Wu Chun. 27 years old, President of Wu Banks stationed in Beijing, Sonya's husband, Fang Yin's father and... Kris's cousin.

Kris sat down inside his office across his cousin. There was dead silence in the air; awkward dead silence.

Everything sounded so ed up to him and his whole body seemed to have gone frozen from all the things that had been unfolded today.

How have you been?” Chun asked with a smile on his face; Kris snapped away from his train of thought and looked at his cousin, he couldn't utter a word. Chun sighed “Did you really think Fang Yin was yours?”

Kris swallowed hard “Everything seems ed up...” he mumbles. Chun got up from his seat, he placed his hands inside his pockets and walked over to the large glass windows behind Kris's desk “Shall I clear the clouds for you then?” Kris remained quiet and Chun took it as a yes. He let out a sigh before speaking “Sonya was devastated when you left... everyone didn't see your decision, coming at all so it was a shock...”

He remained quiet in his seat.

Mr. Yang was upset, nevertheless, Sonya and I then got arranged to be wed after three months and we did then Fang Yin came along” Chun went back to his seat and sat down, he looked at his cousin who had his head hung low “Bottom line: she's my daughter” he ended the short explanation with a smile. Kris swallowed hard.


I'll be off now!” I chimed and Stephanie bid me goodbye. It's already around eight in the evening and I still have a long way to walk. Sigh. I knew I should have left while it was early. I start to walk down to the bus stop. I haven't got the slightest clue about what has happened in the company. I tried to call Kyungsoo but he wasn't answering his phone, I assume he's busy with the chairman.

Hana, I want you to be prepared okay?” I nod my head at Sonya's words though I was still unable to fathom what she had just told me earlier. She gives me a small encouraging smile “Chairman is going to place you on another position and I will be taking over your current one”

For a moment I was struck with horror but after examining her words carefully for a moment, I calmed myself and she continued...

I arrive by the bus stop and quietly wait. I wonder how's Kris doing. I bit my lower lip at the thought; we both haven't had a single communication for the whole day and it's making me grow anxious.

Beep. I reach into my pocket and take out my phone, my heart skipped a beat when I saw who it was from.

Where are you?

- Kris

I swallow hard before I type a reply, for some reason my hands were shaking.

Bus stop. Near Stephanie's house. Why? How did everything go?

- Hana

Not even five minutes later I got a reply

Wait there.

- Kris

I don't make any arguments, I just sent him an okay and sat down on the bench. I waited for him.

Screech. The sound makes my ears perked and I get up to my feet as a black car approaches and stops just infront of me. The driver's door opens and Kris steps out, walking around the car with hasty steps, no 'Hi' or 'Hello' but just walks towards me, grabs my hand and opens the passenger seat door

Kris what are you -”

He gives a heavy sigh cutting me off “Hana, just get in the car”

What's his problem? I gave him a pout but he only ignored me so I did as he had told, I got inside and strapped myself in the passenger seat. He got into the driver's seat and drove off.

Where are you taking me?”

He had a frustrated look on his face and I don't even know why but most probably, something happened. He didn't give me an answer, he just kept his eyes on the road. I sat there for awhile, looking around my surroundings, trying to figure where we were heading too.

Can you please just tell me where we're going?” I ask him but still he doesn't respond. Sigh. I gave up and just sat quietly in my seat for the span of the ride; Eventually, the car did come to a stop near the Banpo Bridge. We sat in silence, Kris rested his head on the steering wheel and my brows knitted together. Did something go wrong? “Hey are you okay?” I ask him, taking off my seat belt. He did the same and turned to me, pulling me into an embrace.

As usual, I blushed. “K-Kris...”

Don't go... don't go, Hana” What is he talking about? “Promise me”

Gulp. I bit my lower lip then let out a sigh as I hugged him back “I won't go... promise”



Wu Enterprise.

Hana entered the large building and let out a sigh; everyone seemed exhausted yet as usual, it was busy today. She had heard that the chairman was still in town, so somehow it explains why everyone was still a-buzz.

Hana-ssi” she turned and smiled seeing Kyungsoo; she bowed “Good morning, Mr. Do” Kyungsoo smiles at her and returns the greeting “You weren't here yesterday, you missed it all”

Yeah, talk about big revelations” Chen chimes in approaching the two. Hana just smiles and greets Chen; she wasn't able to come home early last night, Kris didn't want to go home until three in the morning and she couldn't bear to leave him for some reason. He told her everything. “So, anyway, Hana are you ready to be promoted again?” Kyungsoo asks her, steering away the subject. Hana turns back to him and blinks “Promoted?”

Well it's more like a job transfer but I think you'll like it” Chen playfully smiles and Hana raises a brow. Kyungsoo sighs and gives her a smile “Look, go up to the top floor, he'll tell you” the elevator doors open and the two push the girl in before stepping back and waved her goodbye. “Ah ~ I really think it's official, they're together” Chen pockets his hands.

Kyungsoo shook his head at him “Don't you have anything else to do other than stalk Kris?” Chen turns to his with a look “It's not stalking, Kyungsoo... and besides I'm not the one doing all the snooping around, I pay someone to do it”

What?” Kyungsoo's brows scrunch together and he looks at Chen in disbelief; Chen sighs “Just pretend you never heard that; I just like to keep myself updated” Then he walks away.

Weird guy...” Kyungsoo mumbles underneath his breath.


Ding. She steps out of the small compartment and makes her way towards the door at the end of the hall; every step she took made her heart skip beats. She didn't know why she was so anxious to see Kris, they just saw each other yesterday after all. Gulp. Relax Hana... relax. She breathes as she finally comes to a stop and raises her hand to knock.

Come in” says the voice on the other side and she grabs the knob, slowly turning it and brings herself inside with a smile on her face “Good morning, Mr. Wu”

Her greeting was right but... it wasn't Kris that she saw.

Come in, Ms. Kim” an old man was sitting on Kris's chair and she could only guess who it was. She stepped inside and bowed. “I'm Chairman Wu” smiles the old man and her eyes widened.

She guessed right.



A groan escaped my lips as I rolled to my side, my eyes broke open and I saw the time on the clock. Sigh. Late. I haul myself off the bed, grabbed my phone to tell Hana that I would be late then headed off to the bathroom. I did my quick morning routine then headed off for work.

My brows were knitted together as I entered Wu Enterprise, briefcase on the other hand while the other fixed my tie; it was just in time that the elevator doors opened and I got in.

Everything that happened yesterday seemed so distant now; I was on the verge of letting someone go and it just turns out that everything I assumed were lies. I was knocked right up in the face and up until now, I feel embarrassed about it. Jesus Christ, Kris... what the were you thinking? Sigh. But it's not like anyone could blame me.

That really was a possibility considering the time span and Fang Yin's age. Ding.

I exit the doors and make my way to my office but only to be surprised by the sight I saw infront of me. “Ah, Kris, finally you've arrived” my brows knit together when I saw him but my stiffened face relaxed a bit when I saw Hana smiling at me. “Care to introduce your girlfriend?” he asks and I felt my heart skip a beat.

What?” I blurt out. Hana looks equally surprised by his set of words; I close the door behind me “Kim Hana and you are dating, right?”

I swallow hard.


Sorry for such a short update chingus but my health is not so good right now. I'm very sorry; I will make up for it but for now, I'm just very sorry. Thank you for understanding me, I will get well soon! I got soaked in the rain last saturday then had to parade under the blazing sun last Sunday and yesterday, the sickness jsut got to me. Aigo. Mianhe :(

P.S. Thank you for the comments and the get well soons and understanding, it made me smile. Thank you also for the subbies and the upvotes :)

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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
Oluwafisayo #4
Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
14 streak #5
Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
fairitint #6
Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
1873 streak #7
Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
1873 streak #8
Chapter 38: oh that's his cousin
1873 streak #9
Chapter 36: t-two wu's???