Kris returned late. It was already around five-thirty in the afternoon and as soon as he reached the very top floor, he went directly inside Hana's office. He chuckles as he sees her sprawled onto her desk, sleeping on top of some files that he had let her work on.

Cute. He smiled, carefully closing the door and took quiet steps towards her. Sigh. You've really worked yourself out, huh? He pocketed his hands and his eyes trailed over the papers. He raised a brow at one of them in particular, tucked neatly underneath her elbow. What's this?

He slowly pulls out the paper and after successfully doing so, he reads.

University Program Application, huh?” he whispers and looks at her still sleeping figure. So you really are serious about the six months, after all. He smiles, pleased yet at the same time finding it funny how she really meant her words. Out of nowhere, a soft ringing sound fills his ears, he also hears the shuffling of papers and a groan.

Hana let out a yawn, her eyes still drowsy as she looks around and jumps in her seat when she saw Kris “Omo!” she shrieked. Immediately she took a deep breath “You scared me” she told him, putting a hand over her heart. He put down the paper back on her desk with her failing to notice the action “Where have you been?” she asked.

Somewhere...” he sighs, the room was slowly turning dim and orange because of the setting sun. He bent down and pressed a quick peck on the side of her head “Dinner?” he asks with a small smile, standing straight back up and pockets his hands.

Oh, speaking of dinner” she chimes, batting her eyes –now fully awake, she fixes the papers and sets them all aside neatly “I have a particular place in mind”

That's new. Kris thinks to himself, amused that she's actually –not directly- asking him if she could pick the place. “Where?”








To be quite honest, Hana is more than qualified for promotional transfer to China. I've seen a lot of employees already, I've dealt with so many of them but I've never seen anyone as hard working as her. She basically takes overtimes with no complaints, rejects promotions and certain privileges insisting that she hasn't worked hard enough. I mean, come on... since when was somebody ever glad to work at Wu Enterprise?

Tsk. I just wish you'd stop it with your insistence of not working hard enough, Hana. The drive was quiet. She seemed a little anxious and it was getting to me.

Is something wrong?” I ask her. She turns to me with a nervous laugh “A-ah, ofcourse not! Everything's fine... are we still far?” Can you atleast try to lie? A smirk manages to escape my lips; I slowed down the car a bit as another sped past us. Usually, I would fire a retort at her but I'll let this one slide through “I think so”

Eventually, I found myself parking up the car at a hotel.

Why are we here again?” I ask, unbuckling my seat belts and took a look at myself in the rear-view mirror, fixing some stray strands “For dinner” she stated, grabbed her bag and got out of the car before I could. Sigh.

I got out and locked the vehicle as she walks around; I take her hand but she pulls away before I could do so. Okay, something is up. I try again but like the first time, I fail. Sigh. We both got inside the hotel and took a turn to head for its restaurant;

Mr. Wu, Ms. Kim” a staff smiles as he stops infront of us both. Honestly, what's going on? Did she make prior reservations of something? I look at her in a suspicious manner but she ignores me and smiles at the staff instead, gave him a nod then he asked us to follow him. “Did you make reservations?” I whisper over her shoulder but she doesn't give me an answer. I frown and quietly follow. Ignorance. I hate it.

He led us inside the restaurant, past so many empty tables and finally to a door. He stops and turns to us with a smile, Hana gives a nod and he opens the door for her.





He follows her inside and almost immediately, his body freezes.

Unnie!” Stephanie chimes and gets up from her seat, running over and embraces Hana. The female smiles and ruffles the girl's hair before bowing to the man who sat alone with a smile on his face. “Good evening, sir” she greets politely. The man raises a hand in acknowledgment and turns to the guy standing just behind Hana.

Kris swallows hard and gives a small bow of the head as his father smiles at him. So... this is it. He quietly thinks to himself;

Good evening, sir” he greets his father in such a formal way. Mr. Wu stands up and invites everyone to take a seat; dinner was served shortly and the atmosphere was rather awkward. Kris didn't talk much, Hana did more of the conversational exchanges while he just ate dinner and spoke when questioned.

By the way, congratulations Yi Fan” Stephanie smiles at her older brother. Surprised, he looks at her and only gives a nod; Hana stole a glance at him, suddenly feeling guilty that he looked quite uncomfortable.

But he needs this. They need this. She convinces herself.

Of all the decisions I've made, I've never felt as confident as I was when I made you chairman, Kris” Mr. Wu says, the way he said it was so proud and happy that Hana couldn't help but smile. Kris looked up and tried his best to look at his father, he breathed out quietly “Thank you sir” he mumbled.

Mr. Wu chuckled “You were bound to take my seat, Kris; Hana-ssi” he turns to her and she suddenly tenses up “Yes sir?”

Are you coming to China with Kris?” he almost chokes on his food but keyword: almost. He picked up his glass of water and drank up while Hana turned to the old man to speak out her answer “Oh, um --”

Hana's going take up language class for six months then if she passes evaluation she'll go” Kris explains; Mr. Wu nods his head “I see”

Dinner went on and eventually, dessert came;

Ehem. Hana got up from her seat and Kris turned to her “Where are you going?” he asks, not wanting to be left alone. She smiles at him in the most innocent manner “I'll be right back, I just have to go to the comfort room”

Oh, I'll come with you” Stephanie chimes and immediately gets up much more to Kris's dismay. Without another word, the two women left leaving him and his father alone, sitting across each other as awkward silence fills the atmosphere. How long has it been since Kris had this scene in his life? He couldn't remember. It's been so long since he had come face to face with his old man and now that he was, he didn't know what to say.

The thing is, he knows that his hatred towards the chairman was still there but right now, he didn't feel that certain emotion. He just felt... lost.

It's been a long time” Mr. Wu starts off, sitting still with the plate of cake infront of him. Kris looks down on his food, poking it with the fork; Anywhere... anywhere but his eyes. “Yeah” he says in agreement.

His father's smile fades away and a sigh escapes his lips, he leans himself back on his seat and calls out to his son.

Yi Fan...”

And Kris's heart just stops. No... Kris... get a hold of yourself. He grips his fork but doesn't look up, he purses his lips together in a firm line.

I know that --”

Dad, stop...” he finally looks up; his face scrunched up, a mix of anger, hurt and confusion clouding his once innocent eyes and his father did not fail to see it. “If you think that what you did is gonna patch things up like sleeping through the night, it's not” he spat coldly

Mr. Wu looked down; he never did think of it that way.

I gave you the position because you deserve it, not because I thought it was going to make you forgive me for everything that I've done”

Instead of feeling sentiment, it only made Kris's anger rise. He slammed down his fork. “Damn right I won't forgive you” Kris looks at his dad, meeting his eyes for the first time this evening and even though he saw the regret that the old man had in those orbs, it didn't keep his anger to a minimum “Not after everything you did to mom; I'm never gonna be like you, I never want to be like you”

His father smiles “You shouldn't be... and I know that you will never be, Yi Fan” Kris's brows knitted some more upon his words; he lets out a sigh “Because Hana is just like your mother in every way... she deserves so much more and I know that you will never ever hurt her”

He scoffs to the side “Are you trying to get on my good side?” and the old man simply smiles and shook his head “I know you don't like me and it's my fault, probably you never will, Yi Fan” Kris looks away “But for what it's worth of my remaining days here on earth, I want to be a father to you... the father that I failed to be all these years, whether you like it or not”

The mighty Kris Wu fell quiet after that. A few seconds or so later, the two females arrived back “What did we miss?” Stephanie asks sitting down. Kris let out a sigh, shaking his head and looks away; the old man gives Hana a thankful look and she blinks her eyes before glancing at Kris.

So... um, you're leaving tomorrow morning, right sir?” she asks the father of her boyfriend and he nods. “Will you be seeing us off, unnie?” Stephanie asks, sounding hopeful. Kris pokes the fork onto the cake and takes a piece into his mouth “No” he states “We have work tomorrow, I'll see you in China”

Stephanie pouts. Hana was glad to have seen a brighter atmosphere from the girl, it seemed like only yesterday she was this young lost little girl wandering into Wu Enterprise looking like she had just survived a typhoon.

I expect to see you in six short months aswell, Hana-ssi” Mr. Wu says with a chuckle.

Hana scratches the back of her neck, feeling pressured all of a sudden by the man's expectation but she was going to try her very best not only for him, for her but most especially for Kris. She gives a determined smile and nodded her head.


Thank you for the invitation to dinner, sir” I bowed as we all stood outside of the hotel. “Let's go” Kris says without saying his goodbyes and just immediately walks off. Rude! Aish. I turn back to Mr. Wu with an apologetic look “I am so sorry, sir”

No, it's fine dear... you should go after him” he smiles at me and I nod my head.

Stephanie bids me goodbye and I head off to follow Kris. I saw him get into the driver's seat and slammed the door to his expensive black Audi. Sigh. I walk around the car and settle myself in the passenger's seat; strapping on the seatbelts I let out a sigh. Kris didn't move.

He had this irritated look on his face.

Kris --”

What the hell was that for, Hana?” he spat; I looked down on my lap “He wanted to talk to you, I couldn't refuse when he asked for my help”

You should have refused”

Kris, he's your --”

He was never a father to me, okay?!”

Gulp. He yelled. He just... yelled at me. I shut my mouth after that; my body flinched when he had raised his voice. This was the first time he's yelled at me; he spat cold and venomous things to me before but when he yells, it's different. It's more... frightening.

Sorry” I whisper, biting my lower lip.

Maybe, I shouldn't have done this. Maybe I should have just let Mr. Wu deal with his own problems but... No. he was a desperate father, desperate to make up for everything he's done wrong, to make everything up to his only son.

ing hell, Hana...” he curses.

Hana... I call out to myself. Smile. And I do as my thoughts tell me to; I smiled and looked at him “I'm sorry... I just don't want you to regret anything in the coming future”

He grips the steering wheel, leans himself forward to rest his head on it and lets out a breath to calm himself down.

No...” he grumbles “I'm sorry for raising my voice... I just...” he pushes himself off and unbuckles his seat belts before leaning over and wrapped his arms around me. I bit back my lip and blink away some of the liquid that I prevented from seeping out of my eyes.

It's okay” I pat his back; “I just... I'm still angry at him”

I pulled away and cupped his face, giving a chuckle and he frowns when he notices my wet eyes “One day, when you're ready, you will let go and everything will be okay, Kris” he reaches up his hand and my left eye closes as his thumb brushes lightly underneath it.

Just remember that your dad won't live forever to see you smile at him again but he'd give the world if he needed to”




I sat alone on the roof top.

Kris went home, feeling stressed and fatigued after the rather long day. He's lucky, the physical exhaustion will put him to sleep. Me? I'm bothered right now and I need some air to clear my cloudy head.

Have I told you that there's something new posted on the billboard? My twelve bosses together in one huge billboard to look over the beautiful city of Seoul. It surprised me actually but Wu Enterprise has been gaining quite a lot of attention lately. If I didn't know any better, I would assume these guys are models not businessmen.

Sigh. I puff out a breath and ran a hand through my hair. What now, Hana?

I question myself. The phone call earlier from Mr. Wu kept replaying in my mind like a broken record. I want to cry, I wish I had never even received it in the first place because quite truthfully maybe I would be at ease right now.

There's a big reason why I couldn't refuse. Other than him being the father of my boyfriend... There's something else. My hands rake through my hair, lightly pulling on the roots.

I close my eyes.

A-about what?” I ask sounding obviously nervous. “I want to ask you to help me with... my son”

My heart skips a bit. “Sir?”

I would like to invite you both to dinner this evening, perhaps it would give me the opportunity to talk to him, Hana-ssi” Quite honestly, I'm not sure if I can help him with it. Kris seemed pretty clear that he didn't like his dad a.k.a. The person on the other end of this phone. “I don't think --”

Hana-ssi, please... I want to pass away knowing that I've been forgiven”

And my heart just stopped when he spoke those words. If he was joking about dying then it is certainly not funny. “Mr. Wu, what do you mean?” I frown, turning my back onto Tao and Kai.

I am growing old, Hana-ssi; all my life I've done nothing but be selfish and I have failed to be the father that Kris needed so with my few remaining years, I only wish to make it up to him and to do that, I need your help because I know that he will listen to you”

I'm still confused “Mr. Wu, I really don't get what you --”

Hana-ssi, don't tell him... but my kidneys aren't exactly healthy” He's sick. “What?” my heart just suddenly... faltered. “Kidney cancer to be exact and my days are counted, Hana... so please”

I swallowed hard, my hand reaching over to where my heart was and I clutched the fabric of my top “A dying father's last wish... help me”

If he only knew. I bury my face in my hands. You should tell him... he has the right to know. My subconscious tells me but I shook my head. But I promised his father.

But Kris needs to know... Hana... make a choice.


Hello everyone!

So, I haven't been quite the active one this week but thak you so much for your patience, I know that I was not able to reply to every single one of your comments but just seeing how many of you cared about my country makes me feel so thankful. To me, you are more than subscribers, you are all great people that I forever will be thankful for. My country thanks you for your kind donations and your prayers.


On another note, here is chapter 51, I hope you do enjoy since we are coming to the end :) Sorry for my tardiness! Oh and I noticed this:


Rated M 
by skittsebony 
258 upvotes | 1100 subscribers [hide] | 38004 views [hide] | Updated Nov 13, 2013 | Created Sep 16, 2013 



Can someone tell me what the star means? because I got very excited and flattered when I saw it! Also, The upvotes and I was really wide eyed when I saw the number of subscribers! OMONA! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! T___T

Naiyak ako tuloy! (I cried)



/bows to the floor/


P.S. Who has LINE? Add me because I like you all and I want to be friends with all of you and I solemnly swear I am not awkward :D 



For the subbies, the comments and the upvotes! <3




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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
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Chapter 36: t-two wu's???