I just want you, that's it. All your flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, innocence. Everything.

I just want you. Just you.


Mom once told me that there are some things in life that I can't control. Time, wind, war, there were so many and one of them was the heart. I always thought that wasn't true because I was very capable of handling things in my hands. I didn't fall in love for my 25 years of existence.

Not even after the time span I spent with... someone else. Not even after all the I've been through. Never.

But to say that I have fallen for Hana still sounds too early to say. I like her, yes. I want her, I do... but to say I love her? I don't know.


Dinner was finished and we were sitting down, two cups of warm chocolate that someone had sent up here. The night was growing cold and I was cursing myself for not bringing my blazer along with me since it just so happens that I decided to wear the sleeveless blouse for work today.

I grabbed the cup in my hands, hoping to warm myself and took a sip.

“Are you cold?” Kris asks and I look up, my lips parting from the cup as I shook my head with a small smile “I'm fine” I told him but he still got up, took off his jacket and placed it around my shoulders making me fluster at the action. Damn Hana, what have you done to deserve all this treatment? I question myself. “T-thanks” I mumble as he returns to his seat.

My eyes catch a quick glance of my watch, the two hands had hit eleven. “S----” I stop myself “Isn't it late already?” I ask and he checks his watch. A small smirk had made its way to his perfect lips “So it's true what they say...” he mumbles and I raise a brow at his words “About what?”

Kris looks at me “That time flies when you're having a good time” I couldn't help but smile. So... he's having a good time with me. Kris stands up and lends out his hand which I look at “Come on, time to take my girlfriend home”

And I swore, if it was possible, my face would have exploded at the word he used pertaining to me. Kris Wu –despite being cold and stony- knew all the right words to say to make a woman feel butterflies in her stomach and I've never felt so lucky to be that woman. Though nervous, I managed to laugh and he raises a brow at me “What's so funny?”

I put down my cup and got up without taking his hand.

“It's funny to hear you pertaining to me like that... it's going to take a while before I get used to it” I smiled at the end of the sentence and he retreats his hand. “I have every right to call you that” he walks closer and takes my hand before pulling me along with him towards the elevators.

“Wait! What about the ---” he cut me off, pressing the button “Someone will clean it up”

The doors opened and we both stepped inside, his hand never leaving mine, even as we reached the bottom and he helped me inside the car. Kris drove off from the place and silence engulfs us both. I was looking outside the window, watching the buildings we passed by and suddenly notice that this was not the route to my house.

“Kris, I think you're going the wrong way” I tell him and a small smile paints itself on one side of his lips “No I'm not, I have to show you something first”

“I think I've had enough surprises for one day”

“Just one more, I promise” he said and I give an inward sigh before leaning back onto my seat “Okay”













Knock. Knock.

“Just a minute!” he hears the woman's voice on the other side of the door and waits, hands in his pockets and a serious look on his face. “You think she'll tell the truth?” asks the man standing beside him with the same expression etched onto his stressed face. He lets out a sigh “I don't know but I'm going to find out the truth no matter what”

Seconds later, the door finally opens and a surprised look appeared on the woman's face.

“Sehun-ssi, Tao-ssi, what are you doing here?” she asks in wonder. Sehun's brows narrowed “We need to talk”

“Mommy! I finished my food!” A voice of a five year old makes Sonya turn her head with a smile “Very good, darling!” she tells the child. Tao tilts his head, looking over her shoulder and sees the young girl. Sonya turns back to the two of them “What is it about?” she asks. Sehun let's out a breath “Her” he moves his head, pertaining to the little girl. Sensing something wrong, Sonya gives a sigh and steps aside surprising Tao and Sehun as they have thought previously that she would deny them access and questions “Come in” she says with a smile and they get inside.




The car came to a stop and Kris got out, this time I had managed to get myself out before he could open up the door for me. It's not that I mind whenever he does it but I think I've received enough from him today. He let's out a breath before taking my hand once again and guided me.

Why are we in the City Hall? I wonder as we continue to walk and I look around then a sound of running faint running water fills my ears. As we go in further, I see a stream and my eyes go wide in surprise. “Come on” he said and we walk down the steps leading down.

“Wow...” I breath as I look around.

We both strolled down the side of the river, slowly being engulfed by the surrounding and the feel of being away from the city embraces me. “I've never been here before!” I chime, my eyes brightening at the surrounding. I felt like a kid being brought to a place like Disneyland!

“You seriously have never been here before?” he asks and this time I shook my head “Nope, not until now... this place is amazing” I continue to ogle at my surroundings. “Tsk. You seriously need to do some exploring” he states and I pout “Yah ~ I would if I could but it just so happens that I needed more time to adapt to survive than explore” It's not easy supporting yourself through college, mind you. Oh wait... right, he's rich.

Kris fell quiet. I turned to look at him and he had that look of frustration on his face. I stop while he continues to walk but eventually halts when I tugged on his hand. “Is something wrong?” I ask him and he sighs before shaking his head “No, just... never mind”

We both continued to stroll down the stream before coming to a stop as an idea crosses my head. I grinned “Hey, let's try something!” I told him and he raises a brow at me. I took my hand away from his for a moment then took off my heels before walking to the side of the river, sat down and dipped my feet into the cold water. Bad idea! I shudder but keep my feet on the water not wanting to discourage him and embarrass myself for such a stupid idea.

I forgot... nights are cold in Seoul. Aigo. I keep my mouth sealed and my jaws tight to keep my teeth from clattering. Kris looks at me with wide eyes “Yah, what are you doing? Get up!” he tries to pull my hand but I held it away “Aniyo, this is relaxing!” GAH. It's freaking cold!

“Hana, you're gonna get cold feet!” he says in a scolding manner but I look at him with innocent eyes “Aniyo, now come on sit beside me” I pat the space next to me and he sighs in defeat, he sits but keeps his feet off the water as his shoes were still on and instead places it on top of a rock. Damn Hana, don't be stubborn and get your feet out of the water!

I ignore my thoughts and the stinging cold torturing my feet.

“Had I known you would do that, I never would have brought you here” he frowns but I laugh “Feet on water is relaxing” Yeah. Not feet on stinging cold water! My subconscious growls. “So...” I drag the word on, looking at the running water before me, my hands resting on my knees “What's your dad like?”

He gives me a mocking smirk “You know, if you want to meet him you can just say so” I roll my eyes at him. Okay, you've grown comfortable around him but I beg you, get your damn pretty feet off the water now! I continue to ignore my thoughts. Kris chuckles and leans back, his arms supporting his weight “There's nothing much to know about him Hana; he's just the chairman of the company, that's all you need to know”

Wait... Chairman? I almost choke on my spit. Ofcourse! Damn it, his father just has to own the company! I mentally slap myself in the face and a boulder with the words: You're dating the son of the Chairman of Wu Enterprise, hits me right on the face and I've never felt my shoulders go heavy like this.

“I-is he nice?” I managed to ask and hope for him to nod, atleast –somehow- it will ease my nerves but Kris gives me a shrug instead “We're not close and I really don't like him” his face scrunches a little. I blink my eyes at his set of words “Why not?” I grow curious. “I just don't... I look at him more as a chairman than a father, that's all”

My mouth goes into an 'oh' and another question comes to my mind “What about your mom?”

Kris looks at me in a blank stare before his lips curve to a dreamy smile when he looks up to the night sky. So... handsome. I begin to get into a daze “Mom's the best” his words bring me back to reality.

The way he said those words were so sincere, so pure, so innocent... so loving. It made my heart beat fast.

“She's strong, she always smiles, she's caring, she's amazing and she's never failed to amaze me” I bit my lower lip “All the things I would give up just for her” I look at him with adoration; who knew that a guy like him felt so much love, adoration and gratitude for his mother? A soft smile curves on my lips as he turns to me, raising a brow.

“You really love your mom, don't you?” his smile slowly fades and he looks away leaving my question unanswered. I puff out a breath and look up at the sky “I want to meet her”

Kris turns to me at the same moment that I turned to him “She sounds very nice” I smile.

He doesn't say a word but instead, slowly starts to lean in when... a clattering sound made him pull his head back and I realize it was the sound of my teeth. My eyes widened and I tightened my jaws. He looks down and sees my shaking legs and shaking hands then quickly gets up “Aish...” he groans before picking me up –bridal style- making me squeak then sets me down on the ground. “I warned you!” he scolds me, quickly taking a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped off my wet feet.

“H-hey, stop! You're handkerchief's gonna get dirty!” but he only swats my hand away and wiped my feet dry. They still felt cold though. “Can you stand?” he asks and I nod my head “Ofcourse, it's only cold feet, it'll warm up” I grab his hand for support as I start getting up but my knees shook and I couldn't feel my feet. Kris caught me in his arms and I fluster at how close our faces were “S-sorry” I mumble.

Kris gives me a sigh. He quickly picks up my heels from the ground with one hand before he picked me up –bridal style- in his arms once again. “H-hey!” I said in panic as he begins to walk “Put me down!” my face goes the darkest shade of red “Kris!” he stops for a while and looks at me with a displeased look on his face “What? Are you gonna crawl back to the car?” he asks me, sounding a little angry and my head lowers in a whimper, unable to protest his superiority.

I was quiet the whole time he was carrying me. I hate being scolded, really I do and it's been a while since I've received some of that. Sigh. I miss them so suddenly... the things I'd give to have them back.

Rumble. Rumble. I was pushed out of my train of thoughts and I look up; we both look up and storm clouds had began to roll. “Hey Kr-Kris” I call out to him as my hand clutches onto his shirt “Hm?”

“If it rains, d-don't run, okay?”

“Huh?” he stops for a while and looks at me as I continue looking up “I-if you run, you might slip and you'll drop me, s-so don't run okay? I'm scared of that kind of thing”

The rumbling sounds of thunder continue once more and just as Kris was about to walk, rain falls like a bucket. He was about to make a run for it when my hand on his shirt tightened and he just stopped. “We're gonna get wet” he says but I shook my head “Y-you can put me down here and you can run” I told him.

“Aish!” he doesn't do anything but just walks. I look at him, eyes wide in surprise that I have not been placed down “Kris, I said you can --”

“And leave you here and have you tell yourself that it was wrong for you to say yes to me just a few hours ago?” he smirked “I don't think so; if you wanna dance in the rain, you sure as hell are not gonna do that alone”

I puff out a sigh and slowly, we both got wet under the pouring rain.

My eye grew wide all of a sudden and I had to look away as a deep shade of red painted itself on my cheeks once again. His white shirt was becoming see-through and it was sticking onto his skin giving me a blurred outline of what was hiding underneath however, he didn't seem to have taken notice.

Finally, we reached the car and he set me inside.

He got into the driver's seat, an intimidating look was plastered onto his face and I bit my lower lip “Sorry” I mumbled and he turns to me as he starts the engine “If you're sorry for getting me and that seat wet then I don't need your apology Hana; stop being so tensed, you did nothing wrong” he says firmly and begins to drive.

The whole drive I was quiet because it just so happens that guilt was hunching onto my back. When we finally arrived at the building where my apartment was located, the rain had stopped and I was able to feel my feet again.

“Thank you... I'll be on my way now” I say, putting on my heels and took off his jacket as I reached for my own in the back seat of his car along with my bag. “Hana, you forgot something” he says and I turn back around to look at him.

“Huh?” in one swift motion, his seat belts were off, his hand made it's way to my neck and he pulled me in for yet –another surprise- kiss. I was frozen for a moment but the warmth of his lips made me close my eyes and the moment I did.

Sparks flied.

I definitely don't regret saying yes.



I don't want to believe it but Sonya had proof. She had evidence.

“Well... this is ed up” Sehun says, letting out a sigh and Sonya smiles at him “Surprising, isn't it?” I look at her and raise a brow but then give a sigh aswell and get up.

“Okay, can you please... explain that again?” I request and she nods her head. “Ofcourse but please...” she looks at the both of us “Don't tell Kris?”

I exchange glances with Sehun and we both give a nod. “Fine.” I told her.


Hi chinggus! Author-nim is so happy today because I'm finally done with my responsibilities and I will be able to update regularly again starting tomorrow!


I know that I told you guys that I'll be giving the link to that  preview once the story reaches 150 upvotes but because I feel so happy and thankful and greatful to all of you, I will give you guys (those who were not able to find me like the other Sherlock Holmes XD) a gift and this time, I solemnly swear it's not a troll :)


So, thank you everyone for bearing with me these past few weeks! Sembreak is here and I am on a roll ~ Kekeke, shall it be a double update tomorrow?

Are you in for the surprises I've prepared? ;)

THANK YOU for the subbies, comments and ofcourse the UPVOTES! :D


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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
1873 streak #8
Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???