Extra: The Missing Pieces

Just Date Me Already

Extra#1  What happened to Jackson’s face? 



“We went all the way,” I tell him. His face is filled with rage. He takes a deep breath.
“I can get over that Jacks,” he says calmly.
“I don’t care. I want to end this Mino.”
“I didn’t even know we were together! This whole time I thought we were friends and that’s how I feel towards you.” He rubs his face. “I don’t love you. I love him.” That seems to make him crack and he slaps me.
“Don’t you remember all the good times Jackson?! When I’d come to Hong Kong and watch your games? The way you smiled at me? All the dates we went on?”
“I didn’t think of them as dates,” I whisper. He pushes me backwards. I hurt my back in the process and arch in pain. He grabs my shoulders hard.
“You led me on.”
“I didn’t know that I did.” Tears are in his eyes.
“Can’t you see? I love you and all you do is hurt me. You cheat on me with your manager! You push me away and then you say you never knew we were dating. That hurts Jackson. I’m in so much pain.”
“I’m sorry,” I tell him.
“You’re not. You’re just saying that. You just want me gone.” He keeps crying. His grip on my shoulders lessen I grit my teeth from the pain.
“Mino, please.” His head snaps up and he grabs my face. His eyes searching mine.
“We used to be so happy together Jackson. What happened?”
“You brought me to Korea,” I tell him even though it’s hard with him clutching my face.
“So it’s my fault.”
“Kind of. I do love you Mino.” His hand slips from face. He kisses me. He hugs me.
“Love makes you do crazy things. I wanted you so badly Jackson. So much I threaten to hurt Mark. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I forced this relationship. I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m so sorry.” I hug him back.
“You’re right Min. We were really happy together. Maybe if we stayed in Hong Kong we would have been together for a very long time.” I watch as a tear trails down his face.
“Go be happy with him,” Mino says. “I’ll get my stuff later.” He walks away and walks out. I look at myself in the mirror. There’s the slap mark. And bruises from when his fingers grabbed  my face. I have to hide these from Mark.

Extra #2 Getting Him to Stay

I go over my checklist to make sure everything's in place. 
Pizza. Check.
Sofa. Check.
Condoms. Check.
Clean sheets. Check.
TV. Check.
Our favorite songs. Check.
Wine. Check. 
I look at myself for the millionth time tonight in the mirror. Outfit- semi formal. Hair- up. He likes it when it’s up. He likes my forehead. The doorbell goes off. I run to the door. But then pause to breath because I don’t want to look impatient. I open the door. And there he is in a really nice cashmere sweater. He looks amazing. So I tell him.
“You look amazing,” I tell him.
“You look good yourself,” he says with a wink. He’s being flirtatious. We’re usually not this bold with each other. It’s usually very subtle. Like a poke here an extra long hug there. The lingering touch every so often. We’re different today. Because tonight’s the night. The last night. It’s not like he’s leaving after today or this week. It’s just this is the only night he’ll be able to come over before he leaves. If he leaves. I don’t want tonight to be the last. I want it to be the first for many others. 
“So do you want to take this slow or go straight to the wine?” he asks eyeing the bottle. I close the door behind him. 
“Wine sounds nice,” I respond. I turn on the music. And pour him a glass.
“I’ve never been to your place. It’s beautiful,” he says.
“Thank Jackson Wang. Because with my first paycheck I upgraded to this,” I tell him handing him a glass.
“Where did you live before?” he asks.
“With my mom.” We clink our glasses together and take a sip. He laughs lightly.
“You were pretty good before Jackson,” he says taking a seat on my couch.
“I was. But I also really liked staying at home to meals every day.” I sit next to him.
“I would have cooked for you,” he says with regret.
“I would have protected you,” I tell him.
“Hmm. I know JB. We both would have done a lot of things differently.”
“We still can. All you have to do is stay.” The song changes.
“I love this song,” he says changing the subject. Two bottles of wine later we’re still on the couch laughing at our silliness. Our foreheads touch and I’m holding Jr.’s hand as his legs rest on top of mine.
“Ah I remember when we first heard this song,” he says remembering the same moment I am.
“And I-.”
“You told me my eyes were beautiful,” he finishes. “You’re a really slow guy.”
“A regret I continue to have.”
“No regrets tonight?” he asks. His eyes sparkling at me.
“What in the world can I regret?”
“This?” he asks. He leans forward and presses his lips against mine.
“How could I ever?” I kiss him back. We keep kissing until he’s completely on top of me. He straddles me and I pull his sweater up. “Ah you’re so beautiful,” I tell him. He places his hands in my hair.
“You’re so handsome.” He continues to kiss me. His body moving slightly against mine. I’m already at how amazing he looks. He’s making this hard for me. He breaks the kiss and leans close to my ear.
“Sleep with me?” he asks.
“Thought you’d never ask,” I tell him. I pick him up his legs wrap around me. I take him to my room. Candles are lit and they surround the bed.
“You were serious,” he says taking a quick look around.
“I’m really serious about you.” I kiss him again. And again. Until the night is over.

I wake up next to Jr. The sunlight on him making him look gorgeous. His eyes slowly open and he smiles at me.
“Good morning,” he says. He presses his lips against mine.
“I was thinking maybe I take the day off and spend it with you?” I suggest.
“I can’t. I’m going to tell my mom I’m leaving today. And then talk things over with my retailer.” I frown at him. I wrap an arm around him.
“How about you don’t leave?” I ask.
“Your room? I already set up an appointment. And my mom’s going on vacation starting tomorrow.”
“No, I mean period.” He laughs at me.
“JB you know I can’t.”
“Yes, you can. Everything’s not settled yet. You can still turn back from all of this.” He rolls his eyes.
“I’m not talking about this,” he says. He gets out of my bed and starts putting his clothes on.
“Come on Jr. At least give me a fighting chance,” I tell him. I slip on my boxers and follow him to the living room.
“A fighting chance? Do you know what you’re up against Jaebum?”
“My future. Are you really going to stand in the way of my future?” he asks. He slips on his sweater.
“I can be your future!” I tell him. He stops moving and stares at me. His eyes start to water.
“What?” he asks. His voiced all choked up. I fix his sweater and stare into his eyes.
“I love you Jinyoung.” The tears slip down his cheeks as he shakes his head.
“No, no. You can’t do this to me.” 
“Do what?”
‘This! JB it isn’t fair!”
“It’s not fair that you’re leaving!” I yell.
“Yes it is. Why? Because you had your chance! That whole year we were together as a group. All these years we kept in touch. You could have said something. You could have been with me. But you blew it!” I can feel my face heat up. Now I’m crying.
“I blew it? You blew it too! You liked me too didn’t you?”
“I did but I was occupied. You know my main focus in life is music not love.”
“I know. You’re right I did. But not I’m trying to make things right.”
“It’s too late JB. I’m trying to make things right for myself. And nobody’s going to stop me. Not even you.” He walks over to my door.
“Please Jr. I-I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He spins around really fast and stares at me.
“If you stay. I’ll take care of you. I’ll love you. I’ll marry you. I’ll give you everything you want.” He falls on his knees and breaks down. I walk over to him.
“Don’t touch me!” he yells. “I hate you so much right now.” I kneel down in front of him.
“I’m sorry. But this is how I feel.”
‘I wish you felt like this years ago. I wish you said this years ago.” He starts hitting me. “You’re such an idiot.” I grab hold of his hands.
“Stay with me. I can make you happy. You won’t have to look for anything.” He looks into my eyes his filled with tears.
“You’re such an idiot.” He cries. “If you want me to be happy you wouldn’t do this to me.”
“I can’t do this. I won’t do this. I’m leaving JB. Unless there’s something here that can make me honestly believe I’ll have the future I’ve always wanted then I’m not staying.”
“You’re saying you don’t want me?”
“I didn’t say that!” He puts his head down and cries even more. He takes three seconds to calm down. “Of course I want you. But this isn’t the time. I want to do this for me. Because at the end of the day you can’t find me. Only I can.” I shake my head.
“Please don’t be this way.”
“I will. I’ll visit you sometime this week, okay?” He stands up. He wipes his tears on his sleeves.
“It was great,” he says. “Last night. I really liked it.” He bends down and kisses my forehead. “Bye JB.” I sit on the ground and cry my eyes out.

Extra #3 When They “Broke” Up


I’m given an assignment. I mean a person. Job title ‘manager’. Job description-- babysitter. I remember JB laughing at the mere fact that he said that. And Mark staring at the ground as if he wanted to fall through it. And Yugyeom. I don’t know why he’s there. They paid me upfront. Which I found weird. As I enter the upscale apartment I start to wonder if this Jackson guy is going to be the worst encounter in my life. He seemed really cool on television. But maybe I’m dealing with the exact opposite. I have eleven brothers I should be able to handle him. Until I was proven wrong.
I get to his door and knock. And knock again. I keep knocking for over three minutes when I decide he’s either not home or sleeping. So I call him. I can hear the phone ringing on the other side of the door. No answer. I know he’s home. Maybe he fell asleep in the living room? Or his phone is just that loud. I call again. This time I don’t hear the sound. Weird. I go downstairs and ask for a key. After giving away needed information and my ID I’m granted the key. I go back to his door. I push the key card in and the door swings open. I enter and there he is. Sitting on his couch staring at the tv.
“You’re awake?” I ask a bit stunned. He doesn’t turn around he doesn’t even acknowledge my existence. “You could have at least answered your phone,” I tell him. I walk around and look at his face. I have to hold in a gasp. He’s been crying. A lot. His face has lost all of its color except for his eyes that are a bloody shade of red. How long has he been crying? Why is he so sad? His eyes finally move to look at me. They notice me.
“Hi I’m your new manager, Suho,” I tell him. He bends his head back and hides his face. I can tell what’s going on here. He wants to cry again but he’s holding it in.
“Hey Jackson I’m sorry about what’s going on with you right now. Should I cancel today’s schedule?” I ask. He shakes his head. “Are you sure?” He removes his hand and stands up. Tears in his eyes. He opens his mouth as if to say something but doesn’t. He walks away. Moments later he comes back out ready. I look at his face he knows I’m looking at his face. I shrug.
“Nothing some makeup can’t hide,” I tell him. His expression doesn’t change. He shows nothing. 
Onset make-up can only do so much. They’ve tried everything. But the director said they can do more.  And so they did. Two hours went by while Jackson went through make-up. Time wasn’t exactly wasted they went over scenes Jackson wasn’t in. Finally he looked perfect. He’s a very handsome guy when he’s not what he was earlier. 
“What happened to you anyway Jack?” the director asks. Jackson opens his mouth to speak but again he falls short. He looks away panicked. That’s when I realize he can’t speak.

My eyes open wide Jackson grabs his script and runs to the bathroom. I run after him. He stands in front of the mirror trying to read but words don’t come out of his mouth. Then he says something. Something in a different language. It sounds Chinese but I can’t exactly make out the words. He’s shocked. He can talk but just not in Korean. He clears his throat. He knows what’s going on now. He continues to talk in this foreign language. Telling himself intangible things. Then he turns to me. He says something.
“What?” I ask. He pulls out his phone and approaches me. He says the words again. And hands me his phone. He’s using Google Translate. I read his screen.
“Learn Cantonese” it reads. I nod at him. I understand why but I don’t all at once. 
“How will you be able to act?” I ask him. He speaks into the phone.
“I’ll work something out.”

And so he does. I don’t know how he did it. Or even if he knew he could. But the moment he got on set Korean words flew out of his mouth. He was no longer the dying boy on the couch with bloodshot red eyes from crying so much. He was this funny, cute, amazing actor. Man was he could. He was a completely different person. It amazed me. I was in awe.  Then before I knew it. It was over.

“Get some rest Jackson,” the director tells him. Jackson tries to tell him something back and it’s gone. He can only speak Korean on set. How weird is that?

I take him back to his place and cook him a meal. One bite and he throws up. I worry for this guy. I really do. I clean up the mess. Even with all that make-up on he still looks dead. He’s dead on the inside.
“Make sure you sleep tonight,” I remind him. He talks in Cantonese to me. He uses words he used before. And I remember them.
“Learn Cantonese.” I nod and leave his house. I feel like crying. I just want to break down. I just witnessed the saddest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Someone so broken someone so hurt. And for what? I have no clue.
All I know is that I’m his manager now.


I sit in front of the tv. I’m bored and I’m hungry. I can’t eat but I’ll try. I make myself ramen. I can eat ramen. Thank goodness. It hits me that Mark’s never made me ramen. But he has made me home cooked meals. Maybe that’s why I threw up Suho’s food. I try to remind myself of everything Mark and I did so I know what I can’t do now.
We made out, we laughed, we were happy, we went to sleep together, we talked- in Korean. Realizing this it all makes sense. I can’t talk to just anyone in Korean anymore it has to be him. I can do it when I’m acting because even though he doesn’t see me act he’ll know if I’m acting or not and will be very disappointed. And that’s my motivation. Trying to make sure I don’t disappoint him.
Yeah it . Not only did I lose him but I’ve lost the ability to do stuff without him. Of course I want him back. And I will get him back . . . eventually. I stare at the tv. Mark played video games in the past. I don’t recall playing them together. Maybe once but it shouldn’t be enough to stop me.
I go to a 24 hour video game store which is hard to do when you need a taxi and can’t speak Korean in Korea. I buy everything I remember seeing in his house. I take them to the cashier and without looking at the price I buy them all. I get home. Only to realize I don’t have the game console to any of these. I leave home again to go buy them. When I get home. I play. I abandoned sleep. And just play. I don’t really feel anything but the pure need to play.
Over the past month I realized I’ve traded a few things because of Mark ending things with me.
Korean- Cantonese
Sleep- Video Games
Real Food- Junk
Laugher- Tears
Happiness- Sadness.

Suho may not know me but he’s realized it too. I mean it impossible to not know with all the visits I make to the hospital. Okay it’s true a person cannot live without sleep. It takes eleven days to be exact before they die. I past out on day eight. And again on day nine and thirteen and fifteen and well many more days. Passing out is the only time I can and will get some rest. 
Today is yet another day I’m hooked up to the IV. The hospital staff knows me by name now and it’s not because I’m famous. Suho stands there clearly upset and he seems a bit nervous maybe even sick.
“You were in love, weren’t you?” he asks in Cantonese. I look away from him and to the ceiling.
“I was.”
“What happened?” 
“He broke up with me.”
“You’re not taking it well at all.”
“I’m not. And I’m not sure why.”
“They say when you lose your soul mate it damages you from the inside out.”
“You’re saying this person was my soul mate.”
“If they left you like this I do. Don’t you think so?” he asks. I blink away a tear.
“I do.”


Yes, I spent the whole night crying. And yes I did call Jackson. And we cried all night together on the phone. Up until my phone died. I remember his hoarse, breathless voice over the phone. And the sound of him in pain. I felt so bad. I wanted to go hug him, kiss him, love him. But I didn’t I stayed on my floor crying like never before. That was night I broke up with him.

That morning I woke up. Got ready for work. And I stood in front of the mirror trying to tie my tie. When I couldn’t. I tried again. It came out too fat. And again it didn’t even look like a tie. And again and it untied itself. I tried over and over and over. And I couldn’t tie my tie. My hands began to feel numb and my lips bled because I kept biting them. I went to the store and for the first time in my life I brought a clip on. And I brought a lot of them. I used to tighten my tie when Jackson was around me. Now that he’s not I can’t even tie a tie.

I go to work. Yugyeom and JB look at me concerned. I guess I look horrible. Everyone’s been giving me weird looks. JB knows why immediately. He pulls me in for a hug.
“You look like a zombie who’s actually trying to go back to his grave,” JB whispers in my ear. I nod my head. I get to work. But my mind keeps wondering I keep thinking about him. I feel myself slipping. So I do something I’ve never done. I go to everyone. JYP himself, doormen, security guards, lyricists, choreographers, accountants, other managers, ladies at the front desk. Everyone. And ask them if they have anything that needed to be done. I told them all I’ll do it for free. They all had work. They all needed something. And I did what they needed. The more work the better I felt. I drowned myself in paper and words and ink. I went home and got a nighttime job. I couldn’t stay away. I had to work I needed it. I didn’t eat. I’m not sure if it’s because I forgot or because I can’t. Either way it landed me in the hospital . . . everyday for a month. JB got tired of it and forced fed me two weeks straight. After that I made sure to eat least eat once a day. 

“Mark, your tie’s uneven,” Yugyeom told me. I pulled it off and put it back on. He was shocked.
“You wear clip on ties?” he asked.
“I do now,” I told him. He frowned. He felt my pain. He came over and hugged me.
“Get off of me,” I said. He did. Still frowning still feeling bad for me.

One day I saw him. I was crossing the street and there he was. Suho in front of him saying what was next. He looked good. A stinging pain hit me. How could he not suffer while all I do is suffer? I thought. Then we made eye contact. I saw it then. He was as dead as I was. Suffering like I am maybe even more. I wanted to run over to him and hug him. In that instant he did too. But we both just kept walking. My heart burned and longed for him. I’ve never been so sad in my life.


Daebak!!! You guys move fast! Thank you so much for all of the comments. As a thank you I present you with this chapter. It's not actually a chapter because I added this in last minute. When I uploaded the last two chapters I realized I wasn't doing any justice to Mino about how he feels about all of this. And I guess just alluding to what Markson went through during the break up wasn't enough. So I actually wrote about what happened to both of them during the break up. Suho and JB got a POV too! It's not a happy chapter as you were able to see for yourself. But to me it's a helpful one. It's more like a bunch of short stories because this chapter is a lot longer than I expected- oops. But I hope you liked my last minute addition. I'll keep the more than five comment deal for the next chapter. I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter!

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Zico01 #1
Chapter 20: Awhh 대박 this was perfection I love this story soooooo much, so sad it had to end though :(
workluvaffair #2
Chapter 19: "Save up for me Mark." ..... WHY ㅠㅠ how can I get past this line at work!! I am not prepared to go to the next chapter because this is too good to end! :(
workluvaffair #3
Chapter 18: I was absolutely not expecting that JJ Project part! Hopefully you branch out to a JJP fic as an extension haha.
workluvaffair #4
Chapter 14: Dang, this is my second/third time reading this chapter and I still get the feels! Good job. ^^
Marzially #5
Chapter 20: This was amazing! It kept me awake till almost 5am! Thanks
Chapter 20: I found this story yesterday and read in one! It was amazing, I really enjoyed reading ^^ I don't have favotite chapter, but I have to say I LOVED Youngjae's character!! When he appeared, I was laughing so hard xDD And Yugyeom was a cutie pie ^^ And of course I liked all of the other characters too, even Mino :D Thank you for sharing this story with us ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: The ending makes me cry tears of joy. Wow!! This story is so good!!! I'm probably gonna reread it again tomorrow.
Mautjezwik #8
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: I read this fanfic in one day because I was so addicted!! Thank you so much for this story! the last chapter is the best end of all fanfics I have read so far.. I would love some extras! Anyways, thank you so much for this. I loved it!
Pandabearsareawesome #9
Chapter 20: Omg!!! I loved this!! And I love the 'it's not hard' reference . I cracked up at that. I'm sad it's over, but hopefully you'll make a new markson fanfic. I would love extras! Anyway, great story I loved it!