London; Day One

Businessmen. Here, there, they were everywhere. So many men in tuxedos and such a few females in dresses.

Hana took a deep breath before she followed Kris and the rest of them into the lavish grand room. There was a podium on the little stage set up and a really huge round table; she didn't even know such a table existed. A tapping sound on the mic caught everyone's attentions and they all turned to the stage as a man, old but screamed power spoke, a language which Hana could not understand at all.

Welcome everyone, please take your seats and we will all begin” the man said. Hana just blinked her eyes in confusion. Suho walked to her side “You can take your seat on the side, Hana” he gestures his head to the tables on the sides of the large room. She nods her head and was about to walk off but Kris grabs her hand “No, you're sitting beside me”

Tao gives him a sigh “Kris, come on... let the girl breathe”

The CEO frowns at him but he merely ignores it and just walks to his seat. Hana turns to him with a small smile “I'll just be right over there” she tells him before letting go of his hand and walks off. Luhan chuckles and pats his shoulders “Really Kris, Tao has a point. Hold her down too much and she might want to run away”

The conference starts. What a grand conference it was. Company CEOs from all over the world were gathered in one place and they were representing South Korea. It lasted for around three hours, Hana couldn't understand anything and she couldn't meddle with anyone so she just sat there and patiently waited for the whole thing to end. While sitting there, she couldn't help but overhear Kris's name being mentioned quite a few times by some ladies.

She couldn't understand what they were saying but she was very positive that they were talking about Kris.

“CEO Wu is very handsome” a female said, a dreamy smile on her face. The lady sitting beside her nodded in agreement to what she said “Indeed, you think he has a girlfriend?”

Tch, a guy like that? Ofcourse not” the previous female rolls her eyes. “But I saw him holding hands with her” she discreetly gestures at Hana –who just looks away and pretends as if she wasn't paying attention- the previous female stifled a laugh and looks at her friend “Please, don't be ridiculous... him and a girl like her? Kris Wu can do so much better”


Okay, I may not understand English at all but I'm certain that whatever they are talking about, it's not a positive note. They've mentioned Kris's name quite a number of times and the other girl just gestured towards me, the way they look at me is getting me stressed. It's as if they're looking down on me and it doesn't feel nice at all.

Breathe Hana. Don't let them get to you. I tell myself. I just hope this ends already because I don't really like where I am right now. My head turned towards Kris when he broke his mouth open to speak, among all of the businessmen sitting around that table, he –along with my other bosses- seemed to be the youngest.

Still, I couldn't understand him but he just looks so attractive when he speaks.

Everything ends after a few more hours and everyone starts getting up from their seats. I got up from mine and approached them, they were conversing with someone, Kris mostly doing all of the talking. I smile and bow politely at the man and he gives me a smile; Kris places a hand on my back and pushes me a little forward so I was standing next to him

Girlfriend, Mr. Wu?Eh? What did he say? I keep a smile on my face. Kris gives a nod “She's my PA, Mr. Roberts... Kim Hana, she was previously the Head of Finance but then we had to make some changes” he seems to be explaining something. Suho chuckles “Kris thinks she's too good to fire, Mr. RobertsI'm confused, what? Well, I'm surprised. Looks like you've changed over the years, Kris. How's the chairman?” The small smile on Kris's face disappears and falls blank. He coughs to the side and clears his throat “Ah, he's fine... anyway, we have to go now, it was nice seeing you, sir

The man nods his head and they all exchange some more words and we leave.

Ah I'm heading back to the hotel to get some shut eye, what about you guys?” Suho asks as we stood outside of the entrance. Tao shrugs his shoulders but smiles “I think I'll go catch some Z's before I take my trip to Paris” What? “You're leaving for Paris?” I ask him. Tao nods “Yeah, Kris has to stay here for the remainder of the days so I'll be representing the company for a summit in Paris”

I'm gonna meet with some colleagues” Luhan announced then turns to Kris “Are you gonna be showing Hana around?” Kris pockets his hands “Might aswell; I'll see you guys later” they all give nods and said their goodbyes then got into respective cars leaving me and Kris.

Sigh. “Come on, let's go get some lunch” he says and guides me towards the car.



Hana was pretty quiet, she looked bothered and to be quite honest, I didn't like it. Sooner or later, she might ignore me again. “Hana...” I call out to her and she looks up, as if she snapped out of her daze. She put on a smile; I'm not buying that. I put down the spoon and fork “What is it? Tell me, don't ignore me”

She swallowed hard.

I....” she begins then lets out a sigh. She told me about hearing about some things during the conference, she couldn't understand but she heard two females say my name a couple of times and were giving her bad looks. Ah yes, women and their envious nature. But seeing her look so uncomfortable wasn't pleasing.

God, give this creation of yours a mirror! She has nothing to be insecure about!

Well, you shouldn't be bothered by them” I tell her and continue eating. She gives me a childish pout “It's not as easy as you say” Sigh. “Hana... you really shouldn't be an insecure turtle”

She falls quiet and looks down on her plate, biting her lower lip. Don't do that... that's suppose to be my job. Wait... what? I shook away the thoughts. “Maybe you do have a flat chest” her eyes widen a little and she looks at me in disbelief “And you're a , and you're not always so tidy, neat and punctual and maybe you are not that pretty” Yes, that's all true. “But you made me fall for you anyway so you should be proud of that because no one and I mean no one has ever done that”

She blinks her eyes at me then slowly, a smile creeps on her face. She reaches a hand across the table and pinches my cheek; my eyes widened at the action and I smacked her hand away but she just laughed. I looked around us. Phew, Kris Wu cannot be seen like that! “Hana, don't do that again” I hiss but she continues to laugh.

As cute as you look right now, you seriously shouldn't do that again. I puff out a breath.

Thank you” Huh? I turn to her and she was smiling quite brightly “You really have a way with words, Mr. Wu”

Okay... that made my cheeks go red.




Kris was no stranger to London but Hana was.

He couldn't help but be dazed by her face whenever it lights up in amazement. How could someone be so bright despite such a dark past? They've never talked about their pasts so he never knew, she didn't know about hie either but she didn't seem to be intrigued by it. But Kris was...

I want to know... everything about you, Hana.

Here” he hands her one of the apple drinks and takes a seat beside her. Hana mumbled a thanks and took a sip; they've been going around the place for around three hours. Kris showed her a lot of things about London and said a thing or two; they were both resting at a park.


Kris let's out a sigh and leans back casually. “Hey Hana...”

Hm?” she asks, not looking up from sipping her drink. “What was it like... growing up?”

She stops sipping on her drink and looks at him in wonder; Did he just ask me about the past? Kris doesn't look at her though, he just looks at the ground, waiting for her to speak. Hana swallows her drink and looks up to the sky.

My childhood was happy...” she smiles.

Hana was often teased at school as a child. She would always come home crying to her mom and it broke the lady's heart. Hana, being their only child, was very dear and special to them. Mrs. Kim was told by the doctor that she couldn't bear a child, she was devastated but then by some miracle, she got pregnant and Hana was their gift from heaven.

That's why they always cherished her.

Her father always cheered her up, he always told her to smile. Smile despite everything. They were an average family but they were happy. She grew up quite happy, a few friends here and there, they never lasted but it was better than nothing.

At fourteen, her mother began experiencing some health complications and passed away two years later because after her heart failed to respond further. Her father was so devastated by the loss that he mentally lost himself in the process of grief. He had stopped going to work and all he did was just lock himself at home. Hana could remember all the nights he spent crying; sometimes he would tell her stories and laugh with her but she knew that she had lost him.

Sometimes he would ask her where her mom is and she was afraid of telling him the answer because he might get angry and throw these tantrums. When she turned sixteen, she began to work because if she didn't, the two of them would become homeless and starve to death, she had to support her and her father and at the same time go to school.

Hana always smiled though. She would comfort her dad, make sure she was always there for him because she was still hoping he'd come back to his old self.

I asked help from my family relatives but... they all just shut me out” she chuckles. Kris was just quiet, he just listened.

Your father turned his back on us, the day he married your mother” Her aunt –her father's elder sister- coldly spat at her. “He's your problem and don't ever show your face here again” and shut the gate on her face.

Hana never snapped though. She just let it all flow through for years then at nineteen. She completely lost him.

I came home one night from work and... I found him in the kitchen” she swallowed hard “Hung up”

Kris's eyes widened as he looked at her. After awhile, she laughed and scratched the back of her neck “But hey, what could I do? As painful as it was, it beats having to see him live in misery and grief” she let out a sigh and took a sip of her drink. Kris swallowed hard. Hana puffed out a breath and turned to him as he looked away “What about you?”

He shook his head for a quick moment then cleared his throat.

Kris Wu is probably the most fortunate child born in the world. Born to the Wu heir and a daughter of one of the most powerful family in Korea at a time. He grew up quite happily during the first years of his childhood; when he didn't understand anything yet. When all that mattered were his toys and his mom and dad and him in the same house.

Kris always looked up to his father, they were close. Every weekend he would spend time with his son, to play basketball or soccer, he would spend time with his family and just be a father and husband. His mom didn't have much on her hands, she was often at home looking after Kris, so he was also close with her. Whenever he cried or felt down, his mom would always be by his side.

But nothing lasts, Kris had to grow up. From eleven years old onwards, his mom and dad's fights only became worst. His mom always explained to him that it was normal but she could not keep him innocent forever. He was slowly beginning to understand things.

Dad had a mistress and mom found out and I did too and everything just changed...”

His outlook on his father changed. The chairman's happy personality just became dull on Kris's point of view;

They filed for divorce and Dad took me away to Canada; Mom didn't do anything about it... she just watched”

Kris lived with his Dad and his mistress and their daughter –Stephanie- for some time. The two half-siblings didn't get along well. Things didn't go well between his father and his mistress and eventually the Chairman moved to China with Kris. That's where he met Tao; he was a next door neighbor and Kris spent most of his free time with him. He was also a son of his Dad's business associate.

At nineteen, Kris was introduced to Sonya.

He paused for a moment. Hana just stayed quiet. So... Sonya and him do go way back. She looked down on her feet. “So... you two had a past?” she asked. Kris puffed out a sigh.

Sonya and I got together because of arrangements; their company was on the verge of bankruptcy but... the Chairman found it to be a waste so he offered her dad a deal. Things happened between us both but... the feeling wasn't mutual” He ran a hand through his hair; Hana's grip on the plastic cup tightened “We were both supposed to be wed”

Hana swallowed hard.

Kris was willing to go through with everything; the Chairman made a deal with him that if he does so, he could go back to his Mom and he would never be bothered again. However, on the day of the wedding, just a few hours before he was going to church, a call came.

Yi Fan...” the sound of his grandmother's voice, cracking, made his heart stop. “Grandma?” his grip on the phone tightened. He couldn't believe it. His grandmother was calling him after so many years “H-how are you? Where's mom? Grandma?”

The lady on the other end sniffled and his smile dropped.

Grandma --”

Yi Fan, your mama is gone...”

And he just got on a plane with Tao and flew back to Seoul.

The chairman came for me and made me CEO; he was pissed ofcourse” He snorts an amused chuckle “I wanted to take everything away from him. His power, his riches, everything. I want to own Wu Enterprise completely so, him giving me the position of CEO was perfect”

The chairman thought he would be punishing his son by completely bombarding his life with work but Kris thought otherwise. He worked his off, day and night, building Wu Enterprise in Seoul, building his empire and eventually in just a few years time... Wu Enterprise became one of the most powerful companies, over riding the branch his father had in China.

The only thing left now was for Kris to become the chairman.

Hana was quiet for awhile. She turned to Kris and gave him a small smile “Thank you”

He raised a brow at her “For what?”

For trusting me” Kris blinked his eyes at her, he didn't really know what to say. Hana got up from the seat and held her free hand out to him. Kris took it without second thoughts and pulled him up to his feet “Come on” she said. He emits a low chuckle “What? You're gonna tour me now?” she shook her head “No, let's just go around”



I don't think I'll ever forget this trip.

Kris was smiling for most of the day and I couldn't be more relieved. I thought it was impossible for him to smile, I really thought he wasn't capable of doing so. He always seemed to serious and grumpy but now... Kris Wu, the Kris Wu is genuinely... smiling.

The sky was slowly darkening but he didn't seem to have plans of going back to the hotel.

Come on, let's go see a movie” he said, pulling me along somewhere. I was amazed to see so many people starting to gather at a place, there was white blank screen and an English movie was playing. He pulled me along to the back portion and we both sat down.

I couldn't understand what the actors were saying so I just watched, basing everything on their facial expressions. I don't know what the title of the movie was, I was just mindlessly watching, whereas Kris was concentrating.

Sigh. Kris turned to me “Something wrong?”

I put on a smile and shook my head; when we both turned our attention back to the screen, the actor and actress was kissing. Awkward. I looked around me and noticed some couples doing the same thing aswell. Double awkward. “I-is that okay?” I asked, still looking around.

When I turned my head, my eyes widened.

Kris had pressed his lips onto mine. He was... kissing me.

My mind completely went black. Do I push him? I ask myself as my eyes go drowsy. No, idiot. Says my subconscious. Then what do I do? One of his hands move and cup my neck, gently pulling me closer and my eyes just close.

Just let go.





It was close to midnight already and the couple were walking towards their hotel.

They were laughing under the almost empty streets, they had a little too much wine during dinner but they weren't too drunk. Hana was laughing at some childhood moment Kris shared, somewhere in the middle she fell onto the ground but continued laughing.

Hey, come on” Kris laughed in amusement, grabbing both her hands to pull her up “Get up” he told her and she did so. Hana continued laughing and so did Kris. “Wait a minute...” she told him, stopping for a moment then took off her heels. “Ugh, they're killing my feet” she grumbles and picks up the heels in her hand. Kris chuckles. Their breathing was visible considering the cold nights in London.

Hana, you'll get cold feet again” he warns but Hana only chuckles “You worry too much about me” she tells him with a chuckle as they continue to walk again. Their chuckles drowned out after awhile. Kris puffed out a breath “I don't want anything bad to happen to you”

Hana smiles at his remark but doesn't say a word.

Let's hurry, I wanna take a shower already” he says and pulls her along as they run towards the now visible hotel.

The two entered the building, Kris was typically ignoring the greetings being given to him. Everyone looked at the barefoot girl like she was crazy but the wine she drank made her careless. Kris pulled her into the elevator and pressed the button for their floor.

A yawn escaped Hana's lips and Kris turns to her “Tired?”

She nods her head and Kris chuckles. She was like a kid, adorable. Silence fell upon them both once again; Ding. The well polished doors opened and they both stepped out. Hana tripped a bit on the way but Kris was quick to wrap a hand behind her waist and held her firmly. She laughed at her clumsiness.

Sorry” she apologized. Kris kept his grip on her as they made their way to the door of their suite. “Are you falling for me, Ms. Kim?” he teases and she laughs. As they reach the door, Kris presses her onto the door, his hands falling on either sides of her hips. Hana smiles as her arms rest on his shoulders “Yes... very hard, Mr. Wu”

Kris chuckles for a while.


His face softens and his eyes lock wit hers, slowly he leans in and Hana's eyes fall close once their lips locked.




He freed one of his hands from her waist and fished out the card key from his pocket; he slide it in and opened the door, making sure to hold onto his girlfriend to keep her from falling back. Her hands ran through the hair on the back of his head and he leaned himself in much closer to deepen the kiss.

Hana broke apart for a moment but not two seconds later, Kris pulled her in for a kiss again.

Wait” Hana breaks away from the kiss, panting for air.

Hana...” he breathes out her name and gives her a small smile, one of his hands cups the side of her face and he tells her



//runs around and hits a wall.

OOOF. Aigo ~ I don't know what to write next, should I publish it? But Hana's too innocent! INNOCENCE! OHMAGAD! WHAT DO I DO NAAAAO?!  Well, whatever I may publish next, I hope you all forgive me if you hate it. I will apologize in advance


I'm sorry readers. I'm sorry if I cannot satisfy you in the next chapter.


NOTE: I won't be on tinychat today ~ mianhe. I can't update tomorrow either because I have to go to a land with no internet and won't be back until the following day. *BOWS* another chappie in a few hours tho :)

P.S. I'm close to 700 subbies, so many comments and almost 200 upvotes! Aigo, are you guys getting bored with my story already? :< Mianhe ~ Anyway, thank you guys! thank you so much!


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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???