Then you choose... the position you've worked hard for or Kim Hana”

The squeeze on his arm brought him back to reality. As he turned his head, he saw her smiling down at him with a questioning look. “Are you okay?” she asks him. He looks around him and realizes he was sitting alone, the others must've gone downstairs to party.

Yeah...” he mumbles and scoots to the side as she sits down.

Kris leans forward and puts down his glass “Can I ask you something?” she turns to him and nods her head. He turns his head and meets her eyes; those pair of clueless innocent eyes that once cried for him and he didn't wanna see cry again. He swallowed the lump in his throat and broke his mouth open to speak “What do you think of going to China?”

One of her brows cocked up “For a business trip?” he doesn't answer. Hana turns her head away to pick up the can of soda from the table “It'll be fun, I've never been to China before but we shouldn't stay long though”

Why?” he asks; he actually thought she'd be okay with it but then she just had to go on with her sentence.

She turns to look at him and smiles “Because I also have work to do here, silly! Did you know that Sonya's gonna go back to China, so my position's gonna be returned and besides...” she pops the can open “I can never stay in China long enough, I'd miss Seoul”

Cue the sound of my world stopping... if that even has a sound. He sighs inwardly “I think you'll survive” he says, hoping to twist up her mind and make her go. She chuckles “For a few days but longer than that, I'd catch a flight back... my Chinese doesn't even exist”

Don't you wanna be with me?” he asks. She turns to him and sees the serious look on his face, she bit her lower lip as she puts the can away and a soft smile appears “Ofcourse I do... but what does it have to do with China?”

Sigh. He hangs his head low and looks away “Nothing, never mind...”


Kris has been awfully quiet after the little discussion we had. I don't know why he keeps talking about China, is there a business trip that he needs to go to? Probably but I'm sensing there's something else. Sigh. As much as I want to ask him though, I don't wanna press his button.

It was already around three in the morning when we all decided to head out of the club. No one was drunk, thank heavens;

Ah, I'm tired... I'll see you guys tomorrow, night” Suho announces and walks off as the others also say their goodbyes. Eventually, it was down to me and Kris.


I've began to dislike these kinds of silences, it gives me great discomfort and I don't know if Kris notices that but he has these kinds of facial expressions where he seems unapproachable.

We quietly make our way to his car and like the usual, he opens the passenger seat door for me before getting into the driver's seat. At times like these... I really have no choice but to speak. “Did you enjoy?” I ask, smiling even. He kept his eyes on the road “Yeah, ofcourse... you?” Blunt. I nod my head.

Hey Kris...” I call out to him. I really don't want to have these silent wars, I've learned my lesson back in London. “Hm?”

Are you mad, did I do something wrong?” where I got the courage to ask that, I don't know but I really do want to know. He slows down the car as we approach a red light and eventually stop “No” he sighs “You did nothing wrong... I just...” he breathes out, unable to come up with more words.

The next minutes of the drive were quiet, neither of us said anything anymore.




He parked up the car on the side of the road, the streets were empty and there were no signs of life whatsoever. I got out of the car and he shut the door afterwards; I turned to him and forced a smile “Thank you for tonight” I said, awkwardly bowing my head and turned around.

I was about to walk away when I felt a tug on my wrist, I turned back around and saw him giving me a small playful –but tired, smile “You forgot something” he stated, patting his finger on one side of his cheek. I chuckle, suddenly feeling my heart lighten. I look around me for a moment before taking a step forward and leaned in...

But ofcourse, being the unpredictable guy he was, he turned his head and caught my lips. God, thank you for this. I smile into the kiss but pull away as I felt his arms snake around my waist.

What?” he whines and pouts at my action. I raise a finger and shook it “I'm tired, Mr. Wu; maybe next time” I chuckle and he frowns but then gives a defeated sigh “Alright” he pecks my lips and I smile. Can I just... die happy? Who knew, right? Who ever imagined that I'd be doing these kinds of things? Whoever predicted that I'd end up standing where I am right now? And who knew that I'd be capable of warming such a cold heart?

Spur of the moment though, the most unexpected thing happened next.

Omo!” I squeak as he hauls me over his shoulder so easily and heads for the main doors “W-what are you doing? Put me down! Kris!” my cheeks turn bright red but he only chuckles and ignores my request; he pushes open the door and greets the guard on duty. “Mr. Song!” Hana chimes as she sees the guard who only gives her a playful smile “Having a good night, I see, Ms. Kim” he chuckles and the blush on her face only darkens.

He didn't put her down, not even during the elevator ride. “What floor?” he asks.

C-can't you just put me down already?” she asks as the four walled compartment makes its way up “Maybe later, I haven't been to your apartment before” he mumbles. Hana gives a sigh “Twelfth”


Ding. The door opens and he walks through the quiet hall “What door?” he asks.

Put me down” she retorts but he only sighs “Ms. Kim, you're testing my patience”

Fine, seventh one on the left” he gives a chuckle at her childish –and obviously irritated voice- as he counts the doors on the left side of the hall. He stops at the said door and puts her down; she breathes out and dusts off the skirt of her dress “Thank you” she tells him and turns around, pressing some numbers and unlocks the door.

She turned around with a smile on her face “Well, it's been a good night...” she bows “Thank you for bringing me up here” Kris looks at her in amusement; she slips inside the door and closes it but was stopped.

Aren't you gonna even invite me in?” he asks, raising a brow. Hana puffs up her cheeks and squints her eyes at him. He had this devious look in his eyes that she couldn't brush off. What are you planning, Kris Wu? “Hmm...” she hums and he patiently waits for her to open the door wide enough for him to get in.

Jesus Christ, Hana just let me in; I'm not gonna do anything”

Fine” she says, opening up the door and he waltzes into the medium sized space. He looks around and takes in every detail of the room, the walls were a nice tone of apple green, the floor made of wood and well-polished. Expected from a neat freak. He remarks inside his thoughts; the place was neat, perfectly reflecting her personality.

He strides over to the book case beside the television on top of an oak TV rack; his fingers tracing over the books –or mangas rather- all of them arranged alphabetically by volume number. Opposite side of the living room was the kitchen, a small hall in between the kitchen and living room were two doors on opposite sides and he presumed was where the bedroom and bathroom were.

Nice place” he says, looking around. Hana closes the door and heads to the small kitchen “Not as nice as yours...” she whips out some powdered coffee, cream and sugar from the cup board and sets them down on the white counter top.

Kris picks out a book from the top most shelf and his brow raises in amusement as he reads the title “Beauty and the Billionaire?” he flips over to the back of the book and reads through the short description and snorts out a laugh. Hana appears from the kitchen with two cups in hand “Hey, I brought co --- omo” she freezes upon seeing the book in his hand.

He turns around and sees her, an amused smile appears on his face as he raises the book “Really?” he chuckles as her face turns red, she quickly sets the cups down on the coffee table before snagging the book away. “Relate?” he asks. She puts the book away and takes a deep breath before turning around “Coffee?” she asks with a smile.

He rolls his eyes before picking up one of the cups and sat down on the couch. She picks up her own cup and sits down beside him, kicking away her heels and cracks her stiffened neck.

What time is it?” he asks before pushing up the sleeve of his coat and glanced down at his watch; he answers his own question “3:50... great” he leans back “I'm having coffee at 3:50 in the morning”

Hana sips on her own cup and turns to him “What's wrong with coffee at three in the morning?”

He lets out a breath and puts down the cup before placing an arm over her shoulder “When it's with you?” he turns to her and smiles before pecking the side of her lips “Nothing at all”


She returns the smile.

A part of me suddenly screams for me to stay. Leave the chairman duties to someone else and just remain as CEO because I know that I can still hold on for a few years before I get the big seat. Suddenly, Wu Enterprise looks so small compared to the woman sitting infront of me right now, smiling and looking at me as if I meant the whole world to her.

I don't wanna go” I mindlessly mumble the words and her smile fades. No... don't. “Go where?” Far away from where you will be in days time. I swallow hard; it's not like I could keep her from knowing forever because one of these days, next week, next month or even tomorrow, I could be leaving. “Wu Prime is the main headquarters in China, Wu Enterprise and the rest are just sub-offices and the chairman reports to the main headquarters”

She was quiet; her eyes looking at me in question. She puts down her cup before shifting in her seat and looks at me, cupping my face as a bright smile makes it way on hers.

Tell me to stay... just say the words and I'll stay. Please... Hana.

You'll be the greatest chairman in the history of Wu Prime” she says in the softest tone of voice “So don't worry about me and just do your job; you always wanted to be chairman, right?”

You want to know how good she is? Very. Kim Hana is probably the most selfless person that I have met and you wanna know why? Because here she is right now, doing everything but stopping me from leaving.

Sigh. I hang my head low. I feel completely defeated. She lifts my face up again and looks at me “Hey... you can come visit me anytime you like”

Ugh. I lean back on the chair, taking my face away from her hands and run a hand through my hair

Why can't you just come with me? I'll hire someone to teach you Chinese”

She takes in a breath “Alright... how about this” I sense negotiation. I turn to look at her “I'm listening...” she bit her lower lip and puts on her thinking face. A good minute later, she finally looks at me “I'll take language class for six months --”

Six mon --” she presses her hand against my mouth “Shh! Let me finish”

I frown and she takes her hand away “After that, I'll let Tao evaluate me in full honesty –that means you can't order him to give me a passing grade or so help me I will not go at all” I huffed out some air and she continues “If I do pass, you can request for my transfer to China... deal?”

She held out her hand for me to shake.

Three months” I told her and she gives me a warning look; I sigh in defeat “Fine, six months... I guess I'll just have to visit every now and then” she pouts “That's expensive, flying back and forth... I mean”

Yeah, as if my money will run out anytime soon. Not sarcasm. “It's my money and besides I agreed to the deal, besides” I pick up my cup again “I'd still visit without your consent”

And why is that?”

I'm Kris ing Wu, that's wh ---AH!”

She pinches my ear and I almost drop my cup of coffee “Such a bad mouth! Tsk” she chuckles as she lets go of my ear. I put down my cup and glare at her, rubbing my ear “Yah, don't do that again” I tell her. She rolls her eyes at me and laughs.

That's it.

Ah!” she lets out a scream as I tackle her and she falls back on the couch with me hovering above her “Hey, come on, get off” she presses her hands on my chest and pushes but I keep myself in the exact position. I raise a playful brow at her “Should I?”

And the look she flashed me will forever be etched in my memory. Her eyelids went heavy and her lips curved into –in my opinion- a somewhat seductive smile, her hands smoothly grazed from my chest before slowly making their way around my neck.


You know if you keep doing that” I lean down and peck her lips and she giggles “I might end up sleeping over”

What's so bad about sleeping over?” she asks. I peck her lips again “Nothing... so, can I then?”

She hums and I give her a warning look. My arms are getting tired. “Sure”





Groan. The room was dim but I'm pretty sure it's already morning. I need a few more hours. Ugh. I glance at the clock hanging on the wall on the side and I almost shot up to my feet had it not been for the arm around my waist. Right.

I shift and turn around to face the other person occupying the bed. Perfect. Yes, that was probably the only word to describe Kris Wu when he's sleeping. Vulnerable too... I smile and scoot closer. “Wake up” I whisper, poking his cheek but he doesn't flinch “Wake up” I repeat, a little louder this time and poke his cheek once more, this time he lets out a groan and pulls me closer.

Five minutes” he grumbles in his sleepy voice and tires to bury his face on my neck but I scoot back “No, we have to get up or we're going to be late”

I wriggle out of his grasp and sit up, pressing the sheets against my bare chest. He lets out a breath and rolls around, lying on his back exposing his bare chest that I can only presume, heaven had given him. I look around the room and see his black dress shirt that he had discarded last night; I reach for the material and put it on before getting out of bed.

Good thing it was too big for me because it perfectly covered the parts that needed to be covered. “Ugh... what time is it?” he asks, sitting up, rubbing his eyes. “It's seven in the morning” I tell him, walking to the closet and took out a towel.

You do know we don't get in until nine, right?” he catches the towel I toss him. “Yes but you need to get home and change” I explain before striding over to the side of the bed and press a kiss on his forehead. He rolls his eyes. Cute. I chuckle before exiting the room to make breakfast in the kitchen.

Yep. I definitely had a good night. Yawn.



Two glasses of orange juice and two plates, each having three pieces of pancakes and a bottle of chocolate syrup. Yes, I know it's not the luxurious breakfast he always eats. The sound of shower running stops and the door to the bathroom opens; I place the frying pan and spatula on the sink.

Gasp. I tense a bit as I felt my hips being held “Please tell me you're wearing pants” I mumble, taking in a deep breath and heard a chuckle from behind.

Yes I am, should I take them off?” Oh god... I puff out a breath and turn around “No, keep them on. Breakfast?” he pushes himself off and takes a seat. Pants: check. Shirt... I look down on what I was wearing. Oh. Eherm... “Aren't you gonna eat?” he asks as he picks up the fork; “Just a sec” I tell him before zooming to my room and change, bringing out his shirt with me afterwards and gave it to him.

I take my seat across him; he looks up from his plate.

What?” I question.

Kris puts down his fork and picks up his glass of OJ to take a sip “This is nice” he says looking around. Huh? “What is?”

This...” he puts down his glass “Waking up and having breakfast, like in those movies, you know” he smirks. I take a piece of pancake into my mouth and he speaks some more “Married couple stuff” and I choke.

He snaps his head up and hands me my glass of OJ; I take a sip and lightly punch my upper chest to drown the coughs. Is this what it looks like? “Sorry about that” I mumble after the coughs leave me. He puts on a playful smile and keeps staring at me.


You wanna get married?”






























Did he just... propose?

Kris, you're going too fast again”

He snorts out a laugh and hangs hi head low as he continues to emit laughter “Sorry, just testing you...” I pout “I can do way better than that” I let out a quiet breath. He seriously shouldn't joke about those kinds of things.

For a second there... omo. He almost gave me a heart attack.


(LOL, me when they said I have to swim because I don't know how to swim)

Anyway, class tomorrow :'( NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! And I got the 7:30 classes too :'(

And I get out of school at 7:00 in the evening /creys some more/

and the end is near /creys even more/ just a few more chappies loves and it's onto the sequel. Yes /nods/ there's a sequel as you have wished but I'm still contemplating on its title. Hmmmm. But the story is really drafted already, just a few scarps I mean.

Anyway, the story is nearing 800 subbies! 200 + upvotes and over a thousand comments! Sorry for not updating, if you may have not known, there was a super typhoon and power was out for two days and so was the internet. Mianhe you guys.

Kamsahamnida for all your patience, the subbies, the overwhelming comments and ofcourse upvotes! KAMSA! <3

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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
1873 streak #8
Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???