Chapter Three; ..Girlfriend!?

A Girl's Life As A Boy!

Chapter Three; ..Girlfriend!?


First, second & third period finally ended. Finally!

Although I love learning, (Honestly, I do.) I wasn't in the mood. Since I was very uncomfortable with the way I'm dressed. Aigoo..

But luckily, me & Jinyoung are going to the canteen, TOGETHER. Yaay~

We arrived at the canteen, but someone shouted Jinyoung's name.

"Jinyoung!" We looked back and saw a boy wearing glasses & his hair was tied in a .... ponytail?

Jinyoung smiled at him. "CNU, annyeong. What class are you in?"

"Class A-5," He frowned. "We should've enrolled together, so that we can be classmates!"

Then, he looked at me. "Who's this?"

"This is Kim Woosung. I met him when I enrolled & we're classmates." He said, smiling.

CNU smiled, "Nice to meet ya! I'm CNU." He proudly said.

I gave a fake smile, "Uhm, nice to meet you too, CNU-Ah."

"Anyway, CNU, where's Sandeul?" Jinyoung said.

CNU replied, "Oh, he's at the Student Council room, since he's still President, right?"

Jinyoung chuckled. "Yeah. I guess so. Then, let's go find a table."

CNU and I nodded.

Then, while we were eating, CNU said something to Jinyoung.

"Hey, Jinyoung-ah, how's Ahyeon-ah?" CNU asked.

Who's Ahyeon?

Jinyoung looked at CNU, "Oh, she's fine."

"Good then," CNU then looked at me. "Oh, wait. Woosung-ah still doesn't know who Ahyeon-ah is, right?"

Jinyoung shooked his head. "No, not yet."

"Woosung-ah, Ahyeon is Jinyoung's girlfriend!" CNU said.

Jinyoung smacked CNU's head. "Ow.."


I faked a smile. "Really? That's good then! Oh, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back!" I ran away.

I went outside in the garden. There wasn't anyone there.

I sat on the bench, trying not to cry.

I should've known.. He has a girlfriend. Who wouldn't like him..?

Then, a guy handed a napkin. I looked up and saw a really cute boy.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah.." I rubbed my eyes.

"Were you crying?" He asked.

I shooked my head. "Huh? No. There was just something in my eye."

"Really..? Well, okay then. See ya." He said and left.

I was left there, blinking alot.

"Did he just... helped me?" I said to myself.

And then, I went back to the classroom, still wondering about that guy.




Short Chapter!! :x

It's kinda boring.. I thought of this idea while I was still at school..

Anywayyy~ let's guess who that is~! ;DD

Choices; Sandeul, Baro or Gongchan !? ^w^

There are many surprises to come neh~

ALSO! ty for people who comment & subscribed!

please continue to support A Girl's Life As A Boy~!

KAMSAHAMNIDA~!!!!!!!!!!! SARANGHAEYO~♥ --Jangmin x3

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When are u going to update~~~?keke been waiting for so long XD
Oooo~Jinyoung is way too innocent..xp..hmm..I wonder how Sandeul's moment would be..^_^
now all I have to do is just waiting for your next update..^_~v
It would be such a waste if your previous reader didn't come back and read this..your story plot began to get some unexpected thing had occured..Hehehe..
And the bubbly Gongchan is really cute..^_^..while Hwansun..always settle things with ice cream..tsk, tsk, tsk..~_~
Now waiting for chapter 26..<3<3<3
Assa~ Author is a beauty too~
Like me~
Nyah!~ >///<

Update soon!~
SmileLikeCrazy #6
@Syasya_Celina ; LOL me too x3 I had to read my own fic to remember 8D Thanks~! I hope the other readers comes back and reads the new chapter~
To be honest..since it's been sooo long..I have to re-read the whole story again instead of just proceed to the updated chapter..because I kinda lost for a moment..but now...I'm very glad that you're back..^.^
will be waiting for your next update..and I hope it will be really soon!! ^_~v
New reader and subcriber here!~.
Bumping into SAndeul is FUN..
Anyways. Good story though..
Update sooooon.~! ^^
ayameyokomi #9
I hope she bumps into Baro next. LOL! XD
ayameyokomi #10
This is so cute.