Stephanie bid her friends goodbye as they reached the university gates and they went the opposite way. As she was about to cross the street, she saw a car parked on the other side and Kris was leaning against it. She blinked her eyes at him, suddenly getting nervous. She crosses the street and was about to walk past him when she suddenly felt a firm grip on her arm.

“Y-Yi Fan...” she looked at him, he was towering over her with a cold stare. “Can we talk?” he asked. Asked.


I knocked on Kai's office and went inside; I found him sitting on his desk, piling up little toy blocks, perhaps trying to make a tower or so that's what he seemed to be doing. “Ahem” he clears his throat and Kai looks up, his face suddenly getting painted over with a smile. I took my seat on the chair infront of his desk, crossing my legs as I lean back.

“What are you doing?” he asks Kai who had turned back his attention to piling up blocks. Why does he even have them here? He gave me smirk “Making a tower, what does it look like I'm doing?” So he is. Tsk. Still childish. “Do you need something, Yixing?” Yeah, I want you to send me to Hawaii if I lose to Chanyeol. I look around his office, humming in wonder “I just wanted to talk”

He scoffed. “What? Did Luhan kick you out of his office?” I rolled my eyes at him. “Luhan flew to Bali... anyway, it's about Hana” Kai chuckles and shakes his head “Did Kris score?” The hell?!

“Yah! Kai! Are you playing with her or something?!” he gives me a frown “Ofcourse not, Hana's too nice and innocent for my liking to be played with” Pfft. Casanova. “Why are you so worked up though, Lay... do you like Hana?” he asks in a curious yet teasing tone. I give him a sigh and leaned back on my chair “No, Kai... But I can't help but wonder, did you ask Kris to drive Hana home from the party?”

The tower of blocks fell and scattered, only half of them remaining on his table as the pieces fell onto the floor. Kai leaned back on his seat and sighed in content. So he built then high enough to fall and he looks satisfied? Crazy kid.

“I don't know... he seemed like the best option and besides, I know he likes her” he says, bringing his hands behind his head. “So... what are you? Acting as a bridge for the two of them?” Kai... I really want that trip to Hawaii. Kai laughed and looks at me as if what I said was absurd “No” he answers “I just wanted to show him what he's missing out on. Hana's one of a kind and by all means, I want her”

“In bed?” I raised a brow with a quizzical look. He picks up a piece to throw at me which I swiftly caught with my hand before it could hit my chest. “No! Right now, I just want her... like a girlfriend, you know? She seems like someone who could set me straight”

Don't get me wrong, Kris liking Hana is... a good thing since he has never fallen for anyone before and for him to fall for a girl like her is pretty ideal. I root for Kris and Hana, trust me that I do but it's the fact that he's too dense and stubborn to admit it that makes me think of the possibility that Hana might end up with Kai.

“Hana seems hard to get” I told him and he gives me a bright smile “And that's what makes her special! She'll be a challenge” I chuckle as I shook my head at him. I get up from my seat, buttoning my jacket and letting out a contented sigh “You really are a Casanova”

Kai raises a brow at me in confusion “Yah, why do you guys keep saying that?” a knock on the door interrupts us both and Kai calls for the person to come in. a female smiles at the two of us and gives a bow as she enters the room; I eyed Kai, giving him a silent answer and he sighs.

“Really Lay?” I nod my head and make my leave.




“Thank you” Stephanie thanked the waiter as the plates of food were served on their table. Kris sat across her quietly, staring at the table blankly. When the waiter left, he lifted his head to look at her. She didn't move in her seat and just stared at the plate of food infront of her. “Eat...” he told her.

Stephanie nodded her head timidly before picking up the chopsticks and began to do as told. Kris did the same but he only poked at his food.

“How are you?” he mumbles and Stephanie looks up in surprise. Did she hear that right? Did Kris actually ask how she was? She swallowed her food. “I... I'm fine, Yi Fan”

Silence. Kris continued poking his food, he took a deep breath. “How is school?”

She swallowed hard but put on a smile as she looks up “I'm doing well; Hana-eonnie checks on my every now and then”

Kris's grip on his chopsticks tightened at the mention of Hana's surname. Kris swallowed the lump in his throat before he let out a sigh and spoke

“I... wanted to apologize”

Stephanie froze in her seat and her lips began to quiver. She never knew that hearing him say such sincere words could touch her like this. For once, she didn't feel so alone after her mother's passing. Kris brows narrowed a bit. “I know what it feels like to lose a mother... so I understand your pain”

She hung her head low, not wanting him to see the tears in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away with her free hand and forced a smile “I-it's okay Yi Fan, I understand why you're so mad at me and mom”

Kris looked at her; a doleful expression on his face. “S-she didn't mean to break your family... s-she didn't know about you and Mrs. Wu” Stephanie smiled apologetically towards him. Kris looked away after an image of a certain someone smiling through the pain had appeared on his mind.

“How is Hana treating you?” he diverts the subject. Stephanie continues to keep a smile on her face “Hana-eonnie is really nice. She checks to make sure I'm okay and I call her whenever I need something”

Kris's expression softens. He found it amusing how Stephanie talked about her; So the nice attitude really is not just for show... to think that she was looking after his half-sister and at the same time making sure she meets her job's demands. Stephanie pauses after noticing the stolid expression on Kris's face.

“S-sorry, am I talking too much, Yi Fan?”

Kris looks at her and shook his head. “No, I'm just... thinking... can I ask you something?” Stephanie's tensed aura was slowly beginning to get comfortable. She was simply cherishing the moment that she never thought would ever happen. She was enjoying the company of Kris Wu, who for this moment acted like her brother. Her family.

She smiled and nodded her head.

“Have you ever... liked someone?” he looked hunted. Stephanie tilted her head to the side at the question. It was rather strange to hear it coming from the ever-so-cold-and-powerful Kris Wu. She wondered for a moment and then nodded her head with a small smile after remembering her childhood crushes. “What....” he pauses for a moment, looking hesitant “What did you do about it?”

She suddenly realizes something: Kris has never liked someone before.

A light chuckle trails off from Stephanie's lips and she looked at him with searching eyes; “Do you like Hana-eonnie?” he leans back a bit at the question she had given him. Stephanie quietly waited for an answer but Kris only swallowed hard and shook his head.

“It's not her” he denies.

“But Yi Fan, she's the only girl we've been pertaining to in this conversation... who else could it be?” . Is she also related with D.O. Or something or am I just... Urgh. “Eat... Stephanie” he told her. She gives a wondering smile before nodding her head and they both ate.


I fixed myself, tucking away stray strands of hair behind my ear before I took a deep breath and entered the board room where everyone was waiting. I took notice of the empty chair at the far end of the table opposite to where I was standing. Kris is missing.

Tsk. I mentally slap myself. Stop that Hana! I smile and greet everyone a pleasant afternoon. Kai gives me an encouraging smile as the lights go dim and the projector was . I was about to speak when the door opened and the devil had entered. Everyone turns to him, he gives an acknowledging nod at the investors and takes his seat. “I got caught up with lunch, please continue... Ms. Kim”

Gulp. Even so... it feels as if I've become sensitive towards him after that... Hana, focus. I cleared my throat then began with the presentation. So far, so good, everyone was listening and the investors look more than convinced. Good thing they had translators with them because I at English.

“Questions?” I ask in the end.

The investors discussed among themselves; all my bosses were in the room except for Luhan, who according to Lay, had flown to Bali for a business transaction. One of the investors from the States raised his hand and I gave a nod

As the Head of the Finance Department, would you authorize us to tap into files of our investment?Err. What did he just say? My heart races all of a sudden. I break my mouth open to speak. Broken English... forgive me Wu Enter -

Ms. Kim is under me, sir. I give all authorizations; we keep all files confidential, you will be given reports but you cannot see what's under black folders. Confidentiality reasons.Gulp. Kris answered for me. The investors nodded their heads in understanding and the meeting ends with handshakes.

As I was gathering the folders from the tables, I felt a hand on my lower back making me spring up all of a sudden. Kai chuckles and smiles at me “Someone's jumpy”

I cast him an apologetic smile. He retreats his hand and pockets them, everyone else was busy with the guests. “Do you need something, sir?” I ask, pressing the folders onto my chest. “Yeah, I wanted to ask if you want to get coffee with me downstairs?”

I look around and saw the group still busy exchanging conversations. Strange... I thought I felt someone burning holes on my back. I turned back to Kai and nodded my head “Sure” a triumphant smile is painted on his face and he holds out his hand for me to take. I chuckle. Sweet. I grab his arm and we both make our way out of the board room.


The coffee shop was nice. It was lavish and the coffee was expensive; at first I was hesitant to come in but Kai insisted that he would be treating me and he made me guilty about how many times I've rejected him for coffee and hurt his feelings so I stayed. He was nice to talk to, he told me a lot about his friendship with the rest of my bosses, how he grew up with a happy family and his ambitions in life. He was the complete opposite of Kris.

Cold, blunt, arrogant... Hana... you're thinking about him again.

“So, what about you?” he asked, taking a sip of his coffee. I blinked my eyes in surprise; what do I say? I live a pretty boring life. Tell him about how you speak to a billboard. Shut up subconscious. “I... I don't know... I don't think I have anything interesting to say” I sheepishly smile.

“Come on Hana... family?” I look down. Kai seems taken a back as he realizes. “O-h... Sorry, I didn't... I didn't know, Hana. I ---” I give him a bright smile “No, it's okay...”

Kai gives me an apologetic smile. I broke my mouth to speak in hopes to brighten up the mood as I think back on an old memory “I used to be a big cry baby, you know” I smile at him and he gives me a laugh; Kai raises a brow at me “Really?”

I nod my head. “My classmates back in elementary always teased me and I don't think there was ever a day that I didn't cry” I take a quick sip of my coffee that was slowly growing cold in my cup “But my dad always brightened it one way or another, everyday he would come home from work bringing me and my mom flowers and candy” I smile at the memory

“He would always give me those lollipops with smiling faces and it made me feel better”

Appa, I want to be strong but I keep crying... I'm weak

The man smiles down at me and pats my head. He gives me a sigh.

People who cry are not weak, people sometimes cry because they've been strong for too long. But do you want to know what strong people do before they cry?” I blink in wonder as I shake my head. He pointed to the smiling lollipop in my hands “They smile. Strong people are the ones who smile even though they are in pain

It was only when I had lost them that I truly knew what my dad meant. “Hana?” I look up and quickly apologize for dazing out. I laughed sheepishly at my stupidity. I felt myself tensing up when Kai held my hand. My cheeks became immediately flushed.

“Do you want to have dinner tonight?” I fluster even more. If that's even possible. “S-sir?” Kai chuckles. I look down at my hand and saw his on top of it; I swallowed hard and the scene of how Kris pulled me in for a... Hana... No. I put on a small smile and nod my head slowly.


Kai breathes out heavily and wipes imaginary sweat away from his forehead in a comical manner as I laugh “For a second there, I thought you were gonna reject me! But anyway... I'll pick you up from your office at... seven?”

I nod my head.


Thirty-seven... thirty-eight... thirty-nine... a knock comes and I glare at the door. Forty seconds, late. I call for the person to come in; the doors opens and Hana steps inside, trying to keep her breathing steady. “I'm sorry, Mr. Wu... I left my phone in my off ---”

“Where the hell were you?” I question her, my voice demanding answers to be given. Hana swallowed hard “Mr. Kim Jongin asked me to get coffee with him down the block, sir” my brows narrow. Coffee, huh? I click the pen in my hand continuously. I stared at her with a scowling look and she shifts uncomfortably where she stood. Fire her, while you still can... Kris.

No... I can't. Not anymore. “Ms. Kim, I believe I warned you that if you and Kai are to be romantically involved, you will lose your job.” she stands stiffly and nods her head “Yes sir but Kai--- Mr. Jongin and I are not romantically involved... it was just coffee, sir” she explains. And you better not be. I toss the pen on my table and get up from my seat. I walked over to Hana, who suddenly tensed up, I loomed over her figure and her eyes cowered.

“Don't ever break your word... Hana”


LOL, epic shaking time! Sorry if it took too long, I was supposed to post this 2 hours ago but the power went out and I haven't charged my laptop and there was no internet and I sang MAMA to pass the time :3

P.S. Writing the next update :) give me 4 or 5 hours :)

Thanks for the upvotes feelmysoulomgitsanblackwings17Neighbourhood96 aro1223  and for all the comments and new subscribers! :)

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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
1873 streak #8
Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???