Hana has been awkward the rest of the day. So many people came in and out of her office since Kris didn't want to be bothered, he had assigned her to take all of the incoming visitors. Her bosses asked her about the shirt and ofcourse, she had to explain while the normal employees of the company just gave her weird looks.

The sun had began to set by the time people stopped coming into her office.

Ring. Ring. She almost jumped at the sound of the phone, placing a hand over her chest she answered the machine “Yes, Mr. Wu?”

Be ready in thirty minutes, Ms. Kim” he said. She quietly breathed out a nervous sigh; “Yes sir”

He then hung up on her.


Kris is always on time. He's always on the dot, whereas I am not as punctual as he is, so here he was, waiting for me while I fix up my things before leaving.

“Hana, leave those... the janitor will take care of them” He groans, waiting by the door. Gulp. “A-aniyo, I like to know where my things are... just a minute”

To be honest though, I'm stalling. I'm buying myself some time because I really feel eerie about having dinner over at his place. There's something I'm feeling at the pit of my stomach and even though I can't put my finger on what exactly it is, it feels bad. My heart has been pounding in my chest ever since this afternoon; I continue to put things here and there, as slow yet as normally as I could.

Groan. I heard and rushing footsteps came; Kris took everything away from my hands, shoved my phone inside my bag and grabbed it then grabbing me aswell “Kr--”

“We're leaving” he firmly said, pulling me into the elevators and pressed a button for the basement with the hand that was holding my bag. Gulp. Hana, you must run... this is not good. But how could I? His grip is so firm yet so gentle. No don't run. Another side of me said; You might not regret things... this is Kris Wu, afterall.

The drive to his unit was quiet.

Neither of us spoke a word, he seemed tired whereas I didn't know what to say at all. I was too nervous, so nervous that my tongue got tied up. I must say a word... this is so awkward! Come on Hana, anything! I desperately thought for a subject. Something that would ease the tension in the air, or is just me feeling this tension? I steal a glance at Kris and he seems pretty relaxed.

“What's for dinner?” I blurt out. Ridiculous, is that the best you could come up with? My subconscious mocks me. Shut up... It's as if I could visualize this other self of mine, rolling her eyes at my comeback. I turn to Kris and he gives a small smile, a bucket of relief then gets poured all over me. “I don't know... what do you want?”

So... he invites me for dinner at his condo yet there's no food? I put on a thinking face “Meat would be nice” I smile at him and he lets out a sigh, he glances at me for a second then turns his eyes back on the road “Press seven on the business phone and press call, tell the guy on the other line to cook some meat” I blink my eyes for a moment but do as he says, as soon as I pressed seven, a name appeared: P. CHEF

“Hello... Yes, this is Mr. Kris Wu's PA ---”

“Girlfriend” Kris says and I fluster at the word. I turn back to the phone “Kim Hana, his --”

“Girlfriend!” Kris says a bit louder this time and I puff out a quiet sigh before speaking “G-girlfriend... and PA”

I exchange some words with the chef on the other line and eventually say goodbye. I turn to Kris and he had one of those childish frown across his face “What?” I ask him, placing the business phone back in my bag.

“Why do you sound so uncomfortable calling yourself my girlfriend, don't you like it?”

Okay. My eyes widened a bit. That surprised me. I look away, keeping my eyes on the road as well “I-it's not that... I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just adjusting” I explain. Yes, up until now I am still absorbing the fact that I'm his girlfriend. “You know...” he smirks and I turn to him “if you don't like girlfriend, you're very welcome to call yourself my wife

My cheeks go a deep shade of red and my eyes widened “Y-you really d-don't know how to slow down, d-do you?!”

Kris chuckles in amusement “It's just a suggestion, Hana”


Finally, we arrive.

Kris opened the door to his lavish home and turns on the lights in the living room; from the corner of my eyes, I caught a glimpse of the dining area and almost gasp when I saw candles. Ofcourse, a candlelit dinner. Kris tosses his keys onto the bowl beside the door; he walks further into the area and pulls up a chair, he turns to me “Well? Are you just gonna stand there?”

Gulp. I walk over to the table and take my seat on the chair he pulled up for me then he took his seat across me.

The food! Oh my, the food was just breath taking; there was steak, there was ham, there was grilled beef, mango milkshake, vanilla cake, vanilla pudding, mashed potatoes, champagne and kimchi rice balls. My stomach growled just at the sight of it all but being the shy girl I was, I let Kris move first and just followed.

I had completely forgotten about my nervousness once I indulged in the sinful taste of the vanilla cake.

“Hana...” I snapped back to reality and turned to Kris “Are you listening?” he questions, raising a brow at me. Has he been talking to me all this time? I blink my eyes and mumble an apology. He gives me a sigh then repeats himself “I said: we're going to London next week”

London? My eyes widened. Did I just hear him say... we?

“L-London?” he gives me a nod “Yeah, there's a conference there that I have to attend to and you being my PA, must come with me”

Okay, London sounds great and all but there's one problem “Kris, I don't have a --”

“It's already been taken care of, your Visa, passport and plane ticket are with me so all you have to do is just pack up for London next week, Wednesday” so, these are the perks of having Kris Wu as a boyfriend, huh? But who am I kidding? Everything's possible for him. All he does is just snap his fingers and like poof all his demands are given.

I'm so poor.

I bite my lower lip and look down on my food, a frown forming on my face. Everything is possible for him. And what can I do? What more can I give him? What do I give him for holidays, special days, occasions? What elese is there to give him that his money can't buy or his power can't give?

“Something wrong?” his voice rings through my ears and I look up, forcing a smile onto my face “Nothing... what time is it?” I ask, putting down the utensils and wiped off my lips with the table napkin. “Quarter to nine”

I put down the table napkin and get up “I have to go now” Kris seems taken a back and gets up from his own chair after wiping off his lips aswell. I grab my bag from the couch in the living room and head for the door “Hey, what's wrong?” I stop when he grabs my arm back. I put on a small smile before turning around to face him “Nothing, I'm just tired... I'll see you tomorrow, okay?”


I don't get it. She seems down all of a sudden.

Plans are gonna be ruined! Damn it! I got up from my seat and followed her as she grabbed her bag and made her way to the door. “Hey, what's wrong?” I held her arm back and she turned around with a tired smile on her face “Nothing, I'm just tired... I'll see you tomorrow, okay?” she then places a small peck on my cheek, taking me by surprise. That's a first.

And she was out of the door after that, I couldn't even move my feet. A heavy sigh escapes my lips, I ran a hand through my hair and walked to the living room, flopping myself down on the couch and took out my phone.

“Suho” I speak as he answers my call. I heard him groan on the other line and a female voice asking him who it was; The s fooling around again. “Ugh, hey man, what do you want?” he asks and I role my eyes, loosening up my tie “Damn, who are you ing now?” he chuckles on the other line and I hear shuffling movements; probably changing into some clothes “None of your business... now, what do you want?”

I sigh and throw off my tie to the side before getting up to my feet “My plans changed, Hana left me”

Whoa, break up already?” he asks and I growl lowly at his question “No, idiot. She just left after dinner” I tuck the phone in between my shoulder and ear as I carefully take off my jacket and toss it aside aswell. I got up to my feet and walked to the bedroom. Suho laughs on the other line “Damn. No !”

“Well, it's not like she's ready anyway... I wasn't planning on it!” Denial. Okay, so I was hoping that something like that would happen but I swear in the name of my beloved Ace that I did not plan on it! “Pfft. Yeah right...” the next thing I heard, a girl was cussing at him so I think he left her hanging. “Well, what were you planning?” I put the call on loudspeaker and toss my phone on the bed as I change my clothes “A nice dinner with my girlfriend”

Ah right, Kris Wu now has a girlfriend... Tsk, so I'm guessing you are not gonna go out and some random chick to relieve your ual frustration because Hana is different, right?” I slip on some shorts and a shirt before throwing myself onto the bed and grabbed Ace, setting him on my stomach “Hana is different”

I know, we all know that... no one could warm up Kris 'ing' Wu's heart like Kim Hana” I frown. Seriously, they have got to stop it with the proclaimed middle name of mine. “Anyway, she's coming with me to London” he puffs out a sigh on the other line “Yeah, I heard” I bit my lower lip as I Ace's back, the image of her soaked with coffee earlier had flown across my cloud of thoughts. “She has a nice pair of s... you know, for a ”

Suho was quiet for a while then bursts out laughing “Really? We're gonna talk about this?” a low grunt escapes my lips and I set the alpaca aside, sat up and grabbed the phone, disabling the loud speaker and pressed it onto my ear “She does!” Suho continues to laugh and I frowned “Ugh, I'm hanging up”

Yah! Sorry about that, it's just a first! Geez man, chill” he chuckles then puffs out a breath “So, she's able you say?” I frown some more “Yah, say that about her again and I'll cut your throat”

Feisty!” he teases “I'm hanging up” I end the call and toss my phone aside. I grab Ace once again and place him on my stomach. I puff out a breath “Papa's girlfriend looked so down earlier... what do you think is wrong with her?” I ask him.

It was weird for Hana to act that way all of a sudden; Did I say something wrong during dinner? Did I do something that she didn't like? I know she said she was tired but it felt like there was something else bothering her. Sigh. My eyes slowly became drowsy and a yawn escaped me, I kissed Ace good night before turning to the side and entered Dreamland.











He thought everything was going to be okay the next day.

Keyword: THOUGHT.

Hana was acting strange and Kris didn't have the slightest clue as to why, everytime he tried to ask her she would avoid the question and divert the subject. She would always keep herself busy and when Kris called her in to his office for his usual coffee and bidding, she would not stick around and just leave. When he would try to block her way, she would turn serious and he had no choice but to just let her go.

It was slowly frustrating him.

“Maybe it's that time of the month” Tao said. The two of them were sitting inside a coffee shop, they had just gotten done with a meeting and had decided to stop by before going back to the office. Kris let out a sigh and leaned back on his seat, his brows knitting together “You know how girls are... they get moody” Tao explains further, he takes a sip of his coffee. “I don't know...” Kris starts, bringing a hand to his face, his fingers massaging his temples “Damn man, I've never seen you fret about a relationship before”

He gives Tao a look “I'm not fretting” he defends. Kris picks up his cup of coffee and takes a sip of the warm drink “But I am serious about Hana” Tao chuckles in amusement “I can see that very clearly, Gege”

The two were silent for awhile then Tao spoke

“Look, you two are still on the getting-to-know stage, you're only, what? A month?” Kris nods his head “Just talk to her, you know... find the perfect moment for that, one where she can't run away but she won't feel trapped either”

He decided to take Tao's advice.

When they both got back to the office, he saw Hana laughing along with Kai as they entered the elevator. What the hell? Kris frowns, he just stared at the two of them. The doors closed in, his hands clenched into fists.

(Me kissing you because you must learn how to wait:))

Hello chingus ~ did I make you wait too long? Sorry about that :(

Anyway, here is Chapter 40 ~ aww, I smell disappointment but lovelies, you must wait. All good things come to those who wait, KEKEKE ;) Ready for London? You should be ;3

I can't update tomorrow by the way, I'm sorry for not giving you that update galore but I'm having a difficult time, writers block is to be a suspect! I miss chapternapping! WAAAAAH! I have to enroll tomorrow but I think I'll be able to publish a chappie, not sure ^^

Oh and um thank you for the continuous rise of le subbies, le comments and ofcourse, le upvotes ^^ KAMSA <3



On another note: Can you guys help me out? No, it's not spam or anything but it would really help me a lot if you click this link: LE LINK
It would really mean a lot to me :'D KAMSA <3
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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
1873 streak #8
Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???