
Aigo! It did leave a mark, the side of my lip is bruised.

I puff out a sigh and take a long good look at my reflection in the mirror then look at the clock hanging on the wall. Ten more minutes before I leave for work and I had no idea what to do about the purplish mark on the side of my mouth; I wasn't the type of person who liked make up so I had no possession of any concealer. Sigh. A cough escapes my mouth and my head felt heavy. Right, I have a cold... wait. A bright smile appears on my face. That's it!

I take a deep breath and enter Wu Enterprise, greeting back some employees who were giving their 'good mornings' and hurriedly walked to the elevator, hoping to avoid questions. I press the button. Come on, come on... hurry up.

Ms. Kim” I almost jumped; slowly, I turned around and saw Mr. Kim Joonmyeon along with Mr. Kim Jongdae and Mr. Byun Baekhyun. I gave them a bow and silently wish that they won't question what was on my face. “Good morning, sir”

What's with the mask?” Mr. Byun questions and I think I heard glass breaking when he did. I swallowed hard and faked a cough “I have a cold, s-sir” Nice save Hana!

Ding. The elevator doors open and they step inside, I followed behind quietly. The ride up was quiet and I kept staring at the climbing number on the small screen. Why does my office have to be on 30th floor anyway?

Oh by the way...” Joonmyeon turns around and smiles at me “Congratulations on getting promoted, Ms. Kim” I bowed my head in thanks. Mr. Byun and the other Mr. Kim exchanged looks then looked at me. Mr. Byun tilted his head to the side quite adorably “You got promoted?”

I blink my eyes at his question and nod my head. The elevator stops and the door opens to the 30th floor. Finally. I step outside and give them all a bow once again before turning on my heel and walked to my office. Relief washed over me when I had reached my safe haven. I leaned my forehead against the door and took off my mask.

About time you showed up” a shriek escapes my lips and I jumped, turning around and saw Mr. Wu rummaging through one of my file cabinets. I quickly brought my hands to my mouth to hide the purple mark. “Good morning, Mr. Wu” the words were a bit muffled but still understandable. He swiftly took out a folder and turned around, immediately raising a brow at me. “What's with you?” he asks me and I give him an eye smile

Nothing sir; I'm sorry for being late, I got stuck in traffic” he didn't give me another glance and walked past me, exiting my office. Sigh. Another good save, Hana... keep it up.


Kris!” I snap out of my thoughts and look up to see Suho with Baekhyun and Chen. He gives me a sigh and a worried look “Are you alright? You're acting off” Sigh. Damn it. I shook my head and turn to Baekhyun and Chen “Can you both come back later?”

Baekhyun and Chen exchange looks before hauling themselves out of the couch and went out of my office. Suho turned back to me “Alright Kris, what's going on?”

A heavy sigh escaped my lips and I lean back on my chair, pinching the bridge of my nose as I closed my eyes. It all flashes back to me and I had to open my eyes to keep myself from seeing them. “I broke it off with her” I mumble. A smile cracks on Suho's lips “Really? Then why do you look so bothered? Wait... don't tell me that Kris Wu has fall -”

I didn't, idiot” he pursed his lips together and asked me “Then what?”

I'm not as cold as heartless as people say I am because in fact, I'm human too. I may be a jerk, I may act cold and I may not care about what everyone else thinks of me but for the first time in my life... I actually felt guilty.

I think I've hurt someone...” Suho sarcastically laughs and his face turns serious all of a sudden “Well no , Sherlock! Jesus Christ Kris, took you long enough”

Tsk. I pick up my pen and open some files. I should just forget about it “Has Kai returned?” I ask him, swerving the subject car on another lane. Suho let's out a sigh “And he's back ladies and gents... No, not yet” Suho slumps down on the couch and leans his head back, resting his eyes.

D.O. Is still in Thailand, Lay is in China with Xiumin, Sehun is in New York, Luhan in Italy and Chanyeol is in the Philippines” Tsk. I should really stop exporting them all at once. I stopped writing when I reached the back of the folder I took from Hana's drawer. Another sticky note; I plucked it off from the folder and leaned back on my chair staring at it: Have a nice day, Mr. Wu :)

Does she put this on all of her folders?

Suho...” he lifts his head to look at me “Give Kim Hana the day off tomorrow... I owe her” Suho gave me a long and hard stare before he got up from his seat and nodded his head “Alright...”

By the way, you're leaving for Belgium in a week; I need you to manage the branch there, they're having difficulties” a sigh escaped his lips “Hey, I'm just Suho, the one who goes to places so you don't have to” I send him away; the door opens and closes leaving me alone in my office.

I quietly sat down in the car; Hana had entered the restaurant and was now in view as she approached her. She broke and said some words. The girl stood up and I almost ran out of the car when I saw her lift her hand and had hit Hana in the face.

After that... it felt as if someone's punched me in the gut.

How could someone even smile after that?

Ring. Ring. Ring. I pick up the phone and press it onto my ear “Hello?”

Mr. Wu, someone wants to see you... she says her name is Stephanie; should I send her up?” my brows narrow; I set aside the note and ran a hand through my hair “Send her up” I slam the phone and let out a low growl. I thought I was perfectly clear the last time I told her not to show her face here again.



Hana quietly waited for the elevator; she ran a hand through her hair, her other hand holding some folders that needed to be signed by Kris. The elevator doors opened and Hana stepped in, noticing another female. She looked oddly similar to Kris; she wore a long skirt, sneakers, a shirt, a cardigan and her bag hanging over her side. She looked like a student.

Hello” Hana smiled at her. The young lady seemed to be taken by surprise but nevertheless returned the smile Hana had given her “Where are you going?” Hana asked her. She swallowed hard and looked away feeling uncomfortable “I-I'm g-going to see my brother”

Ohhh ~” Hana nodded her head and was about to press the button for the 35th floor but noticed it was already lit. That's strange, she snapped her head back to the girl and realized something. “You're Mr. Wu's sister?” the girl nodded her head and Hana smiled brightly at her “Aigo ~ no wonder you both look alike! You're pretty lucky to have Kr- er, Mr. Wu as a brother; he's a really great person”

The girl didn't know if Hana was delusional and crazy or was threatened by Kris to say nice things about him. Hana kept smiling at her until such time they've arrived at the 35th floor. Hana knocked on the door “Mr. Wu?” when she heard the faint sound of his voice telling her to 'come in'; she opened the door and gestured the young girl to get inside.

The girl bit her lower lip and hung her head low; Hana gave her a soft smile and whispered “Hey, I'm here for you...” a sigh escaped from the girl's mouth and she went inside with Hana following and closing the door behind them.

Mr. Wu” Kris looked up and saw Hana with a mask over and the person he didn't want to see. A frown formed on Kris's lips; Hana stepped forward and placed the folders down infront of him “I need this signed, sir” she said. Kris took a quick glance at Stephanie who stood at a distance, fiddling with the strap of her bag; he picked up his pen and signed the papers. Hana thanked him and gave him a smile but Kris didn't even spare her a glance.

I'll be going now Mr. Wu” Hana bowed, she smiled at Stephanie once more before exiting. No... please don't go. Stephanie quietly cried and stared at the closed door. As soon as the tacking of heels faded, Kris glared at her. “What the hell are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to never show your face here again?”

Stephanie bowed her head and mumbled an apology “Sorry Y-Yi Fan but... I-I... I have...” Kris got up from his seat and turned his back onto her, facing the view of Seoul. “I don't wanna hear about your mother's drama, Stephanie; I have more problems to deal with and to be factual, you're not even my responsibility” he spat coldly. Stephanie's lips quivered “I know... but Dad's been ignoring me and... and you're the only one I can turn to”

Kris closed his eyes, his brows narrowing. He took out his wallet and opened it, counting some bills “I don't want your money Yi Fan!” Stephanie yelled. Kris closed his wallet and put it back in his pocket before turning around “Then what the do you want?”

Tears began to fall from Stepanie's eyes but Kris's cold expression never faltered.

Mom passed away two weeks ago... I was kicked out of the apartment and I have... I have nowhere else to go” Kris kept his hard stare on her. He let out a sigh and walked back to his desk; he opened a drawer and took out a small rectangular piece of paper. He placed it on his desk and began to scribble down afterwards, he tore it off and walked over to Stephanie and handed it to her.

It was a check: Pay to the order of Stephanie Wu 50,000,000.00 Signed: Wu Yi Fan, CEO, Wu Enterprise

Do whatever you want with it... go back to the States for all I care, just don't bother me anymore” Kris told her and walked back to his chair. Stephanie bit her lower lip as tears streamed down her cheeks; she sniffled and looked at Kris with hurt eyes “Are you really that heartless, Yi Fan?”

Kris resumed his previous work, not looking up to see her “Go find an apartment and spend that money wisely, Stephanie... because I'm not going to let you live with me and technically, you're not even a Wu because Dad... never married your mom”

Stephanie pursed her lips together and sniffled “I'm sorry for the trouble Yi Fan... I-I won't bother you again” she her heel and began to walk away.


4 PM. I had just gotten back from having coffee with Suho and Chen; I remembered that I was supposed to tell Hana that she could have the day off tomorrow since Suho had a family matter to go to. It's pretty weird for Kris to ask Suho to do such a thing; I wonder what's gotten into him. I entered the elevator and pressed for the 30th floor where her office was located.

I pocketed my hands and stepped out once the doors had opened. I loosened the tie around my neck a bit as I walked towards the door at the end of the hall. Once I reached the door, I gave it a loud knock but no one answered me.

I knocked again and still there was no answer. “Hana-ssi?” I knock again. Something doesn't feel right. I turned the knob, it was not locked. I pushed the door open and poked my head inside “Ms. Kim?” I called out and looked around but didn't find her anywhere.

I stepped inside her office “Ms. Kim”

Then from the corner of my eyes, I saw two feet peering out of the side of the table; I quickly rushed towards her desk and saw her passed out on the floor. Panic quickly embraced me, I ran to her side and lifted her body off the floor.

Ms. Kim!” I took off her mask and saw a bruise on the side of . I gently laid her back down on the carpeted floor and grabbed the phone on her desk, punching some numbers “Get me a medical team to the 30th floor, right now!”


Mr. Byun...” the nurse called my name as she entered the room. She gave me a smile “Ms. Kim will be alright but sir, we couldn't get in contact with any family members” What?

Have you checked everything?” the nurse gave me a nod “Ms. Kim lives alone, her mother and father have been identified as deceased; she's also an only childGulp. W-what? The nurse excuses herself and leaves the room. I look at the passed out Hana on the hospital bed. Sigh. I slumped down on the chair beside her bed and took out my phone to call someone


What is it?” Gosh, he's so cold. I let out a sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose “Yeah, hey, so I just wanted to tell you that an employee of ours is at the hospital” Kris scoffed on the other line “So?”

I looked at Hana. Still unconscious; Kris sighed on the other line “I'll call Hana to send someone to deal with it” I pursed my lips together “Uh Kris...”


Hana's the one who's in the hospital and um... she has a bruise on the side of ; I don't know why” Kris was quiet on the other line. “Did you contact her family?” I scratched the back of my neck “She lives alone and her mom and dad... they uh... passed away”

Siblings?” I swallowed hard “She's an only child”

He fell quiet again; I bit my lower lip and popped up my brows “Listen Kris, I have to be somewhere in an hour; I have to attend my mom and dad's wedding anniversary dinner, so...”

I'll send someone...” He then hung up. I puff out some air and lean back on the chair; Aren't you an interesting bubble, Kim Hana? I smile at her sleeping figure. Not as pretty as the other girls but... pretty interesting.



Groan. Ugh... I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright lights. What happened? I saw a clock hanging on the cream colored wall and it read 7PM. I look around me and realized I was in a hospital; I sat up and saw my clothes neatly folded on the side as I was wearing a hospital gown.

The door opened and my head shot up; my eyes immediately widened when I saw who it was that entered. “M-Mr. Wu... M-Mr. Huang”

Tao gave me a smile and set a black paper bag aside as he walked over to the bed while Kris closed the door. Tao pocketed his hands and spoke “Well, Ms. Kim... how lucky are you?” I bow my head, quite embarrassed with my current state. Kris stood at the foot of the bed, his hands inside his black trench coat's pockets and he looked at me with a blank stare.

What happened to the side of your mouth?” Tao asks and I silently gasp as I realize that I wasn't wearing anything to cover it. I glance quickly at Kris before turning to Tao with a small smile “I-I think it hit the side of the table when I p-passed out” Third save, you're on a roll Hana.

Tao...” Tao turns to Kris “Go down and take her medicines” Tao nods his head and flashes me a smile before excusing himself to leave. As soon as the door closed, Kris walked over to the windows and pushed aside the curtains. Gulp. I bit my lower lip and mumble out “Sorry for the trouble... Mr. Wu”

Ms. Kim... where did you get that bruise from?” . Hana! Red Alert! He can't be deceived! “S-sir?” Kris turned to look at me with serious eyes. “So, it turns out that when you lie... you can't answer questions directly” Gulp. “Mr. Wu -”

Ms. Kim, do you know how much I hate liars?” I hang my head low to avoid his deadly stare and quietly whimper on the hospital bed. I take a quiet deep breath and look at my hands, one of them injected with a needle for the dextrose. “Ms. Lee asked me to give it to you”

Then why didn't you?” I bit my lower lip to keep it from quivering in fear “I... I was afraid you would fire me”

Kris was quiet and he didn't say anything more. I felt him walk closer to the bed, he stood at the side and loomed over me “I would fire you right here, right now if you don't give me what is rightfully mine... Ms. Kim” My eyes widen as I look at him. He was dead serious. My hands began to shake.

I mean it, Ms. Kim” Kris's brows narrowed. My lips quivered and I pursed them together; Sorry.













SLAP. I blinked my eyes, shocked at what I had just done. Kris's face was turned to the side and his cheek was slowly showing a red mark; I turn my head saw a shocked Tao standing by the doorway, medicines in hand.

Tao looked at me and then at Kris; he swallowed hard and blinked his eyes both in shock and confusion. “Is this a bad time?” he asks. I handg my head low to hide my face that was slowly turning red in shame and embarrassment.

Sorry Mr. Wu” I mumble. Kris walks out of the room and Tao turns to me, he walks over to the side of the bed. “What happened?” he asks. I turn my head away, suddenly feeling bad “T-Tao-ssi, can I go to sleep? I'm suddenly not feeling well”

Tao let's out a sigh. “Alright... rest Hana” and he gives a weak smile.

My crappy side notes:

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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
1873 streak #8
Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???