she breathed as she poured hot water onto the cup and stirred before walking back to her desk. She set the coffee aside and continued with her work.

Step. Step. Step. She stopped writing and looked around; that's strange, she thought she heard footsteps. Hana shook her head and got back to writing. You're only scaring yourself, Hana. She tells herself. Clink. Her head shoots up again and she looks around once more

“Hello?” she calls out and receives no answer. She was beginning to get scared but still went on with her work. She took a quick sip of her coffee and calmed herself down. She hummed a song to ease her nerves “La la la ~ I'm not scared of you ~” she sings quietly to herself

Clink. Clink. She shot up from her seat and quickly grabbed her purse then made a run for the door; she pushed the tinted glass door open and screams when she bumps into a tall figure


“Yah!” the voice sternly yells and she breathes heavily, when she realizes it was a person, she quickly wrapped her arms around the person's waist. Her heart was beating fast and tears had gathered on the corners of her eyes. The person is taken by surprise at the sudden contact, he was about to push the girl off of him when he felt some damp wet spots on his shirt and heard sobs. He looked down and realized it was her. She was crying.

The person swallowed hard, he didn't know what to do. What are you doing, you idiot? He quietly thought to himself as he froze in his spot. Slowly, the grip on his waist loosened and the girl pulled herself away, she sniffled and wiped her tears away. She gave him a smile, his face hidden in the darkness.

“Sorry about that... I'll be going now” she then ran off to the elevator.

What was that about, idiot? Why didn't you move? He questioned himself. He stared at the small LCD on top of the wall as it had flashed the letter G meaning that the lift had reached the ground floor. He walked over to the elevator and pressed the button and the LCD slowly flashed the climbing numbers.

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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
1873 streak #8
Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???