Day Three.


It's harder than I thought. I've gotten used to her company so soon and now that she's off-limits, I can't concentrate on my work. Sigh. Get it together Kris. I breathe out as I swivel my chair around and face the city of Seoul.

Just what the hell are you up to, Chairman Wu?

I find it strange that of all the people he could send over here, it just had to be her. No wonder she's here, she has a purpose after all but even so... having her near is... bothersome. I never thought a day like this would ever come. I thought she'd be married off to someone else after that.

Kris? Where are you, everyone is waiting here ---”

I'm not marrying her” I tell Tao and his eyes widen at what I had just said. “G-gege, you have to sho ---”

I'm not showing up” I take off my tie and throw it aside before grabbing the bag on top of my bed and the keys to my car. Tao swallows hard “W-what am I suppose to tell your Dad?”

A sigh escaped my lips as I head for the door “Tell him I'm going home or better yet, don't bother tell him anything at all” I turn the knob and begin to walk out, down the lavish hall and the flight of curved staircase. A white car was waiting outside yet I only walked past the chauffeur and his eyes widen at me “Master Wu, where are you going?”

I open the door of the backseat of my own car and toss my bag inside before shutting “I'm going home...”

I opened the door tot he driver's seat and got in and just as I was about to drive, Tao opens the door to the passenger seat and gets in. “What the hell do you think you're doing, Tao?” he straps himself in the chair “Where you go, I go; No way I'm staying here and take your old man's cuss fit!”

As I drive us both to the airport, Tao raises a question “Why are you doing this anyway other than the fact that you don't want to marry her?”

I swallowed hard and my stomach dropped “Just because.”

Chairman was furious that day yet I never gave a single care. There was a far more important matter and other than that... I lost all care that day. That dreadful day.


My brows narrow at the sound of the voice. I didn't turn my chair around yet kept my gaze on the city outside my window.

“Who told you, you could come inside?” I ask, as cold as possible. “I want to talk to you... about Sonya”

And that dreaded name. I turn my chair around and face Sehun, who was now sitting down comfortably on the chair before my table. Legs crossed and arms on the arm rests. “What about her?” I ask.

“Aren't you gonna do anything about it?” As much as I want to... “No” I lean back further, making myself comfortable. Sehun gives me a concerned look “Why?”

Sigh. I reach for the laptop on my table and open it up “Because Hana doesn't have to know anything”

“So the rumors are true?” he gives me a quizzical look and I narrow my brows at the mention of the word 'rumors'; so, who's the bastard that I should be firing? “Rumors?” and all of a sudden, Sehun looked like he wished he had never even asked however, there's no running away now. “What rumors?” I press the question and he gives me a sigh of defeat

“That you and Hana are together; well, it's not exactly what you can call a rumor since Chen was the one who tol ---” a low growl escaped my lips “Why am I not surprised?” I give a sigh and bring a hand to my face, using my thumb and middle finger to massage my temples. “We're not together... yet”

Sehun snorts a chuckle “Aigo, so... anyway, why exactly must Hana not know about Sonya?”

“Because I don't know what's up her sleeve or the chairman's and besides, Hana shouldn't be bothered by any matters regarding Sonya and the past should stay in the past”

“But what if she finds out on her own?” I hope not. I ing hope not. “Then... I'll have to see what I can do; until then, keep Hana under the books, Sonya doesn't know anything more about her other than the Head of Finance and she doesn't know anything of Sonya other than the Financial adviser, got it?” Sehun nodded his head; he ran his fingers through his hair and puffed out a breath “Alright”

He got up from his chair and started for the door “Hey Sehun” I lean back and cross my legs and he looks at me over his shoulder “Hm?”

An idea pops into my head and I smirk “Do you have any idea what time Sonya gets off Hana's back?”

“Around three, why?” he shrugs his shoulders. “Do me a favor”

Sehun smirks “What do I get in return?” and I frown however, I sigh. I guess I'll have to get it over with anyway but what could he possibly want more? He turns around and faces me, hands inside his pockets “Chanyeol's leaving for Hawaii next week if you haven't been informed”

Seriously Sehun? He tilts his head to the side with a smile “I want to go with him, relax for a couple of days and I want you to pay for it” Sigh. “Are you ing ---”

Sehun cuts me off with a sigh and starts for the door “Deal!” Argh. Damn it. He turns back around and smiles brightly at me “What do you want me to do, hyung?”

No matter. After your little vacation, I'm gonna ing bombard you with work.



“Hana-ssi, might I suggest something?” Sonya looks up from the folders as she sat across me inside my office. As nice and friendly she was, she really knows when and how to get down to business and she was... so professional just like my bosses.

“Sure” I set aside my laptop. I still had my fair share of work and it's been quite hard keeping tracks of Wu Enterprise's on-going expenses, investments and net worth since I also had to do the same with the past ones for Sonya. “As Head of Finance, you have to make sure that there are less zeros on the expenses and more zeros on the incoming checks and one way to keep the zeros down is to ask for discounts indirectly” I nod my head as I continue to listen “A lot of people would give anything to gain everything and Wu Enterprise is a company that can give everything for anything; remember, the company can reject whoever and whatever so make an indirect demand”

Okay, I'm a bit confused. “Can you give me an example?” I ask and she gives me a nod with a smile “Example: put yourself as Wu Enterprise and someone... courts you –let's say that someone is YG Company- and don't guys who usually court girls, do anything to be their everything?”

I felt myself fluster as a certain someone flies through my train of thought. I clear my throat and gather thoughts together to focus once more. Sonya chuckles and I fluster even more “Aigo, did someone come to your mind? Hana-ssi, is someone courting you?”

I nervously laugh at her question “A-ah, don't mind me; I just remembered something, anyway what was that?” Sonya smiles brightly at me and continues to explain furthermore. “The thing is Hana, a woman is a man's Kryptonite; she can make a man go down on one knee” I smile when I finally understood.

The smile on Sonya's face softens and she looks down “Are you okay, Sonya?” I ask. She immediately shoots her head up and nods “Uhm... Hana, also keep in mind that a guy can grow tired, okay? Make fair and reasonable demands and don't make them wait for too long; remember, you may need them too” I nod my head with a small smile.

I won't forget that one. Knock. Knock. Our heads turn to the door “C-come in”

Xiumin pops his head inside with a smile “Hey!” he chimes, adorable as always. Just how old is he, again? He steps inside and walks towards us “Hello Minseok” Sonya greets him. He keeps the bright smile on his face and gives a curt nod “Hey Sonya, long time” he turns to look at me “Um, anyway, I came to talk to Hana-ssi, something private... is is okay if I borrow her for awhile?”

Sonya blinks her eyes “Oh um, ofcourse not; I have to grab lunch with someone anyway” Sonya turns to me with a smile “I'll see you back at one?” I nod my head and she gets up from her seat, makng her leave bidding Xiumin and I a 'goodbye'. I turn to Xiumin as the door closes “What did you wanna talk about?”

He grabs the back of his neck and puffs out a breath “Ah, I wanted to invite you to lunch” I blink my eyes. What? “What?” I voice out my thought. Xiumin smiles at me once more “Come on, it's not everyday I ask you out for lunch, no one would mind, right?” Is he hinting something? I swallow the lump in my throat “O-ofcourse not, um... sure, where to?”

His smile turns to a grin.



Hard Rock Cafe

I think I'll be spending half of my paycheck had Xiumin not said that it would be his treat. We both wait for our orders. He turns to me with a playful smile and asks “Hana-ssi, are you and Kris going out?” I shot my head towards him and he chuckles at my sudden reaction.

“N-no” I swallow hard. I take a sip of the water in my glass and set it down afterwards “Ah really? Can I court you then?” and I almost choke. What is up with Xiumin? “What? N-no!”

He tilts his head to the side in an adorable manner “Why?”

“Because there's ---” I stop myself before I could continue furthermore and he gives me an amused look “Ah, so there is someone!” He leans back and lets out a contented sigh “Don't worry, I was just kidding about the whole courtship thing... wouldn't want Kris to kill me; I know how he's so possessive” he smiles as I fluster. Possessive?

Our orders arrive and we both thank the waiter.

I ate quietly. “Hana” I look at Xiumin once more “Yes?”

He sets down his burger and takes a sip of his drink before speaking further “Have you had a boyfriend before?” I set down my food aswell and swallow. I shook my head in embarrassment. Ugh, he must think I lack a lot. Aigo. “Cute.” he chuckles and I look away to the side.

We were both in silence for awhile.

“What's Kris like?” What? I look at him in confusion. Shouldn't you know that better than me? “What do you mean?” he pokes the ice on his cup with the straw “He's inlove with you, isn't he? What's he like when you two are alone?”

Inlove? Isn't that too much of a term to use? “H-he's not inlove with me, Xiumin”

“Is he not?” he raises a brow “I think I know when a man is inlove Hana, I'm a man myself” he leans back on his chair and gives me a cocky look but I choose to ignore it. Instead, I give him a playful smile “They say it takes one to know one, you've been inlove before?” he laughs “Unlike Kris, yes”

Unlike? Kris hasn't been... my smile fades and I look at him in a questioning manner. He seems to have gotten the message because he then explained

“Kris Wu has never and I repeat never ever been inlove... until now, that is” he smiles at me and I fluster a dark shade of red. I should feel flattered, right? But... Sigh. Don't be so full of yourself Hana. It may only be temporary... or infatuation. I frown at the thought. “Even so... Kris can have any girl he likes, he could replace me in a day” I told him.

Xiumin breathes out audibly “Ah ~ women. You know, not every guy looks for a five foot ten perfect girl. They don't exist, women just create their own insecurity and no offense but, you have no right to think that Kris is that kind of guy just because he looks like it”

I look down feeling a bit guilty. I bit my lower lip.

“But Hana... what I say is true, he's never been inlove... until now” I look down on my food, my hands balling up. “I don't wanna get my hopes too high”

He's out of my league after all. Xiumin gives me a sigh “You do him good Hana; he hasn't fired anyone as often as he did back then after you came along; he treats you as special”

“I didn't ask for special treatment, Xiumin”

“And he didn't ask to fall for you, now did he?”

Silence. I swallow hard and he smiles at me. I've got it bad... so bad. I close my eyes as I let out a sigh “Xiumin ---”

Xiumin pulls something out of his pocket and slides something over to me “Special things for a special girl” he winks and lifts his palm revealing a small card. I raise a brow and pick it up from the table.

I fluster as I opened it up and read: Dinner. 8 PM. Stay at the office. -K
















How's Kris?”

Sonya smiles as she holds the phone to her ear and waves through the window “He's doing fine, sir... wasn't pleased to see me but he's fine”

The man on the other line let's out a breath “Good to know... well, you know what you have to do, Sonya-ssi” she nods her head.

“Ofcourse Chairman”


I just cannot resist it. I must update for you guys ~ but for sure, tomorrow there won't be any :( Wednesday is near, you can wait right? :)

I think three or four more chapters before the , are you all excited? I hope I don't fail at it. It'll be my second time to write a story ~ KEKEKE I'll do my best!


P.S. Thanks for all the subscriptions, comments and upvotes you guys :D I'm sorry I can't reply to all of your comments even thought I really want to but I read each and every one of them :)

Shall we play a GAME?

It has something to do with the chapter ;)

If you so agree to play the game, here is what it is called. If you play, you'll get to see a little preview of what's going to go down between Kris and Hana behind closed doors kekeke ~ It's called the HUNT.

On my facebook there's a link that leads to the preview of the chapter so if you want to feed your curiosity what you're gonna do is very simple. You can hunt down author-nim's facebook KEKEKE ~ you are not required to add me or follow or whatever it is they do all else on facebook because the post will be made public, all you have to do is look for me :D

So how on earth should you find me? Here's a trail of bread crumb:

Let's play a game about looking for a name; if you want to know what, then try looking up; It's here somewhere, look for it don't stare and when you do find it, you'll see... what would happen in bed; that is if you can find me ;)



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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
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Chapter 36: t-two wu's???