SunMi's point of view:

"Thanks for coming SunMi." Jungryul said.

"Oh, it's my pleasure sir. Thank you for trusting me with this task." I bowed happily to him, all too formally.

"Guys, please listen to SunMi and no funny business. Alright, SungYeol?"

"Huh, why me?" SungYeol asked with a mischievous smile.

     He obviously was the trouble child.

"Mhmm. . . I'll leave them to you now. Good luck SunMi. Boys, fighting!"

"Thank you." I said.

     The boys all turned to watch their manager walk back to the door, and said a soft "fighting." They didn't seem so excited for their first lesson. They all turned to look back at me with an awkward pose. A couple days ago I was just one of Myungsoo's old friends, today I was their teacher. They all had different expressions on their faces, I was trying really hard not to laugh at them.

"Take a seat guys."  I told them, as I sat in the middle of the dance rooms floor. It was cold but it was the only place we had to work with.

      Myungsoo was the last to sit down, and when he did, he sat right across from me while glaring his scary eyes at me. I refused to make eye contact with Myungsoo now.

"This is going to be fun if you're the teacher, noona." SungJong commented, batting his cute eyelashes at me.

"I'll make it as simple as possible. Okay?"

"How'd you get the job?" SungGyu asked

"Oh, It just happened really. . .Well, shall we start? How much English do you guys know?" I asked

     The boys seemed a little hesitant at first but then started to participate more. Especially Hoya and DongWoo. It seemed their lines in INFINITE's songs had quite a bit of English in them already.

"You guys have quite a bit of English in your songs, do you know what they mean?"

"Uh, 'Paradise' is 천국  (Cheongug)" Hoya said.

"'Do you hear me' is 내 말 들리는가  (nae mal deullineunga )" SungYeol added.

     They knew some words, but when I asked what 'Before the Dawn' was, they seemed to think that "Dawn" meant "Down." It took me fifteen minutes to explain that to them. Myungsoo didn't seem to pay attention one bit. For the next fifteen minutes I had them explain to me what was "Time will tell to my love." It was obviously written wrong, but I kept quiet. I didn't want to disrespect them or the song writer.

     Next, I had the boys each give me a quick introduction of themselves in English. They knew that much which made me feel like this was going to be easier than I thought. We went over the English alphabet and their pronunciations. DongWoo seemed to be the only one who found the abc's song fun. Not even I was a big fan of it. Come on "Now I know my abc's, next time wont you sing with me," uh yeah, annoying. I would have to find a better way of teaching without using lame nursery rhymes.

     After an almost two hours into our first lesson, someone knocked on the door.

Knock Knock

"Hey guys. SunMi, I'm sorry but were going to have to cut today's lesson short. The boys have a show to go to." Jungryul said.

"Oh, it's okay. No problem. Did you want me to come along?" I asked, hoping I could.

     I still hadn't talked to Myungsoo much.

"If you're not busy. I have a few songs I'd like you to revise the English lines to." He said.


"Of course, no problem." I said happily.

     Of course I'll go! I was more than happy to. As soon as he said he wanted me to go with them, we all got up and headed out. WooHyun and SungJong held onto my arms as if I was their mother or something. I would expect it from SungJong but not WooHyun. WooHyun was handsome, too handsome, and I was a bit nervous as our arms were intertwined. As soon as we came close to the van, I felt another hand pull me back.

"Hyung, I'll sit next to SunMi." Myungsoo told WooHyun

"Oh, okay." WooHyun simply said as he moved out to the back seat.

     SungJong was already sitting by the window. I sat in the middle and Myungsoo on the other side of me. I was a little grateful to Myungsoo, I did not want to sit next to WooHyun. I'd probably pounce on him or be a complete flirt with him, WooHyun was seriously too desirable. He made me nervous, so I didn't argue with Myungsoo as to why WooHyun couldn't sit next me. I had my own reasons as to why he shouldn't.

"SunMi, did you start school yet?" Hoya then asked.

"No. Not yet, but I did move into the dorms this last weekend."

"Ohh, how is it?" DongWoo asked.

"Their nice, and the view is amazing! You guys should see." I said while wondering if boys were even allowed to visit my all girls school campus.

"You have to share the room though, right?" DongWoo pointed out.

"Yeah, my roommate is great though. Except," I started to say as I giggled," she doesn't seem to like you guys very much."

"Waaaah?" SungYeol, DongWoo, WooHyun and SungJong all said in unison.

"Mmm, at first I thought she just didn't like K-Pop idols but then she told me she was a huge U-Kiss fan."

"Wow, who is she? I'm going to have to change her mind." WooHyun said as he laughed.

     If she saw him, she definitely would change her mind.

"What's her name? I'll write a rap about her, then she'll change her mind for sure." DongWoo stated, it looked like he meant it.

"Her name is MinHee, Park MinHee." I told them then.

"Oh, that's a pretty name." SungJong said.

     It was pretty I guess, MinHee meant: Brightness and pleasure. My name was better, SunMi: Goodness and Beauty.

"What did you say?" Myungsoo then asked suddenly, scaring me a bit.

"Uh. She doesn't like you guys?" I said confused.

"No after that?" He said, with a really serious face.

"Her name is MinHee Park?"

     Myungsoo then stared out the window with a blank expression. He was obviously thinking really hard about something. Whatever it was, it seemed to bug him. Their was no way he knew MinHee anyway, she just moved here from Busan.

"Yah Kim Myungsoo! How about you keep your weirdness level to a minimum, okay?" DongWoo said as they all laughed at him.

     I didn't laugh.

"Yeah, sorry." Myungsoo then said, returning to earth I suppose.

     Myungsoo was seriously acting weird, but I shrugged it off. He was weird all the time now a days, wasn't he?

     This van wasn't as uncomfortable as before for some odd reason. It was starting to feel like home, or something close enough to it. The boys ate, talked, laughed and slept in this van, so it basically was like home for them. Their was a lot of trash on the floor too, did the boys not clean? As we drove over to the hair the salon SungJong and SungYeol started to sing 'I Do Not Know' By A Pink while SungGyu and WooHyun sang 'Love Song' by Big Bang. They were having a singing contest, and SungGyu and WooHyun clearly were the better pick.

     DongWoo was laughing hysterically at them, I couldn't help but laugh either. Hoya was sleeping, I don't know how he's able to sleep through this racket, and Myungsoo was just staring out the window. Soon we arrived at the salon and the boys began to get beautified. As I sat down on one of the chairs in the salon, Jungryul walked up to me and handed me a few song outlines he wanted me to go over.

     I wrote songs on my own free time so I was more than comfortable going over these. The songs were deep and meaningful, they said things like, "I love you", "The sun doesn't shine without you", "I can't forget your smile", "Stay in my heart." Fan girls would definitely be squealing if they heard INFINITE say these few words. Especially if WooHyun was the one saying them.

     Omo, did I fall for WooHyun? No, no, no! Fan girls would kill me if they knew. I needed air, I needed a small distance between me and WooHyun at the moment. I exited the salon from the back door and sat down on the steps. My mind was a mess. When did I start liking WooHyun like that? Their was no way I could date him.

     As I was trying to convince myself that WooHyun was just Myungsoo's friend, a group of girls started walking towards me. I recognized two of the girls from the last time they mobbed INFINITE. Their faces looked a bit annoyed and I could tell they weren't too happy to see me.

"Yah, why are you doing here?" One of the taller girls asked.

"Just getting some fresh air." I said.

"Hmph, I heard you were close to INFINITE. Is that true?" The shorter, chubbier girl asked.

"Uh?" Their tones were making me nervous.

"Yah, answer the question!" The short girl yelled at me as she pulled me up from the steps by my collar.

"I-I'm just their English teacher." I said.

     Both these girls were bigger than me, I had no chance of winning if they were to choose to fight with me.

"Ha! That's a lame excuse. Now really, who are you?" The tall one said.

     The other girls behind her laughed as I was still being held by the chubbier girl.

"Let go of me." I said, trying to sound brave.

"Ohhh, feisty are we?" The chubby girl said as she held me tighter and then pulled me off the steps and onto the floor.

     I managed to scrape both my hands on the concrete floor. I didn't notice the blood coming from my lip until after I tried to get up. All five girls didn't let me get up fully. They pushed me down again, and one by one they kicked me from all sides. I covered my face, hoping that would make a difference. At one point the chubby girl pulled my hair up, making me scream in pain. These girls were taking this too far. I tried to fight back but it was pointless against all five of them. I was overpowered. After maybe three minutes of straight torture, they stopped.

"I hope you learned your lesson." The tall one said as she spat near me.

"Don't you ever get near our oppas. Arasso?!"

     I didn't answer, I was too much in pain to think.

"You better rethink your career choice." She added, the rest of the girls laughed and followed her away.

     What the hell just happened? I couldn't have done something to deserve this. I cried silently in terror. I was scared they would come back and finish me off but I was also too scared to get up and explain this to the boys. I slowly got up, whimpering in pain. My arms stung, my head was spinning and I felt completely humiliated. This kind of didn't even happen to me in America! Fan girls seriously were no joke. I looked myself over for a bit, I was in no way okay. They would all notice if I went in now.

Should I wait until they came to find me?

Aish, why did this have to happen to me?

     I walked in through the back door, hiding a bit. I managed to sneak into the woman's bathroom. Their was no one thankfully. I looked into the mirror now and started to cry again. My face was swollen, red and I looked like I was just hit by a bus. I collapsed onto the floor now and continued crying, I brought my knees up to my face and cried louder.

Was Myungsoo trying to protect me from this?

Is this why he was being so mean to me?

Was he secretly taking care of me by pushing me away?

     The thought of this made me laugh as I cried. Myungsoo did care.

     After a long while, someone finally came in the bathroom and found me, passed out on the floor. I don't know how or when I had fallen asleep, but I did. I must have cried myself to sleep. The lady screamed and it caused me to wake up. My body ached more than earlier. I slowly tried sitting up as I realized a group of people started coming towards me, asking me if I was alright. I was still on the floor when SungGyu and DongWoo came in.

"Yah! SunMi!" SungGyu yelled from a far.

"SunMi, what's wrong?" DongWoo asked as he kneeled down in front of me holding my hand.

     I couldn't bring myself to say what happened or to even look straight into their eyes, I was too ashamed for some odd reason.

"What happened?" Jungryul then came in and asked, "SunMi, are you okay? Who did this to you?"

     As INFINITE's manager asked, the rest of the boys started to come in as well. They all stood close to me then. I looked up for a second and made eye contact with each of the people in the bathroom now. I looked back down from the anxious faces and started to stand. DongWoo and SungJong both held me by the arms and helped pull me up. I was dizzy. I leaned on DongWoo more than necessary, I'm sure he could tell how weak I was.

"Let's take her out of here." SungJong suggested.

     Slowly, we started walking over to the lounge area of the salon. I still hadn't explained to them why I looked the way I did, but I knew I couldn't avoid it now. I sat down on one of the chairs and tried to gather my thoughts.

"What happened?!" Myungsoo then yelled out from the far door and then sprinted over to me.

     I hadn't noticed before but both Myungsoo and WooHyun did not witness my bathroom scene. They had no idea what was going on, the same as the rest of the people who did witness it.

"We don't know. She was passed out in the bathroom." DongWoo said as he patted my back.

"Here SunMi, drink this." SungJong said as he handed me a cup of warm tea.

"Th-Thank you." I said in a soft voice.

"Who did this to you?" Myungsoo asked now kneeling in front of me, while staring deeply into my eyes.

"I went outside and. . .and these girls."

     I didn't want to say that they were their fans that did this. They wouldn't be too happy.

"What girls? SunMi, who were they?" Myungsoo continued to ask.

"They were some girls, I don't know okay? They just started picking on me and -" That was the best I could answer at the moment.

"Look at this! Their obviously was a reason!" Myungsoo said as he pulled up my arm and pointed to all the scrapes and bruises that were turning a slight purple.

"Think what you want." I didn't need this right now, I really didn't do anything.

"Let's go." Myungsoo handed my tea to SungYeol and then pulled me off of the chair by the arm.

"Yah Myungsoo, let go." WooHyun then said while holding my other free hand.

"I'm taking her home, let go hyung." Myungsoo glared at WooHyun, WooHyun let go of me then.

     Myungsoo continued to pull me towards the street and as soon as a taxi pulled up, he then also pulled me into the taxi. I felt like my arm was going to fall off from all the bruises and from Myungsoo's force. He told the taxi driver to take us to my college campus.

"Are you okay?" He asked after a while.

"Uh? Yeah."

     We got to the campus and I originally thought he was going to leave, but he got off the taxi with me. He held me by the arm lightly this time and walked me to my dorm room. I unlocked the door and walked in. I regretted hanging up my INFINITE posters, I saw a laugh build up when he noticed them. I walked over to my closet to grab my first aid kit. I had cuts and bruises everywhere.

"Sit down, I'll do it." Myungsoo said as he grabbed the first aid kit.

"No,it's okay. You don-" I started to protest when he pulled me onto my bed.

"Are you really not going to say who did this to you?" He looked at me with sincere eyes.

     I nodded a no.

"Mmm, did you know these girls?"

"No, not exactly." I guess I could let him guess, just as long as I wasn't the one who said it first, I wouldn't feel so guilty that way.

"But you had seen them before?"


"Where? Here?"



"Yeah." He was getting closer.

"I guess I know now." He sighed and then started to clean the palms of my hand with alcohol wipes.

"You don't seem so surprised." I said.

"Mmm, you're not the first."

"Really?" I was curious now.

"Yeah," He looked up at me, "Where else are you bleeding?" He then asked, changing the subject.

"I'll take care of the rest later." I pointed out as I crossed my arms across my chest.

     I'm sure their would probably be bruises on my back, stomach and legs, and their was no way he would feel comfortable with me undressing to show him. Or so I thought.

"Turn around." He then ordered.

"What for?" I asked, still crossing my arms.

"Let me just see your back at least."

"No, it's okay."

"Just turn around." He said as he grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around, "Lift up your shirt for a bit."

     It felt a bit weird to have Myungsoo ask me to do such a thing, but I didn't protest any further. I turned around fully, facing the INFINITE posters on my wall, and lifted my t-shirt up slowly. The room was cold but I shivered more at the touch of Myungsoo's hand on me. He wiped my back with the alcohol wipe and then pointed out to me that I had a birthmark on my back. I felt him trace the out line of my heart shaped birthmark with his fingers slowly. I could feel my heartbeat grow faster as he touched me. It was different from earlier with WooHyun, this was more than just being nervous. I was anxious, nervous, happy and in a total bliss, kind of like my first kiss. My short happiness was then interrupted.

     The door knob moved for a second and MinHee walked in. Myungsoo and I both turned to look at her. He looked at her and then looked back at the wall behind me. I quickly slid my t-shirt back down and got off of the bed.

"Oh MinHee. Sorry, we were just umm." I was at a loss of words.

"No, I should have knocked. Should I go?" She said.

"No, it's okay. I'm leaving." Myungsoo then said as he got up.

     MinHee and Myungsoo both looked at each other then.

"MinHee this is Myungsoo, he is a member of INFINITE." I introduced them, looking back and forth at them.

     Their was something completely off about their expressions.

"Oh, nice to meet you Myungsoo." She bowed down to him and then extended her hand out to shake his hand, he only looked at her hand.

"SunMi, take care. The boys and I will probably call to check on you later." He said while looking back at me, ignoring MinHee's hand.

"Uh? Yeah, okay." I said as he headed to the door and walked out.

     Well that was awkward. MinHee's image of me was probably scarred. Myungsoo wasn't a saint either, he was completely rude to MinHee. I may be a clueless pabo sometimes, but I understood that MinHee and Myungsoo had a past that Myungsoo didn't want to come clean about.

Who was MinHee to him?

And how did his relationship with MinHee affect my friendship with Myungsoo?

     I was confused, annoyed, and in serious pain. Let's save the hard thinking and piecing together of this complicated puzzle for another day, okay?









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Sharissa #1
Man i suddenly missed him my first guy friend
Chapter 20: It was another cool story.
Their will be a sequel ?? *happy* I will wait for it !!
lcherry13 #3
Chapter 20: i love it!
shafkyulove #4
Finished in 35 mins sooo goood
svchen #5
I finally finished this AFF <3 I lOVE it! :))) SEQUEL PLEAAAASE :D
key-xing #6
You are an amazing writer! I came across this story and then finished it in one sitting :) This is officially my #1 favorite fanfic ever~ ^^
xapplepiex #7
Please do write a sequel(: This is one of my three favorite fanfics on here.
AhRiShA #8
This is one of my favs on AFF! Sequel??? Pretty please?
Do it! I'd love to read a sequel :)