
Hana couldn't remember what time she had fallen asleep but she did know that it wasn't long before her alarm had sounded for her to get up and get ready for work. “Good morning, Ms. Kim” the guard greeted her with a smile and she returned it quickly with the same gesture. She exited the building and walked t the bus stop.

It was quite a gloomy morning and windy as well. Yawn. And such a weather only made her wish to cuddle up in bed some more and sleep all day. SCREECH. Hana almost jumped at the sound, when she looked to her side, she saw a black car pull up. Eh?

The door opened and she saw Kris. Omo.

M-Mr. Wu” she didn't feel so sleepy all of a sudden. A wry smile appeared on one side of his lips as he turned his head “Get in or we're both going to be late” she blinked her eyes and swallowed hard before getting inside and closed the car door. She strapped herself in and Kris drove.

It was quiet for a long time but Hana wasn't as bothered by it. She actually felt comfortable.

You know...” shivers ran up her spine. Okay, maybe not too comfortable. “Each pack has six cans in it and I had five packs inside my fridge”

Gulp. “That means...” Kris smirked, keeping his eyes on the road “Thirty kisses, Ms. Kim”

Hana couldn't even look at him, she just sat frozen in place as all the warmth rushed up to her cheeks. Had she known that this was the consequence for throwing out all those packs, she wouldn't have done so... Or maybe I still would ha--- HANA!

C-can't I just give back all the packs?” she asked; the car slowed down to a stop for a red light. Click. “No.”

Kris quickly leaned over and captured her lips, her eyes going wide then slowly going heavy but before she could close them, he pulled away and put on his seat belts once again. “One down, twenty-nine to go” Kris smirked before driving once again.

Coming back from the state of surprise, Hana let out a quiet sigh and looked out of the window.


Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Wu's girlfriend” Victoria chuckles. I sigh and pressed the elevator button; Kris had dropped me off by the entrance upon my insistence -and may I just say that I insisted because I had a feeling we would be spending minutes in the car had he bought me all the way to the underground parking lot- “I'm no one's girlfriend, Victoria”

Victoria smiled and her eyes peered at me “Oh? Then who is Mr. Kris Wu, other than a boss?” Victoria raises a brow at the end of the sentence. He's somewhat like a boy--- no, he's... argh. “A friend”

Victoria almost erupted in laughter had the elevator not opened. We both stepped in and pressed for the buttons for our respective floors. “Kim Hana, are you saying that you have put Kris Wu in the friendzone?” she gaped at me. I would never put him there! “No, I'm just saying that I'm not his girlfriend”

Eh ~ really? So what did he send you all the roses for?” my eyes almost popped out of its sockets and if I were drinknig water right now, I would have spat it all out. “Where did you get that story?” I asked her. She gave me a grin “I overheard a conversation from Mr. Kim Jongdae”

Chen?! Ding. Victoria and I looked at the small screen and she smiled “My stop, see you later, Hana” she smiled before walking out and the doors closed once again. How the hell did Chen know? I was sure not to have mentioned any names and I even took the card from the bouquet with me.

My stop came and I stepped out as soon as the doors opened. I walked down the quiet hall and into my office, still thinking about how Chen could've known. Maybe he has a spy or maybe --- I was cut off my thoughts when I saw a huge stuffed panda sitting on my office chair. I dropped my bag on the ground and stared back at it.

What the ---” a knock came on my door and it opened, I turned around and saw Tao entering “Hey, Hana can ---uh” he looks up and stares at the panda aswell “Why is there a huge panda on your office chair?” he asks, pointing his pen at it. I turn to him as he walks to my side “I don't know either”

We both stared at it for a moment before he coughed intentionally and turned to me “Anyway, I wanted to ask if I could borrow some of your files about last month's report for the fashion department” I swallowed hard and stole a glance of the stuffed toy once again before walking to one of the drawers on the side and took out a folder

Here” I handed it over to Tao as I walked back to him. He stole a glance at the item once more before giving me a smile and thanks “I'll go now, good luck with... whatever that is” he then disappeared through the door. I stared back at the stuffed toy.

Ring. Ring. I blink my eyes and stared at the telephone on my desk; quickly, I pick it up.


I believe a note has been stuck on the intruder sitting on your chair” It's Kris. So he's the one behind it. I slap my hand on my forehead and saw the said note peeking out of the panda's armpit. A weird place to put a note.

I pluck it off and read: Coffee for me in my office -Kris

C-coming right away, sir” he hung up the phone. I picked up my bag from the floor and set it on top of my desk before rushing out of my office. I make my way up to the top floor and get inside the small office kitchen; Coffee... coffee... I puff out some air as I took a spoon and stirred the warm liquid inside the cup.

I set the spoon aside and pick up the cup.

Knock. Knock. I turn the knob and opened the door, forgetting to wait for his call. I walk inside and saw him leaning on his table, arms crossed over his chest and looked at me with a smirk on his face. Gulp.

Your coffee, sir” I lift the cup a bit. “Put it on my desk” he said, gesturing his head to the side.

I advance towards his side and set down the cup on the desk as told; as my fingers leave the handle, two hands pull me by the waist and a pair of lips crashed against mine. Once again, my eyes widen in surprise.

I flustered when I felt him nibbling my lower lip then pulled away.

“Twenty-eight left, Ms. Kim” he tapped the tip of my nose lightly as my eyes shut and my head tilts back; I gently push myself away from him.

I walked to the door quickly and grab the knob, however, I stopped and turned just before I could turn it.

“S-sir, isn't there another way?” I ask with caution.

Kris looked at me warily. He walked towards me, close to me once again and he towered over my figure; his look turned playful and I felt my back press against the cold wood.

“Actually, there is” his hand reached past my waist and I heard a click.






Hana swallowed hard as Kris brought a finger below her chin and lifted it upward. “And it will only take a minute”

His eyes trailed down to her lips and she bit on the lower part, he couldn't help but suddenly feel his throat dry up. Slowly, he leaned in and Hana's lids felt heavy. A minute... only a minute. She thought to herself and held her breath in as she felt Kris getting closer and closer and...

























Knock. Knock. “Kris? It's Chen”

“” he cursed and gently pulled her away from the door, unlocked it and opened it to glare at Chen who smiled at him. His smile even grew more wide when he saw who he had for company.

Did I interrupt something?” he raises a playful brow. The you did! Kris screamed inside his mind. “What the hell do you want?”

Hana hung her head low and bowed at the two “I'll be in my office, sir” she said before exiting the scene. Kris walked towards his desk while Chen closed the door and laughed. “So grumpy ~ tell me, how long has it been since you had ? Because you look ually frustrated right now”

Kris growled at him. Chen raised his hands in surrender before sitting down on the chair infront of his desk “Anyway, I came to talk to you about the Chairman coming over by the end of the week”

Kris reached over for his cup of coffee and took a sip. “What's there to talk about?”

“Only one” Chen's face turned serious. “Over the years that the Chairman has visited to do an evaluation he always ends up in a bad mood because of the financial department; he isn't fond of seeing too many zeros on our expenses”

“So?” Kris placed down his cup and leaned back on his chair. “So, he called in yesterday and informed me that he has sent a financial adviser”

“I really don't see any reason to give a about that” Kris tilted his head to the side. Chen gave a sigh “I think you will because other than the fact that she'll be working with Hana ---”

“She?” Kris raised a brow and Chen nodded his head “Sonya's the Financial Adviser your dad sent and she's coming over today to be introduced to Hana”

The powerful CEO showed no emotion but his hands clutched onto the arms rests so hard that it felt like if he pulled, he would rip off the leather and foam inside.

“Fine... it's only for what, a couple of days?” Kris spoke.

“A month” Chen said and his grip tightened some more. Kris closed his eyes and let out a breath, calming himself down. When he opened them, his brows knitted together and all warmth vanished. Chen couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine. “Make sure she knows nothing else of Hana but as the Head of Finance, until further notice she's not my PA”

Chen got up from his seat “Alright, should I get Hana back in here?” he asks, suddenly feeling playful once again.

Kris gives him a warning look and he leaves with a chuckle.



I felt my cheeks go numb out of the blues. Sigh. I shook my head and concentrated once more on my work, I really have to control my thoughts some more and he needs to control his... urges of kisses, more properly and not give me any more shocks and surprises.

Although, I have to admit... his lips feel heavenly. I bit my lower lip and pause from writing.

Ring. Ring. I reach for the phone and press it onto my ear “Hello?”

Ms. Kim, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Oh needs you to be in the board room on the 25th floor, it's important” I feel a little disappointed that it wasn't who I expected it to be but... Sigh. It's not like my phone is only wired directly to him. “Okay, I'll be there in a bit, thank you”

I put the phone down and place my pen away before getting up from my seat and left my office. I wonder what's so important? Then again, everything here is important but it is pretty rare for Lay and Sehun to call me up, must be something involving finance since I am, afterall, the Head of Finance here. Gulp. I hope it's nothing bad.

I took a deep breath as I rode down the elevator and eventually reached the floor destination. I took one last breath before turning the knob and pulled the door, walking in.

“Ah, Ms. Kim” Came Lay's voice with a smile. They weren't alone, they were with a female. A professional-looking and pretty female; I bowed and greeted them with a smile. She looks so pretty. Definitely belongs to their level of society. She gave me a smile and Sehun clears his throat “Ehem... anyway, Ms. Kim this is Ms. Yang” Sehun introduces her.

She holds out a hand and I shook it with a smile “Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kim” Even her voice sounds expensive. “It's great to meet you too, Ms. Yang”

I turn to Lay and I saw him roll his eyes “Uhm, anyway, Ms. Kim” I turn to Sehun “Ms. Yang is the financial adviser that the chairman has sent from China and she'll be working with you for a month”

“I look forward to spending time together, Ms. Kim” I turn to her with a bright look. New friend! Atleast now I won't be working alone all day everyday for this month. “Please call me, Hana”

“Call me Sonya”




Sonya was easy to get along with. She was nice, down to earth and smart too. Considering that she's the financial adviser, her first agenda was to check everything inside my office, all files and folders and that's what we both had done the whole day. Lunch was delivered in my office too so we never left.

“This is quite impressive Ms. Kim, looks like you know your math” she smiles, closing a folder. “K-kamsahamnida”

Knock. Knock. “Hana, it's ---” Kai suddenly freezes and his eyes go wide in surprise “Oh, I didn't know you have company” he mumbles and steps inside. Sonya smiles at him and greets him “Hello Kai”

“Sonya” he gives a curt nod before turning to me “Anyway, I was gonna invite you for lunch but it seems like you're busy”

“Um...” I scratch the back of my neck “Yeah, sorry... Sir, maybe some other time?”

“Ah, no” Came Sonya's voice and we both turn to her, she puts down the rest of the folders “I'm leaving right now; there are other things I have to do so...” she gives a smile as she walks to the desk and picks up her bag. “I'll see you tomorrow again, Hana”

I blink my eyes and nod my head as she then walks to the door, past Kai and exits. Kai puffs out a breath and turns back to me “So, coffee?”

I turn and look at the scattered folders on my desk before turning to him “Maybe tomorrow, Kai; sorry” I cast him an apologetic look and he chuckles “Ahh hard-working as ever; alright then, see you later Hana” he waves and exits my office.

Sigh. Just before I could start cleaning up my table, I hear my door open and someone walks in. Click. I raised a brow at the sound of the lock but before I could turn around a pair of arms find their way around my waist and I gasp in surprise when the intruder had nuzzled on my neck. I felt shivers run up my spine.

“Relax, it's me” Gulp. “S-sir, I don't thi ---”

“Hana, I don't want you to introduce yourself as my PA” Huh? Why? I nod my head “Okay but sir can you ---”

“Do me a favor, too” I breathe out quietly, calming myself. “What favor?”

He rests his chin on my shoulder “Don't hurt yourself”

Okay, now he's confusing me too. However, I nod my head at his request and he lifts his head off my shoulder and turns me around. I fluster, realizing how close we were but he doesn't seem bothered at all. Ofcourse.

“Back to work, Ms. Kim” he steals a quick peck on my lips and my face turns a much darker shade of red; Kris smirks and releases me from his grasp walking to the door “Twenty-seven to go”

And he closes the door behind him.

Budump. Budump. I put a hand over where my heart was and take deep breaths “Calm down, will you?”

Do you smell that? That is the smell of coming soon :)

Hi chinguth ~ sorry if I haven't updated but anyway, here's another one. I probably won't be updating until Wednesday, sorry. I have one more plate to finish but then I'll be updating regularly again starting Sunday! HURRAH! *throws confetti* Triple updates galore <3

Thank you so much for the upvotes, it really flatters me and reading all your comments make me smile and urge me to do better with every chapter so I hope I did not disappoint any of you with this one, it has been hard to think these past few days :)

Thank you for the subscriptions, comments, and votes chinguth :)


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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
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Chapter 36: t-two wu's???