
Hana looked lost.

Even as she smiles and chatters with Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Lay while eating cake, she looks so lost. I don't know if she's grateful for the gift or not but I know something's playing inside her mind. I close the fridge and saw Kai out in the balcony. Now might be a jolly good ing time to talk.

I pop the can of beer open and take a sip before I take long strides towards him. I slide close the door as soon as I was out, the cold breeze of the night stinging my fingers.

Kai smirks as soon as he saw me. I leaned forward, arms resting on the metal railing. “So...” I start, taking a sip of the beer “How did it go?”

Although I do wish that he did nothing at all, I know Kai well enough that he'd disobey I tell him at times. He takes a deep breath and pushes himself off the railing, he turns to me “You can throw me off the building now” he ends the statement with a chuckle.

As much as I want to... Sigh. “Not worth it...” I tell him.

Kai ran a hand through his hair before he turns back to the view beheld before them. We were both silent. I don't know what I feel right now, other than being glad that Hana's within arms reach, everything's a freaking tumbleweed.

Did she kiss you back?” I ask him even though I didn't really want to know the answer. Kai looks at me from the corner of his eyes “No”

Phew. “Not even a little?”

Kai shook his head. He takes a deep breath and puffs it out “She's a strong one, alright. Tsk. You don't know how envious I am of you right now, hyung... and I never envy a friend” he smiles. I finish the can of beer and swallow the bubbling liquid before puffing out a visible breath because of the coldness.

I push myself off the railing “Now can you do me a favor?” I ask him. He nods his head “Sure” I turn my head, looking at the now laughing Hana on the other side of the fogged up glass sliding door “Don't ever dare to try anything on her once I leave for China”

I look at him dead on in the eyes and he gives me a smirk; he holds out his hand and I look down at it “So be it” he says and I shook his hand.

I'm serious, Kim Jongin”

I know. I only disobey orders once, you know that” he chuckles. “But thanks, hyung”

She better brush her teeth before kissing me. Tch.







Happy Birthday again, Hana!” Xiumin chimes, giving her a quick hug as they stood in the once quiet hallway. She gives him a light pat on the back before breaking the embrace “Thank you” she tells them. Chen snorts a laugh as he stood on one side of the space “Really though, you should keep tracks of your schedules” she chuckles and nods her head “I've just been too busy”

About thinking of Kris?” Chanyeol teases, laughing as he saw her eyes widen and her cheeks turn red. Kris just stands in the background looking unfazed when deep inside: So she did miss me. Wow. Guess I have nothing to worry about then. Phew.

Hana lightly hits his shoulder. Tao puffs out a breath “Well, it's been a long night” he pauses to check his watch “Gotta get home before clock strikes twelve”

Night Hana! I'll see you tomorrow, Kris” Suho pats her head before being the first to file out and the others follow. “You guys take care” she tells them as they pass with goodbyes.

Kai being last.

Eherm. Kris clears his throat “I'll be inside; drive safe Kai” he says before disappearing into the room. Hana gives him a small smile before turning back to the guy who stood infront of her.

He gives her a smile and asks “You okay?”

She nods.

Sigh. “Listen, Hana... about earlier, I hope that changes nothing between us, friendship-wise”

Hana's smile softens, she takes a quiet inward breath before looking at Kai “Don't worry, it won't but Kai...” she reaches out her hand and places it on the side of his arm, he glances at it “I'm sorry”

Kai emits a chuckle “Shouldn't I be the one saying that? But... why?”

For not returning your feelings but you understand, right?”

He nods “Ofcourse I do; Kris is lucky to have you Hana... he really is. Even so, I'm glad he has you, it beats him isolating himself, you know?”

Taking a deep breath, he opens his arms “So, can I have a hug goodnight?” laughter dances off Hana's lips and she complies with his request but kept it short. He ruffles her hair before turning around and left.


I puff out some air. My breath visible because of the rather cold air of the night; I stand outside the building and look up once more to the tall structure behind me.

Worth it. You're worth it Hana.

Who knew, right? That I actually did feel something for her? Maybe everyone thought it was all jokes, that maybe it was just part of how people deem me to be: a Cassanova, a playboy, someone who doesn't ever commit, etc. Sigh. So maybe I do play around and maybe what people say I am is a part of me but I did, in fact, like Hana genuinely.

She's the first girl to reject me countless of times from coffee, to dinner and to attempted intimate moves. Hana was an interesting girl, the more she rejected me, the more I was drawn. I'm crazy, I know.

But as much of a challenge she is, she's not hard to like.

In my whole honest and unbiased opinion, Kim Hana is not the kind of girl who captures you by looks. She's not the girl people would deem as very pretty or flawless. Trust me, she's a bundle of flaws; she's clumsy, she trips over her own two feet, she doesn't have the most flawless skin, she has bad hair days, she sometimes has bad office fashion but she's not bad ether.

Hana has her own interesting points despite looking like an average female. She has a bubbly personality and had she worked here before Chanyeol, I would believe she infected him with some sort of happy virus; other than that, her smile's quite a stunner. She takes the quote “A girl's smile is the prettiest thing she can wear” to an upgraded level.

But what makes her most interesting? It's how she managed to do what we all thought was impossible: Warm the cold heart that belonged to Kris.

Kai” I turn my head to the side just before I could enter my car. “Oh, Baekhyun, you haven't left yet?”

No, I was waiting for you, I wanna ask you something”



Soon I found myself sitting across him in a small coffee shop. Two cups of hot chocolate infront of us as we sat by the window, looking at the still crowded streets as people hurried home to their families or just alone, perhaps.

So...” I pick up my cup and take a quick sip “What is that you wanted to talk about?”

He smirks and pockets his phone that he had been holding since we got here “Tss. Don't pretend that you don't know, did you really go with what you planned?” I figured you'd ask that. I put down my cup and lean back, turning my head to look out of the window once more “Yeah”

Really?” he leans a bit forward in eagerness. I chuckle and look at him, raising a brow “What? You think I couldn't do it?” Sigh. “I'm willing to take a few blows for that chance”

Aigo” Baekhyun chuckles “You just dug your own grave but anyway, how did it go? Did she kiss you back? How did she react? I'm really curious”

I roll my eyes at him. The reason why I drank earlier was because I was hoping it would take my uneasiness away and clear off my mind but my palms just sweated the whole night. First time in a long time feeling like it, by the way.

No, she didn't kiss me back and she was shocked, as expected” Sip.

What now? I mean... wouldn't it be awkward?”

We're just friends... we won't be awkward because I kissed my feelings for her goodbye, down the drain and never to be felt again”

Baekhyun rolls his eyes “Tch. As if you can say it and” Snap. “It's all gone; I bet my perfect face that your feelings will get the best of you either way” Then I won't let that happen. No matter what, I'll forget my feelings for Hana. “You doubt me too much, Baek”

So, what about Kris?”

He knows and by some miracle, he didn't punch me or throw me off the building”

Ah, really? What then?”

Nothing” I shrug “I guess, because he trusts her... I mean, he should because as far as I'm concerned, her faithfulness and love for the guy is as pure as snow”

Baekhyun smiles after puffing out a breath “Kudos to Hana then”

After awhile, he checks his watch and get up “Well, it's almost twelve and I gotta get home, what about you?” he asks after he doesn't sense me getting up. Actually, I don't plan to, not yet. “I think I'll stay for awhile, buy a cake on the way home later or something”

He shrugs “Alright then” he gives me a pat on the shoulder before finally making his leave. I leave moments after he does, buying a cake as said and went straight to a certain place.

11:59 PM. I knock on the door and after awhile it opens, a female bows to me “Mr. Kim, good evening” I smile and walk in as she steps aside, opening the door much wider; I hand her the box of cake while I take off my jacket “They're in the dining room, sir” she takes my jacket, exchanging it with the cake.

Arf! Arf! Arf! I chuckle as three four legged friends comes into my view barking quite happily. I bend down, one hand keeping hold of the cake and the other ruffling each of their heads.

Aigo, did you miss me?” I smile at the three.

Tack. Tack. Tack. I look up and get to my feet once more “Jongin-ah, finally you're here!” two arms wrap around me and I do so aswell, taking a deep breath “My conscience was pestering me, this is one of the few chances I get to spend time with you guys anyway” I said.

The person smiles warmly at me. “Come on, your father and your sisters are waiting in the dining room”

I hold up the box and smile brightly at her “I bought your favorite, Mom” and she chuckles, accepting the gift.








I look around the now quiet space.

Everyone had finally left, everyone but one person in particular. I took a deep breath and exited the bed room after checking the closet. I enter the living room and saw Kris sitting on the couch, eyes closed, resting. He let someone else kiss me. And cue my chest hurting once again.

I want to be upset because I am upset but at the very same time, I don't want to. I missed him too much that I don't want to do anything else but just... just do as much as I can to make the time worth it.

Hana” I swallow hard at the sound of my name leaving his lips. “Hm?” I stand at a distance, just looking at him. His eyes flutter open and he smiles a little at me before patting the space beside him.

I put on a smile before I walk over and take my seat beside him, we both lean back on the couch, his arm over my shoulder and as if by instinct, I lay my head on his shoulder. “Did you miss me?” he asks, breaking the silence. I nod my head and lift it off his shoulder so I could look at him.

Ofcourse I did”

His face was blank as he looked back at me.






Kris brought a hand to her face, cupping one side and rubbed his thumb on her cheek. He pursed his lips together in a firm line as the female before him looked at him with questioning eyes. Slowly a smile breaks its way onto his lips, his eyes soften as he gazes at her, making sure to take in every detail.

Have I ever told you...” he starts off softly “That you're pretty?”

A laugh escapes her lips and she pulls her head away from Kris's grasp. Hana shook her head “No... You always told me I don't pass not even for a queenka” he chuckles and rests his arm on the back rest, shifting his position so that he was facing her “Ofcourse you don't”

Hana shook her head and laughs once more, knowing that he'd say it. “But I like it better that way” he tells her.

Why?” she asks, tilting her head to the side in a cute manner. “Because you don't have anyone else chasing after you; you're just...” –he snakes his hands on her waist and pulls her to his lap with her facing him, legs on ether sides of his waist- “Mine”

Her hands land on his shoulders “And mine alone

The look on her face went from happy to confused in a split second and for some reason, Kris knew why but he didn't say anything. She broke open to speak “Then why?”

He only looks at her and she continues “Why did you let Kai --”

I didn't”

You knew...”

I did... but do you really think I said it's fine? Ofcourse it's not but Kai did it anyway and even if I punch him now, it's not like time could be taken back”

Hana bit back her lower lip and hung her head low as her hands went limp and fell from his shoulders. “Do you wanna punch him though?” she asks, not looking up. Kris sighs “Honestly, I wanna tear his lips off his face”

They were both quiet for a moment.

He lightly pinches her chin and brings her head up; Hana bit back her quivering lips and he softly smiles at her “You thought about me, right? When he kissed you...” her eyes water up but the tears only gather on the edge, they don't fall. She doesn't say anything but only nods her head.

Then that's all that matters, Hana”

She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a hug. Her tears finally fell; he pulled her to arms length and chuckled when he saw her crying –not that it was funny, ofcourse. “Baby don't cry ~” he coos in a teasing manner as he wipes off the waterworks.

Hana pouts but he only laughs at her childish face; he raises a brow at her and asks “Did you brush your teeth already?”

She blinks her eyes at such an odd question but nods her head anyway after remembering that she did so after finishing cakes earlier. She sniffles a little “Yeah, why?”

Kris doesn't say anything else but instead, he leans forward and captures her lips. One of his hands were resting on the small of her back while the other began to roam, the side of one of her legs while he nips and bites on her lips. God, I missed this. He thinks to himself as he trails his lips from her pair and down onto her neck, a reward of a small moan was given to him.

Wait!” Hana grips onto his shoulders but he doesn't stop “Hm?” was the merely questioning sound he makes as he continues to leave his mark on her neck. “A-aren't you going home?” a moan follows as he harder.

He pulls his lips away from her neck and lifts his head to look at her “I am home” he pecks her lips. She softly pushes him back “No, I mean home, home

An impatient groan escapes his lips as he gets denied of her lips “I told you, I am home” he reaches both of hands for his tie and loosens it, afterwards took it off. Hana looks at him for a minute then it slowly registers to her mind; her eyes widen and quickly she scampers off his lap.

Kris frowns at the sudden loss of skin contact “A-are you... d-did you just...” she looks around the room once more then at him; she points a finger at him “Yah! You really don't know how to slow down, do you?” her cheeks turn red as she speaks.

I saw that coming. Kris gets up from the couch and walks over to her, he holds her by the waist before she could even take a step back and pulls her towards him.

So what if I don't know how to?” he starts, his face turning serious “Atleast I know what I want and don't want; my priorities and principles, isn't that what matters most?”

Gulp. Hana doesn't move nor does she make a sound.

And what I want is waking up every morning next to you every chance I get”

Her mind just seemed to have froze.

I want to spend as much time with you as I can”

She doesn't know what to say.

Hana, I only got two more months to stay here before I leave for China again and I don't know when I'll be able to fly back here; there's that six months too...” his face eventually softens “Just give me this... that's all I'm asking you. It's the only thing I can't buy and only you can provide... just give me this time. I'm not asking you to marry me, I'll give you all the time in the world for that but right now... this is all I'm asking you”

She swallows hard and looks at him.

Never had she seen his eyes look at her like that; as if he was pleading her to say yes. Hana took a deep breath “The money --” she starts but gets cut off “I paid nothing; the building belongs to us so I can assure you that I didn't spend a single dime on this and all your things are here, no damage at all”

she flusters at a certain thought “A-all? Even my --”

Kris smirks “Don't worry, I personally took the effort of moving your clothes... I should say, you have great sets of underwear”

Her eyes widen and the shade of red on her cheeks darken at his words. She falls quiet.

Hana, you can move out after I reside in China but while I'm here, just allow me to do this”

Defeated, she pouts “Fine but on one condition”




She bit her lips and took a breath before looking at him dead in the eye and spoke “You won't sell your mom's house”

Kris's face was blank for a moment as he looks back at her; taking a deep breath, he spoke “Alright... I won't sell it if that's what it takes to make you stay”

The atmosphere loosens up and air flowed once more; Kris lightly tilts his head to the side as a playful look appears on his god-like face “Now, where were we?” he questions in a teasing manner before he pulls her in for another kiss. This time, she doesn't protest at all.

Snow continues to fall outside the building, coating the city of lights in a fur of soft snowflakes. The city slowly comes to life as the clock strikes twelve and Kris pulls away for a moment, he leans his forehead against hers and with a quick peck of her nose, he tells her something that he hasn't told anyone for some time now

Merry Christmas, Hana” and she smiles at him.







Hello everyone!

Skitts here, yes yes it has finally come to an end. It was fun writing this story, I honestly didn't know it would get featured even; such a cliché story, right? But I did my best to make it interesting, whether I succeeded or failed, it's up to you guys but


For giving this story a chance, for reading it, for subscribing, for leaving comments about how you like it, your opinions and review likes, for upvoting this story and letting it be featured! Much thanks to you guys, you are the best! I never expected to gain 2000+ subscribers so thank you very much! /bows/


Some of you have been asking for a sequel right? Well, the foreword's up and posted! I will be publishing the first chapter within this week, so I hope you all look forward to it! A new challenge! KEKEKEKE, I hope I don't fail any of you! Everyone, thank you again! :)


There have been side stories made by my eonnies and a friend, check them out! :)

A side story for Suho: August Rain by alize_sakura

A side story for Xiumin: Baby Don't Cry by polariskpop

A Kris Wu Oneshot inspired by XOXO: The One Who Melts His Heart by NamWoohyunWifey



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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
1873 streak #8
Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???