Chapter TwentyTwo; Bumping Into Sandeul, Accidentally!

A Girl's Life As A Boy!

Chapter TwentyTwo; Bumping Into Sandeul, Accidentally!

We continued walking, but I stopped.

The two of them look at me confused.

"I have to go to the convenient store." I said.

"Waeyo? I'll come with you!" Gongchan said.

"No, I will!" Jinyoung also said.

The two of them glared at each other again.

"Yah! You two, stop that!" I said, sounding like an Ahjumma.

They looked down again and said, "Mianhe, Hwansun-ah." But they kept glaring at each other.

I sighed. "I can go there myself, so you guys go home without me, arasso?" I handed Gongchan the plushie toy and ran to the convenient store, leaving them.

I finally arrived.

I know you're wondering why I'm here.

It's because... I WANNA BUY ICE CREAM~

I know that's really childish, but I can't help it! I'm getting addicted to ice cream again!

I happily went inside.

But then, I bumped into someone, making his coffee spill over the floor.

I looked down, shocked. "Mianhe!.."

"No, it's okay.." He replied. The voice, it's so familiar..

I looked up to see ... Sandeul!!

His eyes widen and smiled nervously.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you..." I said.

He shooked his head furiously, "No, no! I was the one at fault! It's fine.." He said and smiled again.

I blushed. 

Yah! Why the hell am I blushing all of a sudden!? I-It's not like I like his smile... so much..

He looked at me curiously, "Are you.. blushing..?" 

I shooked my head. "No! I'm not! I just..." I then looked at the spilled coffee. "I'll buy your coffee for you!" 

"N-No. It's fine." He shooked his hands infront of me.

"No, I should do it. Since it's my fault." I said, in a serious face.

Sandeul secretly blushed. "Alright.." He said.

"Omo.. I'm really with her! The girl I fell for! Is this destiny..?" He thought.

I bought him the coffee again.

He smiled while holding the cup of coffee. "Kamsahamnida!"

I smiled back at him and nodded. "I'm ... Hwansun." I said, offering my hand to him.

He shooked it shyly. "I'm Sandeul.." He widely smiled.


We talked for a while, sitting on the bench outside the store.

"So, I'm one year younger than you?" Sandeul said.

You nodded. "Yep."

"So, you're my Noona?" He said.

I nodded and smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you then, Noona!" He said.

I chuckled, "It's nice to meet you too, Sandeul-ah." I said.

It's not so awkward anymore, thinking that Sandeul likes me. I kinda feel comfortable with him now..





Mianhe :(( ! I'll update soon, or maybe tomorrow now.

this chapter is short, and it even . ;'''(((


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When are u going to update~~~?keke been waiting for so long XD
Oooo~Jinyoung is way too innocent..xp..hmm..I wonder how Sandeul's moment would be..^_^
now all I have to do is just waiting for your next update..^_~v
It would be such a waste if your previous reader didn't come back and read this..your story plot began to get some unexpected thing had occured..Hehehe..
And the bubbly Gongchan is really cute..^_^..while Hwansun..always settle things with ice cream..tsk, tsk, tsk..~_~
Now waiting for chapter 26..<3<3<3
Assa~ Author is a beauty too~
Like me~
Nyah!~ >///<

Update soon!~
SmileLikeCrazy #6
@Syasya_Celina ; LOL me too x3 I had to read my own fic to remember 8D Thanks~! I hope the other readers comes back and reads the new chapter~
To be honest..since it's been sooo long..I have to re-read the whole story again instead of just proceed to the updated chapter..because I kinda lost for a moment..but now...I'm very glad that you're back..^.^
will be waiting for your next update..and I hope it will be really soon!! ^_~v
New reader and subcriber here!~.
Bumping into SAndeul is FUN..
Anyways. Good story though..
Update sooooon.~! ^^
ayameyokomi #9
I hope she bumps into Baro next. LOL! XD
ayameyokomi #10
This is so cute.