9:30 PM; Club Rococo

Note to self: Never let Kai and Sehun plan a party. Kris mentally noted as he entered the loud club full of mixed up people. Some their employees, others just normal club goers. Hana didn't end up coming along with him as planned since she said that she wanted to go home and change first.

“Kris!” an arm got draped over his neck and a groan automatically escaped his lips. Suho chuckled at the rather sour reaction before pulling his friend along “Come on, everyone's over there” he pointed to the V.I.P. Section where black leather round couches were up against he wall. Kris shrugged off Suho's arm and walked off to the table, taking his seat in between Chanyeol and Tao.

“Hey grumpy pants!” Chanyeol hollered, giving Kris a pat on his back while Tao passed the big boss a glass of the drinks they were having. “Where's Hana?” Kai asked looking around. Kris took the glass and sipped on the liquid inside “She said she'll catch up” he mumbled.

The music blared through the speakers and it slowly made Kris's head throb.

“So, what can you say about the party, hyung?” Sehun asked with a bright smile on his face. Kris leaned forward and poured himself another shot of vodka. “You could've picked a better place” Kris answered, picking up his glass and leaning back on the couch once more; Sehun sighed “Ah ~ I saw that one coming, you're so hard to please”

Kai and the rest chuckled in the background. Kris gave him a smirk and looked away “But ~ you are Kris 'ing' Wu, afterall” Sehun finished giving him a smug smile and drank up. Kris raised a brow at him “Since when did the word 'ing' become my middle name?” Suho snapped his fingers from across the table and grinned “Ah! That's right, you don't go around ing anyone anymore!” he laughed.

Kris rolled his eyes at him “By ing... you mean?”

“ing as in what Kai does best” Xiumin stated and Kai flashed him a baffled look “Yah ~ I am as innocent as a unicorn!” he defended himself. Chanyeol let out a dreamy sigh as he leaned forward and poured himself a drink “Well, I personally think people change...” he gave Lay a playful glance “Especially when they fall inlove”

Kris didn't know who exactly Chanyeol was referring to: him or Kai. He stayed quiet in his seat, looking away as if he hadn't hear what Chanyeol had just said. Kai sighed “People do change, don't you think so Kyungsoo?”

D.O. Sighed and looked away. Kai gave him a pout “You know, you really should speak some more... you sometimes give me the creeps when you stay quiet; a few words won't hurt” Kyungsoo ran a hand through his hair and looked at Kai “I have a lot to say, I just prefer not to say them”

“Eeeey ~ come on guys, lighten up!” Baekhyun chimed. “Oh look! There's Hana!” everyone's heads almost turned; Kai shot up from his seat and walked over to her.

“Hana!” he called and she smiled when she saw him. She looked as simple as ever, wearing a simple black dress that hugged her curves perfectly while still looking decent and respectable. “Where have you been?” he asked, she scratched the back of her neck sheepishly “Sorry, traffic” she reasoned. Kai chuckled and placed a hand behind her back “Come on, your bosses want to congratulate you”

He guided her over to the table. Kris didn't fail to notice how Kai held her. He looked away. Everyone welcomed her and she took her seat “You drink, right?” Suho asked as Baekhyun started pouring a drink for her; Hana shook her head with a small smile “A-ani, it's okay! I'm fine!”

“Okay! Hana's drinking!” Chen chimed. Aigo ~ he seriously needs to get his ears checked. Hana quietly thought to herself, unable to deny the glass that Baekhyun handed her. She swallowed hard before taking a sip. Shutting her eyes as the bitter-metallic taste kissed her tastebuds. She drank in one go and placed the glass down, she felt a pang on her head.

She hadn't drank before so it was all new to her. Kris just stayed quiet, observing her from the side.

The music changed, it's fast beat suddenly had everyone up on their feet. “Hana-ssi, dance with me” Xiumin invited her; she was hesitant at first but then Chen grabbed her hand and pulled her alone leaving Kris all by himself on the table. He only watched and drank by himself.


I don't know how long I've sat here nor do I know how many musics had played through the speakers but I was still here. Some party you douche bags. What happened to bros before hoes? Tsk. I drank up and poured myself another one. But it's not like she's a hoe... she's far from that.

The couch sank slightly and when I turned my head, Hana was leaning back, letting out a tired sigh.

“Tired?” I asked; she immediately sat up straight in surprise “S-sir! I forgot you were ---eh, I'm fine!” she smiled. I took a sip of the drink in my glass. I don't know why I'm still not drunk, this is probably my sixth glass already. “Aren't you gonna go dance, sir?” she asked. Sigh. “We're not at work Hana, drop the formalities”

She looked down on her feet and gave a nod. “I don't dance” she turned to me with a questioning look “Really?” Hn. I turn to look at her and raise a brow “Am I not believable?” she chuckled and shook her head “It's not that, it's just that you seem like a pretty good dancer”

Now what made you say that? I shook my head and turned back to the crowd. “You dance well” I mumbled and she flustered. “N-no that's not it, it's because of Kai, since he's a good dancer and all” she smiled. Ofcourse... Kai. That lucky .

“Hana ~ I've been looking everywhere for you!” Kai pouted as he arrived back at the table. “I got tired, I'm fine here”

“Are you sure?”

Hana nods her head with an assuring smile, Kai turns to me “Hyung! Keep her company ~” he gave me a smile before walking off. Sure.

“Hana...” she turned to look at me “When did you lose them?”

She blinked her eyes in confusion as to what I had meant “What?” I took a sip of my drink “Your mom and dad...” Hana's face faltered for a moment. I want to know... just how much is your knowledge about pain. She looked down on her two feet and bit her lower lip. She was quiet for a while but I didn't dare interrupt her train of thought.

“Nineteen.” she mumbled.

Hana swallowed hard “Actually, umma passed away when I was sixteen because of heart failure and appa followed suit after...” she trailed off. Hana cleared and stood up “Excuse me, I have to go to the comfort room” she then walked away.

So... Tao's right... she is like me. Only that... she has it worst.


Breathe Hana.

I told myself as I entered the last cubicle and wiped away the liquid on the corners of my eyes. Strange. I have never talked about it before. Not to anyone because I was doing fine keeping quiet about it but how come... I just did? When other people in the past had asked me about what happened, I always avoided it.

But how come it's so easy when it's with you? I bit my lower lip and took a deep breath before getting out of the cubicle, greeting myself in the mirror. I blinked my eyes and ran a hand through my hair before deciding to go out.

Okay Hana, straighten yourself and don't let anything ruin the ---

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me and the next thing I knew was that someone's arm was around my waist and I was up against the person's chest. I lift my head and flustered when I saw this overly-attractive guy. Almost as attractive as my bosses. “Well hello” he smiled.

I blinked my eyes, flustered and my mind was blank. “U-uh... I...”

He chuckled and my cheeks only grew redder. “Are you alone?” he asked. I pushed myself away but his grip around my waist only tightened. This is getting uncomfortable.

“Please let go” I squeaked.

“What's your name?” He asked, still with a smile on his face. Gulp.

“I... I really have to...” I pushed myself away once more but he still wouldn't budge; he gave me a playful smirk “Aw ~ but I want to know more about you”













I turned my head as the guy's arm had loosened around my waist. Gulp. Kris was glaring. He looked like he was murdering someone with his eyes alone. He walked towards us before grabbing my hand and pulled me to his side. The guy smirked.

“Yah, buddy, what's your problem?” he cocked his head; Kris scoffed to the side and looked at the guy again “You're the one with the problem here, tard. Hasn't anyone ever taught you to respect ladies?”

Kris then his heel and started pulling me along.

“Tch. Rich guys and their hoes” I froze as Kris stopped on his tracks.

He suddenly turned around, letting go of my hand and walked back to where the guy was, he grabbed the guy's shoudler, turned him and sent a punch towards the guy's face. My eyes widened and everyone began to take notice of the scene. The guy didn't let it pass, he had also punched Kris in the face and soon the two of them were exchanging punches. His friends joined in too.

I ran over and tried to pull Kris by the arm but one of them had pushed me off; someone caught me by the shoulders and when I looked up it was Tao. He pushed me back up to my feet and someone tugged on my arm, pulling me to the side.

“Stay here, Hana” Xiumin said as he firmly held onto my shoulders.

Kai, Suho and the rest have managed to take control of the scene. Kai got blown up on the face aswell but it wasn't as bad as Kris. Security had come to the rescue and everyone throwing on blames.

“Kris, come on. Get up.” Luhan told him, pulling him up to his feet.

“Are you okay?” Kai asked me as soon as we got out of the club. I swallowed hard and nodded my head, giving him a small smile as he sighed and scratched the back of his neck. I noticed the growing red bruise on the side of his lip. “Does that hurt?” I asked him.

He brought a hand to the side of his lip and winced a bit but smiled at me “Nah, it'll get better tomorrow”



“Yah! Kris come on!” we both turned at the sound of Chanyeol's voice. Kris shook off Lay's arm and walked off at a distance. “Hana...” Kai called and I turned to him. He gave me a small smile and said “Can you get him home?”

Gulp. I bit my lower lip but even so, I had nothing else to say and I nod my head.

I ran towards him and grabbed him by the arm, he stopped and turned to me. Suho caught up and puffed out a breath; “Let's get you home, Mr. Wu” I told him. He looked away, upset and angry. “Come on, Kris... we'll take you home” he didn't say anything else but just got in the passenger's seat of Suho's car.

“I'll drive his car” Sehun said before we left the scene.

The drive was quiet, Kris was just looking out the window and Suho wasn't saying anything either. I just sat quietly in the backseat of the car, fiddling with my fingers. For some reason, I feel guilty... even though it really was the guy's fault, I mean... it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't because of me.

Sigh. The car stopped and Kris was the first one to get out. Suho sighed and followed suit as I did so too. We followed Kris up to his unit.

“Can you wait here for a bit, Hana?” Suho asked me; I nod my head as he goes inside Kris's unit, closing the door while I stand outside in the halls.







Suho closed the door behind him and turned around, Kris sat down on the couch, leaning his head back as he stared at the ceiling. Suho sighed and walked closer. He bought his hands to his hips and looked down with a heavy sigh.

“Well...” Suho started “I guess we'll be seeing this on the news tomorrow; CEO of Wu Enterprise gets into a brawl”

Kris didn't even spare him a glance.

“Damn Kris... this was someone else's night you know, this was for Hana's hard work and you just had to end it by getting into a bloody brawl? Jesus Christ...” Suho ran a hand through his hair as he looked at Kris with disapproving eyes but he was least affected by it. Defeated, Suho raises his arms in the air. “Alright, you know what... I'm leaving; get your together and once you do, an apology to Ms. Kim would be appropriate” he then left.

Kris closed his eyes at the sound of the door closing and he let out a heavy sigh. Just when he was about to get up to his feet to go to his bedroom, the door opened and he remained in his seat. He lifted his head up and saw Hana standing by the door.

She bit her lower lip before she bowed.

Ugh. He remained in his seat, leaning his head back again and closed his eyes, hoping she'll just go home. However, a few minutes later he felt the couch move a little and then he felt something cold and damp being pressed against his cheek. He winced a little, moving his head away and opened his eyes.

“S-sorry” Hana apologized. She reached out her hand again but Kris only slapped it away from his face. “Stop it...” he mumbled. Hana swallowed hard.

“Sir, applying cold to the bruise is advisa ---”

“Hana... you should be with Kai right now, not with me. You should be treating his bruises, not mine” He said, scooting away. Hana turned to Kris in confusion. “Why should I be?” she asked, quite confused. Kris scoffed to the side “What do you take me for? Stupid?” he looked at her with upset eyes. Hana bit her lower lip. “Sir, I really don't kn ---”

“God damn it Hana! Are you a stupid girlfriend or something?! He's your boyfriend, it's only right that you're with him!”

She was taken by surprise by his sudden outburst but instead of whimpering at his raised voice like she should, she just let out a sigh and scooted closer towards him, reaching out her hands so she could apply the ice on the bruise on his cheek. Kris tried to move his head away but Hana firmly -but still gently- grabbed hold of his chin.

“Mr. Wu...” she kept him steady and he glared at her “I believe you firmly told me that I would lose my job if ever I were to be romantically involved with Mr. Jongin; so we are not in a relationship and besides...”

He winced when she slowly pressed further.

“Even without the warning, I still wouldn't get myself into a relationship with him” his glare softened. “Why?” he asked.

Hana looked at him for a moment and he saw her fluster as she then diverted her gaze to his bruise. He also had a cut on his lower lip and another small cut on his right brow. She swallowed hard and cleared .

“I... I don't like him that way” she mumbled.

His glare completely vanished and they both fell silent as she continued to press onto his other bruises. He just continued to look at her and she was doing her best to avoid meeting his gaze. She gently wiped off the small amount of blood blots on the cuts and placed down the now overly damp cold cloth on the bowl.

“I'll go get some medicine” she mumbled, taking the bowl and got up to put it in the kitchen sink. She washed up her hands and looked for the first aid kid.

“First aid... first aid... first aid --” a quiet gasp escaped her lips when she felt two arms wrap around her waist.

“Sorry” Kris mumbled, burying his face on the crook of her neck. Hana froze, her heart was thumping inside her chest that she felt like it was ready to jump out at any second. “S-sir?”

He let out a childish groan “We're not at work...”

Gulp. “S-shouldn't I be the one saying t-that?” she asked. Kris didn't say anything and they both fell quiet once again. Finally Kris lifted his head a bit. “Sorry for ruining your night”

Hana looked down. Her hands holding onto the marble counter.

“You didn't ruin it...” she bit her lower lip. Kris's hold on her tightened “Hana...”

She looked down on her hands.

“Stay the night”

Hi guys!

Just here to make a quick update ^^

Wow, so many views, subbies, comments and votes already; aren't you all the best? kekekeke :)

Anyway, thank you all for being patient :)

Thanks for the comments and subbies, also thank you for the upvotes ^^


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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???