
Lunch ended and here I was, sitting on the passenger seat of Kris's car. I take a quiet breath of relief as I see the building of Wu Enterprise up ahead. Lunch was nerve-wrecking, okay, but really nerve-wrecking; He made me feel like I should say all the right things.

The kiss gave the whole atmosphere an awkwardness too! I looked away as I fluster at the thought.

Finally, we get closer to Wu Enterprise. The car should slow down by now... I quietly thought to myself but the car had maintained its speed. Okay... anytime now. And we drove right past the building. I looked back at the building through the window before turning to Kris.

“S-sir, Wu Enterprise is back there...” I point, my finger pressing onto the glass window. “I know...” Kris mumbles as he keeps his eyes on the road. Gulp. “Then, why ---”

Kris sighed and I immediately went quiet “I have somewhere important I need to go to. We'll meet with Stephanie and then we'll go back to the office” Did he just say we're meeting with... Stephanie? I swallowed hard. I don't think that sounded like a good idea, I pretty much learned my lesson the last time the two of us met with Stephanie. It didn't go well at all and I had to cut the visit shorter than the usual. “Sir, I don't think ---”

The car slowed down to a stop at a red light. Kris turned to me “I won't cause a fuss, Ms. Kim”

I bit my lower lip for a moment and he turned back to the road. A defeated sigh escaped my lips and I put on a smile “Okay, Mr. Wu... if you say so”



Luhan leaned back on his chair, quietly solving the multicolored cube in his hands. Everyone was gathered inside one of the board rooms since they needed to compile all their work. Suho entered the room followed by Kai; the two immediately noticed the empty chair where the CEO usually sat in.

“Where's Kris?” Suho questioned. Kai checked his watch, lunch was over already; “I don't know... you tell me” Sehun mumbled, not looking up from his laptop. “Must be in a meeting” Kai shrugged and went to his seat and sat down, placing his feet on top of the table as he leaned back. Suho sighed and took his seat aswell.

“Yah ~ Kai, why did you do that?” Chanyeol asked from across the round table. Kai raised a brow at him “Do what?”

Pfft. “Don't act innocent, Casanova; do flowers ring a bell?” Chanyeol rolled his eyes. Kai turned to Suho who also turned to him. “Aigo, you've really stepped it up a notch this time; you really have it bad for Hana-ssi, huh?”

Everyone turned to Kai.

“Yeol...” Suho called his attention “What?”

Kai snorted a laugh “If you're talking about the flowers in Hana's office then sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not the one behind it and Suho can prove me innocent” Everyone diverted their attention to Suho. He gave a sigh as he dropped his pen on the table and leaned back “I wish I could accuse Kai but I can't...”

“So who sent them?” Xiumin wondered out loud. Everyone turned their heads to look at Kyungsoo. “Yah, I didn't even know she received flowers” he defends himself

“Hana canceled lunch on me because she said that she was having it with the sender but she didn't mention any names...” Tao mumbled. “So then the one whoever she had lunch with today is the one who sent her the flowers” Baekhyun concluded. Sehun noticed Chen -who was sitting beside him- quietly chuckling to himself.

“Yah, what's with you?” Sehun poked the side of Chen's arm. Chen smiled wryly and crossed his legs; he turned to Chanyeol “Yeol, you should be packing your bags for Hawaii”

Lay's eyes widened at the realization while all the others were confused at his words. “What are you talking about?” Luhan asks as he pauses from solving the cube. Chanyeol's mouth opened and curved as he threw a triumphant fist in the air. “YES!”

“Yah, Chen get to the point!” Kai tells him impatiently. Lay smacked his head on the table as Chen cleared his throat and took out his phone “Isn't it such a great coincidence that Kris also went out for lunch when he usually doesn't?”

Lay lifted his head abruptly and squinted his eyes at Chen “I don't get it... how does Chanyeol win this?”

Chen slid his phone over to Lay across the table. Everyone -besides Lay and Chanyeol- went over to Lay's side and simultaneously they yelled:



Kris parked the car infront of a flower shop and got out as I quietly followed. Wow. Everything was so pretty inside, flowers of different colors, kinds and variety were here and the smell was so fresh and inviting too.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Wu” my head turned and saw an old female lady smiling brightly at Kris. He gave a curt nod and I bowed with a smile as she looked at me “Girlfriend?” she asked Kris. I felt my cheeks turn red.

“Co-worker” Kris coughed. The lady smiled and gave me a 'Hello'; “So, tell me... who did you give all those roses to?” the lady asks and my eyes widened when I realized that the roses came from here. I swallowed hard. “Just someone I wanted to thank” Kris mumbled, walking around looking at the different bunches and bouquets inside the shop. Budump. Budump. Hana! I mentally slapped myself and try to busy myself with the flowers aswell.

I walked to the opposite side of the store looking at the tulips displayed on the side.

“Pretty ~” I said aloud as I took the flower in my hands. I blinked and turned aorund as I saw Kris and the florist looking at me. She gave me a laugh and I returned an awkward one. “Give me those” Kris pointed to the flower that I was holding. “Ah, Gladiolus” the florist smiles as I hand her the flower “Sincerity and strength... good choice, dear” she turns back to Kris and asks him how many he wanted. He was busying himself looking at the other plants “Twelve will do; wrap them up for me” the lady nods and walks away somewhere, leaving us both alone.

Eherm. I cleared my throat.

“Hana...” I almost jumped when he had called my name. Not 'Ms. Kim' but my first name. “Sir?”

“There's a party this evening... to celebrate the success of getting the new investors; I expect you to be done with work by 8PM later” I nodded my head. I guess a little party won't hurt. The florist returned with the bouquet and Kris pulled out his wallet to pay for the flowers. He gestured the florist to give the bouquet to me and so she did while he paid.

Omo ~ another set of flowers. Hana, what are you?! I flustered at the thought. “Let's go...” Kris brought me back to reality; I bowed towards the florist and thanked her with a smile before running off to catch up with Kris. He opened the passenger's door for me and it really didn't help lessen the red shade on my cheeks.

When he got to the driver's seat, he immediately drove.


I don't like change.

Yet this girl, sitting beside me with flowers in hand and messy hair, is making me think twice. I have never felt so weak before, never... but for her to make me feel like going down on my knees must mean she's pretty special. Because she is.

I've never met anyone who just kept smiling and smiling despite every pain, hurt and stress she goes through. Mom was right, women are strong. No matter what they go through, they do their best to still look presentable. To still look impressive and to really impress people. Hana's an example of those kind of women.

Kai's probably going to feel betrayed if he knows about what happened earlier at lunch but heck, I'm willing to take a blow or two in the face. I don't regret anything. I've never wanted to do that to anyone before.

Kai... you lucky bastard. My grip on the steering wheel tightened and my brows knitted together at the thought.

“Sir...” Calm down. “Hm?”

“Thank you” I swear I almost hit the breaks. But I didn't. “For what?” I ask her. Well head, she means the flowers in her office. Tsk.

“Everything” she smiled brightly. Please, stop that Hana. “Yeah... sure”

I parked up the car on the sidewalk just outside of the university and we both got out. Hana left the flowers in the car and we both entered through the gates; People were staring, some even whispering and I'm sure I heard my name here and there. If you plan on working for me in the future, forget it.

“Eonnie!” came a yell.

Hana's eyes twinkled in delight and as I looked up ahead, I saw Stephanie running towards her. Hana opened her arms and Stephanie embraced her... as if they were really siblings. I coughed to the side. Yah. I'm your brother, pabo.

Stephanie smiled brightly at me. She's been happier since I had treated her to lunch and to be quite honest, I felt my head go a little lighter after that.

“Hey Yi Fan” she chimed. I put my hands inside my pocket and asked “Do you still have class?” Stephanie shook her head and I quietly sighed in relief, atleast I wouldn't have to go through the trouble of excusing her. “Good. Come on...”

I my heel and began to walk as the two of them followed. “Where are we going?” she asked, a hint of fear and doubt in her voice. Tsk. Tsk. “Just get in the car” I told her, opening the door of the backseat. She turned to Hana and the girl gave her a smile; Stephanie puffed out a sigh before she finally went in and Hana did so aswell before I could even open the door for her. I rolled my eyes before getting in my own seat.


The drive was pretty long & Hana had fallen asleep along the way.

“Yi Fan, can I ask you something?” Stephanie voices out, leaning forward a bit in her seat. She was whispering to keep herself from waking up Hana with noise. I glanced at her through the rear view mirror “What?” she playfully smiles and looks at Hana. “Eonnie, is really nice... do you like her?”

I slow down the car a bit then speed up again. Sigh.

“Fasten your seat belts” I told her. She gives me a pout and sinks back into her seat. “Not another word, Stephanie” I told her as soon as I saw her open to speak. She sighed.

A few more minutes and we arrived. Stephanie looked out the window, her face suddenly falling blank. Hana slowly opened her eyes and gave a small yawn; “We're here?” she asked, her voice still sleepy. “H-hey wait... why are we in the cemetery?” Hana asked, a bit of fear in her voice. I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car then opened the door for Stephanie.

She looked at me then gave a small smile before getting out of the car. I opened the door for Hana and she hesitantly stepped out. We walked through the paved path with Stephanie leading the way; she stopped before a small gravestone.

On the cold stone, a name was engraved. A name that I never liked yet here I was... Damn.

Stephanie got down to her knees and gave a bow of respect while I remained standing with Hana. “Mama, you have a visitor...” she smiled. I remained standing and looked down at the gravestone. I nudged Hana and she looked down at the flowers in her hands. She flustered a bit for some reason but placed down the flowers before the grave.



“I'll be waiting in the car, sir” Hana said with a small smile. Kris gave a small nod as she then left. There was silence for a moment as Stephanie just sat infront of her mother's gravestone. “She told me to never forget to apologize to you... everyday” Stephanie smiled, tracing her fingers on her mother's name.

Kris was just quiet. His hands clenched to a fist. He swallowed hard before letting out a quiet breath.

“I forgive her...” and his hands slowly loosened once more.




“Where's eonnie?” Stephanie asked as we reached the car. I thought she said she would be waiting here? Aish. “Wait in the car” I told her and she nodded her head before getting inside in the passenger's seat.

Damn it. Where the hell did she go? I fished my phone out of my pocket and called her but Stephanie answered the phone which meant she had left her phone in the car. I walked around the cemetery and found a girl standing at a distance.

“Hana” I called but she didn't seem to hear me. I stopped in my tracks when she got down on her knees and bowed before two gravestones. What the... I slowly walked closer towards the figure and confirmed it was her. However, I kept my distance.

“Umma, Appa...” she spoke and my eyes widened a bit at the realization. Coincidental... it's a coincidence. One mysterious coincidence. So... that's why she looked... uneasy. “It's been five years since I last visited you... I'm sorry” I could tell that she was smiling by the tone of her voice. Five years?

“I'm doing fine here. I got to work for that one guy I've always looked up on!” she laughed like a kid. It was as if she really was talking to them in person. “He's a bit rough but I know he's a good person...”

I swallowed hard as I continued to listen. Unable to speak or move.

“Umma, Appa, I promise you that I'll visit often from now on and I also promise that I'll make this person smile! Always! No matter what it takes! I'll make him smile... Umma, Appa... do you know?”

What is it? I want to know too.

“When I'm with him... I don't feel so alone.”

Damn it, Hana...

Shuffling sounds came and I looked up, meeting her eyes. “Mr. Wu!” she seemed surprised. “H-how long have you been there?”

Long enough. “I just got here... you weren't in the car”

She blinked her eyes before giving an apologetic bow of the head “Sorry... I figured I had to do som ---”

“Your parents?” I looked past her, to the two gravestones standing beside each other. She gave a small smile and nodded her head. Mom... she's alone. Like me...


“I'll be right back” Kris said, quickly going off somewhere while I stood frozen on my spot. Doing as he had told me. A minute or less later, he came back, a little sweat glistening on top of his head, his breathing a little short but still maintained and in his hands were Hyacinth flowers. God knows where he got them.

He placed down the flowers in between the two stones and bowed. Kris... what are you ---

I felt my cheeks turn pink and my heart beat fast. I bit my lower lip as I watched him. He mumbled a few words under his breath that I couldn't make out yet I still tried to.

See umma? Appa? He never makes me feel alone.

Kris gave one last bow before turning to me “Come on... it's getting late” he said before walking ahead. A smile crept up on my lips; quickly, I ran and hugged him from behind making him stop as he almost fell over but maintained balance.

“Yah! I almost -”

I hugged him tighter “Thank you”

I retreated my hands; Kris coughed to the side but didn't turn to me. “We... we should get going” he mumbled and continued to walk again. I only chuckled and nodded my head as I followed him.


Hi lovely subbies :)

are you all still there? Sorry if I hadn't given an update yesterday. You see, I'm quite busy these week and it's because of these.

But anyway, thank you all for the warm comments and for the subscription, it really means a lot :)

Thanks to gretzelle, sakura19, Kwon_YooJi, craziiazian123, MangoKittyCat, Asukaa, krisbella, MarthaLH, giffuya, YoungBeatandBoomLove, snow_fox, youreagoodgirl, McFly394 angeltears-315 for the upvotes ^^


I hope you enjoyed this chappie because I've prepared something for Chapter 26 KEKEKEKE even I'm excited to write it down ;)


<---- the reasons why I can't update fast enough.

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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
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Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
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Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
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Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
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Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
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Chapter 36: t-two wu's???