A warm cup of hot coffee on a snowy day was indeed very ideal.

Kyungsoo has relaxed for such a long time until now. The silence of the company building's lounge, the view of the still flowering rose bush outside the windows and the fact that Kris was away for two whole days gave him the time to unwind, clear his head and just relax.


How do I even begin to explain the situation in the office recently? Hm. It's been quite hectic having to face changes; Kris being the new chairman of Wu Enterprise only brought more work, Suho has the title of CEO but since Kris doesn't move into his new office until maybe the last week of December, he's still in rule of the Seoul branch.

So, to say the least, the office is basically much busy than usual. Kris insists that he settles things in their places before he leaves. Sigh... such a workaholic.

Hey” a voice chimes and I turn my head to see Kai, smiling with a cup of coffee in hand. He approaches me and sits down on the empty chair across the table “Hey” I mumbled in reply, sipping on my own cup of coffee.

Kai's been quite cheerful lately. Honestly, I sense something up his sleeve. “What are you doing here?” I ask him

What? I can't have coffee with my buddy?” he wiggles his brows, plastering a smug smile on his casanovic face. No wonder women fall for him, he can put on a smile and make it seem real no matter how ing fake it is and snap, boom goes the bed.

I chuckle and turn to him “Well ever since Hana arrived, you haven't had a single cup of coffee with me”

Gasp. He goes; hand on his chest, acting like he was offended by my words; did I mention he can also put on comedic faces? Apparently, he can. “Do Kyungsoo! You know that's not true!”

I roll my eyes at his little dramatic act and wave a dismissive hand at him “Yeah, yeah...” Sip. “So, really what are you doing here? Is Hana out of the office or something?”

He sighs in defeat and leans back on his own chair, our attentions turning to the rose bush outside.

Sehun and Tao took her out without inviting me, pft.” he sips on his coffee.

I can see why” I mock him

What are you trying to imply?” he squints his eyes at me but I keep my eyes on the view outside the large glass panel that separated us from the world outside where fresh city air blew “I'm simply saying that perhaps you were busy so they didn't invite you” innocently, I smile at him.

No, you're probably as annoying as . I mentally chuckle. He puts away his frown and turns back to the view outside “So, why did Dragon Boy go to China all so suddenly?” he asks.

Ah, a subject to tackle.

I had a feeling you were gonna bring that up” Really. I did expect him to do so.

Admit it, you're curious too” caught me there.

And my curiosity has led me to such a height that I even did so as eavesdrop on a conversation he had with Suho. It was pure coincidence and unplanned, I swear to God. I was passing by Suho's office when I overheard because the idiots forgot to lock the door and soundproof doesn't really work when the door is open.

Sound escapes.

You heard of the rumors...” I start, sipping on my coffee as I paused for a second “About his father being sick?”

I nod my head “It's true... the old chairman really is sick”

Kai snorts a laugh to the side, obviously not believing me.

That's absurd”

It's true. Kris said so himself”

And how do you know that?”

By fate. I happened to have overheard his conversation with Suho before he flew off to China”


Truth” we both turned our heads at the voice. Minseok. He smiles and sits with us, crossing his legs and leaned back “Ex-chairman really is, in fact, sick and to be specific: Kidney Cancer which is why my dear friends, we must all listen to Hana and stop drinking alcohol”

Seriously, nowadays, Xiumin just pops out of nowhere like a pimple. “When did you get here?” Kai asks, looking at Xiumin both in confusion and suspicion. Seriously though, when did he?

Xiumin just shrugs his shoulders “A while ago”

So, what is Kris up to?” Kai questions; “A change of heart perhaps, Hana's been trying to get him and his old man on good sides”

Ah, right. “And how is that going?” I ask. Sip.

Well...” Xiumin breathes out “Her efforts are not going down the well considering, Kris made a trip to China and you know how much he doesn't wanna go back”

But he did.

Of all the things that Kim Hana has made him do, this is probably my favorite of them all. It's funny how all of these played out; she's not even supposed to be working here but I guess the only reasonable explanation as to why she's here and is still here: FATE.

Then again, she could just be a lesson for Kris in the future. That, I hope not to happen.

By the way...” Xiumin sits up “Where's Hana?”








Snap. She blinks her eyes and Sehun pulls away his hand from infront of her face

You're spacing out” he tells her. She bows her head in apology, rubbing the back of her neck in the process as she turns her attention to the untouched cup of hot cocoa infront of her. Tao shook his head and sighs “How will you survive once Kris gets deported off to China, Hana-ssi?” a hint of playfulness in his tone.

Hana flusters “I –I...” she stammers, unable to find the words to say but still manages to let out some “It's not that!” she defends.

Then what is it?” Sehun asks, taking a piece of cake into his mouth. Tao waits for an answer aswell; she gives a sigh “Well, you know how his dad is sick...” she swallows hard “What if... his dad leaves him, for good?”

The two fell quiet.

Sehun puts down his fork and wiped off the side of his mouth with the table napkin n his lap “Then that's where you come in”

Huh?” she looks at Sehun and he looks at Tao “What Sehun means is, if ever that happens then that's when Kris needs you the most”

Hana” she turns back to Sehun “We all know how arrogant Kris can be, he doesn't like to accept defeat but as cold as he may be, his dad has a space in that arctic cold heart of his and if” he pauses to knock his fist on the wooden surface of the table “his dad does go, Kris will –one way or another- be hurt but the catch is he won't show it and he will never admit it but Hana...” he looks at me intently “He will open up to you. Trust us, he will and when he does please... take the chance and don't ever leave him”

She suddenly felt her heart skip a beat; a heavy sigh escapes her lips and chuckles nervously “Wow... my shoulders suddenly feel heavy” Tao laughs “Just now? I thought you felt that when you started working for Kris”

She smiles. She was the happiest person, actually.



Meanwhile in China

The soft clattering of metal hitting the priceless porcelain china on the table filled the atmosphere of the Wu household as the family gathered for lunch. Kris, Stephanie, their father and his aunt were all sitting around the table as food was continuously being served, platter after platter

So, how are things in Seoul?” his father asks, striking up a casual conversation but being Kris, he simply answered “Fine, as always” and said no more.

Mr. Wu tries once more “And Hana?” and the mention of her name just sparks him with interest; funny how he suddenly felt ironically home sick at the sound of her name “She's back in Seoul; I wanted to bring her along but she didn't want to go” Mr. Wu smiles “Ah, well you should have. She's a very sweet young girl

However, his aunt couldn't say the same. Stephanie joins the talk “If Dà jiě jie (big sister) came with you, I would have showed her around here; it's really great Yi Fan” she smiles. Kris returns a smaller one and tousles her hair to which she responds with a puff of breath

That's my job” he told her.

Oh please, I don't know why you three find that girl so fine” she pauses to sip on her glass of juice “She lacks a lot of things

Kris takes a quiet deep breath and looks at his food rather than her “Well, it's good that she lacks a lot of things...” he successfully cuts a piece of meat “Most especially the personality of looking down on others” he smirks. Stephanie looks down to hide her giggle and Mr. Wu gives his sister a smile.

His aunt rolls her eyes “I don't get you, Kris” she starts off “You were arranged to be wed to a girl of class and yet you ran away from an opportunity of a lifetime” he pauses but then continues eating his food; his aunt sighs “Ah well, it wasn't completely a waste... you should thank Chun for saving our family name's reputation” she smirks, proud of her son.

Mama” a voice breaks through the tensed air and the said son enters followed by his wife.

His mother smiles brightly at him while Kris looks away, annoyed not by him but by the woman sitting across him. Chun greets everyone in the room and presses a cheek to cheek kiss with his mother before joining the table. Sonya smiles and also sits down.

So glad you made it son; I was just telling Yi Fan about how you took his place” her eyes sparkle with pride.

Kris puts down his utensils and wipes off his mouth with the table napkin “Yeah... you know Chun, it's very fortunate that you took after your father even though you never knew him” Kris tells his cousin –who instead of feeling offended, felt sentiment and amusement. He never knew his father given the situation that his mother had left the man before she gave birth after finding out that he was not capable of keeping her life well and abundant.

She was originally to be disowned by the family but Kris's father saved her from it.

His aunt frowns “Tsk. And you take after your mother: foolish

Actually, I take after myself” Kris smirks confidently.

Chun cuts off the slowly growing tension. He knew that his mother never liked the young Yi Fan for reasons being that he was much more recognized by the grandfather as a Wu –not that he minded ofcourse because he knew why their grandfather liked him more than him- and also because Kris was to be first line to hierarchy like his Dad.

In the Wu family, first born children were always considered to be first in everything; Chun's mother had always felt bitter for being second. She always thought she was much more deserving which is why all her life, ever since Chun was born, she's been working hard to put him up to the platform in level with Kris.

However, she's quite failing at it but still... she's trying.

So, how was your flight?” Chun asks; Kris turns to him “Tiring but I had to get here...” he glances at his father –who now leaned back comfortably in his seat- “Had to

It's a miracle that you didn't drag Hana along” Sonya chuckles. Kris sips on his water “I didn't have the heart to force her; besides, she's busy fixating the Finance Department for her replacement... she said she wants to keep her PA position

Dessert was served.

It wasn't long after the plates of slices of vanilla ice cream cake were served that the old man of the house had gotten up, a heavy breath escaping his lips as his color seemed to have drained all of a sudden “Papa, are you okay?” Stephanie asks, getting up from her seat and comes to her father's side

I'm fine... just a little tired” he says. Kris puts down his fork and gets up from his seat “Come on, let's get you to bed” he said, aiding his father who looked like he wasn't capable of walking alone.

Everyone was taken by surprise as the father and son left the room.


We ended up at the old library rather than his room.

He insisted that he wanted to sit rather than lie down. Who am I to argue? I guided him to the old leather chair –the one I used to occupy back then whenever I came here as a kid to read books- I sat down opposite to him and looked around

It hasn't changed, not one bit” I breathe out. Even the scent is the same. Scent of old books.

I look at him and see him smiling at me. A smile that I haven't seen for a very, very... very long time. I suddenly felt like a ball of ice was stuck in my throat, freezing my vocal chords to keep me from speaking.





My lips quivered when I saw the old man smiling at me and something escapes my eye. A tear. That's my Dad.


Early morning. Another day.

Sigh. I close the door behind me.

I'm back in my old office, the one I had before I was assigned as Kris's full-time PA. I'm once again Head of the Finance Department, atleast for the mean time... until Sehun finds someone fitted to take over my position.

Funny. I sat down behind my desk and began to go through my work. Wu Enterprise feels different without Kris. Tsk. I pick up my pen and open the first folder I grabbed. One way or another, I have to busy myself. I have to get used to this because soon enough Kris will be gone for a longer span of time.

Suddenly, I want to just take his offer of having someone teach me Chinese there –No Hana. No. I scold myself, shaking my head.

Knock. Knock. “Come in!” I answer in a slightly higher volume than intended. I was surprised

L-Lay” my eyes blink at him. He smiles and enters the room, pocketing his hand, the other holding a brown envelope as he makes his way towards my desk “Do you need something, sir?” I ask him

Uh yeah, I needed these signed by Kris but he's not here so...” he hands me the envelope “It's related to finance and I need your sign too”

I opened it and took out its contents, making sure my eyes scan through every word, every letter, every dot on the three page write up. I looked up at Lay “This is a scholarship”

A scholarship for me.

Lay leans over and looks at the paper then he gives me a bright smile “Oh look, it is!” Sarcasm noted. Sigh. He chuckles “I'm just playing with you, Hana. That was sent here all the way from China”

Kris. “Lay, I can't accept this”

Ofcourse you can, just sign there” he told me.

As thankful as I am to receive such a gift, I just can't and I don't want to. We both made a deal, I thought we were pretty clear on the fact that I would spend for my own fees and besides it's just six months, how much money could I lose? The pay here is good and I doubt it wouldn't be enough to sustain me.

I'm gonna call Kris” I told him, taking my phone out of my bag. Lay raises a brow at me “What for?”

To tell him that I can't accept this thing he's giving me” I start to punch in numbers –the one he gave me was different since he was going to China- “But Kris wasn't the one who gave this” my thumb pauses in mid air from pressing the call button “What?”

If Kris didn't... then who did? My eyes drift down onto the paper once more, on the last page: the very bottom was written another name. His father's name. I put my phone down and turn to look at Lay, eyes asking for an explanation

Hana, trust me... I don't know why either”

Taking a deep breath, I put the papers back in the envelope. Unsigned. I hand it back to Lay “I still can't accept it. Send my apologies and thanks to Mr. Wu” Lay sighs heavily and hangs his head low in defeat “Hana, that's a former chairman's offer you're declining, do you know that?”

Ofcourse. I nod my head and he takes back the envelope.

You know if this was Kris's bidding, I'd be dead by now” he chuckles “He always sees to it his plans go well”

I smile. Ofcourse, Kris was still Kris; he still has that stubborn attitude, that coldness still lies somewhere, his straight forwardness and arrogance. Who he was before me, it's all still there and I'm very much comfortable with that because atleast I know.

He really is himself.

He could be the next president of this country” I laugh. With an attitude like Kris –an attitude for perfection and professionalism- I think he could handle running a country.

Lay gives me a less amused look “If Kris were to run as president of the country...” he turns on his heel “I'm moving to the Philippines” and starts for the door. I laugh. “Why the Philippines, though?” I question.

He pauses by the door and gives me a wink “Chanyeol said it's nice there”

And he leaves. Once again, I'm alone. What strange bosses I have.






Lay knocks on the door and without waiting for an answer, enters. Intrudes is a better word for it.

You know...” Luhan doesn't look up from his colored cube “I never said you could come in”

Thank you” Lay answers and sits down, tossing the envelope on Luhan's desk. He still doesn't look away from the cube that he was continuously twisting and turning with his fingers “I'm guessing she rejected it” Lay sighs and nods.

He finishes and puts down the cube and gives Lay a smile “I guess you owe me”

Lay pouts and digs the inside pocket of his coat, comically weeping as he pulls out a piece of folded paper; he stares at the paper and hugs it “Omona! Baby, I'm so sorry!” Luhan mentally face palms himself and reaches over his desk, snagging away the paper from Lay's hands.

Thank you” he unfolds the paper and smiles in triumph while Lay quickly gets up, walks to a corner, hugs his knees and sulks. Luhan merely ignores him and picks his phone out of his pocket “Hey, Yeol you're right”


Lay does at bets” Luhan laughs, fanning himself with the piece of folded paper.

The piece of paper being one of Lay's certification of ownership to a condo unit in Beijing.


Hello everyone,

Finally posted an update! The story was featured for a couple of days, thank you all so much! I really cannot thank you enough! So many upvotes, comments and subscribers already and it's just so euphoric! Thank you all! :D

On another note: I have received information of plagiarism and I have checked out the story which at some key points is very similar to XOXO but even if I were to report this on AFF, they will probably give it no attention because it's not exactly word for word. I will make no mention of any names because I do not want anyone to be bashing anyone.

Anyway, we all know that it is unavoidable for us to write stories of the same idea and plot however, I did find this story in particular to be very awfully similar. There are so many key points to it, personality wise, some scenes are also the same, situations that I have done here on XOXO such as how Kris fires a number of people on the first chapter, the sticky notes, the girl fixing something in her boss's outfit before going to a meeting, organizing a party with the help of someone, even how Kris drinks at such an early hour in the morning. I find this to be very much similar especially the timeline, it's like XOXO was taken and twisted her and there, delete that and insert this.

From reading the foreword, I did find it in fact to be similar. Noted also that XOXO was published around two months before this certain story was created. I find this situation to be quite funny because I honestly think XOXO is too cliche to be copied.

If this is an honest mistake, a copy and twist, a coincidence or plagiarism indeed, I hope that this would not be repeated again.

Authors here on AFF work hard to write these stories, along the way dealing with writer's-block, inspiration loss and so many more. Please respect the works of respective authors and do not plagiarize. Be inspired but do not exactly copy them and have your own style.

There are many Boss-PA stories here on AFF, this is not the only one but each story has its own uniqueness to it. It has different situations and has similar ones but each have their own identities. Please do not take those away by plagiarizing. It's not cool :(

I've worked hard to build up XOXO, I gave credit for the inspiration of this fiction.



P.S. Thank you to all the new subbies, the comments and the upvotes! I'm so sorry if I can no longer mention upvoters here because you guys have become a mass! Mianhe but really, I thank you all for the upvotes that you're giving! Kamsahamnida chinggus! :D

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The star disappeared D: oh well.


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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
1873 streak #8
Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???