The Beginning

Just Date Me Already

“Congratulations!” JB and Yugyeom sing that song when Jackson and I enter the room. After the song Yugyeom presents a small cake to us.
“How did you guys know?” I ask.
“Well one you’re late. And two the situation last night made it pretty obvious,” JB explains.  I don’t know how he knows about last night. But Jackson seems to have some idea. I nod and take Jackson’s hand. Without telling him we blow out the candles at the same time.
“Yay!” Yugyeom cheers. I kiss Jackson and he puts icing on my nose. I scrunch up my face and shake my head at him.
“ it it! it!” JB cheers. Jackson holds up a finger shushing him and he actually the icing off my nose.


It’s back to a normal day in our lives after a whole week. No more celebrating the fact that we’re together. No more bragging or thinking about how hard we made it on each other and still pulled through. Now it’s just work, work, work.
Mark wakes me up as usual. He’s gotten used to this more than I have.
“Come on sleepy head you have work today,” he says. I sit up, kiss his cheek, and head into the bathroom. He’s already dressed and in his suit for the day. I find this odd because he slept over and got ready before waking me up. He holds his tablet in his hand reading me the day’s schedule.
“At 9 you have a meeting with the cast. At 11:30 you start f-.”
“Yah! What are you doing?” I ask him.
“Reading you your schedule?” he says as if it’s obvious. I quickly finish brushing my teeth and turn around.
“Like that? You read it as if you’re my manager.”
“Jackson, I am your manager.” He lets out a dry laugh.
“Yeah but you’re also my boyfriend. You should say it like this ‘baby at 9 you have a meeting, okay? I love you! Oh and 11:30- know what forget it. Let’s just make out’.”  He stares at me for a second and then laughs.
“What? You’ve got to be kidding me,” he says.
“I’m not!” I yell. I start pulling down my pants.
“You seriously want me to read your schedule like that?”
“Well yeah. I’d love it.” He hits me in the head with his tablet.
“Well too bad. I may love you Jackson but there’s no way I’m doing that.”
“Ah you’re seriously no fun,” I complain. I pull off my shirt and get into the shower.
“And you don’t know how to take things seriously,” he calls after me.
“I know!” I yell over the roars of the shower and before I know it he leaves.


Childish Jackson. Idiot Jackson. Lovable Jackson. Lovable? Seriously? I can’t even stay mad at that the guy for a second. I know how to have fun, don’t I? I have a freaking video game collection at home- that’s collecting dust. I have a really cool car -that I rarely drive. I have red hair! That I only maintain because Bambam keeps kidnapping me so he can redo it. Oh gosh I really am boring. Jackson exits his room in casual clothes and I literally have to think about the last time I went more than a day in casual clothes. Three years ago? Five? Wow. Jackson walks over and nudges his head in my chest.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles.
“For what? Being honest?” I ask him. He wraps his arms around me.
“I wasn’t being honest I was being mean.” I hug him back.
“You were being honest Jacks. I am no fun.”
“No, baby, baby don’t think that way,” he says quickly.
“Why not?”
“You’re not boring. Why would I date someone who’s boring?” he asks.
“Because opposites attract?” I reply. He presses his lips against mine.
“You’re not boring. You’re a hundred times better than Bigbang’s Baebae.”
“You mean I’m entertaining in bed?” 
“I mean you’re entertaining to me.” I wrap my arms around his neck.
“I guess I can work with that,” I smirk at him. He smiles too and I kiss that smile right off his face. “But I’m pretty sure that’s not what that song means.” He rolls his eyes.
“Minor details.” He kisses me again.



I show up to work Jackson’s hand in mine. He’s off for the day but I need to help JB with a few files. The first thing I notice is Jr. on the couch. He smiles politely at me and I do the same. Jackson glares at him.
“Don’t smile at him. He’s mine!” Jackson yells. Jr.’s eye widen at him. I pat Jackson and give him a kiss on the cheek.
“What are you doing?”
“Protecting my territory,” he replies
“I’m your territory?” I ask.
“No but you’re worth protecting.” I smile at him. My heart feels so happy right now I feel it might fly right out of me. JB enters the office and hands Jr. a cup of coffee with a kiss.
“I didn’t know you got coffee these days,” I tell him.
“I don’t but I get his,” JB replies. He gestures to Jr.
“Cute.” I smirk.
“I’ll get you coffee!” Jackson says.
“It’s fine, Jacks.” I pet his head. “Where’s Yugyeom.”
“File room.” And just then Yugyeom walks in.
“JB you’re staring at Mark five seconds too long,” Jackson says. JB glares at him.
“Uh what?”
“Where’s my jacuzzi?”
“Why are you even here?!” JB asks. 
“Mark’s here and I’m off so I might as well come too,” Jackson replies
“Your logic’s flawed,” JB says eyeing him. Jr.’s here giving JB a comforting pat on the back.
“It’s okay JB,” Jr. says. JB smiles at him and Jr. smiles back.
Bambam booms inside and stares me down.
“Mark! Stop avoiding me it’s time to dye your hair!” he yells. Youngjae walks in after him.
“Hello my name is Youngjae!” he says. His usual and very famous line.
“Agh Youngjae we’ll make you an actor. Happy?” JB says. Youngjae’s eyes light up.
“Really!?” he says.
“Really,” JB mutters.
“I’m so HAPPY!” Yugyeom counts the people in the room and his eyes light up as well.
“Guys remember that kpop group I talked about earlier?” Yugyeom asks.
“No,” Jackson replies first.
“You weren’t here babe,” I tell him.
“I assumed as much.” He leans over the table and kisses me.
“Yu-.” He cuts JB off.
“There are 7 of us an odd number! It’s perfect. And since 7 is a lucky number we should be called Got7!!” Yugyeom smiles brightly as he cheers for himself. JB laughs as he wraps his  arms around Jr.’s waist. 
“You wish Yugyeom. Us? A kpop group? In your dreams! I’m done with singing. And none of these guys are talented.”
“Hey I could sing very well thank you,” Jackson says.
“You’re not even Korean!” JB shouts. Jr. puts a hand to his chin.
“Why not? Anything can happen if you believe!” JB’s eyes brighten up and they seem to have a conversation with just making eye contact.
“Think of all the fans!” Bambam yells. “And the money.” JB seems into it now. Yugyeom nods.
“And you can act, dance, and sing Youngjae!” Yugyeom says. “And your English will come in handy.”
“YES! It’s not hard!” he yells cheerfully. They all look at me like it’s my decision.
“Huh. I get to be with Jackson. And I get to work my off for many hours a day?” I tell him. “Sign me up.”
“Okay!” JB says clapping his hands. “I guess this is happening.”
“Aish does our name have to be Got7?” Jackson asks.
“If you don’t like it then we have to do it,” JB says. Jr. and I laugh.
“We can’t debut until Mark dyes his hair,” Bambam says. I roll my eyes and look at Jackson.
“I love you,” I tell Jackson.
“Love you too.”
“Ah I could see the fans now,” Jr. says. “You two will knock them out.”
“What you got?” JB shouts. We all stand up as if we planned this. “I got7!”

~The End~


And it's over!!! Everyone!!! Thank you so so so so much for reading and subscribing. And to those who commented THANK YOU! Without you guy's I'd stop writing. I  love and reread every comment!

Okay so I really, really like this ending. It's my favorite ending out of all the stories I've uploaded here so far. I mean Markson's happy, everyone's happy and they're going to be the group we love today. I'm in love with this chapter. And depending on time, ideas, and whether or not you guys want it I'll start writing mini  extras for this story.

In the comments below

1. Feel free to say anything you want about this chapter
2. You're favorite chapter and why.

3. Would you like a few extras for this story? And if so is there anything you want to read in particular. I have an idea for one or two. So expect those. 


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Zico01 #1
Chapter 20: Awhh 대박 this was perfection I love this story soooooo much, so sad it had to end though :(
workluvaffair #2
Chapter 19: "Save up for me Mark." ..... WHY ㅠㅠ how can I get past this line at work!! I am not prepared to go to the next chapter because this is too good to end! :(
workluvaffair #3
Chapter 18: I was absolutely not expecting that JJ Project part! Hopefully you branch out to a JJP fic as an extension haha.
workluvaffair #4
Chapter 14: Dang, this is my second/third time reading this chapter and I still get the feels! Good job. ^^
Marzially #5
Chapter 20: This was amazing! It kept me awake till almost 5am! Thanks
Chapter 20: I found this story yesterday and read in one! It was amazing, I really enjoyed reading ^^ I don't have favotite chapter, but I have to say I LOVED Youngjae's character!! When he appeared, I was laughing so hard xDD And Yugyeom was a cutie pie ^^ And of course I liked all of the other characters too, even Mino :D Thank you for sharing this story with us ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: The ending makes me cry tears of joy. Wow!! This story is so good!!! I'm probably gonna reread it again tomorrow.
Mautjezwik #8
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: I read this fanfic in one day because I was so addicted!! Thank you so much for this story! the last chapter is the best end of all fanfics I have read so far.. I would love some extras! Anyways, thank you so much for this. I loved it!
Pandabearsareawesome #9
Chapter 20: Omg!!! I loved this!! And I love the 'it's not hard' reference . I cracked up at that. I'm sad it's over, but hopefully you'll make a new markson fanfic. I would love extras! Anyway, great story I loved it!