Chapter Six; New Student!

A Girl's Life As A Boy!

Chapter Six; New Student!


It's the second day of school. Sigh. I'm not in the mood to go to school..

I changed into my uniform and headed to school.

Then, somebody called me. "Hwansun! Is that you..?" I turned and saw Eunhye!

"E-E-Eunhye?!?" I said, my eyes getting bigger and bigger.

She also looked surprise, "Why are you dressed up as a guy?" She asked.

I covered quickly, "Sssh! Eunhye, please be quiet." I brought her inside the house.

Mom looked at me, "Huh? Back so soon? Ah, Eunhye-ah?"

I shooked my head, "No. Well, it's just that Eunhye saw me!" I pointed her out.

She looked at me curiously, "Hwansun! Why are you looking like a guy!? And I don't see you in school!" She said.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, you see.."

I sighed and sat on the couch.

She was still looking at me, confused.

"Well, you already know that we're having trouble with money, right?" I said.

She nodded her head.

"Er, well, the only school we could afford was Kaseong Academy.. for guys." I played with my fingers.

She just stared at me, stunned.

"But don't tell anyone! Please?" I said, pleading her.

She looked away, as if she was thinking of something. "Fine. I won't tell anybody."

I sighed in relief.

"But, do you know somebody called Kwon Leeshin?" She asked.

"Kwon.. Leeshin? Aren't your last name Kwon? Is he your brother or something?"

She looked down. "Uh, yeah. My brother. We're the same age. So, do you?"

I shooked my head, she then sighed. "Okay then. Well, I'll be going now. See you later." She said and waved goodbye.

"Kwon.. Leeshin... hm, I wonder who that is." I said in my thoughts.

I then walked to school and saw Jinyoung, with a girl..

He saw me and smiled, "Woosung!"

I walked to him and smiled, fakely. "Hey.. what's up?"

"Nothing. Woosung, this is Ahyeon. My... friend. She's the one who CNU was talking about." 

Ahyeon.. Jinyoung's girlfriend.. She's really lucky. And very pretty too. And she must be rich too. Not like me..

She bowed. "Nice to meet you, Kim Woosung-ah." She smiled sweetly.

I smiled back. "Me too, Ahyeon-ah."

I was holding my tears. I was shaking alot. I tried not to make it obvious.

"I-I almost forgot, I haven't finish my homework yet. So I'll go inside now!" I ran inside the school.

"Wait!" Jinyoung stopped me, but was too late.

I ran as fast as I could to the garden, but saw a boy laying on the grass.

"Sunwoo-ah?" I said.

He sighed, annoyingly. "I told you before, right? It's Baro." He rolled his eyes.

I glared at him. "Tch. You don't have to get mad!" I said. I then walked to the classroom, annoyed & pissed off.

"I hate that guy! Really mean!" I stormed off and go back to the classroom.

I sighed & sat down on my seat.

Then, I saw Jinyoung & Ahyeon on the window.

I looked down. "Ahyeon's so lucky.."

Jinyoung kissed Ahyeon's cheek & Ahyeon left.

A single tear rolled onto my cheek. I wiped it off.

I rested my head on my table and silently cried.

Then, class started. "Alright boys, class is started. Go back to your seats." Teacher Jung said and the boys did what he said.

He put his books on the teacher's desk & looked straight at us. "There's a new student joining us today. He couldn't make it yesterday because he was at the hospital. So, new student, you can come inside now."

The door opened and revealed a tough-looking guy. He walked next to Teacher Jung and had a scary-looking expression.

"This is Kwon Leeshin." The teacher said.

"Kwon.. Leeshin?"  My eyes widen.

"Please introduce yourself, Kwon." The teacher asked him.

"I am Kwon Lee shin. I was at the hospital yesterday because of a reason. Please take care of me." He bowed.

"Good. Now, go take a seat next to Jung Jinyoung." Leeshin did and still had a scary expression on.

"That's... the guy Eunhye was saying." I then looked at him.

{After Classes..}

I ran to Leeshin. "Uh, hey there."

He turned to me. "Hey.."

"Um, do you know a girl called Kwon Eunhye?" I asked him.

He didn't reply immediately.

We stared at each other for seconds, but I felt like it was an hour.

The silence finally broke and he replied, "Yeah. Why?" He glared at me.

I gulped. "Uh, well, err, you see.. she's... my sister's friend!" I said and smiled nervously.

He looked at me curiously. "Uh, okay." He said and walked away.

I sighed. "I got nervous there." I then walked to the canteen and ate.

I was walking on the corridors, when I saw Leeshin.

I was about to call him, but then...

he pulled his hair and it came off, and revealed a long hair.

Could it be that... Leeshin is a.... GIRL!?




AIGOO!!! Short chapter!! =.=

Anyways~ here is -Iblue's character~

If you want your character to be also featured here, look at Chapter 4 pls~

but you'll have to wait a little longer, since I'm planning on making 4-5 chappies for -Iblue's character! xDD ;3

Sooo~ yeah. enjoy? x3 & Ty for people who comments, subscribes A Girl's Life As A Boy~!!

Jangmin ish berii happii. ♥ x3

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When are u going to update~~~?keke been waiting for so long XD
Oooo~Jinyoung is way too innocent..xp..hmm..I wonder how Sandeul's moment would be..^_^
now all I have to do is just waiting for your next update..^_~v
It would be such a waste if your previous reader didn't come back and read this..your story plot began to get some unexpected thing had occured..Hehehe..
And the bubbly Gongchan is really cute..^_^..while Hwansun..always settle things with ice cream..tsk, tsk, tsk..~_~
Now waiting for chapter 26..<3<3<3
Assa~ Author is a beauty too~
Like me~
Nyah!~ >///<

Update soon!~
SmileLikeCrazy #6
@Syasya_Celina ; LOL me too x3 I had to read my own fic to remember 8D Thanks~! I hope the other readers comes back and reads the new chapter~
To be honest..since it's been sooo long..I have to re-read the whole story again instead of just proceed to the updated chapter..because I kinda lost for a moment..but now...I'm very glad that you're back..^.^
will be waiting for your next update..and I hope it will be really soon!! ^_~v
New reader and subcriber here!~.
Bumping into SAndeul is FUN..
Anyways. Good story though..
Update sooooon.~! ^^
ayameyokomi #9
I hope she bumps into Baro next. LOL! XD
ayameyokomi #10
This is so cute.