The Agreement/The Love Triangle

Just Date Me Already

“The reviews from credits are out,” JB says. He waves the newspaper in the air.
“Already?” I ask.
“Already? Honestly Mark it’s been three weeks. Of course they’re here.”
“That means the premiere is coming up.”
“Yeah and that means we have to be there.” He rolls his eyes. I bite my lip just thinking about it. That means Jackson  will be there. It’s been a whole three weeks since I last saw him. I’m under the belief Mino’s been with him the entire time. I didn’t give myself a single day off. I’ve been helping JB around the office doing my old job again. Except now I’m helping him look for my replacement.
“Interviews start in five,” JB reminds me. I bend my head back and exhale loudly.  We hear a knock on the door.
“Already?” I ask looking at the door.
“Well what?”
“Go get it.”
“You’re still technically my assistant.”
“And you’re closer to the door!”
“I need a pretty face to greet everyone okay?”
“Fine!” I yell. I move to the door and open it.
“Hello my name is Youngjae,” the person says. He’s obviously a born Korean learning English. His accent gives him away way too easily.
“Youngjae?” JB says. He comes to the door and looks at the guy. “Aren’t you solo singer?” Youngjae nods at him.
“I am!” he says proudly. “You’re my playg~.”
“Stop!” JB says raising his hand. “I came to the acting department of JYP so I won’t have to listen to other people sing.”
“Okay Youngjae,” I start. “Why are you here?”
“I want to be an actor!” he says boldly. JB and I exchange a look.
“Uh can you even act?” I ask.
“Yes! And I can speak English.” He would have been a bit more convincing if he said that in English.
“Okay. On a scale from one to ten how fluent are you?” I ask him.
“S-sc-scale?” he says.
“Okay that’s about a five.” I pretend to write it down.
“Oh darn. Sorry Youngjae we’re looking for English speakers at the moment. Come back in a week.” JB says and shuts the door in his face. “Gosh I hate singers,” he says.
“Said the guy who used to be one,” I mutter.
“Hey! Don’t talk about that!” he yells at me. I raise my hands.
‘Sorry!” There’s another knock on the door. I open it to see a stunning lady with flowing blonde hair.
“Hi I’m here for the interview,” she says. 
“Well let the games begin.” JB says. 

It’s been a long day. Some interviews were better than others. Some were just really bad.
“See anyone you like?” I ask him.
“No. They all freaking mentioned JJ Project! Stupid people can’t they take a hint?”
“That one girl was nice though. She’d even do your laundry that’s one thing I wouldn’t do.”
“Yeah well she’s also a major JJ Project fan. She’d just keep reminding me about it. “Jaebum sir do you remember Bounce? I loved the way you shook it’ No. Not happening.”
“Our next candidate is late,” I tell him.
“He’s our last,” JB says.
“Exactly. I have a life to live.”
“No you don’t. And both of us know that. You had three. Three weeks off and you decided to spend them here working for no pay.”
“I’m not getting paid?” I ask.
“Okay maybe a little something but don’t expect much. Still with Mino in town your life doesn’t exist.”
“Not true.”
“It is.”
“Well at least I don’t need someone to get my life together. You’re a mess without me.”
“Oh ho. And how so?”
“If I’m not around to keep you organized you’d just sit around drinking as you think about JJ Project and then get angry and make a mess. And you really at organizing things. I mean is it that hard to alphabetize?”
“See this is why you’re no longer my assistant.”
“Because I’m perfect?”
“Because you know me too well.”
“Now that’s just stupid.”
“I need space Mark. An assistant not a friend.”
“We weren’t friends from the get go. And I’m not entirely sure we are friends.” There’s a knock on the door.
“Well we are Mark. Whether you like it or not. You can stay in that little work bubble of yours and waste your life away but you’re not hiding from anyone.”
“I have no idea what that means,” I tell him. I open the door and smile at the person. “Good evening. I’m Mark Tuan and I’ll be interviewing you today.”

He was late because he got on the wrong bus and fell in pigeon poop. He doesn’t smell like it but he sure does look like it. He smiles at us. A kid-ish innocent smile. The interview isn’t going too well but it’s going.
“Okay last question. Where do you see yourself in five years?” Jaebum asks.
“Not in pigeon poop,” he laughs. When we don’t laugh with him he puts on a serious face. “Hopefully I’m still your assistant.”
“Ah cute,” JB says and he glances at me. “Do you have another question?”
“No, I think we’re done here,” I tell him. I put X’s  in various categories . He didn’t meet any of my standards.
“Okay turns out I have one more. Are you a JJ Project fan?” JB asks. The guy looks from me to JB with a confused look on his face.
“JJ Project?” he asks. “What’s that?” I can tell from the look on his face JB is more than satisfied with this guy- kid. He stands up and the kid does the same.
“You just landed yourself a job sir!”
“I did?”
“Yeah! Now what was your name again?”


Today was a pretty heavy day. After waking up at 5 so I can be with Mino when he trains and does a whole bunch of other stuff for his debut. He insisted we go to the amusement park then the beach and now we’re going shopping. Again.
“Ah look at my little Jackson-ie. You’re so cute in this outfit. Take it off so I can go buy it,” Mino says.
“Hyung I need sleep,” I tell him. I’m absolutely drained. It’s not like I went to sleep early last night. Or the past nights for however long Mino’s been here. He insists on doing everything in Korea. Whether it includes movie after movie to drinking to everything in between. Like that water gliding thing at the beach. All my free time he’s taken away from me. And I only get about three hours of sleep a night. Come home late leave early is the motto.
:Nonsense,” Mino dismisses. “You’re young! Live while you can.”
“Is that another way to say YOLO?” I ask.
“Shh I don’t believe in that word. Now go take it off.” I take the clothes off and put on my own outfit. I don’t even want what he’s getting but I let him get it anyway. There isn’t a way to say ‘no’ to Mino. As I wait for him to buy the outfit I stare at the suits. One in particular just reminds me of Mark. He usually wears simple suits. But one day he wore this really nice one. It was flashy but a subtle flashy like the one on the mannequin. I wonder what he’s doing right now. Working? He’s probably working. Most likely working. Thinking about me? Probably not. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Mino.
“You’ve gained a sudden interest in suits,” he tells me. I look back at the suit in front of me.
“I have.”
“Here try it on and I’ll buy it for you.”

The next day instead of waking up to Mino I wake up to my phone ringing. I wait a while expecting Mino to answer it and he doesn’t. I reach and answer.
“Hello?” I say into the phone.
“It’s 2 in the afternoon and you’re still sleeping?” the other person says. I sit up quicker than I expected I would.
“You sound surprised,” he points out. I scratch my head.
“Well it’s been a while,” I tell him.
“Yeah it has,” he says. He pauses. I press my back against my headboard and pull my knees into my chest.
“Have you been well?” I ask.
“Of course I’ve been well idiot. How have you been?”
“Tired. Today’s the only day I got to sleep in.” I look around the room wondering where Mino went.
“Of course it is. Still prank calling people in the middle of the night?”
“Still as boring as ever?” I ask.
“It’s been three weeks Jackson not three years.”
“Ah it will take you thirty years to change,” I tell him. He laughs. A laugh that just makes you want to smile.
“Idiot,” he says again. He clears his throat. “Anyway back to why exactly I called you. Your movie officially comes out tomorrow and you have to be at the premiere tonight.”
“Are you asking me out?”
“It sounds like you are.”
“I’m not!” He pauses. “Anyway that’s at seven so I would come get you at 6:30-.”
“But I also have more offers for you. Mostly tv show dramas. So I’ll actually need you to come a bit earlier.”
“Ah what does one wear to a premiere?” 
“A suit?”
“A suit? Like what you always wear?” I can imagine him rolling his eyes at me and shaking his head. He probably straightened his tie five times since this conversation has started. It makes me smile even wider just thinking about what he’s doing on the other end.
“Yes Jackson a suit. And if you don’t have one-.”
“I have one. I have two actually maybe even three.”
“Oh okay good.”
“Were you going to ask me out on another date before our date?” I ask.
“I’m sorry. Have I ever told you I liked you?” he asks.
“Then why do you keep assuming I’m asking you out?” he asks. He sounds mad but I can hear the playfulness in his voice. I lie down in bed.
“Because that’s what you do Mark Tuan. You do things that confuse me.”
“Jackson,” he says. I know he’s biting his lip right now. He’s way to nervous to just straighten his tie. 
“Don’t say anything I have another question. If we’re discussing scripts what time will you be coming for me?”
“Five?” he says a bit unsure. I’m not sure if he’s unsure because of the time or because I changed the topic.
“Okay that works. Do I have to have my suit on?” I ask.
“Yesss,” he hissed.
“Bye Jackson,” he says.
“Bye.” I hang up the phone and just lie there thinking about him. I look at my phone and realize I have a text message from Mino.

‘Jackson honey! I’m sorry I left you today. You just wouldn’t wake up. You must be exhausted huh? Sleep well. And don’t do anything stupid until I get back. Love ya.’
Love. I don’t love Mark, do I?


Seeing Jackson in a suit took my heart away. I can feel it breaking through my ribs and escaping my chest. I completely forgot how to breath. He’s not wearing his jacket though. He holds it over his shoulder as he opens the door. I’ve never seen him dressed like this before. He’s even wearing a very nice silk vest.
“Hey,” he says with a rather seductive smile. I don’t respond I actually forgot how to talk. I take a deep breath then try again.
“Hi,” I tell him. ‘Because Mark Tuan you do things that confuse me’. Is my reaction confusing him right now? He looks behind him and realizes the tv’s on. He heads back inside and turns it off.
“Okay ready. Unless you want to come in?” he says. I shake my head at him. He shrugs. “Ah Mark?”
“You’re blocking the way,” he says.
“Oh right.” I move out of the way and realize he’s wearing a cap. I yank it off. “Gosh Jackson can you go a day without wearing a cap? It ruins the suit.”
“My hair. Don’t you have people who can do it for me?” he asks. “I can’t comb my own hair!”
“Come on.” I pull him back inside and get him into the bathroom where I comb his hair. I’m not sure if I should give him an updo or bangs I just go for the latter. His face is so close to mine. I bet he can feel my breath on his face but he doesn’t care. Our lips slowly get closer and closer to each other’s.
“Where’s Mino?” I ask when our lips graze each other’s.
“Work,” he says. His voice sounds so tempting.
“When will he be back?” I ask.
“No idea,” he says. I stand up straight and head to the door.
“More of a reason to leave right now,” I tell him. I straighten my tie. He stands up straight from sitting on the bathroom sink.
“What? Why?” he sounds slightly dazed I feel dazed.
“I honestly don’t want him to join us so we should leave before he gets back,” I tell him. I leave the house and he follows me out locking the door behind him. “And FYI Jackson I don’t know about you but I honestly don’t want to get caught.”  He doesn’t reply to that. He just stands in the elevator unusually quiet. I look away but even when I’m not looking at him all I can do is think about him.

The moment I get to JB’s office. Yugyeom runs into me and almost spills coffee all over me.
“Ah I’m so sorry Mark hyung. Forgive me,” he says.
“Yeah yeah,” I tell him. He goes into the office with his head bowed. “Klutz,” I say under my breath.
“Who’s that?” Jackson asks.
“JB’s new assistant.” Jackson only nods.

“Jaebum, I’m in need of all the scripts that came in for Jackson,” I tell him the moment I enter.
“Yugyeom will get you those,” JB replies. I roll my eyes as Yugyeom gives me a shy smile. 
“I’ll get them myself,” I tell him straightening my tie.
“Mark,” Jackson says from behind me. I look back at him.
“Let the kid do his job.” I frown.
“Fine, fine. Go ahead Yugyeom. You remember where to find them right?” I ask.
“Under Jackson Wang?” he asks. I nod and take a seat. Jackson sits across from me. I kind of hoped he’d sit next to me. I’m also a bit frustrated that I missed out on kissing him earlier. Yugyeom hands me the file and bows. He then takes two steps then stops.
“You’re Jackson Wang, right? The Jackson Wang?” he asks. Jackson nods at him and smiles. Yugyeom squeals. “I-I’m so honored to meet you. I’m Yugyeom.” Jackson shakes his head and nods.
“How old are you Yugyeom?” he asks.
“Sixteen sir.”
“Oh he’s young,” Jackson says pointing to him as he looks at me.
“He is,” I agree.
“Young but willing the work,” Yugyeom smiles.
“Yeah now go back to work,” I tell him. 
“Okay!” he says and walks away.
“Mean much?” I ask.
“He’s under qualified. And got hired for all the wrong reasons.”
“Which would be?”
“He doesn’t know what JJ Project is.”
“What’s that?”
“Don’t worry about it.” I the packets towards him. “Choose wisely,” I tell him. Jackson scans the first page of each one.
“Which one do you think I should do?” he asks. I lean forward placing my arms on my legs.
“Well romantic comedies are in so I’d definitely pay extra attention to one of them,” I tell him. He puts a stack of papers down and looks at three of them. He opens all three of them to the middle page and reads it.
“This one,” he says. He passes it to me. I look it over.
“Why this one?” I ask.
“Because it’s funny.”
“They’re romantic comedies. All of them are funny,” I tell him.
“This is funnier.” He smiles at me. And now I really want to kiss him. I can feel the sensation start from the pit of my stomach and escalate to me lips. I my lips and he watches me do it. I sit up.
“Okay if you want this script. I’ll give them a call first thing tomorrow.”
“Bye bye to my days off.”

I just wanted one kiss. One. But here we are at the premiere and from the flashing cameras to the thousands of people screaming Jackson’s name I know we won’t get any privacy. He waves at the cameras and various people. He then leaves me for an interview. When he gets back to me his face is unreadable.
“Mark, I have to go potty,” he says.
“So?” I ask.
“I don’t know where the bathroom is,” he says. 
“Come on.” I hold him by the elbow and take him inside. Jaebum remains outside taking a million and one pictures. Truth be told I have no idea where the bathroom is. I’ve never been to a premiere before. As JB’s assistant I don’t go to these things.  We walk around aimlessly for a while and Jackson starts to walk slower.
“Are you okay?” I ask him.
“I just really have to go,” he says.
“Jackson, what if I told you I have no idea where we’re going?” I ask.
“I’d have to say that really !” he replies. He squeezes his legs together and starts walking funny. Oddly enough there are dressing rooms in the hallway we’re in. All of them vacant and dark. If I’m correct they each should have a bathroom inside. I pull Jackson inside of one and look around. And for Jackson’s sake there’s a bathroom.
“Found one,” I tell him. He lets out a sigh of relief and goes inside. I look around the room. It’s like a closet room instead of a dressing room. There’s clothes every items litter the floor in a huge pile. There’s even a bunch of boa’s everywhere. For a place so fancy outside I’d never expect all of this in any of the rooms inside. Jackson leaves the bathroom and looks at the mess. He laughs.
“This is one messy room,” he snickers.
“Boa?” I ask him. He only stands still. I walk over and place one around his neck. “A black one since all you wear is black” I tell him.
“This suit isn’t black,” he says gesturing to it.
“Yeah and it looks nice on you,” I tell him. He looks at me a bit nervous and turns in a slow circle. “What?” I ask him. Even his stare looks nervous.
“Nothing,” he says. He takes a step back and falls over. With my hands still on the boa I also fall over and on top of him. The pile of clothes lighten the fall and feathers fly up all around us. “These are some cheap boas,” Jackson comments.
“Shut up Wang,”  I tell him. I place my lips on his and he kisses me back just as eager as I feel. My hands go up in his hair that I just combed. It’s as soft as I remember. He places his hands on my face and pulls me closer. It takes a phone ringing to get me to stop. I push away and hover over him. My arms caging Jackson’s head. I stare into his eyes breathless as he stares into mine. He takes two very deep breaths and get his phone out. 
“Hello?” he says looking right into my eyes. “Oh. . . um my premiere’s today. You’re already here? I-I’m in the restroom I’ll be there soon,” he says.
“Is that-.”
“Mino’s here.” You just can’t get away from that guy. I get off of Jackson. I help him up and he presses his lips against mine quickly.
“Sorry I had to,” he says with a smile. I pull him by his tie and kiss him again. “You know for a guy who doesn’t like me. You sure do kiss me a lot,” he says eyeing me.
“I’m hoping you get caught.”
“Oh?” he says giving me a look of disbelief.
“Fine my lips are lonely,” I lie. I realize he’s still pretty close to me and I can’t decide if I should kiss him or push him away. He decides that for me by walking around me and exiting the room. We keep walking down the halls until we see a crowd of people. More pictures are taken and Jackson waves and winks at more people. He enjoys this more than he lets on.And there’s Mino. He flashes his signature smile at Jackson and makes his way over.
“Hey,” he says to Jackson.
“Manager I’ve been seeing you a lot lately,” Mino says to me.
“Uh no you haven’t,” I tell him. “We haven’t seen each other for weeks.” Mino eyes me up and down.
“You two look a bit messy,” Mino says. He fixes Jackson’s hair.
“We fell in the bathroom,” Jackson tells Mino. Mino’s eyes widen.
“Are you okay?” he asks. And plucks a feather off of Jackson’s .
“Yeah boas broke our fall.” Mino nods and goes along with that. It’s as if he believes Jackson would never cheat. Or at least not with me.


New chapter. I don't know why I took so long to upload this. Maybe lack in motivation? 

Anyway don't forget to leave a comment please!

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Zico01 #1
Chapter 20: Awhh 대박 this was perfection I love this story soooooo much, so sad it had to end though :(
workluvaffair #2
Chapter 19: "Save up for me Mark." ..... WHY ㅠㅠ how can I get past this line at work!! I am not prepared to go to the next chapter because this is too good to end! :(
workluvaffair #3
Chapter 18: I was absolutely not expecting that JJ Project part! Hopefully you branch out to a JJP fic as an extension haha.
workluvaffair #4
Chapter 14: Dang, this is my second/third time reading this chapter and I still get the feels! Good job. ^^
Marzially #5
Chapter 20: This was amazing! It kept me awake till almost 5am! Thanks
Chapter 20: I found this story yesterday and read in one! It was amazing, I really enjoyed reading ^^ I don't have favotite chapter, but I have to say I LOVED Youngjae's character!! When he appeared, I was laughing so hard xDD And Yugyeom was a cutie pie ^^ And of course I liked all of the other characters too, even Mino :D Thank you for sharing this story with us ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: The ending makes me cry tears of joy. Wow!! This story is so good!!! I'm probably gonna reread it again tomorrow.
Mautjezwik #8
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: I read this fanfic in one day because I was so addicted!! Thank you so much for this story! the last chapter is the best end of all fanfics I have read so far.. I would love some extras! Anyways, thank you so much for this. I loved it!
Pandabearsareawesome #9
Chapter 20: Omg!!! I loved this!! And I love the 'it's not hard' reference . I cracked up at that. I'm sad it's over, but hopefully you'll make a new markson fanfic. I would love extras! Anyway, great story I loved it!