Show Time

Just Date Me Already

“Jackson, I love you,” I tell him. His eyes go wide and he looks like he wants to stand. I move from on his lap and sit up as he stands.
“WHAT!?” he yells at me. I bow my head.
“I know. It’s stupid and-.” He picks my head up to face me.
“You’ve been lying to me this whole time?”
“No, I said I didn’t like you. And I’m telling you now that I love you.”
“Mark you’re so unfair,” he whispers. I pull his hands off my face.
“I’m unfair? Me? Jackson you’re unfair!” I yell at him. He holds me. Pulling me into a rough hug.
“Mark, Mark, Mark. You’re so cruel.” 
“You don’t have to deal with me. Now that you know. I know you love Mi-.”
“I don’t,” he says. That’s not what I saw coming.
“What?” I ask.
“I-I can’t explain it. But I don’t have feelings for Min besides friendly feelings. He’s my friend and nothing more. Honest. It’s just some things are going on right now Mark and I have to deal with them. But when it’s over I’ll be yours I promise. Will you wait for me?”


I got kicked out. Taken to the door and I watched as it slammed in my face.   Who confesses and then kicks the person they love out out? I just don’t get it. Does this mean we act as if he never said it? Do we just pretend he doesn’t have feelings for me? I guess all of that depends on how Mark treats me tomorrow. But I’m still going to try really hard to break it off with Mino while I play his stupid games. 

“Jackson. Up. Now.” A voice says above me. It sounds extremely irritated as if he’s been saying it for a long time and reached the point that he has to sound everything out. I look up to see Mark standing over me. His phone in hand with his music blaring. How did I not hear that?
“You’re better?” I ask. “Are you sure you’re well?” He stops the song.
“You’re in the couch today,” he observes. I rub my neck realizing it feels a bit stiff.
“Yeah. I’m kind of trying to stay away from Mino for a while,” I tell him.
“Why?” he asks his voice sounds so serious. But I smile at him anyway
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I ask. I stand up and head to the bathroom. I guess we’re pretending Mark never confessed to me. “I love you”. He loves me. For how long? He must have liked me for a long time if it escalated to love. I like Mark. I like him a lot. But I wouldn’t say I love him just yet. He’ll have to be mine first. I wait for Mark to come in before I get into the shower then I realize the bathroom is in the bedroom and the sleeping lion is in the bed. I go ahead and shower and when I get out the lion’s up.
“I picked your clothes,” he tells me. I look down on the bed. Just a black jersey and jeans for a second I thought it was something outrageous or ugly.
“Thanks,” I tell him.
“He’s here today?” he asks me.
“Yeah.” I eye him wondering what he’s going to do. 
“I should greet him,” he says. He starts getting out of bed and I attack him. By jumping right on top of him. I pin him on the bed.
“Jackson hurry u-.” Mark stands at the door staring at me. Last time I checked I only have a towel on.
“Oh Jacks. It’s too early for this,” Mino says eyeing Mark.


“I wasn’t going to do what you think I was,” Jackson tells me.
“How do you know what I’m thinking?” I ask.
“Because you’re speed walking!”
“Maybe we’re late,” I answer. He looks at his phone to see if that’s true. But he still doesn’t know since I didn’t get the chance to tell him earlier.
“Then what did you think I was doing?” he says almost breathless. I stop and turn to face him. He almost ran into me but I grab at his shoulders.
“I think you were stopping him from getting out of bed to see me,” I tell him. He stares at me. His words at the tip of his tongue and he swallows them down.
“How did you-.”
“Look I figure you don’t have a reason to lie to me. So when you said you don’t like Mino you don’t. I believe you, the end.”
“So you believe that I like you,” he says. I narrow my eyes at him.
“To some extent,” I reply. He doesn’t know what to make of what I just said so I continue to walk. We get on set and like every morning everything is a bit crazy.
“Jackson!” We hear the yell from across the room and then see Jimin running over.
“Hey,” Jackson tells her and flashes his evil smile. These two act like siblings the way they tease each other on set. But once they start acting it’s amazing how much they change. Both of them turn into adults. And their hate off camera turns into love since they’re the main couple in the show. It’s amazing to watch and it not only shocks me but everyone on set.
“Our kiss scene is today,” she tells him and moves some hair from her face. I feel my heart stop. Kiss scene?
“Why so excited?” Jackson asks. “What is this your first kiss?” Jimin’s cheeks turn bright red and she starts to pout as if she’ll throw a tantrum.
“No!” she yells. And she starts hitting him.
“Jackson,” I call his name and they stop fighting. “You’re not supposed to do kissing scenes,” I remind him. Jimin pouts again.
“Why not?” she asks. Well she’s not happy about this.
“Jackson’s uh- friend put it in the contract we made,” I tell her. She flips her hair.
“Well that’s just stupid. Who is this friend to call the shots?”
“The same friend who’s the reason why I’m here acting with you today,” Jackson says and messes up her hair. She gasps.
“I just got this done! And by the way you need to go to hair and make-up right away.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jackson says waving her off. He messes her up hair yet again and walks away. I can see her steaming.

“What are we going to do?” he asks me. Right now he’s looking at me but then the hairdresser tilts Jackson’s head upwards.
“Well I talked to the manager about this way before we agreed on taking up the part. And he said he’ll pull a few strings.”
“Jimin’s right this is stupid. It’s just a peck on the lips,” he says folding his arms.
“Yeah well we’ll just have to deal with it. An agreement is an agreement and if Mino doesn’t want it oh well.” I don’t want it either. Jackson rolls his eyes. I guess he’s one of those people that once he’s in character he wants to go through all the things the character goes through.
“Done,” the hairdresser says. I look at Jackson now his face and hair is ready and honestly there isn’t much of a difference he looked perfect already. I will admit that sometimes his face is really oily and he’d sometimes have a 9 o’ clock shadow but that’s as bad as he gets. Lately he’s been caring more about his appearance well at least in front of me. We head back to the set when the director’s assistant approaches us with Jimin at his sad.
“Mr. Tuan I’m sorry but we have bad news,” he says.
“Jimin won’t do the kissing scene unless Jackson’s doing it with her.” She stands there with her hands on her hips and a smile on her face. “It’s not our fault. We even brought the stunt double in but she won’t kiss him.”
“Isn’t it a fake kiss anyway?” I ask.
“No! I can’t pull those off,” she says. “Gosh people it’s just a press on the lips for like two seconds. Let’s just do it.”
“I agree,” Jackson says raising an arm. I widen my eyes at him and he puts his hand down. “Mark hyung Mino doesn’t have to know until filmings over and by then. . . “ he trails off never finishing his sentence. Before I can ask Jimin speaks up again.
“Let’s just do it!”

It was torture. It wasn’t just one peck on the lips. And it wasn’t just for two seconds. They were a mess. Well mostly on Jimin’s part. She’d either start giggling when their lips touched or mess up the scene immediately after causing them to tape the whole thing over. Sometimes the kiss itself was wrong. It would be too long or too short. Or she’d slip. Jackson tried to be professional but sometimes he’d laugh when their lips met too.
“Her face just looks so funny up close!” he laughs really loud. She hit him.
“Why are your lips so soft?” she asks. “That’s weird for a guy.” I feel something in my mind pop. Not because of her last sentence the first. She commented on his soft lips. The soft lips I admire and want on me. Jackson his lips.
“I keep them soft for a special person.” That’s when I feel myself blush.
“These two are going to keep at it all day,” N says from my left. I didn’t know he was there.
“Ah I know,” I tell him.
“You okay?” he asks.
“Far from it. I wish they’d get it over with.”
“Same here. I have other things to attend to today.”
“Where’s Hongbin?”
“Dressing room. We just got here Hongbin had a photo shoot.”
“Ah Jackson’s is tomorrow I think.”
“Same magazine?”
“Newspaper actually. He did a magazine photo last week and another next week.”
“Must be busy having a guy who’s pretty famous.”
“He was pretty famous the day he walked into the company.”
“I bet you became a fan that day,” he says eyeing me.
“I did.”

The day is finally over and they finished the kissing scene. That’s the only one in Jeju but there’s more to come when we get back to Korea. I will not be staying around for those.
“Washed your lips?” I ask. He wipes them.
“No, why?” he asks.
“Let’s hope Mino doesn’t taste her on you,” I tell him. I’m hoping he washed his lips more for my benefit.
“You weren’t jealous were you?” he asks.
“No, not at all.”
“Good because she’s only a sister to me. It felt so weird.”
“Did it? How does it feel kissing me?”
“Amazing.” I turn my head as I feel myself blushing.


Sorry!! I was wrong. The Markson moments are in the next chapter. I'm sorry I gave you all wrong information. At least now you know Jackson's reaction to Mark's confession. Anyway in the next chapter there's another popular ship you guys will see. I think you guys will like the next chapter a lot. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to review!

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Zico01 #1
Chapter 20: Awhh 대박 this was perfection I love this story soooooo much, so sad it had to end though :(
workluvaffair #2
Chapter 19: "Save up for me Mark." ..... WHY ㅠㅠ how can I get past this line at work!! I am not prepared to go to the next chapter because this is too good to end! :(
workluvaffair #3
Chapter 18: I was absolutely not expecting that JJ Project part! Hopefully you branch out to a JJP fic as an extension haha.
workluvaffair #4
Chapter 14: Dang, this is my second/third time reading this chapter and I still get the feels! Good job. ^^
Marzially #5
Chapter 20: This was amazing! It kept me awake till almost 5am! Thanks
Chapter 20: I found this story yesterday and read in one! It was amazing, I really enjoyed reading ^^ I don't have favotite chapter, but I have to say I LOVED Youngjae's character!! When he appeared, I was laughing so hard xDD And Yugyeom was a cutie pie ^^ And of course I liked all of the other characters too, even Mino :D Thank you for sharing this story with us ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: The ending makes me cry tears of joy. Wow!! This story is so good!!! I'm probably gonna reread it again tomorrow.
Mautjezwik #8
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: I read this fanfic in one day because I was so addicted!! Thank you so much for this story! the last chapter is the best end of all fanfics I have read so far.. I would love some extras! Anyways, thank you so much for this. I loved it!
Pandabearsareawesome #9
Chapter 20: Omg!!! I loved this!! And I love the 'it's not hard' reference . I cracked up at that. I'm sad it's over, but hopefully you'll make a new markson fanfic. I would love extras! Anyway, great story I loved it!