
The next-door detective and policeman

Yein's P.O.V

Jungkook can't pick me up from work today.He's working overtime,something about a murderer on the loose he said.And it just so happens to be on a rainy day.

I walked slowly on the slippery pavement caused by the heavy rain.Claps of thunder and lightning made me afraid.Sujeong unnie went to visit Myungeun unnie.The pitter-patter sound of the rain drops dropping on my umbrella made me have a nostalgic feeling.It was 8pm and it was dark.

I suddenly remembered what Jungkook said to me.

"The murderer always strikes on a rainy and dark night.Usually at 8-9pm.He always aims at different places,and he would kill girls about your age.Just be careful okay?We never know when he's gonna strike again"

A chill ran down my spine as a clap of thunder and lightning sounded again.I tried to shake off that thought.On days like these,I really need a warm embrace.With my blanket.

I heard footsteps behind me.I walked faster,the sound of my boots clinked and clanked.The footsteps behind me were going faster too.Okay,breathe in,breathe out,at the count of 3,run.


A hand clasped over my mouth as I struggled.I brought my hands up to his hand and tried to pry it off.I tried screaming and shouting but my efforts were in vain.He started dragged me to the nearby alley but I still struggled.I was kinda starting to feel sleepy and tired.

"Yein!Hey!Let her go!Its the police!"

i heard shouting and a series of punches in the face before the man let go of me.I fell on the floor helplessly,only hearing desperate cries of my name and a familiar figure beside me shaking me.I tried opening my eyes as the rain wet my clothes and hair and everything. But I couldn't help it.I fell into a deep,deep,sleep.In other words,losing consciousness.

//A period of time//

"I can't believe this happened to her!I insist one being the one to chop that murderer's head off!We could have lost my best friend!"

I woke up to the sound of loud shouting which can only belong to one person,Ryu Sujeong.I didn't open my eyes though.I wanted to listen to their conversation a little longer.

"Let's count ourselves lucky that Yein is alive,thank goodness Jungkook saved her"

"But I was the one who also left her alone"

"We don't blame you,no one could have predicted that"

I heard Jiae unnie said.

"But I just...still feel guilty"

It isn't Jungkook oppa's fault.Before anyone else could open their mouths,I opened my eyes and spoke.

"It's not your fault Jungkook oppa,I don't blame you"

Everyone turned to me and stood still for seconds before they all bombarded me with questions.

"Okay okay!Don't worry,I'm alright!"

Jungkook came forward next to me and helped me to sit up.He held my hands in his.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah,I'm alright,thank goodness I'm not dead"

"That's good"


For a moment I forgot my unnies and Bangtan were there.

"Are you dating?"


We both replied instantly.I admit I have these feelings for him,but I don't think he has the same feelings.

"That no is probably going to change to not yet to yes pretty soon"

Seokjin said and everyone laughed.

"Is there any food here?I'm hungry,I haven't had my dinner"

"Or breakfast or lunch"

Namjoon commented and baby soul unnie seconded that.

"Huh?What do you mean?"

Sujeong unnie suddenly rushed forward and hugged me.Very tightly.

"Oh you poor poor girl,it's been a day since you haven't woke up,everyone was so worried"

Sujeong unnie said.

"Yeah the hospital was filled with ugly sobbings"

"Shut up Taehyung"

"Especially Sujeong's"


Everyone laughed again.These two are always the ones that bring laughter here.She let go of me.

"Anyway I'm hungry too,let's go pick who goes to buy food"

Bangtan and Lovelyz all voted for who was to go,which resulted in the grandpa and grandma of both groups,Suga and Jiae.

"Why us!?"

"Cause the both of you don't do anything at all and just sleep,so that's why the both of you should get some sunlight and exercise!I mean like seriously,have the both of you seen your skin colour?"

Best explanation by Jisoo unnie ever.Before they could protest,they were pushed out by Kei and Jimin.We waited for the food with laughter and entertainment by Hoseok and Mijoo. 

//Suga and Jiae's side//

Suga's P.O.V

"Thank goodness the deobbeokki shop is only a few blocks away,the heat is killing me"

"It's killing me too!How did we get this pale white skin anyway?"

"You're asking me?I should be asking you!"

We bickered for a long time actually.Time passes so fast when I'm with her.Thats strange.I wonder why though.

We reached the deobbeokki shop and approached the counter.I waited for her to open and speak.

She nudged my arm and whispered,

"Hey!You order!Ppali!"

"Why me!?You do it!"

We bickered for a few seconds longer with the ahjumma staring at us with a smile.

"Such a sweet couple"

"Aniya ahjumma,we're not a couple!"

We both replied at almost the same time.Then I decided to order to stop this embarrassment of our childish argument over ordering.

"10 servings of deobbeokki take-away please"

"Alright young man,take good care of your girlfriend"

Before I could protest,she went to take some deobbeokki for us.There were a few tables outside the stall.Jiae and I sat on the table nearest to the stall.

"Thank goodness there's shelter here"

"Yup,now we just have to wait for our deobbeokki"

"I hope it's not too spicy"

I looked at her while raising my eyebrows.

"Yoo Jiae doesn't like spicy food?"

"Well I'm okay with spicy food,but not too spicy ones.My face will be like a red tomato"

"I seriously have to see that face,then I can call you Yoo Jiae the red tomato"


Before she could hit me,the ahjumma came and gave us one drink with two straws.She said it was for ordering 10 servings.We thanked her.Jiae pulled the drink to herself,and I pulled it to the middle.

"Hey!We should share that!"

"Why!?You should always let the girl choose"

"Well first of all,I'm paying for the deobbeokki and you don't even have to fork out a single cent.So by right,I should be getting the drink,be glad that I'm sharing it with you"

She scoffed and drank from the straw on her side.I leaned in and drank from my straw on the other side.Our faces were so close together,there was a light shade of pink on her cheeks.I stopped drinking and didn't lean back.She stopped drinking too,and stayed there.My eyes travelled from her brown orbs to her nose,and her lips.I leaned in closer and closer,until...our lips touched.

Her eyes widened in shock but she stayed there.I didn't know what I was doing,it just felt...right.she pulled back after a few seconds,now blushing hardly.I leaned back too and stares right into her brown orbs.

"I-I'm S-Sorry,I wasn't thinking"

"Umm,why'd you d-do t-that"

"It just felt...right,as if it was what I was supposed to do"

"Here's your deobbeokki kids,and the sky is turning dark,here's an umbrella,and just keep it,you don't have to return it,have a safe trip!"

The ahjumma interrupted our awkward scene.I owe that ahjumma something.We thanked her and rushed back to the hospital.

"Quick Grandma!Why are you walking so slowly!?Its going to rain soon"

"Says the grandpa himself!Hmph"

And we bickered once again like that times.Everything was back to normal.It wasn't long until the rain started pouring.I opened the umbrella.It wasn't as big to cover two people.I pulled Jiae close to me.

"Just bare with it for a while,we're almost there"

The rain satrted getting heavier and heavier,and I pulled Jiae closer to me,we could feel our hot breaths against each other.I was kind of like hugging her sideways,with my hand on her waist.We reached the hospital,with Jiae barely wet and My jacket half wet.


"Oh dear,it seems like you're going to have a cold,I'm so sorry"

"Nah it's not your fault,I should keep you warm"

She smiled at me and gave me a warm hug,it feels so good.She pulled away and we headed back to Yein's Room.Her room was really big,a since she's a nurse at this hospital and it was requested by Jungkook.That Jungkook,it's so obvious he likes Yein,I'm going to have to coach him on how to confess.

I opened the door and Jiae shouted while walking in.

"We got da food!"

And there was cheering.Everyone lunged for the food,and I got some for myself too.I saw Jiae fanning herself with her hand,I guess the deobbeokki was too hot for her.I poured some cold water in a plastic cup and gave it to her.

"Thanks oppa"

"No problem"

"Thanks oppa~"

Everyone said in a cute aegyo voice before laughing.I hissed at them.

//Back to Yein's P.O.V//

While everyone was trading Suga and Jiae unnie,Jungkook came and sat next to me.

"Having fun huh?"

"Yeah!Of course!"

He then caught me by surprise by hugging me.

"I was so worried when you fainted"

I hugged him back and patted his back reassuringly.

"It's alright oppa,everything Is fine now isn't it?"


We then talked with Bangtan and Lovelyz about random stuff.Bangtan and Lovelyz were getting closer.These two days were indeed memorable,a bitter yet sweet memory that will remain forever etched in my mind.

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monnis #1
Chapter 15: this book deserves a book 2! I just love this story ♥♥ <33
ndhia72 #2
Chapter 13: I watch it too...ah i cant stop smiling sering my dreams come true
Hope there wiil be more...
mkitty #3
This is the link to the video of J-Hope dancing to Lovelyz's song Ah Choo!
florame97 #4
Chapter 13: Author-nim. Please give the link of Hopie dancing to Lovelyz song!! Kyaaaaaaaaaah ~
ndhia72 #5
Chapter 12: Why?? Is something bad going to happen??
I'm waiting for ur update :)
florame97 #6
Chapter 9: Oh! My! That could be possible. I hope they have some in teractions again. Especially TaeJeong and JeongIn <3
Chapter 9: That could Be possible! I just realized that now oh my gosh! My ships! Oh my oh my oh my
florame97 #8
Chapter 1: update soooon!!!