




Overall Party


Ofcourse! Of all the things that I can forget, it just has to be this.

The party is going to start in a few hours and I have successfully pulled it all together with a little help from Lay. However, I have failed to remember that I didn't have a dress. Great! Just great! I plan a Monte Carlo party and I don't have anything to wear to go there. I wouldn't even go if only I wasn't the organizer. Aigo! What do I do?!

Okay, calm down Hana” I take a deep breath as I pace back and forth inside my office. Knock. Knock. Gasp. I jumped at the sound; I placed a hand over my heart and breathed out deeply. “C-Come in!”

Hi Hana!” Mr. Byun pops his head inside and soon followed his whole body. He gives me a bright smile and I give him a nervous one. “Mr. Byun” he immediately pouts cutely at me; my cheeks went red. “I told you, call me Baekhyun ~” he whines. How is he my boss again? Oh right... money and power. “Sorry...” I cast him an apologetic smile.

He looks at me, squinting his eyes a bit as he hums then points a finger at me. Something's wrong with you, Hana-ssi” he says as he taps his finger in the air “Aha!” and I almost jumped.

I think I'm having a nervous breakdown at the moment, I've been so jumpy since this morning. “You're nervous for tonight!” he exclaims, seeming proud of himself for saying those words as if it was correct. Well... yes, correct, but moreover, there's also the fact that I don't have anything to wear.

Should I tell him? Aigo. I bit my lower lip and took a deep breath however, just as I was about to speak another knock came on the door. The wooden panel opens and my eyes light up when I see Victoria. “Oh, sorry, was I interrupting something?” she asks. Baekhyun's face suddenly becomes cold and stony. “Nothing at all, Ms. Song” he answers. Baekhyun turns back to me and flashes a small smile “See me in my office afterwards, Ms. Kim” he says then leaves. Victoria steps aside and gives a bow as Baekhyun passes and exits the door.

As soon as he was out, we both breathed out in relief.

What was that about?” she blinks her eyes at me in question and I shrug “Nothing important... erm, what do you need?” I ask her, walking around my desk and sat down on the chair behind it. Victoria gives me a warm smile and I look at her, a bit weird out. “Is something wrong, Victoria?”

She laughs at me “Ofcourse not! I'm just happy for you, Hana” she lifts her hands as if she was presenting me my office “And it only took you a little less than a month” she smiles. I return the warm gesture and tell her to take a seat. “So, are you ready for tonight?” and my face falls once again.

I softly slammed my head down on the table and groaned. Aigo, I wanna cry already!

Hana!” she scurries over beside me and lifts me by the shoulders to sit up straight “Don't bang your head like that!” she scolds me. “Victoria ~ I don't have anything to wear!” I whined, my lips pouting and my eyes full of worry. She looks at me for a moment before she bursts on laughing. What's so funny? This is a matter concerning my name and appearance! Waaah ~

Victoria ~” I whine again and she calms herself down. She gives a sigh and shakes her head at me “Hana, you don't need to bang your head on a table over something silly” she chuckles and looks past my shoulder to glance at the clock. “Go see Mr. Byun, right now and I'll wait for you downstairs. I'll lend you some dresses of mine”

And it was like an angel came down from heaven. I squealed in joy and wrapped my arms around her “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You're a life-saver!” she gives my back a pat then breaks the hug “Now go see Mr. Byun so we can leave”

I get up from my chair and salute her before running off.


The party is already set up for tonight... yes... I won't disappoint you, Chairman” Tsk. Get off the phone already. I opened the drawers of my desk, searching for my checkbook. One hand browsing, the other holding up the phone to my ear.

I expect them to give their answers in two days” I pause for a moment and nod my head “Yes, Chairman Wu” he then finally says his goodbyes and I toss aside my phone as soon as the other line goes dead. Damn it, where is it? I open the center drawer but only to be surprised when I saw a yellow sticky note:

Incase you forget, sir:

- You placed your checkbooks inside the third drawer on the left, way down below.

- All folders and files have been organized alphabetically.

- The keys for the rest of the drawers is on the second drawer on the right, in the very back.

Have a nice day, Mr. Wu :)

How the hell ---Sigh. So, she intruded in my office. My eyes fall back onto the first reminder she wrote and sure enough, my checkbooks were there. I write a quick check for someone and tuck it aside; I walked to the minibar and opened the fridge to take out a can of beer but when I opened it, there was another sticky note stuck on the very first beer:

I wanted to get rid of them but you might get mad. Don't drink at such an early hour, sir. It's bad for your health! Drink that instead ----->


Have a nice day, Mr. Wu :)

My eyes follow the arrow and I see a bottle of water. Please don't tell me she left more notes. Sigh. I take the bottle of water and twist the cap open before taking a sip. Surprisingly, it seemed to have satisfied my taste buds. Tsk. She really should stop it with all these notes. I hear the phone ring and picked it up from my desk “Hello?”

Sir? It's Hana...” I roll my eyes. Who else would own a voice that sounds like an annoying bird? “What?”

Can I get off work early today? I have to go over to the venue and do some final checks” Right, she's the hard-working PA and Head of Finance. You should have done final checks yesterday! “Sure” and I put the phone down but no even long after I had, it rang again. Groan. “Yes. Ms. Kim?” I ask through gritted teeth.

Thank you sir!” she chimes on the other line and puts the phone down. Tsk. Annoying.


For a second, I thought Baekhyun wanted to talk to me about something serious but it turns out, he only wanted to ask if I already had a date for the evening. When I told him about Kai, he gave me a pout at first but then flashed me some kind of devious smile.

Ah ~ so the Casanova has made a move on you, eh?” my cheeks turn red and I raised my hands up, shaking them in defense “N-no! That's not it, he just asked me to be his date for tonight”

Baekhyun chuckles “Exactly, he made a move.” I sigh in defeat. He looks away and mumbles something I couldn't make out. Nevertheless, Baekhyun soon turned to me with a disheartened sigh and spoke “Ah well ~ I guess I moved quite slow; anyway, what are you wearing?”

I smile at him “Victoria's helping me out”

Ah, Ms. Song?” I nod my head. “That's good, well, I guess I'll be seeing you later on then? I bet you'll be beautiful” I fluster at his words but only laugh it off. He stretches his hands over his head and gets up from his leather chair before giving a sigh “You know, if it weren't for my dad, I would be relaxing in Hawaii right now” I tilt my head to the side “Your dad?”

Baekhyun laughs “I call Kris 'dad' behind his back because he acts like my father; all cold and grumpy” he sniggers. I suddenly feel loneliness embrace me at the mention of the word father. It's been so long since I've last seen him and come to think of it, I haven't paid him and mom a visit ever since I started working here. Maybe this weekend. “Are you okay Hana?”

I shoot my head up and nod frantically with a convincing smile “I'll be going now sir, I have to inform Mr. Wu about my early off” Baekhyun nods his head and sends me off with a wave of his hand.




There was good news and then there was bad news... and even more bad news.

Good: Victoria has willingly offered her help to Hana by lending her some of the dresses she owned. Bad: None of them fit Hana because it just so happens that Hana had a different body than Victoria. Even more bad: The party is in three hours and if she takes money from her bank account, she would starve for the rest of the month.

Hana lets out a sigh as she slumps down on Victoria's bed. Her friend cast her an apologetic look “I'm really sorry, Hana” she apologizes. Hana sat up with a smile on her face “It's okay, I'll just go home and see what I have; maybe my next door neighbor could help me” If only I were close with them. I wanna cry.

She grabbed her bag and bid Victoria farewell and that she would see her tonight then left.

Along the way home, Hana suddenly remembers that she had left her phone inside her office. She taps the cab driver's shoulder and tells him to head for Wu Enterprise instead, to which he complies.

Hana gave the man a bill and thanked him before quickly running off inside the building. She needed to be fast and get home so that she could work something out. She pressed the elevator button for the 30th floor and ran to her office as it stopped on the right floor. Huh? She pauses in thought for a moment after realizing that her office was unlocked. She stepped inside and saw a black box on top of her table and her phone on top of the box.

She raised a brow and walked over to it; there was a note tucked underneath her phone:

Wear this tonight. Don't argue.

- K.

Kai? Hana lifts up the top of the box and her eyes widened when she saw a black Sherri Hill dress resting inside. She sets down the top of the box aside and takes out the dress;



She felt her cheeks burn at the see through areas but could she really turn it down? Okay, Hana... think. She breathes in. If you accept the dress, you will be able to go and you won't be fired for not showing up. If you don't accept the dress...she gives a sigh after knowing what her obviously will be and should be.

I might aswell” she mumbles.


Where is she?

It's already 7PM and Hana's still nowhere to be found. I get out of the casino, guests were starting to come in; as soon as I got out, I bumped into someone “Kris!” he fixes his bow tie and gives me a sigh “Is Ms. Kim here?”

I give him a smile. Baekhyun told me that Kai was going to be Hana's date for the evening and I swear, I could smell Hawaii already. Seeing him alone right now and looking for Hana, amused me. “No, not yet... I'm beginning to worry” No really, I'm worried that she's not here yet because guests are slowly piling in.

Rain begins to pour outside the glass doors and I let out a breath. Kris and I decided to get inside and almost immediately some guests -close business associates- began to strike up conversations.

I heard the newly-appointed Head of Finance is quite outstanding” Mr. Kam of Kam Holdings mentioned, taking a glass of wine from the passing waiter. “To think that she's put up such a party and managed to book Seven Luck Casino here in Millenium Seoul Hilton” Kris takes one for himself as well and so do I. He pockets one of his hands and takes a sip of the champagne inside his glass. “She's an average, Mr. Kam. Not outstanding” Typical Kris Wu. Tsk. I for one, honestly think Hana's being underrated by this guy. I mean... what average worker in Kris's vocabulary lasts him this long? She does an outstanding job, that I cannot deny because she's kept her job this long with Kris as her boss. You and your standards, Kris.

Ah yes, she doesn't meet your standards, Kris?” Mr. Kam chuckles and Kris clears his throat “Not one bit at all, Mr. Kam”

Well, well, well...” Jung Yunho chuckles as he looks somewhere far. “Looks like Mr. Kim Jongin has gotten himself another good catch” Everyone in the circle turns their heads and I swear, my jaw almost dropped to the ground.

Oh my God. On his arm was a lady in a black dress with see-through portions. Her hair was curled and cascaded down beautifully on one side of her shoulder and she was Kim Hana... she was simply stunning and barely recognizable. I look over at Kris who just continues to stare blankly at the two as they approach us.

And who might this be, Mr. Kim?” Kim Jaejoong asks. Hana gives a bow at Kris first and then turns to the others, also giving a small bow of the head “Good evening” she politely greets. Kris just looks blank and I didn't know if he was in a good mood or bad mood.

I bring a smile up to my face and introduce her “This is Kim Hana, Head of the Finance Department of Wu Enterprise”

And my PA, too...” Kris mumbles and everyone turns to him.

Hi guys :)

So sadly, I won't be able to double update today *sad*

I badly need rest at the moment since if you haven't known, I've been staying up late in the wee hours of the morning until 3 AM for straight days because I'm juggling school work.

At the same time, in those hours, I also write. Forgive author-nim if she can't double update like last time, one chapter per day from tomorrow until next week.

Thank you for all your comments and subscriptions and also thank you for upvoting this story Bobolea, skepticqueen and Ice-Cream-Candy


Kamsahamnida <3

P.S. ugh, I saw that on tumblr. I'm being a ert again. okay. bye. ._____.

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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
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