
Ugh. I hate having bruises on my face. When I entered this morning, everyone was staring at me; the worst part of it is that I was informed that I would be having a meeting this afternoon. Sigh.

I entered the conference room, finding everyone but one person present. Odd... his absences are becoming frequent. Tsk. Tsk. “Where's Kris?” Suho asked me; I walked to my chair and sat down. Pfft. “I don't know” I shrugged my shoulders “Do I look like his PA?”

“Speaking of PA” Xiumin spoke and everyone turned to him as he flashed a playful smile “I think Kris is being taken care of right now, as we speak” Chen sniggered. PA? Kris? Hana? “What are you talking about?” Sehun blinks his eyes in question. Wait... the realization of what Xiumin actually meant hits me like a fast bullet train and a smirk escaped me. So... the bastard got himself laid.

Chen leaned back, crossing his legs “It's a miracle how Hana-ssi still walked today” he chuckles like a little devil. I raised a brow and looked at him from across the table “So, Kris and Hana...” I trailed off for them to finish. Chen nodded his head. “How sure are you?” Tao asked and Chen shrugged “I don't know... what else do you think those two could have done all night in Kris's unit alone? Stare at each other until their eyeballs fall out?” he rolled his eyes in a sarcastic manner.

“Well, it could be possible” Baekhyun says tapping his chin with his forefinger. “I mean... I don't think Hana-ssi would give up something so dear and divine to Kris” I shot my head towards him. Don't tell me... everyone looked at him with curious eyes. He gives us all a sigh. “Long story, short: Hana's a ”

I wish I could gasp but I won't because... I know.

Pfft. A girl like her: hardworking, bubbly and one who would sacrifice lunch for work- would be the last person I'd ed in this world. I'm not admitting that I'm a Casanova but based on experience... I think I can tell the difference of when a girl is still divine or not.

“Kris won't take it anyway... he's also a in a way” I lean back on my chair as I speak. Suho leans in, in interest. “?” I rest my elbows on the arm rests of the leather chair and drum my fingers together against each other. “Well... you can say he has slept with a few women here and there but... according to his last ex -who was by the way... my friend- he has never kissed anyone, not even her”

Lay's eyes widened in greater interest “So his lips are a ?”

I nod my head. A guy with lips... I chuckle at the thought. Everyone suddenly fell quiet then Chanyeol bursts out laughing “You're not serious, are you? Pfft. HAHAHAHAHA, Kris with lips?” he continues to laugh. Kyungsoo smacks him in the back of the head with a folder and he stops all fo a sudden and turns to Kyungsoo with a pout

“Yaaaah ~ what was that for?” He asks. Kyungsoo looks at him with an annoyed look “For over reacting” Chanyeol rolls his eyes before leaning back on his chair, he puffs out a breath “Aigo ~ this company really should make a no grumpy pants rule”

A phone goes off in the midst of the silence. Tao picked it out of his pocket and pressed it onto his ears.

“What?” Everyone turns to Tao “N-no, it's just that... this is not some kind of prank right? It's not your birthday too” Tao falls quiet for a moment as he listens to whoever was on the other side of the line. His brows raise and a small half smile was tugging on the corner of his lips. He lets out a sigh “Alright then” and hangs up.

“Who was it?” Luhan asks. Tao pockets and his phone “You are not going to be believe what he just said”

“Who?” I ask.

“Kris” he answers.


Awkward silence.

Gulp. I nervously look out of the window as Kris quietly concentrates on driving to wherever it was that he was taking me to. When I got down to the parking lot, I was quick enough to avoid a kiss from him and now, here I am. Strapped into the passenger seat of his car with no idea whatsoever of what's going to happen.

I was about to break my mouth open to ask but then he spoke “Where do you want to eat?” What? I check my watch and realized it was already nearing lunch hour. I swallowed hard “Uh-um... a-anywhere is fine, sir”

The car is suddenly swerved to the side and stop abruptly. Kris quickly unbuckled his seat belts and leans over towards me, his hand gently finds its way to the side of my neck and my eyes widen all of a sudden when his lips had landed on top of mine.

Damn it! The game! I remember. Okay Hana, calm down... it's only a peck! It'll be over in a second! One... two... three... WAH! He's not stopping! Quickly! Push him!

But my body froze while his lips began to move. He slightly pressed his fingers onto my neck and my eyelids go heavy; God, he's a good kisse---- HANA! My hands firmly pressed onto his chest and I pushed him off. He falls back to his seat and looks at me with equally surprised eyes as mine. My face turns red and numb.

“S-sorry” I mumble and look down on my lap. What am I sorry for? The car starts once again and Kris drives.

Having had enough of the awkward silence, I spoke “Can we take this slow?”


I swallowed hard and turned to him “This... whatever this is that's going on b-between... us”

Kris was quiet. He didn't say a word but he just kept on driving and I sat in silence, intimidated by the sudden thinning aura he was emitting. I was afraid he would yell at me if I spoke. Finally, he parks the car infront of a restaurant.

“Alright...” he breathes and turns to look at me “I'll ask you again by the end of today and whatever it is you'll answer, I'll accept it”

“Si ----” I bit my lips back for a second “I don't think that's an ideal way of taking things slow”

Kris drummed his fingers on the steering wheel “The what do you suggest?”

I breathe in.

“Give me a week”

“A week?” he raises a brow and looks at me in disbelief. I nod my head “A week, seven days... that's all I need” he kept looking at me for quite awhile as if he was waiting for my face to falter and tell him I was kidding. But I wasn't. He gives a sigh of defeat “Fine... seven days but” Wha --- “Day one starts today”

Fair enough. “Alright”

A smirk creeps on his lips and we both fumble to unbuckle our seat belts. He mumbles something under his breath “What?” I ask. He opens his door and gets out, not giving me an answer. I finally free myself from the chair and just as I was about to open the door, it opens and I step out.

Kris was the one who opened it. “T-thanks”


I fumbled to unbuckle my seat belt. “I'll make you fall hard within a week” I mumble. “What?” she asks. I didn't give her an answer and just got out of the car, quickly running around it and opened the door for her. She stammers a 'Thanks' and we both enter the restaurant.

If you ask me, seven days is too long but what can I do? Tsk. Women and their needs. We entered the restaurant and we were led by the waiter to one of the private closed areas, enclosed by glass. Hana took her seat across me and I ordered the food figuring that she would answer me with 'anything is fine' if I asked her what she would want.

When the waiter left, I turned to her.

She was looking around in awe. Ofcourse... she's not used to these places. “Hana” I call her attention. You can have all these and more, you know. She blinks her eyes at me in wonder and tilts her head to the side a bit “Yes s---” I raised a brow at her accompanied by a playful look when she was about say the dreaded word. As much as I had grown to hate for hear her to call me that, I actually hope she would slip every now and then.

It's a good excuse to kiss her... and I don't even know why I enjoy it.

I found it pleasurable in a way but something about it made me feel something foreign. Had I known kissing would feel this damn good, I would've done it years ago but I don't think it would be the same. Kisses with her are different. Even if I give off my kiss years ago and kissed her just now, it would feel different.

“You're dazing off” I tell her. She swallowed hard and bowed her head slightly “S-sorry” Hm. She's not smiling today... Sigh. “Relax... I'm not gonna feed you to a pack of wolves, if that's what you're thinking”

She finally smiles. It was small but it counts. “I'm just not used to fancy restaurants”

I know. The food arrives and her eyes widen yet again at the number of plates being placed down. When the waiter left, I picked up my chopsticks and turned to her; she was still staring with wide eyes “Hana...” she looked up “Eat”

She nodded her head and did as I told her. A few minutes pass as we silently eat our food; Hana looks up all of a sudden “Oh, by the way, you have a meeting ---” Groan. “Hana, we're not at work... forget about it just for today” she bit her lower lip. “Yes s--- aigo, sorry but it's going to take some getting used to” she chuckles at her own silliness, scratching the back of her neck as she pauses from eating. Cute.

“Can I ask you something?” she spoke. “You're already asking me, Hana” she bites her lower lip and smiles sheepishly at me before raising the actual question “How many girlfriends have you had?”

Did I hear that right? I pause from eating to look at her, a curve on the side of my lips “What?”

“Aigo ~” she pouts “If we're going to make this work, we have to be comfortable with each other” Hn. Comfortable huh? “Then you should call me Kris for a start”

“We'll get there eventually; right now, this is the best I can come up with to grow... comfortable” Point taken. I give her a sigh “Alright, if that's how you want it... I've lost count”

Her eyes widened. I couldn't properly read her expression, I didn't know if she looked worried, amazed, scared, surprised, happy, sad, jealous; I don't know. Cat got your tongue. “So you've kissed a lot of girls” she concludes to herself. I shook my head and gave her a smirk “No... just you”

She frowned “Do you really think I'm dumb enough to believe that?” Sigh. You'll learn to trust me. “Hana, I can ask Luhan to give you the list of all the female girls I have been with and you can ask them yourself but I assure you that they will all have the same answer

She bites back her lower lip and we both resume eating. “How many boyfriends have you had?” I ask her. She cokes back on her food a bit and drinks up some water. “A... a few”

I smell a liar. Hn. “Really?”

She nods her head. Liar. “Name one” I tell her, challenging her. She looks at me with determined eyes but doesn't mention a name “You know, I can easily tell a lie” she gulps down some more water and looks away.

I poke my food “It's okay if you don't have one, it doesn't make you less of who you are...” I pop a rice cake inside my mouth “Besides... girls are more interesting when they've been single since birth”

Her cheeks flush red. Shy girl, aren't you Kim Hana?



Let me be the first to say that Kris must have gotten hit by a boulder in the head because that seems to be the only logical reason why he has suddenly asked Tao to take a little break. I don't know what he means by break but I sure as hell smell something fishy.

Just what exactly has happened to you, Kris?

Snap. Snap. Snap. I blinked my eyes as Chanyeol waves his hand infront of my face; “Earth to Sehun” I swat it away and shift a bit in my seat. Chanyeol gives me a sigh and fixes his tie “What are you dazing out into the open about?” he asks me. The corner of my lip tugs a bit to the side in expression of discomfort.

“Yah, don't you find it weird?” I ask him. He continues to eat.

We were having lunch; unfortunately, everyone else wanted to finish work before taking the break that Kris was talking about. Chanyeol and I were lucky enough to have nothing left on our tables so we were basically... free birds. “What should I find weird?” he asks.


Chanyeol looks up for a moment in wonder. He then shook his head and looks at me “Nah...” he says “He's been weird since Hana has worked here, I got used to it”

Sigh. “Then you do find him weird, dumb ”

“Yah, yah, yah!” he points his chopsticks at me “Watch your mouth! We have food on the table” I roll my eyes at him and take a piece of the kimchi fried rice balls into my mouth “Oh off, mother Chanyeol ~” I chuckle. He stands up and slaps my forehead from across the table.

“Ow!” I cover the spot with my hands and he points a finger at me in a lecturing manner “I told you there's food on the table!” I pout and we both continue eating. “Really though...” I began once again “Kris is... not himself”

Chanyeol gave me a sigh “Aigo ~ drop it Sehun, just let him be... look on the bright side atleast he's changing for the good, not the worst” Sigh. Point taken... he seems lighter. “I guess you're right; atleast our burdens would be lessened, somehow” I smile at the thought.

Chanyeol laughs “Good, now finish your and we can get going” he tells me. “I thought you said no foul language” I raise a brow at him. He looks at me with peering eyes “You're not the boss of me...”

Pfft. Dumb . “Anyway, Chairman called me this morning” I told him, steering the subject. He looks at me “What did he say?”

I take a sip of water “He heard about the fist fight and he sounded pretty upset” Chanyeol frowned and let out a sigh “Well we can't turn back time now, it already happened. What did the investors say?”

“Gladly... they made no comment about it so we're safe; Damn... how did that brawl even start?” Seriously though... how? I had no idea. Chanyeol thinks for a moment then his face suddenly brightens “Ah. Some guy put their hands on Hana and the devil went berserk”

A smile creeps on my lips “So he does take a liking for Kim Hana?”

Chanyeol smirks “Yep and Lay is paying for my Hawaiian vacation; thanks to Chen's photographic proof aswell”

I hum. “But I still have my doubts... maybe they have fallen but wouldn't it be more interesting if they both went out?” I eat the remaining food on my plate. Chanyeol gives me a bright smile “Wanna bet?”

You're not getting me into any of your betting , dumb . I smirk at him. “No.”

He pouts immediately “You're no fun”

As fun as it would be to bet on this matter, I don't want to risk anything especially delicate things. If Kris finds out about these childish bets, I don't think he would be such a happy camper by then. “Back to the Chairman... he also said he's coming for a visit”

Chanyeol choked on his drink. He pounded on his chest, slowly drowning his coughs. Sigh. I don't think anyone finds the visitation of the Chairman -a.k.a. Kris Wu's father- pleasing. It's the complete opposite. It's nerve wrecking.

“When?” Chanyeol asks.

“In a week”





“Do you like tomatoes?” Hana asks in the midst of the silence. Kris looks at her and raises a brow, amused at her sudden random question “Huh?”

“Do you like tomatoes?” she repeats the question with an innocent look on her face. Sigh. Well a random topic is better than nothing. Kris thinks to himself and shrugged “They're okay... you?” she shook her head. Kris placed down his chopsticks and wipes off his face with the table napkin. “Are we really going to talk about tomatoes?” he asks her.

Hana smiles at him apologetically “Sorry, I really don't know what to talk about”

“Well, we can talk about family but I'd rather avoid that topic...” Kris mumbles and Hana looks down on her now empty plate. Yeah, let's avoid that. She thought. Hana lets out a breath and smiles when she thought of something “What does it feel like?” she asks.

“What does what feel like?” he asks. Hana bit her lower lip “To have everything”

Kris pauses for a moment. The waiter comes in and he takes out his card and hands it over as the worker leaves them alone once again. He took a sip of water “I don't have everything, Hana”

She blinked her eyes innocently “But you have Wu Enterprise, you have power, wealth... everything”

“It's not everything... it's just something. I don't want to make something my everything because if I lose that, it would be the same as losing myself... you lose everything and when you lose everything, there's nothing... do you get what I mean?”

Hana nods her head “I can lose Wu Enterprise tomorrow or the day after but I really wouldn't care”

“Why?” she asks in curiosity. Kris smirks, he leans his chin on palm “Because Wu Enterprise is not everything. It's just something”

“Then what is everything to you?” she follows up a question and Kris's face falls flat. The waiter returns and hands Kris his card; Kris got up to his feet and walked behind her chair, pulling it back as she stood up. “I lost it years ago...” he mumbled.

A quiet sigh escaped his lips “Come on, let's get going... I want to take you somewhere”

Annyeong Haseyo ~
How is everyone? I haven't updated yesterday? Mianhe but I'm very happy today because I finished that project model I was   working on! Kekeke ~ So I think I'll be updating Chapter 29 today but I'm not sure yet. I have my calculus exam tomorrow!     Aigo :( Wish me luck chingus!


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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
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Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
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Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
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Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
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Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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