Surprise Visit!

A Girl's Life As A Boy!

Eunhye and Eunyora were resting in the couch, tired from the crying. I made them tea to calm them, and it did calm them a little.

"Hwansun, you don't have to--" Eunyora was about to say, but I cut her off by shooking my head and smiling.

"Just be quiet and let me help you, arasso?" I said, giving her the cup of tea.

She accepted it and nodded. "Thank you." She smiled.

"Hwansun," Eunhye said. "I'm sorry for worrying you, about yesterday. I was really upset that I ended up running away from you.."

"I understand you. I'd run away if this were to happen to me also. I wouldn't even try confronting Mr. Kwon--" My eyes widen, I accidentally said it! Shoot!

They both blinked and looked at each other. "Did  you saw it, Hwansun?"

I looked down, biting my lip. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

They chuckled, which was a good thing. "It's fine. You should've told us earlier!" Eunyora said, and they both grinned at me.

"Guys.." I smiled at them. "You guys are okay now?" 

Eunhye nodded. "A little. I felt a little more better when you came here." She smiled.

"Same here." Eunyora said also.

"I'm glad I can help you, guys.." I said, hugging the both of them.


{Jinyoung's P.O.V.}

I was about to talk to Hwansun, but she suddenly ran off. 

I sighed at myself. "What is she worried about? Seriously, that girl.. she's making me worried too." I thought.

"Oi," Somebody grabbed my shoulder. Gongchan. "You look serious. And where's.. Woosung?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes at him, "I dunno." I replied.

He smirked at me, "Lying to me, eh?" 

"I told you, I don't know!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really."

"Seriously, you're no fun."

"Shut up!"


We both ended up going to her house.

"Sigh, why did you come with me also?" I asked him.

"Look, I always come here! Why are you here?" Gongchan asked.

"I'm worried about her, since she's been depressed since this morning!" I replied. "And what did you mean by always coming here?"

He smirked, a really weird smirk. "Me and Hwansun hangs out in her room. Everyday." 

My face turned red. I glared at him, "Yah! ert!" I said to him.

He rolled his eyes, "And what about you? Don't you hangout with Hwansun?"

"... Of course we do! We.. went to the arcades with each other.." I said, blushing. "... with CNU..."

Gongchan laughed as if somebody cracked up a really, really funny joke. "Seriously!? You're way too innocent, Jung Jinyoung!" 

"Shut up!" I rolled my eyes at him. 

He opened the door, without even knocking!

"Wait, aren't you going to knock first?" I asked.

"Pabo! I always go here, and Hwansun's mom is like my mom too!" He grinned. 

"... Oh." 

He walked to the house as if it was his house. "Eomma~?" He said, looking around.

A lady who came from the kitchen smiled at us. "Oh, Gongchan. Welcome back. Where's Hwansun-ah?" She asked.

"We were kind of looking for her." Gongchan smiled.

The lady turned to me, "Oh, is this your friend, Gongchan?" she asked, giving me a sweet smile.

"Erm, friend? ... yeah." We both rolled our eyes and looked away. "He's Jung Jinyoung. Also Hwansun's classmate." He said.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, Jinyoung-ssi." She said.

I bowed, "It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Kim." I smiled back.

"It's nice to see that Hwansun has friends." 

"She's pretty nice to us and.." I ended up blushing.

She blinked and chuckled, "What's this I see? A little crush on my daughter?" I said.

Both Gongchan and my eyes widen. "C-Crush? N-No!!" We both said. We looked at each other, "What?" he said and rolled his eyes.

The lady chuckled again, "Aigoo.. so young, and romance is already started for Hwansun-ah." she said.

I just blushed and Gonghan looked quite annoyed there. Heh.

"Anyway, I'll make you two snacks while waiting for Hwansun to come home, okay?" She said and smiled.

We both nodded and followed her.


{Hwansun's P.O.V.}

I said goodbye to the two and left their house.

While walking home, I was thinking of doing something for Eunhye and Eunyora. 

"Should I confront Mr. Kwon..? No.. it's still too early to do that.. I need to learn more about him, and maybe the problem will be solved after that.. I need to think.. of a plan.. think, Hwansun." 

I opened the door and went to straight to my room. "I'm back, mom~"

"Welcome back, Hwansun-ah~" Two familiar voices said.

My eyes widen, following that voice.

I ran to the living room and saw... Gongchan and Jinyoung!?

"Y-Yah! What are you two doing here?" I said, confused.

"Waiting for you, of course!" Gongchan grinned.

I blinked and tilted my head, "Wait for me? For what?" I asked.

"We were kind of worried about you.. so we came here.." Jinyoung scratched the back of his head and smiled.

"They were.. worried?" 

"Anyway, now that you're here, we'll make you feel better!" Gongchan stood up. "Let's go to the amusement park, or maybe the ice cream store. Or the cake shop! Or--" 

"Yah, Gongchan! We aren't going to that many places!"

"Shut up, Jung! I go where I want!"

I chuckled at the two and smiled, "Thank you very much for worrying." I said.

The two, silenced, turned red.

"Anyway, you don't have to worry. I'm just helping Eunhye and Eunyora about their problems." I said and smiled again.

"If they need any more help, I'll help also." Jinyoung said, smiling at me.

Gongchan glared at him, "Yah, I'll help too, Hwansun!" he said and grinned.

Jinyoung rolled his eyes.

I chuckled at my two crazy, yet lovable friends. "Thanks, guys. Thank you very, very much." I watched the two argue about nonsense.




Chapter 28 is next~ I'm already working on it. LOL x3 Had fun writing this~ Jinyoung~ x3 I made Jinyoung innocent and serious, and Gongchan the complete opposite of him; loud and cheerful. It's really obvious they both love Hwansun, and they're rivals. :DD Gah~ makes me want to have two guys fighting over me too~ 3 JK. xDD Dun worry, Sandeul&CNU&Baro's moments are next~ Maybe. But I have to finish with Eunyora&Eunhye's problem~ 

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When are u going to update~~~?keke been waiting for so long XD
Oooo~Jinyoung is way too innocent..xp..hmm..I wonder how Sandeul's moment would be..^_^
now all I have to do is just waiting for your next update..^_~v
It would be such a waste if your previous reader didn't come back and read this..your story plot began to get some unexpected thing had occured..Hehehe..
And the bubbly Gongchan is really cute..^_^..while Hwansun..always settle things with ice cream..tsk, tsk, tsk..~_~
Now waiting for chapter 26..<3<3<3
Assa~ Author is a beauty too~
Like me~
Nyah!~ >///<

Update soon!~
SmileLikeCrazy #6
@Syasya_Celina ; LOL me too x3 I had to read my own fic to remember 8D Thanks~! I hope the other readers comes back and reads the new chapter~
To be honest..since it's been sooo long..I have to re-read the whole story again instead of just proceed to the updated chapter..because I kinda lost for a moment..but now...I'm very glad that you're back..^.^
will be waiting for your next update..and I hope it will be really soon!! ^_~v
New reader and subcriber here!~.
Bumping into SAndeul is FUN..
Anyways. Good story though..
Update sooooon.~! ^^
ayameyokomi #9
I hope she bumps into Baro next. LOL! XD
ayameyokomi #10
This is so cute.