She fixed herself and took one last look at her reflection on the glass window behind her desk, the view it held was now dark and the city of Seoul was glistening with lights. She's been anxious about the dinner and now, she was only waiting for the host to knock on her door.

The clock hits 8 PM and a knock comes on the door. Hana grabs her back and rushes towards it, opening it with a smile.

“Good evening, sir” she greets him. Kris gives a sigh and pockets his hands as he tilts his head to the side, looking at her “Ms. Kim, I believe we had an agreement on calling me with formalities when we're off work” Hana blinks her eyes and her cheeks turn red as she remembers. Omo. She bit her lower lip but Kris doesn't take action, instead he let's it slip by “Never mind, I'll let it go for now considering we're going to be late” he looks at his watch before taking her hand and pulling her along.

Hana was surprised by what he had just done but nevertheless, did not protest. For tonight, she has decided to just let go and see what it feels like.

If it turns out well... I'll know. Get ready, Hana. She thinks to herself.

“Where are we going?” she asks as they both reached the underground parking lot. Kris reached his free hand into his pocket and took out his car keys, pressing a button and the black car beeps, unlocking itself. “Somewhere” he answers, opening the passenger's door for her and she slips in.

“Can I have a clue?” she looks at him as he straps himself in the driver's seat and starts the car; a playful smirk latches onto his lips “Sure but there's a price to pay for the clue” he looks at her. Hana laughs and shook her head “Always so business-like” she comments and Kris drives.

The drive wasn't awkward, unlike the past few times that she had been alone with him inside a car. It was silent yet peaceful. A thought suddenly comes across Hana's mind and she turns to Kris “Hey....”

He takes a quick glance of her “Hm?”

“You've been smiling a lot lately” curves. Kris raised a brow at her set of words “Have I?” he asks and she nods. A soft curve plays on his lips “Then I should thank you”

Hana gives him a puzzled expression “Eh? Why? What did I do?” she asks, her voice emitting all the known innocence in the world and he found it adorable. To think someone innocent still existed at an age like hers. He gives a sigh and tells her “You're so dense, Hana”

“Am not” she pouts in disagreement and defends herself “I'm just slow, that's all”

Kris then diverts the subject “How are things going with the department?” he didn't want to talk about work but seeing as though there was nothing else to talk about, he took the bargain. “Just fine” Hana sighs inwardly, trying to hide the tiredness in her voice. She smiles as she turns to him “Everything's going fine”

“Ms. Yang's not giving you a hard time?” he asks and she shook her head “Not at all, she's really nice”

Kris rolled his eyes. Yeah right, I'd be extra careful if I were you. He gives a small sigh “Don't trust people too much, Hana” he warns her in a subtle manner. “I'm being careful” she smiles at him in assurance.

Finally, they arrive at a cinema to which, Hana looks at him in question. “I thought we were going to get dinner?” Kris locked his car with a press of a button before pocketing his keys. “We are...” he said as he walks off first with Hana following after him.

“But isn't this a cinema?” she asks and Kris felt a wave of surprise at the fact that she still couldn't catch on. “It is... you've never been here before?” he asks her, raising a brow and she shook her head “Saw this a couple of times but I've never actually went in” they took the elevator and Kris pressed the button for the top floor. Atleast she's comfortable now, not awkward at all. He takes notice.

“Are you hungry?” he asks as the small screen reads 5. “Not really” I'm too nervous to feel freaking hungry. Aigo! Am I really gonna do this?! She quietly gulps. Kris mentally prepares himself as the slow four walled compartment climbs to it's final destination.

Trust me, hyung. After tonight, you will etch yourself onto Hana's mind permanently

Ugh. Why the did I trust Sehun again? Jesus Christ, this is nerve-wrecking. Finally, the elevator comes to a stop and Kris readies himself for what was on the other side, despite Sehun giving him a blurred line of what the set-up was, it was different seeing it first-hand.

Hana's eyes widened.

Special things for a special girl”

Xiumin's voice runs through her head and may she just say that she has never felt so special... until this evening.

Various kinds of roses were everywhere, lights dangling here and there, rose petals scattered on the ground, and as for the highlight: a candle lit dinner table for two on the very middle. There was no one else there except for the two of them. Kris hid his surprise; how Sehun managed to pull this off, he didn't know but one thing's for sure. I was right to trust him after all.

Hana took in the sight. She slowly let herself absorb the reality before her. This is a dream, right? I'm dreaming... she swallows hard and her fingers move. No... Hana, you're not dreaming. A warm hand takes hers and she turns her head a bit to the side and saw Kris with a small smile on his face. Budump. Budump. Her heart went.

He lightly pulls and her feet walks. As soon as they reach the table, he releases her hand pulls up the chair for her but Hana doesn't sit and a worried look gets painted on her face. His smile fades and he feels himself tense up

“W-what's going on?” she asks sounding nervous, looking around as if suspecting that this was a set-up. “This is dinner” he tells her.


I'm scared.

I'm scared of all of this. I'm scared of the feelings that are churning up in my stomach, the feelings that disturb the once non-existent butterflies, the feelings that make my heart beat fast and the feelings that my brain has warned my heart about. This was all too good to be true and I don't want to believe a single bit of it because I know that once I do, once I give in, I'm bound to get hurt.

And hurt I've felt once, hurt I never want to feel again.

“No it's not... it's not just dinner” I tell him, my voice shaking a bit. He gives me a hunted look “Hana, what are you talking about?”

I close my eyes for a brief moment and let out a groan “Aigo ~ why are you doing this?” I ask as if almost pleading him to give me an answer. I open my eyes and look at him with sad questioning eyes. Why Kris? Why me? I know that I said I didn't want to forget my first kiss, that I wanted to keep the memories. I know I was hurt when he let me walk away, he hurt me thrice in a row for different reasons and I know I thanked him for letting me keep everything between us after some time but I didn't and never remembered to have said that I wanted him to do all this.

I just wanted the memories but now he was giving me something that's much more.

Kris Wu was changing for someone and as boastful as it may sound, he was changing for me. Of the six billion people in the world, he was changing for someone that doesn't even come close to his way of life.

I felt tears well up in my eyes and I look away, looking up and wiping them before they could fall “Aigo ~” I quietly sniffle before turning back to him.

A chuckle escapes his lips and I look at him with a pout. Is it funny that I'm crying? He looks up and bites back his lower lip, suddenly making me fluster at the action. Gulp. He walks closer to me and I keep my eyes on him, if ever he tries to pull something, I'm ready for it. No way are you gonna surprise me with your lips again! Kr---

“Omo!” I shriek a bit as his one arm snakes around my waist and pulls me closer making my blush go one shade darker. My hands land on his chest upon reaction and one side of his lips curve upward “Are you that flattered?”

I don't say anything and just looked back at him with a nervous look plastered on my face. His hand squeezes my waist a bit and words come out of my mouth

“I'm just scared” I say too quickly but he catches on. He raises a brow in amusement “Of me or of us?”

A lot of things even! I look away. His free hand takes one of my hands and he raises it up to the side a bit just on shoulder level and fits his fingers between the spaces of mine. “W-who isn't scared of you?” I mock and he smirks.

“You're right... I am the Kris Wu afterall” Okay, now you're just being cocky. Hmph. “But...” he pauses, keeping his stare on me and I slowly lift my face to look at him in curiosity “But what?”

He gives me a soft smile and the devil had disguised himself. The wolf hid under a sheep's wool.

“But you shouldn't be afraid of me” Gulp. “W-why not?” his smile slowly fades and he just looks at me. The kind of look you give someone when you are intrigued by them, when you adore them, when you... like them. That was that kind of look. “Because you've scared me far more than I've scared you”


I frown a bit. Are you trying to say that I look like a monster? He chuckles as if he has read my thoughts; he places my hand on his shoulder and lets his arm join the other behind my waist.

“May I inform you, Kim Hana, that Kris Wu never gets jealous, never gets nervous, never smiles, never laughs not even a chuckle, never feels weak, never feels excited, never feels like giving a and most definitely never feels head over heels for a woman”

“So?” I raise a brow. He chuckles “But you... you had erased all the 'never's”

My mind goes blank at his words and I feel much scared now than I was before. I had proved myself right... he is changing. Gulp. I close my eyes and breathe out before looking down.

“So, you're changing?” I ask, just to be sure. I need to hear the answer. Please... “Change is inevitable” he answers. True. “What do you really want?” I whine lowly, defeated by everything. Defeated by his words, his being, him in general and myself.

“You...” Kris... No. “Just you and no one else”

“You'll hurt me and I'll hurt you... it will be bad” I warn. Change your mind Kris. My mind tells him but another half of me was holding onto him. “I know but I will still want you”

I bit my lower lip. Damn.

“I don't want to get hurt” I tell him.

“I can't promise I won't but I'll do everything in my will to keep you away from it”

Kris, you're making it hard. “Not everyone will understand... not everyone will be happy if we end up together”

Kris was quiet for a moment. Should have known... I bite back the sigh threatening to escape my lips.

























“ what everyone else thinks. I want you and only you.”

Hana... are you sure about this? I look up at him, all of my doubts vanishing into thin air. Yeah. I'm sure. “When will you stop wanting?”

“I won't ever stop wanting, that I can guarantee you so long as I breathe"

“You'll stop wanting something when you have it...” I tell him and he gives me a sigh “Well you're not something and maybe I will stop wanting you but by then there'll be something else I'll feel about you”

“You're making this ----”

“I'm not gonna let you walk away again, Hana... never again and I'll always want you”

His eyes, once so dull and cold were nor filled with something else. A glint of something that one never expects from Kris Wu. I'm definitely sure.












“Then I'm yours”



WOOT! One more plate to go and it's FREEDOM! It's updates galore! WOOT!

Hmmm, a lot of you have been asking if Fang Yin is Kris's daughter and so here is the answer. Click the link if you do so want to feed your curiosity and spoil the story =_____=


*SIGH* Anyway, OHMMAGAD over 13,000 views, 400 plus subbies, 600 + comments and 130 upvotes :'D

you guys really are the best, thank you so much! I shall do better in the next chapters, please anticipate the revelations and the awaited kekekeke; If the story reaches 150 upvotes, maybe I'll give you guys a thank you gift, shall it be the link to that preview? Kekeke :)

Kamsa! <3


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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???