The Love Triangle/ After That Night.

Just Date Me Already

I actually had a conversation about my liking Jackson with JB about a month ago.

I was in his office filing his documents. A favor. I’m so used to working around the office that when Jackson only had five hours of rehearsals I felt lost. So I went to JB’s office and helped him out.
“Why is it that haven’t replaced me yet?” I ask him. He stands in front of his window reviewing files.
“Can’t afford it. Yet,” he says.
“This . How could we wait two whole months until we get paid?” I ask him.
“Don’t know. How are you holding up?” he asks.
“I have money saved up. You?”
“Jr.’s got me covered,” he says.
“Oh so you two are still close,” I tell him. He turns and looks at me.
“Yeah you knew that. But I guess Jackson’s filling up your mind.”
“What?” I ask.
“I know Mark,” he tells me.
“Know what?”
“You have feelings for Jackson. From the moment he stepped into this place he’s sparked your interest. I saw the look in your eyes as you searched the lobby for him. And then the look on your face when it turned out he was in my office. You were falling for him already. A bit sad don’t you think? I never believed in love at first sight.”
“I don’t either,” I mutter. He smirks at me.
“Funny how life is.” He leans against the wall. “Tell me. How’s that working out for you?”
“How’s what?”
“Getting Jackson to like you back.” 
“He’s dating Mino,” I tell him.
“And I can’t have a taken man,” I tell him.
“Chivalry it will get you nowhere.”
“I can’t have him, okay?” JB frowns at me.
“Why not?”
“B-because he’s Jackson Wang.”
“And??! He’s a person too. And last time I checked you’re the only person he sees every single day. And for hours. Sure Mino pays him a visit for less than an hour when he can. But he spends most of his time with you. It will be hard for him not to like you.” I bite my lip. “And you’re still not convinced” I shake my head. JB sits down.
“Come on Mark! Why exactly can’t you have him? If he has Mino and likes you and you like him then all he has to do is break up with the guy.”
“H-he’s so special Jaebum. Why would he ever go for a guy like me? He’s accomplished so much in his life and now he’s famous. With a famous boyfriend and a nice place-.”
“That I paid for,” JB interrupts.
“He has the perfect life. Why would he ever go for me? His manager, some nobody.  Even if we do date it won’t last. We would never completely understand each other.” Then I tell him about the expensive item you can never buy.
“Hmm I really like that metaphor. I’m going to put it in my movie.”
“You’re making a movie?” I ask.
“Writing the script for one. Hopefully JYP likes it.” He winks at me. “When you’re done with those files want to-.”
“No,” I answer immediately. 
“Fine, fine,” he makes his way over to me. “Don’t take this Jackson thing too hard Mark. The beauty in expensive things are if you try hard enough one day you can afford it.”

I sit in JB’s office with my head bowed. He paces back and forth in my office.
And this was yesterday?!” he shrieks.
“We did it the day before yesterday. And we had the awkward conversation yesterday . . . yes.”
“Wow Mark you’re a real prize. Like really. You can sleep with him but you can’t date him. That doesn’t make sense to me.” I put my hand through my hair.
“I know JB I know.”
“No you don’t know Mark. From the sound of it you had a chance to date him and you blew it.”
“Jackson and I are business partners. Our relationship should remain strictly business.”
“Cut the bull Mark. I know what this is. You’re too scared.”
“You’re scared that if you buy the item you’ll get bankrupt or broke or worse. You’re not willing to pay the price and not get the refunds.”
“You’ve taken the metaphor a bit too far,” I tell him.
“It’s in my script all of that. But you know it’s true.” He’s right it is true. I’m scared of the things that follow. The break up the consequences. Everything bad. 
“Paycheck came in today,” JB says softly.
“Oh,” I answer not sure what exactly to say. He hands me an envelope and I open it. “Oh!” I say a bit too loud.
“And that’s just the starting price.”
“Why are there so many zeros?” I ask. He shrugs.
“Thank Jackson. Treat him to something nice for me will you?” I look back down at the check. JB makes a sound.
“Can’t even face him can you?” he asks.
“I- I don’t know.”
“How did he get home?”
“I took him.”
“How did that go?”
“Quiet very, very quiet.” JB shakes his head and hands me another envelope.
“Here’s a conversation starter. Give him his first paycheck.”

I reach Jackson’s door and I can’t decide if I should knock or use my key. Since he doesn’t answer the door anyway I’ll just use my key. I walk inside and head straight for his room. There he is sleeping in his bed cuddling a big teddy bear. Well the bear’s new. A part of me just wants to write a note and leave the check on the night stand. “Here’s a conversation starter” I remember JB’s words and decide I should clear the air today rather than the next time we have work. I walk over and tap him.
“Jackson,” I call his name. A few more taps. “Jackson.”
“Hmm?” he says lazily. His eye opens and he sits up. “You’re not wearing a suit. Well that’s new.” He looks at the window and rubs his eyes.
“A teddy bear, really?” I ask raising an eyebrow. Jackson pulls the bear into his arms.
“Hey you leave oo alone. He keeps me company.”
“oo?” I ask.
“Shh. He can hear you.”
“Has it occurred to you that maybe you should just make friends?”
“Make friends he says. It’s easy he says,” Jackson mutters as he sinks back into bed. I roll my eyes at him.
“Never said it was easy.”
“Yah why are you here? You’re ruining my beauty sleep.”
“Oh I can’t just pop in?”
“No, no it’s fine. Tell you what. Go to the living room and wait an hour maybe then I’ll be fully awake.” He yawns.
“I have your paycheck,” I tell him.
“Ah just sit that down,” he says.
“You’re not even interested in how much it is?” I ask. If I got a pretty big paycheck I can’t even imagine his. He shakes his head snuggling it against oo. Despite the horrible name I wish I were him. “When did you go to bed?”
“Four? Seven? One of those.”
“In the morning? What were you doing? Prank calls?”
“Amusement Park.”
“I was bored.” I shake my head at him.
“You wouldn’t happen to have banana milk would you?” I ask. He shrugs. I go into his fridge to find it completely empty. I walk back into the room.
“Come on we’re going out.”
“Going out?”
“Grocery shopping you blockhead.”
“Your fridge is empty. Plus JB said I should treat you today. And this is how I’ll treat you.”
“Didn’t you get paid today?” he asks slipping out of bed. “Stop being so cheap.”
“Stop being a brat.” He gets really close to me when he stands up. For a second it feels like we’re going to kiss. But I push his head away. “Yuck morning stench.” He rolls his eyes at me and walks past me. 


I can’t remember the last time I personally went to a supermarket and brought groceries. I lived with my mom up until eight months ago. And I’ve been eating out since. I push the cart as Mark dumps two of everything into it.
“Do you like cabbage?” he asks. He turns to face me holding a cabbage in his hand.
“Hey that looks like you,” I tell him. I start to snicker. 
“That’s a no,” he mutters and dumps only one in. I continue to follow him around the store and then we make it to the candy and chip aisle.  My eyes widen.
“Junk!” I cheer. I walk over to a few items and grab an arm full.
“Uh what are you doing?” he asks.
“Come on let’s eat junk today Mark,” I suggest.
“Yeah. We’ll go back to my place have a movie marathon and eat junk,” I tell him. He reaches for his tie to straighten it but then he realizes he’s dressed casually today. He must wear ties often.
“I don’t know Jackson.”
“Come on! We should totally do it. I mean today isn’t your only day off. Plus your job description is babysitting me. Consider today a babysitting day.”
“I mean-.” I remember two days ago.
“I won’t touch you I promise,” I tell him. He bites his lip. “Come on strictly business.”
“Business does not include watching movies.”
“I’m an actor Mark! We need to watch movies to compare my acting and make me better!” He gives in reluctantly.
“Fine.” He takes the items from my arms and dump them in my cart. I cheer. 
In all honesty I just want to spend some time with Mark.


And so the movie marathon begins. We end up sharing a blanket because Jackson only has one. (He has done absolutely no shopping for himself. I’m glad JB spent the extra money to furnish the house for him. Or it would be completely empty in here). I snack on some chips while he eats from a tub of ice cream that yes, we are sharing.
“Mark hyung. Cherry, cherry!” Jackson says. He sits up and feeds me some ice cream with a cherry in it. He does it every now and then because I told him I love the cherries in cherry ice cream back in the store. It’s cute. Even though I have no idea what’s going on in the movie I’m honestly enjoying myself. I can feel his toes graze over my legs under the blanket  and every few seconds I look over at him curious as to what he’s doing or what he’s eating now. I watch the ending credits go up on the screen.
“Your turn to choose a movie,’ he says.
“Let’s watch a scary one,” I suggest. He uses his remote to pick a genre.
“You like scary movies?” he asks.
“To some extent.” He laughs and it makes me want to hug him.

Luckily we finish four movies without unnecessarily touching each other. I help Jackson clean up before I leave.
“Thanks for today. Whenever you need to buy groceries tell me. I’ll pay,” Jackson says.
“Cute,” I tell him.
“What?” he asks.
“I’m calling your offer cute.”
“Oh thanks,” he smiles and gets close to me. Before I can kiss him the door opens. I immediately turn away to face the door and Jackson ducks down and picks up a piece of trash. It’s Mino. I feel like my brain will shatter. I can’t even look at the guy after what I did with Jackson.
“Oh manager you’re here,” Mino says as a greeting. I shrug at him as I stare at the door behind him.
“Just babysitting. This guy is hopeless on his own.”
“Oh I know,” Mino says. He looks behind me at Jackson. “Jacks I’m back.” He puts his bright smile.
“I see that,” Jackson says. “Welcome back Min.” He moves forward and hugs Mino. I feel a sour taste in my mouth. I need to get out.
“Anyway bye Jackson bye Mino. I’ll give you a call when we pick your next script.” Jackson nods and waves me off.
“Hopefully that’s soon,” Mino says he eyes me like he’s a lion about to attack his prey. I have a bad feeling my stomach.
“Min I’ll be back I left something in the company car,” Jackson says.
“Okay,” Mino says not taking his eyes off me. Jackson walks with me to the elevators and walks in with me.
“Did you really leave something or did you know I wanted to talk to you?” I ask him once the doors shut.
“Both,” he tells me. I look up at the ceiling.
“Are you going to tell him?” I ask. He sighs
“That I drunkenly you? Should I?”
“I guess not. Or at least not yet.”
“Whenever you want me to Mark.” I look over at him and he’s smiling at me a quirky smile that looks adorable on him I rub my face trying to let that thought go.
“If we were dating how would I be able to trust you Jackson? How would I be able to tell if you’re faithful or not?” His quirky smile doesn’t leave his face.
“Because I’m always with you.”


“Wow! You actually went grocery shopping,” Mino says. His head buried in the fridge as he looks inside. Every shelf every corner of that fridge is full thanks to Mark. I probably won’t need food for weeks. 
“It wasn’t easy,” I tell him. I picture Mark and his smile that says I’m absolutely hopeless. And I remember watching him laugh at my stupid jokes. He’s so handsome so smart so perfect. I really think I’m beginning to like him now. I cover my face. You’re going in too deep Wang.
“I can tell. You forgot to buy cabbage,” he tells me. What? Is cabbage a thing here? Or is it basic groceries? He comes over and moves my head. When he sits down he places it on his lap.
“Did you miss me?” he asks.
“Like crazy,” I tell him. I didn’t miss him to be honest I really just missed the fact there was no one around when I’m at home. He kisses me and smiles.
“I missed you too Jacks. Are you tired? Should we go to bed now?” he asks. I nod at him. I get ready for bed and then walk into the room to find him changing.
“How long will you  be here for?” I ask him. I lay down on my bed.
“One or two weeks. I’m hoping for three but that’s pushing it,” Mino replies. He walks over to the bed and looks down at me.  I pick up the envelope Mark gave me earlier.
“Got my first paycheck today,” I tell him. He gets on the bed and leans over me. His fingers lightly touch the envelope.
“What are you going to do with it?” he asks. I shrug at him. I honestly don't have an interest in this pay check. It's money I earned from selling my soul. How could I be interested in it?
“No idea.” He opens it and looks at the check.
“Hmm we can buy you a new car,” he says.
“I don’t really need one.”
“Should we just put it into the bank?” he asks.
“I guess.” I turn sideways and look over at the closet. The door’s open and half the clothes inside are mine the other half Mino’s.
“We should go shopping,” he says following my gaze. “You’re going to be an idol soon you could use some new clothes.”
“Okay. Let’s just make sure I get a suit,” I tell him. The thought of suits made me think of Mark.

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Zico01 #1
Chapter 20: Awhh 대박 this was perfection I love this story soooooo much, so sad it had to end though :(
workluvaffair #2
Chapter 19: "Save up for me Mark." ..... WHY ㅠㅠ how can I get past this line at work!! I am not prepared to go to the next chapter because this is too good to end! :(
workluvaffair #3
Chapter 18: I was absolutely not expecting that JJ Project part! Hopefully you branch out to a JJP fic as an extension haha.
workluvaffair #4
Chapter 14: Dang, this is my second/third time reading this chapter and I still get the feels! Good job. ^^
Marzially #5
Chapter 20: This was amazing! It kept me awake till almost 5am! Thanks
Chapter 20: I found this story yesterday and read in one! It was amazing, I really enjoyed reading ^^ I don't have favotite chapter, but I have to say I LOVED Youngjae's character!! When he appeared, I was laughing so hard xDD And Yugyeom was a cutie pie ^^ And of course I liked all of the other characters too, even Mino :D Thank you for sharing this story with us ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: The ending makes me cry tears of joy. Wow!! This story is so good!!! I'm probably gonna reread it again tomorrow.
Mautjezwik #8
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: I read this fanfic in one day because I was so addicted!! Thank you so much for this story! the last chapter is the best end of all fanfics I have read so far.. I would love some extras! Anyways, thank you so much for this. I loved it!
Pandabearsareawesome #9
Chapter 20: Omg!!! I loved this!! And I love the 'it's not hard' reference . I cracked up at that. I'm sad it's over, but hopefully you'll make a new markson fanfic. I would love extras! Anyway, great story I loved it!