Everything went normally for the next days. Kris seldom called Hana for her PA duties, she often went out for coffee in the afternoons with Kai and Tao has even joined them once or twice. It was another new Monday today and Hana had just arrived in her office.

Ring. Ring. She set her bag down and picked up the phone “Hello?”

Hana, it's Tao... is Kris in yet?” She tucked the phone in between her ear and shoulder as she carefully took off my blazer. “I just got in, I'll go check”

Thanks, call me back” He hung up on the other line and Hana put down the phone. She set her jacket on the backrest of her chair and walked out of her office. When she reached Kris's office, she found the door locked, meaning Kris still wasn't in. Hana went back to her office and checked her phone for any messages from him but there was none. Strange... he usually let's me know. She picked up the phone and called Tao

“Sir, he's not in today; he hasn't left messages as well... is it important?” Tao sighed on the other line “Yeah, can you do me a favor?” Hana looked at the little pile on the side of her desk. They weren't much but she wanted to finish work today just incase stacks of it come again tomorrow. “Sure”

Tao smiled gratefully on the other line “Thanks Hana; I need his signatures on some important papers for tomorrow, come get them in my office” Hana nodded her head with a small smile before putting down the phone.

On the way to Tao's office, a door opened and she almost jumped when she saw Kai. He smiled upon seeing her and she smiled back. “Hey Hana” he brightly chimed.






















He leaned in.

Kai...” Hana took a step back before. She was biting her lower lip and was looking at him as if she was hurt. “It's unfair”

Now it was his turn to be confused. “What is?”

I don't want to hurt anyone and I know that it would hurt hearing this but... atleast it won't hurt for a long time” Kai stood waiting for her to continue. “I like you, Kai... you're a great person, really but I don't feel right for you”

Kai blinked his eyes in surprise before he hung his head low and laughed. He looked up at Hana with a smile.

Wow...” he breathed “Rejected before I even asked; you really are something Hana”


“Hi Kai” she stopped and bowed her head. The door to his office closed and he pocketed one of his hands “Going somewhere?” she nodded her head. “Tao needs me to do him a favor...” he nods his head “I see... coffee later?”

She chuckled and nodded her head “Sure” then she walked past him and he went his separate way. She knocked on Tao's door and went inside; his desk was full of so many folders that she couldn't imagine how he would finish all of it. Suddenly, she didn't feel regretful about helping him. “Oh, hey Hana...” he didn't look up from his laptop.

Hana smiled and walked towards his desk. Tao pauses abruptly and handed her three thick folders which she assumed were contracts; when she opened one of them, she was right. “So how do I let him sign these?” Tao turned back to his laptop and resumed typing whatever it was that was keeping him busy.

“There's a car waiting for you downstairs... it will take you to where Kris lives and here...” he hands her a card “That's a master key so that in case he doesn't let you in, you force your way through” Gulp. Hana could only wonder why Tao had one of these. Does he come inside people's houses or something? “I really appreciate your help Hana” he smiles at her and she smiles back. “No problem, sir” she nods her head and leaves his office.


Budump. Budump. Budump.

It was already nerve-wrecking to face him in the office after those... happenings, now I have to go to his house. Breathe Hana... you can do this, just let him sign and then leave. The car stopped and the driver told me we had arrived; the buidling screamed luxury. Trump World.

I got out of the car and made my way inside; I got inside one of the elevators and pressed the button for the 39th floor. He likes living in high places... I wonder what would happen if this tower collapses? It would be along way down. I was cut off my thoughts when the lift stopped when I had hoped that it would take longer for me to stall some time. I really don't know how to face Kris at the moment... or ever. Sigh. You can do this, Hana.

I stepped out of the elevator and walked down the quiet hall. Three-nine-three... three-nine-four... Ah here it is.

I took a deep breath and gave myself an encouraging nod before raising my hand and knocked on the door. “S...M-Mr. Wu?” I wonder if he could hear me on the other side. The door looks pretty thick. I knocked again and a little bit harder this time then called out to him again and when I got no answer, I fished out the master key from my blazer's pocket and swiped it.

Click. I grabbed the handle with shaking a shaky hand and turned it, slowly pushing it open. I poked my head inside “Mr. Wu?”

No answer.

I looked around and the lavish unit. It was pretty spacious; there were empty cans and bottles of alcohol scattered in the living room area and by the mini bar. I swallowed hard before letting myself inside, the door closing behind me.

“Mr. Wu?” still there was no answer. Okay... I'm beginning to get worried.

I took out my phone and called his number; a ringing sound fills the atmosphere and I follow it hoping to find the phone's owner as well. I walked further into the residence until such time I reached an open door where the sound seemed to be coming from the other side. I pushed the slightly opened door further and realized it was the bed room.

What's more, I did find the phone and it's owner too. “Mr. Wu!”

I placed down the folders quickly on the messy bed and ran over to where he was, laying unconsciously on the carpeted floor halfway into the bathroom. “Mr. Wu!” I shook him but he only responded with a groan. Has he been drinking?! My eyes widen when I saw some more cans and empty bottles in the room.

“Aish...” I grabbed him arm, threw it over my shoulder and hauled him up. God he's heavy! Good thing that the bed was nearby. I laid him down and hauled the white thick sheets of duvet over his body; Sigh. What is wrong with him? Kris groaned and shifted to his side.

Even so... You're still perfect.

I walk out of the room and call Tao. “Did you get them?”

“Uhm... not yet; He's unconscious right now and I think he won't wake up until a few hours or so... but I'll get them and they'll be on your desk before it's due time tomorrow” Tao sighed on the other line, clearly stressed. “Okay, can you have them in by 7AM tomorrow, Hana?” I nod my head “Yes sir”

God, you're a life saver... I owe you” I chuckle “No problem at all” then he hung up.

I looked around the space, giving a heavy sigh at the sight of it's messiness. For someone who is so neat and lives in a lavish condo, he sure can't keep up with cleanliness. I huffed a breath and tied my hair to a pony tail before taking off my blazer, rolled up my sleeves. I hate having OCD sometimes.

“Might aswell clean this place up... Tsk.”

The minutes flew by; I threw out all the empty cans and bottles, cleaned up the fridge, washed the dishes, polished the floor, wiped up the vases and other what-nots, organized everything in his home office, vacuumed the carpet, did his laundry and tidied up his closet.

11:20 AM. I wipe the sweat from my brow and slumped down on the black leather couch. And it only took me three hours to get the job done. Yawn. World record. I rested for a moment before I hauled myself up once again and walked to the kitchen to prepare lunch; I figure he'll skip it if he wakes up. Tsk. Tsk. He really needs to eat healthier food. I looked at the microwave food packs in his freezer; I rummaged through the fridge and cabinets and eventually garnered enough stuff to cook a meal.

I hope you like Ddukbokki with cheese, Chicken soup and Gimbop, Mr. Wu because if you don't I'm having them all for myself. Sigh.


Groan. Ugh... my head hurts. I roll over, pressing my palms on my forehead. Grumble. Great, I'm hungry too. As my senses slowly settle in, I began to smell something freshly cooked and it didn't help my stomach at all. Wait... I sat up immediately and I felt like my head had been hit with sledgehammer.

Ugh. Bad idea. I lied back down and the door to my bedroom opens. What the ---

“Oh, you're awake” Hana innocently spoke as she walked inside the room with a tray of food in hand. I only stared at her as she walked over to the side of the bed, set the tray down on the bedside table and sat down. She quietly took the bowl of soup in her hand and spoon on the other then took a spoonful and held it out to my mouth. I pulled my head back. “What are you doing here?” I ask, my voice tired and pained.

She gives me a sigh. “I'll answer your questions later, sir. For now, eat” I look at her for a moment then at the spoon. it. I opened my mouth hesitantly and she fed me.

Wait...fed? GAH. That sounds so... Tsk!

It was quiet; she didn't make much conversation like I expected her to be. In fact, she was just quiet and kept putting soup into my mouth. It was relieving to say the least; my headache slowly disappeared. Eventually, I shook my head at the soup and she put it away.

I don't know what else she fed me but they were all... pretty delicious. It's been a long time since I've ate actual home made food.

“What time is it?” I ask her. She puts back in the plates on the tray “2:30 in the afternoon” she mumbles and walks out of the room with the tray. I glance to the side of my bed and notice something missing.

ACE?! I got out of bed, pulling the covers away and then the pillows. I looked under the bed but there was nothing there, I stood back up and looked around the bedroom.

“Something wrong?” Hana's voice came and I turned. I swallowed hard. What now? Ask her if she's seen my precious son?! But... Damn it! ACE! “Have you seen a stuffed-alpaca?”

A smile appears on her face “Ah! The one with the pirate hat?” I nodded my head “It's in here” she walked to one of my closet and opened the door. Relief washed over me as she handed me back the stuffed animal. “I didn't want it to get dirty while I was cleaning up”

Cleaning? “You really should clean up your place often, sir. You might get sick”




Kris swallowed the lump building up in his throat. Hana's eyes fell on the alpaca that he held in his hands and she softly smiled at it “That must be pretty special to you... who gave it?” his eyes didn't leave her. He just stared at her in great confusion.

How do you do that? He questions her in his mind. How do you manage to do such things to people who have hurt you, Hana?

She noticed his stare and took a deep breath. She grabbed the folders from the edge of the bed and smiled at him, holding them out towards him “I came here to get your signatures for these, sir. Mr. Huang needs them before tomorrow”

He looks at the folder and then back at her. He put down Ace on the bed and looked at the folders in her hands once more.

Kris... he calls out to himself as he takes the folders and grab the pen tucked on its side. She's with Kai, now... remember? He signed the papers and closed the folders, handing them back to her as she smiled at him “Thank you, sir”

It felt like a stab in the chest. A punch in the gut. A bullet to the heart.

“I'll be on my way now, Mr. Wu” she smiled at him before turning on her heel and walked to the door. Kris stood motionless as he watched her once again, her back onto him and walking away.











“Hana...” she stopped and turned around. Kris walked towards her, he towered over her and she looked at him with a puzzled expression. He didn't say anything but just wrapped his arms around her. “Mr. W---”

“Don't... please...” he sounded so weak “Just let me hold you... just this once”

Just let me hold you in my arms... just to know what I feels like. Just this once, Hana.


Woot ~ last update for today :)

See you in a few chingus! i'll try to post whever I can this week :)

thank you for the subscriptions and comments! Thank you aozora, inspiritexobap midnight-writer97 for the upvotes :)

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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
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Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
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Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
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Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
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Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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Chapter 36: t-two wu's???