For OoAkiko-chanOo

INFINITE Secret Santa 2015

Written by: "White Rose" 

Pairing: Woogyu

Prompt: Sweet childhood friends to lovers story


Warning: Contains slightly mature content 



How I Met You 

(12,109 words) 

"Mooooooommmmm, when can we go home?" A 6-year-old boy whined puffing his chubby cheeks as he looked up at the tall figure in front of him

" Soon Sunggyu ...Soon ...Don’t you want our new home to be pretty?? We have to choose carefully in order for that and that takes time dear " Came the reply of a satisfied, tired beautiful woman

The boy huffed crossing his arms and turning his head away, slightly stomping one foot down

 " Waaaaahhh If It Takes so much time for making a house pretty .........I prefer it to be ugly!!! I don’t wanna move to a new house Mom!!! And why isn’t Dad with us!!! "

The boy started to weep uncontrollably as he complained snot running down his nose as he kept wiping the tears away with his chubby little hands

"Sunggyu my baby you know Appa is busy with work don’t you? He'll be here soon, in fact I'm sure he's running on his way here to meet his lovely boy! You wouldn’t want him to see those big ugly tears right? So could you smile for mommy or at least daddy? " Sunggyu’s mother said with a big smile cupping her sons face gently


Sunggyu looked up at his Mothers tired and pale face Suddenly feeling guilty for throwing a tantrum. Sunggyu was no idiot even if he was just 6 years old he knew there was something wrong between his parents

His appa came home late daily, screaming nonsense while his mom just stood there crying silently. Sunggyu pretended to be deep asleep imagining the sounds of vases crashing and yelling downstairs were all a part of a bad dream


Sunggyu lifted his tiny hand and wiped off the stray tear that had left his moms eye giving her a huge smile saying

"I'll smile if you want me to, but its only for you not Appa! Its our little secret ok" Sunggyu whispered extending his pinky

Sunggyu's mother pulled her son into a tight embrace as she kissed the top of his head affectionately

"You’re the best thing that’s happened to me after this marriage Sunggyu and I love you very much "

"I love you too!! " Sunggyu chirped happily in response

Sunggyu's mother released him, poking his nose affectionately saying a word that was a kind of protocol for them whenever Sunggyu cried

"Always Remember Sunggyu, Gentlemen....”

"Don’t cry " Sunggyu finished standing up tall

"That right my sweet baby ... Now be The perfect little boy you are and wait for mommy by the bench, while mommy pays for the lights ok? "

" Yes Mam! " Sunggyu saluted clumsily making his way to the said bench as he heard his mother giggled in delight


Sunggyu climbed on top of the bench with much difficulty it was a bit too big for his height, but he managed somehow, though he was thoroughly exhausted after that he had always been a weak little boy prone to illness but that never stopped him from trying

As he laid his head on the backrest to patiently wait for his mother to return, His eyes fell on the huge chandelier in the middle of the room the one that had caught his attention the moment he entered the store, also the one he wanted his mom to buy but unfortunately his mother pointed out that the chandelier was as big as their house if not bigger, so if they bought that one the both of them would have to camp out in the garden while the chandelier lived in their home

Sunggyu pouted, what his mom said was true, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t admire it, he stood on top of the bench , smiling with glee as he got a nice view of the chandelier from above

The chandelier was located in the middle of the entire store, it was so huge that the second floor the one Sunggyu was currently located at, had been cut in the shape of a square so that the long crystals of the chandelier could hang freely, almost making it to the ground floor

The bench was located very close to the square opening, separated only by a thin railing, so in other words it provided the perfect platform to watch the crystals as they glittered when various lights from all around the shop fell on it


Sunggyu was enjoying the view when suddenly all the crystals turned black 

"Ehhh? " Sunggyu thought as he watched the crystals with interest, a second latter an eye appeared on all the crystal's causing Sunggyu to yelp and fall on his

"Owiieee" Sunggyu moaned as he rubbed the sore area glaring at the eye in the crystal, which he noticed weren’t looking at him but focused on some other point

Sunggyu stared in awe when he saw a very pretty face slowly appear on the chandelier apparently the ghost eye belonged to the face . Even though the person was frowning he still looked very beautiful according to Sunggyu

And from the looks of it the boy/girl? He wasn’t sure.... was around his age. Thinking fast Sunggyu jumped off the bench and started running to the other side of the store looking for the person in the chandelier

When He reached the edge of the square his mouth fell open in shock as he watched a kid slightly shorter than him leaning across the railing try to grab hold of a black cap stuck on one of the crystals of the chandelier

"I'm Almost thereeee " Came a sweet voice, which sent bubbly feelings down Sunggyu's throat

He watched in horror as the other boy leant completely across the railing succeeding in finally grabbing the hat

"Yayyy ! I gooo- waahh! " The boy screamed as he lost balance, closing his eyes shut as his body tilted over the railing


Not one second later the boy found himself pulled away from the edge falling unceremoniously into a pair of tiny arms which wrapped him in a warm embrace

"Yaaahhh !! What were you thinking !! It’s dangerous to lean like that!! Are you stupid!" Sunggyu started yelling at the boy

He stiffened when he heard sobs from the other as the smaller boy in his arms trembled as he clutched onto Sunggyu's jacket helplessly

"Bu-t Mommy sa-id She would hic pu-nish me if hic I lost the cap hiccc "

Sunggyu panicked when the other boy started to wail loudly burying his face on the latter's chest, Sunggyu immediately started rubbing soothing circles on the back of the smaller boy while patting his head, Sunggyu always felt better when his mom did that for him! So maybe it would work?

Soon enough the boy in his arms stopped trembling and crying only hiccupping occasionally but still never relenting his hold on Sunggyu's jacket

"Are you ok? " Sunggyu asked cautiously

The boy lifted his head up hesitantly nodding, while peering up at Sunggyu curiously with beautiful dark brown eyes 

Sunggyu was beginning to feel awkward under the gaze of the other boy who kept on staring at him, he felt the blush crawling up his cheeks when he realised how cute the other boy actually was and couldn’t help a small pout forming on his face when he compared his plain self with the cutie on his lap


"Waaaahhh!! You really look like a cham-cham ! " The younger boy exclaimed while bouncing about excitedly on Sunggyu's chest

"Whaaa??? " Sunggyu could only ask as he blinked dumbly

"Heheheh When I saw your face, I thought you looked very familiar!! But I couldn’t remember where I saw you so I kept staring!! But when you blew up your cheeks like that you looked exactly like the pet hamster cham-cham in my class!! " The other boy spoke at the speed of a bullet train happily grinning

Sunggyu took a while to process the words and when he did he pushed the other boy none to gently off his chest onto the ground, ignoring the whine that escaped the younger boys lips, Sunggyu huffing and getting onto his own feet growling angrily

"I don’t look like a hamster!!! " He said annoyed, when Sunggyu saw the time on his watch his eyes widened as he realised he had wasted around 20 minutes with the weird boy

 "I'm going back now my mom will be worried and you!!! Stay put on the ground where you belong and wait for yours!! " Sunggyu spoke quickly, knowing his mom would literally bring the shop down if she couldn’t find him

Sunggyu was about to go back and wait for his mother at the bench he was suppose to when the irritating/cute boy latched himself on his arm like a sloth nuzzling his head into Sunggyu's side

" Don’t go Mr. Hamster!!! Lets play together!!" The other boy whined

"Yaaaahhh! I told you I'm not a hamster! " Sunggyu screamed trying to get out of the grip of the according to him crazy boy " Let me go!! "

"Nooooo!!! I want you to stay! Play with me!! " The boy started pulling vigorously as his eyes began to brim with tears once again

"Aissshhh! Why are you crying again!! Gentlemen don’t cry! “Sunggyu repeated what his mom said

" But I'm not Gentlemen!! I'm Woohyun "

Sunggyu smacked his face with his palms, while exasperatedly looking above him spreading his hands

"Yaahh! How did I get stuck in this mess! God is this punishment for troubling mom? I'm sorry I wont do it again "

"Hehehe Mr Hamsters funny "

"Sunggyu! Sunggyu!! My name is Kim Sunggyu!! "

"Waahh My names Nam Woohyun, Nice to meet you hamster Gyu! From today onwards you’re my best friend! "

"Don’t just make me your best friend without my permission! A piece of advice you don’t make strangers you've just met best friends kid " Sunggyu shot back at the younger boy

Woohyun let go of Sunggyu to stand in front of him, a shy smile on his face as he played with his fingers

"Well.....It's the first time sometimes saved me, so you must be a really nice person and I really really want to be your friend! Please??? " Woohyun asked sowing the best puppy dog eyes Sunggyu had ever come across

Sunggyu could feel his heartbeat accelerating watching the cute boy in front of him "How can someone be sooooo cute!!!" He thought

"Fine " Sunggyu said lowly turning his head to the side pouting, for some reason he couldn’t refuse Woohyun

Woohyun grinned cheekily at this grabbing the others hand asking him what he wanted to play

After an hour of playing many games such as tag, hide and seek, and some weird games Woohyun made up like 'how long can you pretend to be that lamp’, Sunggyu and Woohyun leant against each other laughing spent, Sunggyu was more tired than the younger but if he was honest it had been such a long time since he had had so much fun


"Sunggyuuu!! " Came a feminine voice

The elder boy looked around, only to find his mother running towards him engulfing him in a hug while sighing in relief

"Oh God! I was so worried baby...Please tell me next time you go off to play "Sunggyu's mother said giving a small smile to Woohyun as well

Sunggyu felt very ashamed for worrying his mom again

"I'm sorry mom, " He said guiltily lowering his head

"Woohhyyyuunnn!!! " a stern cold voice echoed through the room

Both Sunggyu and his mother froze, recognition flashing through their eyes at the familiar voice, Sunggyu turned his face to the direction the voice came from, a wry smile appearing on his face when he saw his so called father standing there along with another woman

He sighed with resignation, though he couldn’t say he was all that shocked or surprised by the discovery, in fact he felt rather relieved and took the news rather calmly. Sunggyu tentatively glanced sideways at his mother, one look was enough for him to realise that she had already known about this and was probably trying to hide it from him to prevent him from getting hurt

Sunggyu hugged his mother tighter giving her small smile to show that he was alright and only needed her in his life, to which his mother responded in like telling him he was a strong boy and would grow up to be a wonderful person unlike his dad

"Hamster Gyu!! I got to good.... Lets see each other tomorrow! " Woohyun said running off to his family not aware of the tense atmosphere

Sunggyu smiled sadly, Apparently His father was not his father anymore and was pretty much Woohyun’s father now, and try as he much he couldn’t hate the boy as much as he wanted to, instead he silently wished for the Woohyun's happiness



8-Year-old Sunggyu sat at the porch of his new house cooing sweetly at the little bundle in his arms, a baby Labrador to be specific while he waited for his mother to come home.

He had finished his schoolwork and such, so had nothing to do so decided to wait for his mother outside. Sunggyu’s parents had got a divorce around 2 years ago a day after the store incident and even though he was sad at that time, seeing his mother so happy her shoulders light and her expressions relaxed albeit a bit tired (she worked very hard for him everyday) made Sunggyu forget about his dad completely and just be happy with his mom, it was always just the two of them anyways nothing new. Sunggyu was always closer to his mom

The Labrador was a gift of his mom to keep him company when she came home late and Sunggyu fell in love with it at first sight, though the pup was rather a handful


He heard a faint screech and horn in the distance and looked over at the direction it was coming from, wondering if his mom was on her way. Sunggyu’s Dog though immediately reacted to the sound and jumped out of his arms, Quickly making its way through the open gate, which Sunggyu was too lazy to close earlier dashing down the street

"Aisssshhh !!! Kimchi!! Get back here you disobedient mutt! " Sunggyu hollered out running after the dog. This is what he gets for being lazy and not closing the gate earlier, more exercise than he was trying to avoid.


Sunggyu began huffing with the over exertion, sweat dripping down his forehead as he fought to keep up with the puppy running in front of him. He groaned when he saw Kimchi entering the park

Suddenly the puppy stopped near some bushes at a seclude end of the park, turning to face the direction of his master while sitting and wagging his tail, patiently waiting for Sunggyu to catch up.

"A-hhh haaa haaaa you sto-pped ? " Sunggyu asked dumbly , he couldn’t help it hiss brain had been depleted of oxygen

The puppy barked while cutely nuzzling against its masters feet

"Yaaahhh !! You’re in big trouble! No amount of whining or puppy eyes can save you " Sunggyu yelled or at least tried to he was still very much out of breath


That’s when Sunggyu noticed that the puppy was just sitting at his feet staring up at him panting like him only difference was the long pink tongue hanging out of its mouth. The whimpering he was hearing was definitely not coming from the pup but rather the bushes next to him


Sunggyu turned his head towards the bushes curiously, the fact he was scolding the dog forgotten as he tentatively stepped into the bushes pushing aside braches with his hand slowly.

He gasped when his eyes fell on the figure on the ground

"No way!! " Sunggyu thought gawking as he saw Woohyun sitting on the grass crying his eyes out while sniffling, well at least that explained where the whimpering was coming from

Sunggyu was about to turn tail and run, He felt too many emotions seeing the boy again after 2 years, when his furry friend once again startled him by barking loudly dashing in between his legs causing him to lose balance and fall face first on the ground

" Stupid dog is too much trouble for its worth " Sunggyu grumbled as he sat up gingerly rubbing his nose as he heard soft laughter in front of him

Sunggyu glanced up embarrassedly at the other boy, a small pout on his lips as he saw Woohyun laughing gently, while HIS puppy him affectionately across the cheek

Sunggyu pouted even more when he saw that Woohyun made no motion of acknowledging his presence pretty much engrossed with the cute little puppy showering it with kisses and weird (Cough cute) hand movements which he guess were supposed to represent hearts

The elder boy finally having enough shot back onto his feet wiping the dust of his knee's while grumbling. No sooner did he finish dusting himself off satisfactorily, did he see out of the corner of his eye a fast moving object approaching him steadily

Sunggyu felt the wind get blown out of him when he once again found himself on the ground, this time on his back

"That hurt! Aisshh " Sunggyu groaned as he tried getting up but couldn’t due to the boy and puppy happily making themselves at home on top of him

"Hamster Gyu !!! You’re alive! I thought you died when you didn’t show up the next day as promised! " Woohyun said happily cuddling Sunggyu, Kimchi barking in agreement obviously having no idea what was going on

Sunggyu knew what Woohyun was referring to and felt a tinge of guilt rise in his body which he immediately squashed by thinking that he had never agreed to meet the other boy in the first place besides his mom had already finished  buying the stupid lights and there was no need to return the next day

Gathering all his strength, Sunggyu gave a mighty heave and pushed Woohyun off him onto the ground the little boy whining that it hurt , with Sunggyu smugly replying Serves you right !

When Woohyun immediately latched onto his leg instead nuzzling it without a care in the world, Sunggyu let out a frustrated sigh deciding to let the annoying boy be "This idiot would just keep on attacking me anyways " He thought with a frown and Sunggyu didn’t have much energy to waste removing Woohyuns prying hands

Besides it felt kind of nice and warm even better than his mom’s hugs .........Ok Ok Sunggyu was just going to stop that line of thought there and focus at the problem at hand or in this case at his leg

"Why is it that every time I find you your either crying or clinging onto me!!Is it a hobby of yours! " Sunggyu spoke as strictly as an 8 year old could fighting down the smile he could feel forming on his lips

Woohyun who was still hugging the others legs moved his head in a nodding manner saying

"I'm just making sure you don’t get away like last time ! I missed you Gyu "

Sunggyu was shocked at the fluffy clouds and butterflies he could feel creating havoc in his body, when he heard what the other boy said , it scared him that he was so affected by Woohyun a boy he had only met twice in his life

Sunggyu took deep breaths to calm is irregular breathing "No it wasn’t because of Woohyun it was because he was out of breath! Yeah That’s right he did run a lot, The butterflies were probably an after effect of the running as well!" (Keep telling yourself that Sunggyu )

" Woohyun let go! My Legs are starting to feel numb, I wouldn’t be able to run even if I want to!"

Woohyun immediately slackened his grip on the other looking up at Sunggyu's face with the most gorgeous smile Sunggyu had ever seen

"You remember my name "

Sunggyu who was trying to tame the ferocious butterflies in his stomach which seemed to have reawakened attacking his senses with renewed vigor after that innocent smile, stared in disbelief at Woohyun who was still smiling widely at him

"He's so happy just because I remember his name? " Sunggyu though incredulously as he felt his face heat up, his whole body feeling warm

" Errrr... Well? I have a good memory? " He stuttered back at the boy on his legs

" You remember my name! You remember my name! He's remembers my name! " Woohyun kept repeating ignoring the others statement, finally letting go of Sunggyu's legs and doing an odd victory dance with Kimchi, the sight so endearing, that Sunggyu couldn’t help the joyful giggles escaping his lips which were steadily increasing in volume

Sunggyu felt two pairs of eyes on him as he started downright Guffawing, he could practically feel Woohyun's amusement shining through his eyes and when Sunggyu finally calmed down enough to give a small smile to the other boy ,he gasped with shock

Sunggyu had been too distracted/ busy earlier,  trying to fruitlessly avoid the awkward encounter with the younger boy to take a proper look at him , but now with the reduced distance between them Sunggyu could clearly see the busted lower lip of the other boy and the bruise slowly forming on his cheek

Sunggyu noticed the dark discoloration on Woohyuns right knee and realised with a pang that the other was bleeding heavily yet smiling adorably up at him without a care in the world

"Yaaaahhh !! Your bleeding ! Why didn’t you say something earlier ! " Sunggyu started scolding the boy as he further reduced the distance between them to inspect the others wounds

Sunggyu pulled up the boys loose slacks above his knee , wincing when he saw the deep gash on it as he gently prodded the area removing the grass and dust he saw there as painlessly as possible.

After somewhat cleaning the wound he blew against it rubbing the unblemished skin next to it in a soothing manner

"Does it hurt ? " Sunggyu asked wondering why he felt pain when clearly Woohyun was the one in pain

"No .....Not  anymore " Woohyun answered his voice barely a whisper ,  head lowered bangs covering his eyes

Sunggyu grew more concerned at the tiny voice Woohyun was speaking in , if there was one thing Sunggyu had learnt from their little run in's with each other  was that the other was anything but quiet

He placed his hand  on Woohyuns cheek , watching curiously as the boy tensed on contact .Sunggyu slowly nudged the boy's cheek upwards  tilting the cute face towards him

Sunggyu tenderly the chubby cheeks under his palm trying to get Woohyun to relax who had for some reason stiffened completely shutting his eyes tightly. Sunggyu brought the soft silky material of his jacket upwards with his free hand , wiping the dried blood and dirt off Woohyuns chin and cheeks , lightly tracing the broken lip with his fingertips

A light whimper escaped the mouth of the other , hot air hitting Sunggyu's fingers causing the elders face to heat up as he realised what he was doing

Sunggyu jumped back as though he was burnt , putting a safe distance between them coughing embarrassedly as he looked anywhere but at the boy in front of him

"Ehhh..... Errmm....Yeah .....Your bleeding ! " Sunggyu stated the obvious while mentally hitting his head on the wall

" I know " Woohyun replied  with a small voice

"Where are your parents ? " Sunggyu asked gulping down his uneasiness as he mentioned the word parents

After a long silence Woohyun shifted slightly hissing at the pain before saying

"At home........I fell down while cycling"

"Ahh I see " Sunggyu said while fidgeting nervously not exactly sure what to do , as he watched Woohyun struggling to get up , Kimchi trying to help him by pulling his sleeves

Sunggyu frowned he didn’t like seeing the boy like this, so helpless, so sad ,Woohyun was supposed to be loud and obnoxious not like this

Sighing Sunggyu cursed himself in his head knowing he was going to regret this but either turned around .He could faintly hear Woohyun beginning to sob again thinking the other was leaving, it served to strengthen Sunggyu's resolve as he got down on his knee's beckoning the other with his hands to get on

"Yaaahhh ! Get on I'll Carry you home ! Hurry up before I change my mind" No sooner did the words leave his mouth did Sunggyu feel Woohyun glomp him from behind burying his face in the others neck while encircling his small legs around Sunggyu's thin body

Sunggyu grinned freely since he knew Woohyun wouldnt be able to see it , as he carefully stood up , the boy on his back surprisingly light as he slowly started walking forwards , Kimchi obediently following at his heels

"Wahhh hamster Gyu is so soft ♥ " Woohyun purred on Sunggyu's neck

"Yaaaahhhh !!! Call me Hyung ,You should respect your elders " Sunggyu said while blushing

"Gyu Hyung is so soft ! Isnt he Mr Puppy ? " Woohyun laughed excitedly as Kimchi barked happily in response

"Aishhh your Impossible ! " Sunggyu exclaimed laughing along as well


After roaming around endlessly in circles around  the park and general vicinity , because Woohyun couldnt seem to remember where his house was,which Sunggy had a sneaking suspicion was a lie and Woohyun was only bluffing because he enjoyed being carried around by Sunggyu on his 'soft warm back' , Woohyuns words about his back not his


They passed by an unfamiliar looking section of the neighbourhood well to Sunggyu ,he looked around  belatedly  realising that he had somehow wandered into the neighbourhoods supposed 'High class ' area where the elite/snobby people lived

Don’t get Sunggyu wrong he had no problem with the rich and some of them were really nice like his friend Myungsoo, but the ones in this part of town were could he put it ?Not so nice ?

Oh ! Who was he kidding !! They were atrocious ! always causing problems in the society meeting ,saying middle class people like Sunggyu and his mother should be prohibited from entering their area and there should be separate public ammenities for both sections as well , since they didn’t want to catch any 'Germs' from the...... in their words 'Lower society"

Knowing it would be a bad idea to stay any longer than necessary there , he was about to turn back and run when Woohyun said "That’s my house ! " pointing to an intimidating cold looking 3 story building

Sunggyu was in a state of shock as he blindly walked towards the mentioned house depositing the boy gently on the front porch all the while lost in thought

"So Woohyun was rich ? Figures , Another reason why dad left us for his new family "He thought bitterly

Sunggyu was about to walk away without another word, Before he said something he would regret to the other boy , when Woohyun grabbed his hands murmuring

"Are you going to ignore me too ? Like the other kids ? Just cause I live here "

Sunggyu felt his throat choke when he heard the sadness in Woohyun's voice as he held his hands tightly like a lifeline

He turned around slowly wishing he had just walked away when he saw Woohyun’s face covered with tears , lips bleeding profusely as Woohyun was biting on it harshly to prevent any sound from escaping his mouth , the bruise on his face darker


Sunggyu groaned helplessly , he hated seeing Woohyun like this , it made him hurt as well it was too much ,It wasnt Woohyuns fault that he was born into such a family , God decided such a thing not them and it certainly wasnt his  or Sunggyu's fault either on what had happened with their parents lives they were just kids who had no control over their own lives

Sunggyu rested his forehead on the others , as he rubbed the Woohyuns back affectionately wanting to protect the boy in his arms

" Yaaahhh ! What did I tell you ! Gentlemen don’t cry "

"But Hyung ! I'm Woohyun !! "

Both boys giggled after that as they separated reluctantly , Sunggyu awkwardly toeing the granite under his feet

"Sooo errr Its getting late , I got to go or else my mom will get worried "

"Ahhh Thank you for helping me  Gyu Hyung ! I can mangae from here "

"Are you sure ?? " Sunggyu asked his eyes shining with worry

"You look so cute when your worried about me ♥" Woohyun cooed trying to pinch his hyungs cheeks

"Yaaaahhhh !!! " Sunggyu screeched blushing dodging the others small hands blowing his cheeks pretending to be annoyed stomping away

"Hyung wait !! I forgot to give you your reward " Woohyun said frantically

"I don’t need......" Sunggyu began hissing turning his head  around only to widen his eyes when he felt something soft on his cheek

"A reward ? " He finished uncertainly as he stared wide eyed at the boy in front of him

"See you later Hyung ? " Woohyun asked hopefully as he started backing away slowly

Sunggyu could only nod dumbly as he watched Woohyun cheer loudly patting his dog on the head  , running into the house  screaming Goodbye while throwing a heart like those idols usually do, though in Sunggyu's opinion he did it better than any idol


Only when the door slammed shut ,was the time Sunggyu snapped out of his trance ,dazedly bringing up his hand to his cheek one thought repeating in his mind

"He kissed me " Sunggyu whispered as his lips slowly curved upwards as he looked at the entrance of the house willing it to open to see his cute Woohyunnie one more time

He heard some yelling echoing from the house , no doubt Woohyuns mother scolding him for coming back late , speaking of which his own mom must be worried sick

As Sunggyu turned around to leave giving the house one last longing look , knowing Woohyun was probably crying again and there was nothing he could do to help him , He heard the yelling getting a bit louder before vanishing all together

Sunggyu pouted as he left sadly with Kimchi , jogging out of the unfriendly neighbourhood trying to make it back before sunset , He saw a few kids cycling past him in a rush to get to their own homes

"Come to think of it , Didn’t Woohyun fall from his bike ? But I never saw one near him ? " Sunggyu shrugged dismissing his thoughts as he ran faster when he saw a familiar car outside his home

"Aisshhhh Kimchi we're in trouble big trouble " Sunggyu moaned while his puppy barked happily at his feet


6 Years later

14 year old Sunggyu sighed as he walked more like dragged his feet across the pavement his best friend Myungsoo walking emotionlessly next to him

"Hyung Whats wrong ? You look like your  tired ......well your always tired but today you look like one of those walking dead what were they called Zombie's ? " Myungsoo teased breaking his cold facade

"Shut it Myungie if you say another world I'll personally turn you into one of those so called Zombies " Sunggyu snarled back

"Hahahahaha Sorry hyung but you do look terrible ....Care to share ? "

"Bora " Sunggyu replied , the monosyllable  more than enough for  Myungsoo , to answer his question as he nodded his head understandingly asking

" Let me guess she didn’t leave you alone after the couple rope thingie"

Sunggyu just groaned in response rubbing his head

"Gyu Hyung !!! " Someone screamed from behind them , Sunggyu's lips automatically curving into a smile as he knew exactly who it was

He stood his ground waiting for the impact sure to follow and soon enough Sunggyu was enveloped in a loving embrace by his favourite friend.He and Woohyun has met each other almost every other day after the chance meeting at the park (They happend to be in the same school as well ), Infact they had become very close friends though Sunggyu's feelings bordered precariously between the line of friendship and lovers. Sunggyu however avoided Woohyuns home and prevented the younger from coming to his , since he didnt want Woohyun to know the truth about their families

"Gyu Hyung ! I missed you " Woohyun whined squeezing him tighter

"What are you talking about ,we saw each other this morning Hyunnie " Sunggyu laughed as he flipped around to hug the shorter boy in his arms

"But that was 7 hours ago ! " Woohyun kept whining

"Aissshh you greedy little fellow ,you want all my attention on you 24/7 dont you" Sunggyu teased

"Of Course ! Hyung is mine ! Only mine ! Gyu Hyung  cant look at anyone except me"

The two of them were interrupted when Myungsoo ruffled Woohyun's hair causing the latter to scowl trying to swat the hand away

" Hey to you too Woohyun " Myungsoo chuckled as the boy glared at him " Its too soon to be clingy dont you think?"

Myungsoo, Sunggyu's other best friend , had instantly become Woohyuns friend after Sunggyu introduced them . Though the both of them preferred to annoy and get on each others nerves  ,instead of having a normal conversation . Must be a rich kid thing ?? Though the fact Myungsoo was rich was pretty much a secret to everyone except Sunggyu

"Noone asked you Myungsoo hyung !! " Woohyun pouted as he refused to separate from Sunggyu who was still red after Woohyun's declaration

Myungsoo observed the two of them noting with amusement that Woohyun's hand ended dangerously close to Sunggyu's , though he was pretty sure it was an innocent action

"You know if people saw you two they think you two are really really close , if you know what I mean" He finished off with a wink

"We are close " Woohyun said confused

Sunggyu realising what Myungsoo meant , immediately broke free from the other glancing around sure enough there were a few people in the park looking at them suspiciously

" Woohyun-ah your not allowed to hug me like that in public ! " Sunggyu blurted out

"But Why !! " Woohyun asked shocked , eyes watering

Sunggyu who felt guilty that he made his Woohyun was about to cry , held his doesangs hand gently trying to placate him

"Its cause ermm ?? Wellll .... I have a backache yeah ! thats it! " Sunggyu said laughing awkwardly

"Ohhh Why didnt you say so !! Here let me massage you  " Woohyun replied, as he tried to 'forcefully' tug Sunggyu's shirt out of his pants , with the elder boy yelping in protest. Myungsoo who was still observing them ,smirked evilly an idea in his head , he cleared his throat loudly gaining the attention of the other two boys

"Actualllllly........" Myungsoo drawled out "Hyung only likes it when Bora hugs him isnt that right Hyung ?"He finished blinking innocently , cackling gleefully inside his mind when he saw Sunggyu pale and Woohyun turn green with jealousy

"WHAAAATT ?!" Woohyun howled

"No Woohyunnie !! It isnt like that! " Sunggyu tried defending himself as he glared at the smiling Myungsoo " She accidently fell on me while we were skipping its not like I wanted her to hug me ! "

"You two were Couple skipping !" Woohyun asked incredulously " You never skipped with me before !"

"I was forced tooo !! " Sunggyu yelled

"Do you like her more than me Gyu Hyung? " Woohyun asked in a small  voice

"Yaaaaahhhh ! What are you saying you Idiot !? Noone comes close to you ! I like you the most and would do anything for you " Sunggyu screamed without thinking , eyes widening when he realised he had somewhat confessed to the younger

"Rea-lllllyy ? " Woohyun asked his eyes shining hopefully

"I ....Well ...I meant " Sunggyu began sweating profusely , it was too early to let Woohyun know of his not so innocent feelings towards him, He didnt even know if the other was gay or not

Luckily Myungsoo decided to help him out for a change and magically produced a jump rope from his bag saying

"Hyung told me to bring this rope cause he wanted to couple skip with you "

Woohyun eyed the jump rope , his face showing a flash of dissapointment when he saw Sunggyu sighing and tactfully avoiding the topic they were discussing about before Woohyun's face broke into a wide grin .

 He quickly grabbed his hyung and the jump rope dragging them along to their special place yelling for the stunned  still Myungsoo to hurry up before he gets left behind


"Haaah haah haaaah " Sunggyu panted as he crumbled to the ground  waving his hands in silent protest as his mouth refused to form words

Woohyun who was holding the jump rope in his hand started chuckling watching his Hyung groaning after collapsing completely on the grassy floor

Myungsoo who was sneakily taking pictures of the two with his phone , raised an eyebrow while snickering

" I guess the hamsters gone way over his quota of physical activity "

Sunggyu groaned louder than before , while Woohyun nodded agreeing to Myungsoo's statement

"Are you ok Gyu Hyung ?" Woohyun asked  while brushing Sunggyu's sweaty bangs away from his forehead

Sunggyu moaned in response , enjoying the feeling of Woohyuns hands threading through his hair , pushing head closer to the others hand

Woohyun grinned his eyes disappearing as he kept his hyung gently


"Woaaahhh Look Mandarins !!! " Myungsoo's voice broke the tranquil atmosphere between them

" Where ! Where ! " Woohyun shouted excitedly as he rushed away from the elder , leaving Sunggyu with a big frown on his face

"Aisshh Stupid Myungsoo " Sunggyu thought annoyed , willing himself to open his eyes to see what his friends were up to

He smiled Seeing Myungsoo and Woohyun jumping around while admiring a bunch of mandarins artfully hidden from prying eyes by the bushes surrounding the area " How the hell did Myungsoo see them in the first place ? " Sunggyu wondered

"Ahh This one looks weird " Woohyun said pointing at one which was on the lowest branch

"Hmmm I guess its injured ....probably not going to ripen " Myungsoo mused about to pluck it off

Woohyun swatted Myungsoo's hand away from the fruit before he could touch it, Myungsoo holding his aching hand  glaring at the other ,while Woohyun held onto the fruit protectively

"What are you doing ! Its injured and your trying to kill it !! "

"Its going to die anyway..... Unless you plan on Treating ?"Myungsoo mocked him

"Yes " Woohyun answered determinely as he closed his eyes and stood on his toes planting a chaste kiss on the mandarin

Both Sunggyu and Myungsoo watched shocked wondering what Woohyun was trying to do

Woohyun slowly opened his eyes and locked onto Sunggyu's own eyes, still kissing the fruit. Sunggyu couldnt find it in himself to breath anymore as he kept staring at the younger boys intense eyes as he withdrew from the mandarin .Woohyuns eyes slowly shifting from his Hyungs eyes, to somewhere lower on Sunggyu's face

Sunggyu flushed red when he realised that Woohyun was eyeing his lips while biting his own awkwardly

"If you don’t mind me interrupting your flirting session .....What the hell was that about ?" Myungsoo asked clearly amused with Woohyuns weird behavior

"My mom always kisses my boo boo's away .....So now Mr Fruits going to be Fine and grow up big and strong ! " Woohyun said proudly forgetting his awkwardness

Both older boys stared at Woohyun as though he had suddenly grown a second head before rolling on the ground laughing their 's off pointing at him

"He--eeyy !! Dont laugh at me !" Woohyun screeched embarassed and hurt , folding his arms

Myungsoo kept rolling hysterically on the floor whereas Sunggyu feeling rejuvenated jumped up and engulfed the cute boy in a loving embrace

"Awwww How can you be so cute " Sunggyu cooed placing small kisses on Woohyuns cheeks

"Gyu Hyung ! It tickles " Woohyun giggled happily hugging him back, Hearing the other react so positively to his kisses made Sunggyu feel brave enough to place a small peck on the youngers lip

Woohyun stood speechless , while Sunggyu slipped out of the embrace avoiding his eyes walking away briskly , harshly pulling along a smirking Myungsoo shouting back to the other

"Its late Woohyunnie ! Go home ! I'll see you tomorrow ? " Uncertainly

Woohyun who was kind of resembling a tomato , fingertips touching his lips disbelievingly ,smiled widely when it finally  kicked in, that his beloved hyung had actually kissed him , shouting back giddily

" I cant wait Hamster Gyu ! "



Sunggyu walked nervously towards his house , close to hyperventilating as his hands brushed against the single rose in his pocket

After Much deliberation and heartache , watching Woohyun getting confessed to every other day by girls younger/ older and even guys and maybe some violent persuasion methods curtsey of Myungsoo ,Sunggyu had finally decided to confess to the younger

He took a deep breath as his house came to view , the plan was to meet the younger at their special place where he met Woohyun all those years ago,  after taking a shower and putting on those hideous clothes Myungsoo had made him buy in the name of fashion

As Sunggyu opened the gate to his house he found it odd that Kimchi  didn’t come running to greet him like it normally would , instead he found his dog growling and scratching the front door , come to think of it there was an unfamiliar expensive looking car parked a little way from his house

Having a bad feeling Sunggyu approached his house trying to calm the disturbed dog barking furiously at the door

"Kimchi ! " Sunngyu yelled about to scold the dog in a strict voice pulling and fastening its lease away from the main door,  when a scream echoed from inside his house

"Mom ! " Sunggyu thought in despair attempting to pull the door open , cursing when he found it locked .He d around in his bag for the extra key when he heard a familiar voice in the house


"I'm warning you for the last time ! Keep away from my new family ....Don’t think I don’t see through your plan to trap Woohyun using Sunggyu ! " A man screamed

"I dont know what the your talking about " Sunggyu's mother screeched angrily

"Shut up !! I know your after the money ! If you know what’s best for you , you'll keep your greedy hands off my money! If you don’t ,you can say Goodbye to your son Sunggyu,I have more than enough power to make your lives hell " The man threatened coldly

Sunggyu who was listening at the door , ducked for cover when he head footsteps approaching the door . He watched misty eyed as his Ex Father stalked out of the house getting into the car driving away without turning back

"You bastard !! Your the one who's greedy !!! Leaving behind your family for some wealth ! I'm not like you ! How dare you threaten to harm my baby ! " Sunggyu's mother wailed as she sank to her knee's

Kimchi who was  barking ferociously till the car left , managed to break free from the lease and run into the house trying to comfort Sunggyu's  mother  who was kept letting out heartwrenching sobs

Sunggyu felt sick watching the scene , and quickly without his mother noticing left the premises , a million thoughts plaguing his mind as he escaped

"So Dad is hurting Mom again and this time because of me ......No My mom doesn’t deserve to suffer ! She took care of me in spite of everything ! She's my only family ! I cant let this go on ....He may even start hurting Woohyun and his mother soon ! No I cant let this happen I wont let this happen , just because my family failed doesnt mean his has to as well "

Sunggyu's heart sank when he knew what he had to do to protect his Family and to protect his Woohyun



"Gyu Hyung where were you !! I was waiting so longgg , I thought you forgot about me " Woohyun pouted , he pointed to the mandarin tree while continuing " Look Hyung after my kisses the tree's have started giving more fruits than before ! "

Sunggyu who refused to look at the younger  came to an abrupt halt a few metres away from Woohyun clenching and unclenching his hands nervously

"Hey ? Is something Wrong ? " Woohyun questioned worriedly stepping forwards to his silent hyung

"Stop " Sunggyu said coldly "Don’t come any closer "

Woohyun's eyes widened in shock at the cold tone as he stopped moving altogether

Sunggyu felt his eyes prickle , but knew it was now or never , as a put on an Icy stare as he spoke the next words

"I think I've had enough of this crap of pretending to be friends with you ......We've been friends for like 9 years and still you haven’t given me any money or any valuable item till date and your suppose to be filthy rich " Sunggyu scoffed

Woohyun looked like he was punched in the stomach , as he stammered back

"Wha-at are you talking about ......I don’t understand ! "

Sunggyu let out a bitter hollow laugh as he kept talking

"Your such a fool ! What’s there to understand , Its obvious isn’t it ? I was ing using you thinking I could get my hands on some easy liquid cash but in the end I wasted my time for nothing since you were obviously stingy and useless. Couldn’t even take a hint ! And worst ! Ruined all my potential relationships with your disgusting gayish wayss.....Ewww I just hate people like you !! " Sunggyu finished spitefully

"Yo-uu’re Li-einng !! " Woohyun denied extremely hurt

Sunggyu closed his eyes willing back the tears as he gave the final painful blow to the boy he loved  more deeply than himself

"I Hate you Woohyun ......I always have .....You stole My father from me and I wanted you to feel the  same pain I went through ......Surprised aren’t you ? You didn’t know about your stepfather's past did you ? Well now you do !! And now that I have had my revenge I don’t need you anymore.....So get your filthy gay self out of my sight and never speak to me again!!! "

With that Sunggyu turned around not wanting to look at the heartbroken boy in front of him as his own tears escaped his eyes , a few seconds passed when Suddenly Sunggyu found himself hurtling to the ground sporting a dislocated jaw from the impact of Woohyuns punch

"I hate you Gyu Hyung " Was the last thing Woohyun said as he ran away eyes bloodshot , leaving Sunggyu crying alone on the floor holding a single rose in his hand


2 years later

18 year old Sunggyu watched dejectedly as Woohyun sat there on the ground , another girl different from yesterday sitting on his lap tracing patterns on the exposed skin peeking out of the others shirt , as the younger smirked at something she said

Sunggyu felt his heart sink in despair as he saw Woohyun tangling his fingers in said girls hair before pulling her down to his face sharing a heated kiss

Sunggyu clutched at the files desperately as he saw and heard the lewd moans leaving the girls mouth as Woohyun started deepening the kiss

After the day Sunggyu had broken his friendship with the younger, Woohyun had changed completely from the innocent little boy he was to a notorious playboy who rumor had it slept around every other day, making quite a few pregnant already

The both of them had never spoken after that, but Sunggyu still longed for the others company but controlled his emotions thinking the pain he went through to protect his precious people would have gone to waste if he gave in

"Hyung !! Sorry I took so long the prof was being annoying " Myungsoo said popping up next to him

When Myungsoo got no reply from the other , he followed Sunggyu's line of sight , sighing deeply when he saw what or preferably whom Sunggyu was looking at

"Why are you doing this to yourself Hyung !" Myungsoo almost screamed frustrated ,knowing deep down in his heart, that there was no point arguing with Sunggyu

"I dont know what your talking about Myungie " Sunggyu replied curtly snapping his eyes back to his bestfriend , cursing in his mind when he noticed his voice trembling at the end

"Hyung I cant believe your actually even trying (to pretend) in front of me ! Your acting !" Myungsoo scoffed , smiling when he heard Sunggyu giggling along

"Sorry Myungie , Its just .......I don’t want to talk about it"

"I know Hyung "

A loud moan erupted their conversation and Myungsoo glared at the sight behind Sunggyu as his Hyung started trembling

"Myungsoo ....." Sunggyu gulped painfully" How many more signatures do you need ?"

Myungsoo who was giving his best deathglare at the couple out side , shifted his eyes to Sunggyu ruffling his Hyungs hair saying

"Its ok ....You go on ahead I'll get the last one alone "

Sunggyu smiled gratefully at Myungsoo before fleeing from the scene without another word, a pair of eyes staring at him longingly


Sunggyu kept running without a thought , till he was far away from the school panting

He looked up feeling the tears in his eyes as he found himself in the same park , He and Woohyun had met years ago , his feet automatically guiding him to the bushes near the Mandarin tree's

He felt the tears leave his eyes as memories of him and Woohyun flooded his brain. Why did everything have to be so complicated ! Why couldn’t they have met in different circumstances ! Why couldn’t they be together ! Why did he fall in love with Woohyun ?!

 Sunggyu broke down ,letting his feelings explode, when he spied a single unripe Mandarin on the tree in front of him

He took slow steps towards it as he grabbed the fruit placing a chaste kiss on its surface

"Nam Woohyun I will always love you "



Sunggyu walked down the familiar path sighing with irritation at the terrible downpore. It was supposed to be Summer in Seoul but no there just had to be a thunderstorm that took everyone by surprise  causing shops to be shut down and people rushing around blindly to find shelter

Sunggyu happened to be the kind of person who always carried an Umbrella with him no matter what the weather , though even he must admit it offered little respite from the raging storm

He should have probably just stayed at the university waiting for the storm to lesson up , but Sunggyu felt rather tired and wanted to reach home as soon as possible , He also wanted to make his daily detour before it got too dark  to check on his precious friend. If he remembered correctly today was  definitely the day he was waiting for

With that thought in mind Sunggyu ran the remaining distance to the park , water splashing noisily at his feet  almost skidding in his excitement when he reached the small clearing near the bushes

Almost instantly his excitement faded as he caught no glimpse of his orange friend , the branches of the mandarin tree  almost bare all the leaves lying on the ground haphazardly blown about by strong gusts of wind

He looked around desperately on the ground throwing his umbrella to the side as he pushed and threw the leaves aside , after some fruitless searching Sunggyu sighed sadly as looked up at the sky with a wry smile

"Do you enjoy taking everything that is precious to me " Sunggyu murmured while standing up, he shook his head at his silliness picking up his umbrella wondering if there was any point in using it as he was already soaking wet

Sunggyu stiffened when he heard some whimpers and groans , as well as some other sounds which sounded like punches and kicks

He was thinking he was imagining things when suddenly a figure came crashing on the ground in front of him

It took Sunggyu One second to realise that the figure was none other than his worst nightmare/desire Nam Woohyun

Woohyun hissed lowly as he tried to sit up his eyes landing on Sunggyu , shock reflecting in them for a brief second before the younger was surrounded by three men

Sunggyu watched horrified as one of the men Kicked the younger in his stomach causing Woohyun to curl up his body in pain , while another guy lifted a baseball bat high in the air , that’s when Sunggyu knew He couldn’t just stand there

Thinking fast Sunggyu body slammed the guy with the bat with his full strength making both of them to lose balance , Sunggyu landing on top of the other

The man highly annoyed by Sunggyu's interference rolled them over landing a solid punch on his face  making Sunggyu see stars , when the man once again raised the bat to attack Sunggyu this time

The elder Brought his leg up Quickly , kneeing the assaulter in the groin resulting in him fainting

Sunggyu rubbed his lips on his sleeve while smirking "Serves you right for messing with me "

"Tchee So Weakling Sunggyu can fight " Came a deep rich voice

Sunggyu who had forgotten about Woohyun , looked up at the younger boy  standing next to him his heartbeat increasing as he stared into the handsome face of his first love....It had been so long since the two of them had spoken or looked at each other and even though the younger was talking to him in an icy voice ,Sunggyu could care less as long as he could keep looking at that handsome face a bit longer

Sunggyu snapped out of his daydream when Woohyun snickered coldly at him , putting on his own mask

"Are you involved with the mafia or something ? Why the were those people trying to kill you!! "Sunggyu asked looking at the other two beaten up guys whom Woohyun had managed to defeat singlehandedly

"Its none of your business" Woohyun answered lazily

"Yaaaahhh !! They tried to kill me too ! SO of course it is !"

"That’s only because you were stupid enough to get involved "

"Excuse me ! If I hadn’t stepped in to save your sorry , you would have been dead meat "

"I didn’t ask you to help me ! Nor do I want help from the likes of you " Woohyun snarled with such venom in his eyes that Sunggyu backed away in fright

Sunggyu couldn’t recognise the handsome cold confident man in front of him , there was no way he was the same Woohyun he loved

"Of course , My Woohyun died the day I broke our bond " He thought bitterly as he tried to stand up , not wanting to say any longer in the presence of this new Woohyun , feeling frustration seep through his skin when his legs refused to cooperate

Woohyun turned the other way dropping on his knee's as he easily commanded

"Oye Get on .........I'll take you home , I don’t like being in debt !"

Sunggyu blinked a few times , even went as far as pinching himself not believing that Woohyun was offering to carry him

"Ehhh That ok I can walk myself !! " Sunggyu spoke hurriedly trying to get up hissing when a sharp pain shot up his leg

"If you haven’t realised it by now , You've got a sprained ankle so stop wasting my time and get the on " Woohyun growled dangerously , this had Sunggyu practically jumping onto the youngers back ,wondering distractedly  when Woohyun became so big



"What is with this situation " Sunggyu thought stressed " Wasn’t I the one who threw our friendship to the dogs ! Why is he calmly sitting in front of me like nothing of that sort happened ? Wasn’t he furious with me earlier ? And why am I letting him stay here in the first place !!! "

Sunggyu felt a massive headache coming and decided to just stop thinking for the night , Woohyun true to his word had carried him all the way home and deposited the other on the couch , Sunggyu thought that would be the end of it and the younger would leave , but no he just had to surprise him by strutting around Sunggyu's house like he owned it , throwing him an extra towel  and change of clothes while drying himself with another towel , Demanding the other to change while he visited the bathroom.

 Sunggyu has no idea how Woohyun managed to find the extra clothes or how he knew where the guestroom and bathroom were , It was almost as if Woohyun had his very own blueprint of Sunggyu's house

Kimchi on the other hand seemed delighted to see the younger though and Sunggyu had a hard time getting her to stay in her cage , but with the youngers help he managed

Woohyun came out of the guestroom , in his inner shirt which somehow managed to be relatively dry , setting down a first aid kit on the ground ( How the hell did he find it !! Sunggyu screamed mentally) .

"Your mom doesn’t stay here anymore ? " Woohyun asked disinteresting as he pulled Sunggyu's leg on his lap

"Yeah.....She relocated after she remarried , I decided to stay here since it was closer to college "Sunggyu said feeling the need to explain

Woohyun grunted in reply , before replying " Think nothing of this ,I'm helping just cause I hate being in anyone’s debt got it? Especially yours "as he carried on treating the injury, Sunggyu found himself nodding distantly while following Woohyun's every movement like a depraved stalker as he bandaged his leg

"Since when Did Woohyun have muscles ? " He wondered eyeing the y muscles

"I'm done " the younger stated lazily leaning back as he lifted his shirt to wipe his face , exposing his abs for Sunggyu's eyes

Sunggyu was mentally fangirling , until his eyes caught a purplish discoloration on the youngers stomach and without thinking he leant down running his hands gently on the hard muscles rubbing the area in a soothing manner eyes filled with worry asking

"Does it hurt ? "

"No.........Not anymore" Woohyun breathed out

Sunggyu snapped his eyes to the younger when he felt Woohyuns breath on his cheek , face turning red as he gazed into Woohyuns smoldering eyes which looked conflicted ,anger and some other emotion Sunggyu couldn’t place swirling in them

Feeling uncomfortable ,Sunggyu cleared his throat standing up ,babbling as he put distance between them

"hahaha ....Ok ! Thats good...Great .....Since the storm doesnt look like its going to let up any time soon you can use the guestroom its only me, you and Kimchi  hahaha ......Errmmmm I'm just going to rest in my room now....BYE! "

Sunggyu slammed his door shut sinking to the floor wailing

"Gaaaahhh I'm an Idiot ! "



THe storm had become worse lightening flashing through the sky , as Sunggyu tossed about in the bed highly disturbed by the dream he was having

It was pretty obvious from his expression that the dream wasnt a pleasant one , it was more of a nightmare than a dream

The door to Sunggyu's room opened slowly as Woohyun made his way to the bed his eyes shining with determination , only to falter on his footsteps when a broken mewl escaped the sleeping boys lips

"Woo-hyunn hic dont go !!  Dont go ! I lo-ovee you..  "

Woohyun felt a wave of emotion hit him , as he rushed forwards , bringing  his trembling hands up ,to wipe Sunggyu's tears which were unknowingly escaping his eyes

The touch woke Sunggyu up instantly, the elder sitting up franctically  ,fear and embarassment filling his eyes as looked at the other boy in his room

" Woohyun-ah ! What are you doing here ? " Sunggyu asked nervously fumbling around with the bedsheets " Your thirsty arent you ? So am I , Wait here while I - " He couldnt complete his sentence as Woohyun  suddenly pounced on him


"Woohyunnnn!! " Sunggyu gasped as he felt the younger boy straddling his hips , pinning him strongly on his bed, eyes burning with emotions

"When are you going to stop this !! I've had enough of this bull ! Dont you dare lie that you have no feelings for me!! I heard you !! " Woohyun screamed in frustration

"I dont know-" Sunggyu opened his mouth

"SHUT UP " Woohyun growled loudly , Effectively forcing Sunggyu's mouth shut with one of his hands

"I went along with your pretention of hating me for years , I tricked everyone into thinking I'm straight including you ,  to prevent my 'loving Father' from harming your family ! I watched you helplessly almost everyday crying over me in that park ! Its enough I cant take it anymore!!! I want you dammnit !! I've always wanted you ,from the day we met in that shop ! And I know you want me as well !" Woohyun ranted desperately burying his face on the elders chest

"Why cant you let me love you " He whispered anguishly

Sunggyu just laid there listening to the the younger shocked , his Heartbeat increasing rapidly with each second

"Gyu..... your heart betrays you" Woohyun chuckled

Sunggyu broke out of the spell Woohyun had put on him hearing this and found his strength wrenching his mouth free from the others hand screaming angrily

"NO ! NO ! NO !!!! I don’t believe you ! you were always with a different girl everyday , your the schools resident playboy ! How do you expect me to believe that you .....That you....have feelings for me " He finished his voice trembling

"Gyu hyung " Woohyun murmured against his neck , bringing out a mandarin from his pocket , Sunggyu's eyes widened when he saw it , because he knew without doubt that it was the same one , the only one left ,which he was kissing every other day, simple waiting for it to ripen

"This was why you came to the park right ? I always waited for you hidden everyday ,because I knew you would always come to kiss the mandarins and cry .......I  always waited till you left to kiss every single mandarin your lips touched , It made me feel like I was kissing you instead" Woohyun said affectionately nuzzling Sunggyu's neck

"Why ? " Sunggyu croaked out voice heavy with emotions

Sunggyu stilled when he felt the youngers lips ghost across his own , as Woohyun murmured against it a secret only meant for Sunggyu's ears

"Why ? Because I love you "

Woohyun attacked the elders mouth after that ,taking delight in the way Sunggyu parted his mouth to moan , taking advantage of the open lips to bite and nip at his prize Sunggyu's tongue like a lollipop as he tilted the elders head to kiss him deeper and harder making Sunggyu squirm underneath him

Woohyun parted from those sinful lips when the need for air became too great to ignore , admiring the flushed beautiful man underneath him looking up at him with  dare he say it love

Sunggyu blushed heavily at the intense stare Woohyun was giving him ,  but even that was not enough to distract Sunggyu from the nagging Questions in his mind

"Does that mean your ....."Sunggyu asked hesitantly

"I'm ???" Woohyun questioned

"You know ....." Sunggyu mumbled softly turning his head away from the other

Woohyun laughed rubbing his cheek on the elders cooing at how cute he was

"Yes Hyung I'm still a ♥ just like youuu "

Sunggyu blushed again, while denying the fact and asking the younger suspicously

"Yaaaahhhh !!! Who said I'm still a ! and how is that possible ! There were so many girls who claimed to have slept with you and then those who were pregnant "

Woohyun lifted his head up , looking at the elder with a haughty arrogant look which made him look all the more attractive in Sunggyu's eye ( Oh God I'm crazy to love this vain guy ! )

"You dont have to say anything Hyung I know your too deeply in love with me to even look at someone else.........besides I asked Myungsoo to keep an eye on you......... and for your information I never slept with any of them I made them think I slept with the other girl , so due to the jealousy floating around between them they all claimed to have slept with me ......and the ones who claimed they were pregnant just wanted to trick my family into marrying me to them "Woohyun said simply in one breath as though it wasnt a big deal

" Woah! woah there buddy !" Sunggyu screamed "Let me get this straight... You made my bestfriend... spy on me... For you !?! The guy who made my life miserable !!! And  I saw you making out with that girl !" Sunggyu accused

"Hey ! your the one who pushed me away first besides I had to divert the attention of my dad away from you so I had to do what I did " Woohyun pouted "And Myungsoo maybe kind of knew I was acting, and FYI I only did that because I was angry you made out With Myungsoo during the graduation ceremony " Woohyun Growled jealously " I  rarely make out with anyone and even if I do I pretend their you "

Sunggyu felt like he was floating on cloud nine when he heard that , and blushed pink going on defensive against Woohyun's accusation

"I was drunk ok !!  I didn’t know what I was doing !! Myungsoo is rather handsome afterall ....Don’t look at me like that ! Its true and you know it!! and He knew ?! So you guys were accomplices !! " Sunggyu screeched while Woohyun kept sulking about the fact that His Gyu found Myungsoo attractive

Sunggyu groaned amusedly knowing that the younger was not going to react positively if he kept bringing Myungsoo into the t conversation and steered the topic to something that was bugging him deeply

" How did you know that " Sunggyu gulped "that bastard threatened me? "

"Yes I knew Hyung" Woohyun said quietly, not sure if he should tell Sunggyu this or not but the elder would probably pry it out of his mouth anyways so might as well

 "He used to physically abuse me so , I was sure he had something to do with your behavior and I was right when one day  I overheard him talking to your mom on the phone  telling her she chose wisely in telling you to keep away from me.......... I was trying to get my mom to see his true side , but damn he was shrewd ,I managed to corner him a month ago and get them in divorce ......I'm sorry it took so long  " Woohyun finished eyeing Sunggyu wearily knowing he was going to explode

"He abused you !! " Sunggyu hissed angrily , when a sudden thought crossed his mind " Wait that time you were crying in the park , You never fell off a bike did you ?"

Woohyun just nodded in response

"Aisshhhh How could I have been so stupid !!! " Sunggyu gritted out furious

"Hey hey ! It wasn’t your fault !!" Woohyun said placing butterfly kisses all over Sunggyu's face" I'm grateful to him for that because if he didn’t do that I wouldn’t have met you again....and never get the chance to kiss these delicious lips of yours " Woohyun purred ily

Sunggyu felt his whole body overheat at Woohyun's blatant flirting forgetting his anger temporarily while whining

"Yaaahhh ! Dont you have shame ! You seemed pretty hateful towards me earlier when I helped you out !!Who were they those thugs ?"

"That’s cause I didn’t want my Hamster to get hurt " Woohyun whispered against Sunggyus neck" Oh them ? They were Some Guys hired by my ex girlfriend to beat some sense into me cause I wouldn’t sleep with her" Woohyun said shaking his head " How many times should I tell them that theres only one beautiful man I want to sleep with" Woohyun ended playfully roving his eyes over Sunggyu

Sunggyu was sure he was coming down with a fever, there was no way he was acknowledging that Woohyuns suggestive words were making him deliriously happy and the flush that seemed to have made residence on his cheeks was due to the younger ....It was definitely the fever it has to be !!

"What happened to my sweet innocent Woohyunnie!!" Sunggyu whined cutely while adding softly "But  I'm not beautiful "

Woohyun scoffed mumbling something about Sunggyu being blind and not looking at the mirror properly and the trouble he took in warding off pesky hamster loving  fanboys, before burying his head in Sunggyu's neck biting the flesh sensually, making the elder whimper

"Anywayssss Now that We're Together ....Don’t You have Something to tell me ?" Woohyun asked expectantly boring his into Sunggyu's soul

"Wha ??? Who said We're together !! " Sunggyu flushed

"Really Sunggyu ? Are you that Dumb ? " Woohyun asked dryly ,ghosting his lips across the elders

"YA-AAH !! " Sunggyu trembled " I'm still your hyung !"

Woohyun pecked the other sweetly, eye's twinkling devilishly while saying

"Fine GYU HYUNG, have it your way .......But it doesn’t change the fact that your mine now ♥ and I'm yours....SO how about we make up for lost time time ?? You can start by repeating after me "

Woohyun Kissed Sunggyu more firmly while saying ‘I love you' staring into his eyes lovingly

Sunggyu smiled brightly his eyes disappearing into crescents as he pulled the Younger boy closer by the neck kissing every inch of the youngers face like how Woohyun did earlier to him , pouring his affections in each kiss

Sunggyu pulled back to see a pink Woohyun smiling back at him before lifting his head up to kiss the Youngers lips pausing halfway there to whisper shyly

"I will always love you Nam Woohyun "



Author's Note: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! I hope whomever I wrote this for liked it!! I really do!! Sorry if this wasn’t what you were expecting ..........This is White Rose signing out ^^ Please comment If anyone liked it ♥ It makes my day



Admin's Note: This story was an emotional ride from start to finish, I'm glad that Woohyun and Sunggyu finally ended up together in the end! Good job writing this C: 

- KyashiiKun


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There will be a notice posted tonight about the extension of the event + other important info! I'm really sorry about the delay.


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sunggyu_chingyu #1
Chapter 42: it's so beautifully written :')
sunggyu_chingyu #2
Chapter 41: oh well i hope someday you will write a sequel for this hahha
sunggyu_chingyu #3
Chapter 23: i don't expect the ending will be like that :')
sunggyu_chingyu #4
Chapter 22: this story will be good for a chapter story XD
sunggyu_chingyu #5
Chapter 21: oh well it's so cute!!!!!! aaargh woogyu with kid is ing adorable ❤
sunggyu_chingyu #6
Chapter 17: history repeats itself omg it's bittersweet :') i do hope the stranger was woohyun :')
sunggyu_chingyu #7
Chapter 11: actually, i still don't understand with this story hahahaa but it's pretty good :) at first, the eyepatch in sunggyu's right eye but in the end the eyepatch in sunggyu's left hahaha
Chapter 37: i still am confused why gyu had to apologize, but then again what matters most is the fact that woogyu is together again after all. and i think iam gonna go give Alive a chance sorry, hehehe!
Chapter 41: hmmm, a typical the more you hate, the more you love thing huh? at least i think they have sorted out the reasons of their hate and they can start with love finally, thanks to yadong hehehe
Chapter 60: sunggyu turning his feelings into a masterpiece and woohyun keeping his feelings intact for 7years, it may be a once in a liftime experience but it is still there, they can’t ignore that fact. i love it, authornim, i love it!