Night settled in and London lit up.

It was a beautiful sight to behold from Kris and Hana's hotel room, however, there she was... laying down in bed at nine in the evening, it was quiet, dark and she was alone. They had gone to get dinner with the other earlier and afterwards they decided to go around and get some drinks, Hana didn't come along saying that she would rather rest.

The reality of it was, she was just feeling down about her and him.

Sigh. She sat up in bed and ran her hands through her hair. I should apologize... Yeah, that's what I'll do. Just as she got out of bed to get a glass of water, the door clicks and it opens. Kris entered looking tired and a little flushed but he still stood on his feet and walked properly.

“Kris” she called out to him, surprised that he got back so early when she was expecting him to be back rather later. “Hm...” he mumbled, flopping down on the couch and ed the first two buttons of his black long sleeved shirt.

Okay Hana, now's your chance. She takes a quiet breath and broke open to speak “C-can we talk?”

He pauses for a moment then leans back on the couch, bringing a hand to his face, his fingers then start massing his forehead. “There's nothing to talk about, Hana” Hana clenches her hands and bit her lower lip to keep it from quivering, her brows slowly narrowed down on each other “Y-yes there is, I-I want to know why you're acting like this”

A heavy sigh escapes the young CEO's lips “It's late, Hana... go back to slee --”

“No, Kris; I want to know why --”

He kicked the coffee table and it moved, it's wooden legs screeching against the marble floor as it leaves the white carpet underneath it. Hana flinches and her eyes widen in shock; Kris stands up and looks at her, face full of rage and frustration “You wanna talk? Let's talk” his voice was so calm and collected though. Hana remains standing there, she looks at him, a hurt expression crossing her face.

“W-why are you like that?” she whimpers but it only feeds his anger “Why the are you so naive? Huh, Hana?”

She bit back her lip and looked down on her bare feet.

“You act all blunt towards me for a week, frustrating and confusing me then you go off laughing with Kai? The is up with that? And when you finally talk to me, you act like nothing ever happened! Now here you are and you wonder why I'm acting like this?! For sakes, Hana!”

She remained quiet as Kris continued to raise his voice

“You think you could just treat me like dirt all week and come waltzing in with a smile on your face and think that everything is okay? That nothing ing happened?! Tsk! Why didn't you just go with Kai in the first place? Clearly, you like him a lot than me, he makes you smile and all that crap anyway!”

She clenched her hands tighter, her knuckles turning white. “Yah...” she stars but Kris doesn't hear her out “You're not gonna me over Hana, if you wanna break up because you made a mistake then just say so, don't go around --”

“I WAS DOWN, OKAY?!” Kris stops and blinks in shock. Hana looks up and he was greeted by angry tears streaming down her face; his heart softened and broke bit by bit at the sight. Hana... d-don't cry. But he could only swallow hard.

“I'm an insecure and pathetic human, okay? I was down because I know that I couldn't give you anything of great value because you have everything under the palm of your hand... do you know how frustrating and degrading it is to know that you can never give someone anything else because they can afford it on their own? You're so rich and powerful that you can have anything you want while as I'm the opposite and there's nothing else that I can give you that your money can't buy or your power can't provide!” she wiped the tears for a moment “Kris, I want to give you everything, to make you happy, I want to give you so much but I can't and it frustrates me a lot... and Kai? I was seeking his advice because I couldn't turn to you that moment because I just couldn't and I needed a friend to talk to but here you are...”

She swallowed hard “All jealous... It was never my intention to act like nothing happened... I wanted to apologize but you never gave me a chance to do so and mind you but break up is the last thing I want to do”


Neither of them spoke; Kris was too shocked to move. Hana looked away and wiped her tears before turning on her heel, her back now facing him “Sorry, Kris... if I hurt you in some way, I'm sorry”

She then walks back to bed and buries herself under the thick sheets, on her side of the bed. Kris stood in the living room, feeling pathetic, weak and guilty for making her cry. Frustrated by his outburst, he runs a hand through his hair and turns his head to the side, her figure lying down on the large bed. A sigh escapes his lips.


I found myself engulfed by sleep.

My dreams distracted me from the happenings of the evening and even though my heart felt heavy, I was still able to sleep well. However, I was not meant to sleep forever and I had to wake up. As sleep slowly leaves me, my eyes flutter open and the room was dimly lit. the rays of the sun failed to penetrate the curtains on the windows.

My soul returns to my body from dreamland and I feel something warm pressed onto my back and a weight over my waist. Looking down, I see a familiar arm and I could only guess who it belonged to. Sigh. I slowly shift, hoping to get out of the grasp but as I do so, the arm pulls me closer and I let out a little shriek of surprise.

I heard a groan coming from Kris. I frown.

“Kris... get off” I tell him, fully aware that he was awake; but he doesn't comply with my request and just tightens his grip on me “No...” he grumbles and my brows knit much closer together. “Kris, stop it, I have to --”

“I'm sorry” he apologizes and I pause, surprised by the words. Sigh. My body relaxes and I stop moving. “I was being a jealous jerk and I hadn't realized that you were feeling that way; I'm sorry for saying those words to you, I was angry and frustrated... I'm really sorry, Hana”

Silence fills the air. Neither of us speaking a word and we stay like that for some time; finally, I shifted my body and turned around so that I was facing him. He doesn't look at me but he looks elsewhere, even so... he looked hurt and he looked like he was regretting everything. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer

“It's okay” I tell him. We're both at fault anyway. “I'm really sorr --”

I look up at him “It's okay” I repeat my words again and give him a smile. Finally, he returns it and it was as if a huge boulder was taken off my back. My chest felt light and my clouded mind became clear.

However, as nice as it was to stay in bed and cuddle, business calls and Kris had to be at a conference today.

I was laying out his tuxedo to wear today, the man was born to wear these things. Kris was in the shower at the moment; I laid out my own clothes to wear aswell. A knock came on the door and room service served breakfast. I just smiled at the service boy, not knowing what to say since my English was not that well off. When he was done setting everything down by the table in the dining area, he left quietly. Sigh. I should really work on my English.

Wu Enterprise is a world-class company afterall.

“English coffee” my eyes sparkle at the cup and I pick it up to take a sip. Mmm ~ so different. It's true what they say: you appreciate coffee if you drink it somewhere significant. I have every right to say that I have had coffee in London.

I heard the bathroom door open and it only meant one thing, Kris was done and it's my turn to take a bath. I put down my cup of coffee and make my way to the bathroom but I was stopped when he appeared by the bedroom doorway.

“Oh my gosh!” my hands cover my eyes; he was wet and topless. “What?” I could picture him raising a brow at me but I don't dare take a peek. “N-nothing, j-just put on a s-shirt” I said before quickly running for the bathroom and slam the door shut.

Budump. Budump. My heart went; I lean back on the door. Knock. Knock. Gulp. “Y-yeah?”

“Are my abs that beautiful for you to be blushing?” What kind of question is that?! Okay, they are glorious, I haven't seen anything like it before and yes, he's my boyfriend but does he really have to ask me such a question? Kris Wu you are crazy! Aigo! “I-I'm taking a s-shower now!” I heard him chuckle in amusement on the other side. Shower. Shower. Shower. Sigh, don't think about him, Hana just... shower.





“A thousand pounds says that they both made up” Suho says confidently as they wait for the two to come downstairs. Tao rolls his eyes at him “Really, we're gonna make a bet about that?”

“I'm in” Luhan chimes with a bright smile and leans back on his seat. The elevators make a sound and the doors open; the three turn their heads and the two come out. Kris looked like he was in a bright mood; Tao's eyes widen in bewilderment upon seeing Hana. They all got up. “Let's go?” Kris asked but the three seemed to have been in a daze at his PA.

She was wearing a little black dress with lacey long sleeves and turtle neck; it hugged her at all the right curves.

Kris frowned “Are we going or are you guys gonna stare at my girlfriend, all day?” the three snap their heads at his English question. “What?” Luhan asks a bit dumbfounded. It's not that they don't speak English, it's just that when Kris speaks, he speaks too fluently and the words seems to rumble up. A sigh escapes the prime CEO's lips and he heads for the main doors that the guards open for them.

Luhan takes out some bills with a sigh and hands it to Suho --who smiles.

They get into individual black cars and this time, Kris takes Hana's hand and pulls her along. Tao sighs in relief; Atleast they made up.... now, it won't be as awkward. Phew.




The day in London is just getting started.

(That is how the driver feels while he drives Kris and Hana. LOLJK :3)

Hi chingguth! :3

Day One in London will be published tomorrow; it's 9:14 PM where I am. I'm sorry if I can't reply to all of your comments, I don't want you to think I'm a snob, so sorry :<

But anyway, I gained so many friends here lately and I'm so thankful that someone's reading this story, I really didn't imagine it would gain this much views, comment, subbies and upvotes so thank you very much! Anyway, since I can't update another chapter tonight --I'm still thinking of what to write- let's all talk :)

I'm on TinyChat and I'm really bored but feeling so... uhm... answer-ie? I think I'll answer your questions and even throw in some bits about what lies ahead on Chapter 43 kekeke ~ also, I'll be taking suggestions. shall we exchange ideas? I really want to get to know you guys, you've been keeping me company jsut so you know and you've been the best ^^

Shall I give a reward? What shall it be? How about a little cut-up from the chapter? Yes, it is already written and I'm only waiting for the precise moment to publish it :) Kekeke ~ shall we talk?


come on don't be shy! I swear I'm not a snob :)

P.S. Thank you subbies for the comments, views and upvotes! To the silent readers, thank you aswell! You guys are the best! <3


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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
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Chapter 36: t-two wu's???