I don't know

Yeppeun Sunbaewa Na (Beautiful Senior and I)
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(Tiffany's POV)

*knock* *knock*

"Come in."

"Morning Sunbae!" Without seeing the latter, i already know whose voice is that.

"Morning Tae." I replied while my eyes are still focusing on my laptop screen. 

"Here, i bought you a cup of coffee from Starbucks. Your favorite."

"Aww thank you. Now what do you want this time? Spill it!" I suspiciously eyeing her while she just grinning sheepishly at me.

It's been almost a month since Taeyeon worked here. We get along pretty well and now she's more like a friend slash sister to me rather than a junior co-worker. And it's amazing how i can feel this comfortable to be around her this instant. I'm not a type of person who can open up to anyone easily. But that midget certainly have crack up my shell.

"You know me so well, Pani-ah." And she also already get used to call me by the name when there is only the two of us.

"Can i go home early today? Just one hour earlier than usual." She pleads.

"And the reason is..?" I asked.

"It's a secret."


"Haha kidding Tiff, aigoo this sunbae. My mom will come to pay me a visit today. So i plan to pick her up at the bus station later. I'm afraid she'll get lost if she comes to my apartment alone by herself. She never come to my apartment before. So yeah.."

"Ah i see. If that was the case, no need to bribed me with this coffee. I'll give you my permission anyway."

"I know you will, but can't i buy my sunbae a cup of coffee?" She playfully asked me while raising one of her eyebrows in questioning manner.

"Geurae, do whatever you want. Now go back to work. Shoo.."

"Okay boss. And this is a cheese cake for you. Hope you'll like it." She puts a small cake box on my table and then leave without waiting for my response. I keep looking at the door even when i can't see her anymore still with a small smile plastered on my face.

"That kid.." i mumbled and then chuckled by myself. I take a sip of my coffee before i resume my work.



(Taeyeon's POV)

I don't know what's wrong with me. Lately i keep finding myself thinking about someone. And by saying someone, i referred to my sunbae, Tiffany. She's just too kind, and beautiful, and sweet and lovable. I don't know whether this feeling is just an admiration or something else. But again if it's just an admiration, then why i find myself keep trying to get her attention? As if i'm a spoiled kid who's craving for her mom's attention. Okay i admit it. I do swing that way and i have dated few girls before when i was younger. So i'm not so surprised by myself if later it turns out that i really have fall for her. But the problem is, does she also swing my way? She looks as straight as a pole though. Besides it was just few weeks i knew her. And having an affair with your co-worker in the same company is forbidden.

*beep beep*

A new hangout chat from my pretty sunbae.

Tae, can you come to my office? I have a new task for you. - Tiffany Hwang

Coming! - Kim Taeyeon


Actually Tiffany's office room isn't so far from my cubicle. I can easily see her like anytime since her office room just using a transparent glass. But whenever i watch over her, i'll do it secretly like taking a quick glance, or staring at her for few seconds before resuming my work. I don't want anyone especially Tiffany to caught me. Seeing her like that has become my new hobby now. Just what on earth that happening to me? Aish..

"You got it, Tae?" She asked after teaching me how to do my new task.

"Yeah i think."


"Hehe kidding Tiff. I got it. Don't worry."

"Good then. That's my junior." She smiled contently at me. And i swear i will never ever ever get tired of seeing that breathtaking eyesmile of her.

"Anyway, you will come to our company gala dinner on friday night right?"

"I don't know. Maybe yes, maybe no."

"And why is that?"

"Let's just say i'm not a type of person who enjoy that kind of thing. You know like meeting lot of people, have to stay for at least some chit chats with them, get drunk together.."

"Hahaha, i get it. You're still a kid. You can't enjoy this kind of adult's thing yet." She teased me while patting my head as if i'm a little kid. And i really hate that. Not because of her joke, but because by saying that, it means she sees me as a little kid when i want her to see me as a woman. As an adult. I want her to see me differently.

"Whatever. Gotta go now. Bye sunbae." I said with my flat face and get ready to leave.

"Yah yah yah.. you're not sulking, are you? I was kidding Taetae. Don't get mad." She pulled me by the hand and hold my arms to prevent me from going.

"I'm not mad." I clearly lied.

"Yeah you're surely not." She said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I really have to go now. Bye." I softly pulling my hand out of her grip and bowing at her before leaving. Hope she won't think i am a rude hoobae (junior).



"Kim Taeyeon!

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NekoLS #1
Chapter 21: Marriage on the wayy hahaha its so funny to see both of them panicked about marriage but i think they will slay it for sure cos they love each other so muchhhhhhhh
Etincelle #2
Chapter 21: omg update author...
cutiegurll #3
Chapter 21: so cute ughhhh
Chapter 9: aahh, why didnt i see them when they visit jakarta? im there too hahah
Chapter 21: Aigoooo what a cute story kekekekeke but I almost fell on the trap too i thought that tae mom opposed there relationship but this story maybe need a sequel too btw thumbs up to your story ❤
223 streak #6
Chapter 21: Finally finished reading it all!! Happy kid here ^^
I honestly wanted to finish this in one go last night but the damn lab reports were on my table so I stopped half way just to complete them without having a wink of sleep...Then the stupid laboratory class got cancelled (°ㅂ°╬)
I liked the roller coaster ride near the end and I almost cried when Tiff left. The song was on point. It really suits the story and the both of them. The ending seemed a little rushed but yeah...THESIS (I feel you). This deserves a sequel but if it isn't possible, IT'S OKAY. Thanks for the story...such a good find T^T
P.s Thanks for the reply. Good luck on your end too. Fighting! ^^/
223 streak #7
I should be studying but I remembered I saw the ad of this and decided to subscribe to it... nah, I'm taking a break anyway. There's no harm in reading some taeny right? Right. ^^
kimtaeny1110 #8
Chapter 21: Wooohhooo.... finally done reading all the chapters. Quite a roller coaster for taeny eh. Hehe...
anyway, this is such a good fic. I find it quite fresh..