SunMi's point of view:

Wednesday morning:

     It was early morning when I was awakened by MinHee. I was in the middle of a terrible nightmare and I supposed she woke me up just to calm me down. I slowed my heavy breathing and assured MinHee that it was just a bad dream. As horrible as it was, it seemed to be my reality as well. Just like in this nightmare, I was surrounded by a bunch of fan girls and Myungsoo didn't do a thing to help me. I was beaten to death in my dream and Myungsoo even smirked at me. Myungsoo wouldn't do that to me right?

     I couldn't go back to sleep after that. I got up and headed out to the dorm showers. It was cold in the school dorms hallway and very eerily empty. I shivered as I recalled my nightmare. I couldn't shake it off, showering didn't help either. The shower was my thinking place, it was were I felt at peace. I found no peace here.

     I finally seemed to brush it off once I thought of WooHyun again. They weren't good thoughts though. I blamed him for being the reason I walked out of the salon in the first place. I blamed him because he was too likable. It was completely immature for me to say that but I needed to blame someone. I couldn't blame the fan girls, even though their fandom seemed more like a rabid obsession now. If I was going crazy thinking about WooHyun, wouldn't the rest of the fan girls react the same way? It only made sense for them to confront me, but as to taking it that far, that was out of line.

     That Monday night I stayed up waiting for a call from Myungsoo that never came. He had said he was going to call, but he didn't. He was probably busy right? Idols are always busy. That was the only explanation I could come up with, besides the one I dreaded. He didn't care.

     He had made it clear that day that he did not want to care for me anymore, and here I was sticking to him like a bee on honey. Seriously, why was I so stubborn? I was even dumb enough to think he'd call yesterday, but once again nothing. Who was I kidding? I made it my goal to get him to like me or at least have him explain his reasons to me. I wasn't one to give up easily.

     I quickly changed into some warm clothes. Black V-Neck sweater, blue jeans, black boots and a floral brown scarf. I tied my hair in a messy, high ponytail, and my side swept bangs across my face. I wasn't trying to impress anyone. All of the new clothes I had bought seemed unnecessary now. I rode the bus to the Woollim building to find the boys just arriving for their lesson two today. I quickly crossed the street to catch up with them.

"Hey guys!" I yelled out to them.

"Oh SunMi-ah." They all said as they turned to see me.

"Good morning." I bowed politely to all of them.

"Morning." They all said.

"Noona, are you okay?" SungJong asked with a worried expression as he looked at the small bruise along the edge of my neck.

"Uh, I'm okay now." I assured him as I fixed my scarf to hide that one visible bruise.

     I had other bruises and scratches that were less visible, but nonetheless they existed. The ones on my stomach, back and legs were the darkest of bruises. It still ached if I touched them, but I tried hard not to show them I was in pain. All eight of us now walked into the building and headed to the dance room. The room was ice cold but the boys didn't seem to mind. INFINITE's manager, Jungryul, then walks in right after us.

"SunMi-ah, Annyeonghaseo." Jungryul greeted me.

"Annyeonghaseo." I replied from across the room.

"May I have a word with you for a moment?"

"Yes. Of course." I said.

     I followed him out and headed into what seemed to be his office.

"What happened Monday?" He suddenly asked as he turned around and faced me, still standing.

"Oh, just. . ." I couldn't finish my sentence.

     Myungsoo knew, did he not tell his managers?

"Did Myungsoo not say anything?" I asked.

"Myungsoo mentioned something about fans attacking you. Is that true?"

     So Myungsoo did tell him.

"Yes, that's true sir." I said staring down to the floor.

"Myungsoo doesn't think you're up for the job you know?"

"He said that?" I was annoyed by this.

     He wanted to get rid of me again.

"Yes and well I took his reasons in consideration. SunMi, I don't think this is going to work out after all." Jungryul spoke with an apologetic expression on his face.

     It wasn't his fault, I could only blame Myungsoo for this. Myungsoo was seriously trying to get rid of me.

"I'm fine really. No need to fire me because of it." I was annoyed, angry and determined.

"I'm sorry SunMi. We already hired a replacement." That caught be my surprise.

     Their decision was obviously final.

"Man or woman?" I asked staring out of the tall window.

"Excuse me?" I guess I wasn't clear enough.

"Is my replacement a man or a woman?" He better be a man.

"It's a man. I didn't want Monday's incident to repeat itself." Jungryul explained.

"Good. Well thank you for everything. I'm sorry this had to happen." I said as I reached out to shake his hand.

     He held onto my hand as he spoke.

"SunMi, I wish this didn't happen. I'm truly sorry for putting you in that kind of danger. Are you sure you're not hurt?" He sincerely asked.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." We bowed to each other and then I exited the room.

     I slowly walked past the dance room the boys were in. As I did, a tall American man smiled a hello to me. I smiled back, realizing that this man was probably my replacement. I looked down at the floor as I walked the long hall in what seemed like an endless road to loneliness. I was just about to reach the receptionist desk when someone had pulled me by my wrist. I turned quickly to find WooHyun in front of me now.

"Don't go." WooHyun pleaded.

"What are you doing?" I asked, dazed.

"Why are you leaving? If it's because of what those girls did to you, don't go. I - I'll protect you better this time. huh?" His face looked torn and I couldn't stop my feelings for him from flowing up to my mind now.

"I think you misunderstood WooHyun. I'm not leaving because I want to."

"Then?" He said stiffening his position and softening his grip on my wrist.

"They said it wasn't safe for me, and well they're right." I couldn't argue with that.

"But? Myungsoo said you. . Ugh! I'm sorry. I should have taken better care of you. This shouldn't have happened."

"It's not your fault." I said, taking hold of both his hands.

     I didn't understand as to why WooHyun felt responsible for me now. I blushed at the thought.

"No, it's all our faults. How can Myungsoo be so careless?" He asked himself under his breath.

"Go back in now. Your new teacher is probably waiting for you." 

"Yeah. .  probably." He looked towards the hall and then back to me, "Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?"

"I don't kn- "

"Please? Yeah? I want to make it up to you." He pleaded, tugging the ends of my scarf.

"I guess I can." I assured, he smiled in excitement.

"Here, put your number in so I can text you the address." He handed his phone to me.

     I dialed in my phone number and saved it. 

"Their you go." I said as I handed his phone back.

"Thank you." he smiled.

"Is their a dress code?" I wanted to make sure if I had to pull out one of my iest dresses. 

     God knows I wouldn't want to seduce these boys for no reason. ;)

"No, you can go as is." He pointed to me and then continued, "You look good in anything anyway."  

     You bet I smiled and blushed like a lunatic. WooHyun was seriously going to be the death of me. I walked back to the dorm with the dorkiest smile on my face. Myungsoo didn't want me around, but WooHyun sure did. That pleased me a lot.

WooHyun's Text Message:

Heeeey ^^

Dinner at our dorm okay?

I promise the food will be edible. hehe!

I'll be waiting. . .


     He sent another text after that with the address to their home. I smiled at my phone like a pabo and MinHee quickly noticed.

"Why such a big smile?" MinHee asked with a cute giggle.

"Uh? Oh nothing really."

"Yeah right. Is it a boy?" She asked, more curious now.

"Mmm. Not just any boy." I clued her in on how much I liked this boy.

"Oh? Is it Myun- Myungsoo?" She became stiff.

"Myungsoo? Uh -" I forgot to ask her about her relationship with Myungsoo, this was the perfect time, "MinHee?"

"Yeah?" She sat on her bed now, skimming through a book she had in her hands.

"Do you know Myungsoo? I mean . . Well, did you know him before I introduced you guys?" She stopped flipping the pages of her book and then lifted her face to me.

"That obvious huh?"

"Well, kind of. But how?" That was the most important question.

"A long time ago, maybe three years ago, I had came here from Busan. Myungsoo and I became close in school, we were both pretty bummed with life at the time and well we got along." She explained.

"But I thought you just moved here?"

"No, I had just moved back."

"Oh, I see . . But are you guys not friends anymore?" I wanted to hear it all.

"Hmph, no thanks to him. We dated for maybe a year in secret. I was aware that he was just using me, but I really liked him you know? He then became a trainee and as he got more popular I didn't matter at all." She started to tear up.

"Using you? What do you mean?" In what possible way could Myungsoo use MinHee?

     Oh no! He didn't do what I think he did? Used her for ?

"It's not what y-" She started to say then her phone rang, it was her mom, "Sorry I need to take this, I'll tell you later okay?" She said as she walked out of the room.

     What the heck just happened? It was a mistake to ask. I did not want this image of Myungsoo in my head. How could he have changed so much, so fast? My anger towards him grew more and more these days. As time got closer to head out to INFINITE's dorm, I became more impatient. I really wanted to slap Myungsoo, his behavior was really pissing me off.

     Hours later, I walked up to INFINITE's door and I took a huge breath to calm myself down.

'Don't do anything stupid SunMi' I told myself.

     I knocked on the door twice and waited.

"Noona!" SungJong greeted me with a huge smile.

     He grabbed my arm and pulled me in. I slipped my boots off and entered their home. It was cold in here, too cold. It reminded me of the dance room. They were use to it like I had guessed. SungJong then pulled me into the kitchen to find that SungYeol, WooHyun and Hoya were all cooking. They all had cute animal aprons on.

     WooHyun wore a pink bunny apron which suited him all too well. SungGyu was in the living room with DongWoo, laid out watching Dream Team on TV. JaeHyo from Block B was on this episode, running through the obstacles and succeeding beautifully. To my surprise, Myungsoo was no where to be seen, It was a relief honestly. Hopefully I could avoid a confrontation tonight.

     The boys were cooking fried kimchi rice, my favorite, and a tofu soup. It really did look edible.

"Yah, SungJong! Could you cut the tofu please?" Hoya asked SungJong

"Yes hyung." He replied getting up from the floor where he was seated.

"It must be hard being the maknae." I pouted.

"Mmm, noona these guys all pick on me." He pouted now as well.

"Oh really?" I glared at WooHyun, not seriously of course.

     He chuckled.

"Ha ha, funny." SungYeol said.

     It was fun hanging out with them like this. it was different from their idol image. They seemed like normal guys right now and I felt comfortable with them. Even WooHyun's casual eye contact didn't cause me to overflow in joy. Maybe I was just star struck? Everything seemed perfect until Myungsoo got home. I became awkward and uncomfortable now. All peace was gone. Myungsoo looked at me once and walked away into his room. Pssh, jerk!

"Dinner's ready!" Hoya yelled out for everyone to come eat.

"About time." SungGyu said.

"Wah, it looks delicious!" DongWoo exclaimed.

     Myungsoo came out of the room then and sat on the floor right next to me. Myungsoo handed me a bowl of rice and even places pieces of ham and tofu onto my rice. This behavior was new. I thanked him in almost a whisper, his actions were worrying me now. He must have some kind of personality disorder. Or maybe he was just feeling sorry for getting me fired. Either way, I wasn't going to reject his kindness, I welcomed it!

"Omo, it's really good." I said as I smiled at the very handsome cooks.

"I told you it was going to be edible." WooHyun smiled at me.

"SunMi, I'll take you home later okay?" Myungsoo said suddenly.

     I coughed as the rice in my mouth had gone down wrong.

"You don't have to." I said as I cleared my throat and DongWoo patted my back to help.

"I want to." He said looking at me now.

     I couldn't argue, the look on his face was sincere.

"Okay." I nodded.

     After dinner, I helped SungJong wash the dishes. Was this the way he was always treated? I would hate to be the maknae. I didn't stay long after that. It was getting late and I knew they'd probably have to get up early tomorrow.

"Thank you for the dinner guys, it was great."

"No problem!" SungYeol said.

     His smile was huge, I couldn't help but smile along with him.

"We owe you dessert though." SungGyu pouted.

"Ooh let's get ice cream next time yeah?" WooHyun was already making plans.

"Yeah, okay." I was looking forward to it.

"Let's go." Myungsoo said as he pulled his jacket on and walked towards the door.

     I waved goodbye to all of the guys from the taxi window. I was now sitting awkwardly next to a Myungsoo I did not know.

"I'm sorry about getting you fired." He said, which made my previous thoughts on it right.

     He was feeling guilty.

"Don't worry about it Myungsoo. I expected it from you anyway." I didn't look at him, I couldn't.

"You think I'm that bad huh?"

"More or less." I turned to face him.

     He was staring at me now. His eyes were soft, glare free, and with a hint of sadness. I couldn't turn away from his stare. He turned away first, allowing me to breath in relief. Myungsoo's eyes were mesmerizing. It gave me a different feeling from when I was around WooHyun. Myungsoo made me feel happy, nervous, sad, angry, complete, all that times twenty. WooHyun was nothing compared to Myungsoo right now.

     I looked out the window to see that we had already arrived at my dorm building. Myungsoo got out of the car as well and asked the taxi driver to wait for him. Myungsoo walked besides me to my dorm and I was happy for that moment. As we reached my dorm floor, I remembered what MinHee had said to me earlier that day. I had to ask him, I had to hear his side of the story. I just didn't know how to ask.

"MinHee says hello by the way." I lied.

"MinHee? Oh really?" He scratched his head.

"Aren't you going to tell me to say hello back?"

"Did she say anything else?" He asked looking back at the halls.

"Mm, a lot actually." I glared at him now.

     All fuzzy feelings gone.

"Whatever. Good night." He started to walk away.

"Yah," I grabbed his hand, "what did you do to her?"

"What?" He asked, looking at me now.

     I was standing in front of him, still holding on to his hand.

"You two dated, right?" I couldn't find a better way to ask him at the moment.

     What's the nicer way of asking, 'Hey, did you abuse MinHee?' Their was just no easy way to ask, right?

"That's none of your business." He wasn't looking at me as he spoke, which made me that much angrier, but he was right.

"You're right - it's not my business." I let go of his hand.

"SunMi that's -"

"I'm sorry. I keep bugging you huh? Good night Myungsoo" I stared at the wall as I spoke and then started to walk away to my room that was just two doors down.

"SunMi - Sun-" he called for me, I didn't turn to face him.

      I had just stepped into my room and Myungsoo followed me in as he kept calling my name.

"Yah, will you listen to me?" Myungsoo yelled out behind me.

     MinHee was sitting on her bed reading a book in her lace nightgown. I didn't even turn to look at her or Myungsoo. I wanted to scream, to cry, but Myungsoo's and MinHee's presence was the only thing holding me back from doing so. I took off my shoes and my jacket first as I headed over to my bed. Myungsoo then took hold of my arm as I was climbing onto my bed. I was planning on giving him the silent treatment but I couldn't stay quiet.

"Let go!" I yelled facing him now.

"SunMi-ah, why won't you listen to me?!" he yelled back at me.

"Listen to what? To how were not friends anymore? How you don't care? Or to how much you want me to disappear? You're right Myungsoo, none if it is any of my business anymore. So what could you possibly have to say to me? I'm listening Myungsoo! Tell me." My words were all rushed, and I could feel my tears starting to build up.

      MinHee got up awkwardly then and put on a robe and her slippers on. She was trying to give us privacy by leaving the room.

"No MinHee, you stay. I'm leaving!" I grabbed my shoes, not even bothering to reach for the jacket that was besides Myungsoo.

"Where are you going?" Myungsoo asked.

"None. Of. Your. Business." I enunciated each of the words that he had previously said to me.

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Sharissa #1
Man i suddenly missed him my first guy friend
Chapter 20: It was another cool story.
Their will be a sequel ?? *happy* I will wait for it !!
lcherry13 #3
Chapter 20: i love it!
shafkyulove #4
Finished in 35 mins sooo goood
svchen #5
I finally finished this AFF <3 I lOVE it! :))) SEQUEL PLEAAAASE :D
key-xing #6
You are an amazing writer! I came across this story and then finished it in one sitting :) This is officially my #1 favorite fanfic ever~ ^^
xapplepiex #7
Please do write a sequel(: This is one of my three favorite fanfics on here.
AhRiShA #8
This is one of my favs on AFF! Sequel??? Pretty please?
Do it! I'd love to read a sequel :)