I remember spending my days crying under this structure, when I wanted to get away, cover my ears from all the words I didn't want to hear. I always hid here. It's my own personal haven, my own personal escape from the world that I didn't want to face.

It was a place that no one, not even my own mother, knew about. It was a place that I have long forgotten yet here I was, standing on the same ground that I stood some years ago in my life that I forced myself to forget.

The old club house.

The thing they say about China is that... people here like to keep things traditional, or in other words the same.

And that is exactly the word to describe everything. Everything here was still the same. Old but still the same. It was still the same structure; the club house was small, it could only fit around two to three people at the same time, it had a flat roof, wooden walls, wooden floor and even the furnishings inside were still there: a desk, a chair and a small cabinet.

I bent down a bit as I enter, the doorway was quite small. Well, atleast now I feel like I've really grown. My fingers lightly brushed against the rough interior walls, my eyes catching a glimpse of some lines drawn on a post. I used to be so short. I swallowed hard as I continue to look around, the top of my head almost touched the ceiling, just a short jump and it really will.

How did you find this?” the first words to ever come out of my mouth.

The old man looks around inside and smiles “Do you really think I didn't have any eyes on you when you were young?Honestly, yes. You didn't seem to give flying about me at all after you and Mom parted ways. I continue to look around

I had several people keep their eyes on you everytime you were out of the house” he said “You always came here whenever you ran away

Then how come I wasn't dragged home?

Because I told them not to bother you, just keep watch over you... you were a kid and besides your freedom as a Wu heir is limitedTrue. I guess you're not as selfish as I thought you were.

I walked towards the cabinet, grabbed hold of the handle and pulled it open; the creeking sound dragged on until it was fully swung out. Like a wave of tsunami, I was taken back when I saw what it contained. Everything is still here.

Letters to mom, drafts of non-sensical words, some papers full of bad words addressed to my dad, other papers contained words of how bad I felt and some were drawings. Crayons and pencils were there aswell, still intact and complete only covered with dust.

Sigh. I only stared at the papers “Hey dad”

“Hm?” he I felt the wooden floor creek with every step he took towards me. He stopped just behind me “Can I tell you something?”


“I hate you... but not from the start, somewhere in the middle... I hate you”

He falls quiet and I patiently wait for a response from him.

Where, how and when did it all completely go wrong?

“Yi Fan...” please... just tell me. “I know that I've never been a good father to you and I know you hate me for that. You hate me for betraying your mom and you, for leaving you both then taking you away from her eventually and I know how unforgivable I am in your eyes”

And all the anger just started to bubble up on me again. I frowned and kept my back onto him.

“I understand but I am trying to make it up, atleast just before I go... I want to be the father you wanted to have because even if you don't forgive me, even if I go to hell after all of this then atleast I know that even for awhile... I was there for you”




I puff out a sigh and turn around. I extended one of my arms out towards him, my hand holding a piece of paper of which he looks down at and seems rather surprised too

“To be honest...” Yes. This is indeed me, Kris Wu. I start off “You were never less than a father to me, I was just too focused on what you did wrong that I overlooked everything good you did for me”

On my hand was a card written years ago, old and dusty, the colored words almost faded.

Fifteen years ago to be exact, if I remember clearly. He takes the item from my hands and for what felt like the first time in an undeniably long time, I smiled at him.







On the card were the words written: To the best dad :)



Hana poked her head inside Baekhyun's office.

“You called for me, sir?” she smiles brightly at him; he was sitting behind his desk, sprawled documents on top of it, a can of coke beside his open laptop on the right side and he looked rather tied up.

“Hana!” his eyes lit up upon seeing her.

She walked in, closing the door behind her. She holds up her own documents in hand and walk towards his desk, stopping just a foot away. “Can you help me out here? I know that I shouldn't be asking you this favor but I really need help” he shot up from his seat and ran around his desk, embracing her.

Surprised, she flusters and wiggles out of Baekhyun's grasp. He takes notice of her reaction and pulls away, scratching the back of his neck as he flashes her a sheepish smile “Sorry, please don't tell my Dad” she raises brow at him “Dad?” and she remembers. Oh, right. Kris.

Hana chuckles “Ah, no problem... so, what do you want me to do?”

Clasping his hands together, he rummages through the pile on his desk and takes out a few folders here and there then compiles them before turning around, facing her again “Can you go and get these numbers computed? I know you have a lot of work but I swear to make it up to you!” he gives a promising look

Hana took the folders “Sure and no need to make it up, I'll get these to you by tomorrow morning, is that okay?” Baekhyun nodded his head and smiles at her “Thank you, Hana! You're a life-saver!” he hugs her once more. When he broke away he pops up something

“Oh, by the way... I heard Kris is coming home tomorrow” he smiles. She blinks her eyes. So soon? “Really?” the single word comes out with more excitement that intended. She flusters and Baekhyun chuckles in amusement “Just kidding! To be honest, I don't know when he's coming home but has he called you?”

Her face falters but she keeps it from looking disappointed. As much as she wanted Kris to spend some time back in China, she had this one side of her that wished he would just come back.

“Oh, um yes... he called me last night”

Baekhyun pouts his lips “Aish, that guy...”


He took out his phone from his pocket and began to tap on the screen “I told him to call me, it's really important and he forgets. Tsk.”

“Important?” she blinks her eyes. Baekhyun nodded his head “Yeah. Keep this between us and never mention it to him that I told you...”

Hana nodded her head and Baekhyun pockets his phone.

“His grandmother has decided to sell his mother's old home, his old home since he said that he didn't want it anyway; and I need his word on it since his grandma can't contact him”

She was quiet for a moment. How could he not want his own old home? She looks away in thought; Baekhyun stares at her in question thinking if she was okay. After around thirty second of no response, he waved a hand infront of her and she snaps her head up towards him

“Sorry?” she merely whispers. Baekhyun presses his lips together and sighs, questioning her “You're gonna stop him?”

Hana swallows hard “Baekhyun-ah...” she bit back her lower lip “Why doesn't he want it?”

Figured. Baekhyun thought, he shrugs his shoulders at her question because even he didn't know the answer; there were certain questions that Kris and only Kris alone can answer. This was one of those questions.

“I don't know, Hana but if ever you really are gonna bring this up to him and disregard our little deal earlier then please just don't drop my name”

Hana purses her lips together and smiles at Baekhyun “I'll tell him to call you, don't worry”

Thankful, Baekhyun breathes out in great relief and animatedly wipes off imaginary sweat from his forehead “Thanks, Hana... now, on your way and thank you again for the help” she nods her head and sets off.


For the rest of the day at work, Baekhyun's words kept replaying in my mind over and over and over again like a piece of broken record. Miraculously though, I have been able to finish everything including Baekhyun's requests and it only took me...

I glance down at my watch and almost then, my stomach grumbled. Omo, it's already seven in the evening? My stomach grumbles again. Right, no lunch. I puff out a sigh before fixing my things and turned off the lamp on my desk. As I was about to grab the door knob, the door opens, almost hitting me –had I not taken a step back.

“Omo, sorry about that Hana” Lay smiles apologetically at me and I see Xiumin standing behind him, he waves at me. “What are you two, still doing here?” I ask.

We all step out of my office.

“Dinner!” Xiumin chimes “Kai said you rejected him for lunch earlier and so to thank you for resisting temptation while Kris is gone, here we are” He ends the explanation with a smile and Lay rolls his eyes at him. He pushes Xiumin aside “What he means to say is... you skipped lunch so we'll take you to dinner and you can't say no”

I pout. As much as it would be pleasing to have dinner outside, I'm tired and I would really want to just go home, maybe just have some instant noodles and go to bed. “Why can't I?” I ask.

“Because...” Xiumin said as he then hooks his arm over my right arm and Lay does to the other side and they lock themselves. “Kris asked us to watch over you while he's gone” Lay finishes the sentence. “So, as your baby sitters...” Xiumin raises his index finger and waves it to the fro at her “No skipping of another meal! Now off we go!” he points his finger forward and they both drag me along with them.



Here I was, sitting down in a restaurant with Lay and Xiumin. They have successfully ignored all of my protests on the way here; I stare at my food.

“Hana” Xiumin calls out to me “Eat”

I puff out a tired breath and pick up the chopsticks; Lay looks up from his plate “We know you're tired but it's not an excuse to not eat dinner, hurry if you want so we can take you home”

I nod my head and do as my –self-proclaimed- babysitters, tell me. The next minutes were quiet and the first one who couldn't take the silence was the first to speak... in this case.

“Where does Kris's mom live?” Me.

Xiumin chews on his food, looking up to the ceiling thought then turns to me “Why do you ask?” I shrug my shoulders and look down on my plate “Just asking” No, actually I'm very curious. Please tell me! He exchanges glances with Xiumin and they both leaned in while as I leaned back in awe and blink my eyes at the both of them

They gave me playful looks and teasing smiles “Are you guys planning on getting married?”

Heat rushes onto my cheeks “A-No!” That's ridiculous and far too early! “And what does have to do with me asking where she lives?” I pout.

“Well it could only mean two things: Kris is taking you to meet” he does quotation marks with his fingers “her which means he's thinking of settling down”

Or” Xiumin continues “There's something that you both are talking about that we don't know”

Sigh. “It's not any of that” I continue to eat “I'm just asking... that's all” I cast them both an innocent look and eventually they both buy it. Lay –convinced- breaks his mouth open to speak and I brace myself, ready to mentally remember every single word that would come out of his mouth. I must know.

“Truthfully, we don't know”

And I just pictured my subconscious alter-ego palming herself in the face in a very hard manner. I want to cry, I really want to know where his mom lives.

“You're kidding, right?” I blink my eyes at the two of them. Xiumin sips on his drink “No, really... we don't know. Kris is the only one who knows, he doesn't talk about it even... you seem rather disappointed though, is it something important, Hana?”

I swallow hard and put on a smile “No” I shook my head. “I was just asking... that's all”






Kris answered his phone as he dried off his hair with a towel. “Ah, finally got to you!” came Baekhyun's joyous voice of triumph as he successfully got the call through from South Korea to China. Kris sat himself down on the fancy chair behind a desk in his room.

“Oh, you... how are things there?” he asks, letting the towel fall onto his shoulders as a few drop of water still fell from his damn blonde hair. “So far, so good. Anyway, I called to tell you something”

“Ofcourse you did, why else would you call?” He says with full sarcasm as he rolls his eyes at the person on the other line Ha-ha; Tch. I called to tell you that your grandma contacted me because she couldn't get through to you”

“And what did she say?”

She took your advice; she wants to sell your mother's house but she wanted to have your say first; the house is under your name after all”

At this, Kris falls quiet. He swallowed hard.


On the other line, Baekhyun runs a hand through his hair as he sat in the living room of equally lavish condo unit, he takes a bite of an apple and speaks “She said that the house is going to go to a waste anyway since you don't use it and seldom visit the place so she thinks it would be better if it's to be auctioned off for charity; she asked me to arrange the documents but unless you give me the go signal, I can't release anything”

Kris leans back, he pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes in deep thought. He tries to think of certain possibilities as to why his grandmother would suddenly make such decisions.

“Are you sure it was her who called?”


A heavy sigh escapes his lips. “So... what are your orders?”

(LOL, ME as Xiumin and Yunho as YOU GUYS)

/sigh/ anyway, no updates tomorrow, I have to finish a lot to finish that's due by Monday. Mianhe chinggus /bows 90 degrees/ oh and sorry for not doing spell checks guys but I'm budgeting time as much as I can :( Anyway, holidays are coming soon, hopefully by Christmas I can start the sequel already.

I sarang you all!

Thank you so much for the patience, the views, the somments, the subscriptions and upvotes! :'D

XOXO now has...



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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
1873 streak #8
Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???