Chapter Ten; Clumsy, But Smart Sandeul!

A Girl's Life As A Boy!

Chapter Ten; Clumsy, But Smart Sandeul!


I walked back to the classroom and saw Jinyoung & CNU.

"Woosung! Why did you left me in the canteen, huh!?" He pouted like a kid.

I smiled nervously, "Oh, sorry. I walked around the school a little."

"Huh? Why?" Jinyoung asked curiously.

I remembered the flashback. Omo... so Jinyoung and I met already at the past... Aishh!

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, I just felt like it.. That's all." I smiled and went inside.

Jinyoung & CNU looked at each other curiously.


{After School..}

I grabbed my bag and was about to leave, when suddenly, Jinyoung grabbed my shoulder.

"Woosung, can you come with me for a minute?"

I blinked. "Uh, sure."

We walked to the back gate of the school and arrived at an old building in at the back of the school.

"Huh? Where are we?" I asked.

"This is the old building of Kaseong high. It used to be the girls' school building. But when something happened, they closed the girls' department and changed Kaseong high into a boys' school.

I gulped secretly. This is looking like a horror story..

We walked inside the building.

It was old & rusty, perfect place for a horror movie..

Then, when suddenly, somebody grabbed my shoulder.

I looked back in horror and saw... CNU!?

I screamed in shock.

CNU laughed and laughed, while Jinyoung sighed.

"Don't mess around, CNU." Jinyoung scolded him.

"Waeyo? It's fun teasing Woosung!" He kept laughing.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, CNU."

Jinyoung sighed once again. "Let's go." He continued walking.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked.

CNU replied, "Our secret hangout." And smiled.

I looked at him curiously. "Hangout..?"

We finally stopped at a classroom.

"So... this is your... 'hangout'?" I asked.

CNU & Jinyoung nodded. "Yup."

Jinyoung opened the door and revealed... the boy before!

It's the guy I bumped into earlier!

He smiled. "Annyeong! Welcome back, Jinyoung, CNU!" He looked at me in surprise. "Oh! You're the one I bumped into a while ago.." He stood up from the chair and bowed to me. "Mianhe! Mianhe! Mianhe!" He said, really looking sorry.

Aigoo, so cute..

I smiled nervously, shaking my hands infront of him. "Oh, it's ok! It's really okay!"

He sighed in relief. "Okay, good then.."

Jinyoung walked beside the guy and touch his shoulder. "Woosung, this is Sandeul, my friend. Sandeul, this is Woosung."

I bowed. "Nice to meet you."

He smiled. "Same here, Woosung-ah."

"He's also the student council President." CNU smirked.

Sandeul blushed. "I don't understand why they voted me as president.. I'm really a coward.."

I smiled. "You don't look like one. You look like a good, responsible person."

He blushed once again. "Ah, Kamsahamnida.."

I then looked at Jinyoung. "So, why am I here again?"

"Well, I just wanna ask you one thing.." Jinyoung said.

Oh no! What if he knows that I'm a girl!? AIGOO!!!

I gulped. "Wh-What is it?" I nervously smiled.

"Well... I wanted to ask..... about your sister.."

Sigh. That was too close!

"M-My sister? What about her?" I asked.

"Well, I went to your house last night. And well, I..... kinda like her."

CNU & Sandeul looked at Jinyoung, shocked.

"Omo! It's the first time I see Jinyoung getting attracted to a girl!" CNU said.

"Yeah! The only girl in his life is his sister!" Sandeul joined CNU.

I blinked alot, just staring at him.

Then, I said something to CNU.

"H-Hey, CNU. Didn't you told me earlier that we're going to the arcade? C'mon, let's go!" I grab CNU & Sandeul's hand and ran outside the building.

"W-Wait, Woosung!"

N-No, no, no! I can't tell him 'my sister' also likes him too! I have to focuse on school first! And I might get caught.. he'll know that I'm disguised as a guy and he'll just completely ignore me! I have to ignore the topic of him liking the 'real me'!


--------------------------------------- ♥



aigoo... my report card had just been released ago..

and I have lots of failed subjects.. T.T

BUT! it's a good thing my mom didn't got mad! :D

BUT, our exams are starting in wednesday..

I promise, I'll update more chappies starting naooo. :x

Mianhe for being hiatus for a little while..T___T

and alsoooo... I'm running out of ideas.. XD

but i'll think of an idea soon! sooo, wait for the next chapter? ;3






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When are u going to update~~~?keke been waiting for so long XD
Oooo~Jinyoung is way too innocent..xp..hmm..I wonder how Sandeul's moment would be..^_^
now all I have to do is just waiting for your next update..^_~v
It would be such a waste if your previous reader didn't come back and read this..your story plot began to get some unexpected thing had occured..Hehehe..
And the bubbly Gongchan is really cute..^_^..while Hwansun..always settle things with ice cream..tsk, tsk, tsk..~_~
Now waiting for chapter 26..<3<3<3
Assa~ Author is a beauty too~
Like me~
Nyah!~ >///<

Update soon!~
SmileLikeCrazy #6
@Syasya_Celina ; LOL me too x3 I had to read my own fic to remember 8D Thanks~! I hope the other readers comes back and reads the new chapter~
To be honest..since it's been sooo long..I have to re-read the whole story again instead of just proceed to the updated chapter..because I kinda lost for a moment..but now...I'm very glad that you're back..^.^
will be waiting for your next update..and I hope it will be really soon!! ^_~v
New reader and subcriber here!~.
Bumping into SAndeul is FUN..
Anyways. Good story though..
Update sooooon.~! ^^
ayameyokomi #9
I hope she bumps into Baro next. LOL! XD
ayameyokomi #10
This is so cute.