The Agreement

Just Date Me Already

He was hot. More than hot. Beautiful,stunning, amazing- I think I’m in love. Sorry I said was. I mean is. He’s not dead or anything. He might as well be since he has no idea who I am.
Cameras flash as he passes by. He’s considered a celebrity around here. I can’t even go to work thanks to all of these people. People scream his name so loud my ears pop. People crowd around, run around. All of them trying to get as close as possible.I have no idea what he’s famous for. Being good looking? No then I’d be famous too. Being smart and good looking? Wait I’m smart and good looking too. He’s cool! Nope that’s what I am. I guess he’s hotter than me. Instantly just by looking at him my heart skipped a beat. In his sunglasses and snap back cap that reads WANG across it. He waves at the crowd and blows kisses. Girls howl his name. He really knows how to entertain a crowd. So he’s an entertainer. He disappears into the building. My office building. I hurried into the crowd. I ran up  the stairs only to get stopped by security.
“Come on you know I work here,” I tell one of the officers.
“Sorry, we have to make sure,” Leo says. I fumble around for my card and show it to him.
“Jerk,” I mutter. He lets me in. The glass doors spread open at my touch. I look around for him. He didn’t come in alone he had a bodyguard at his side. I find the bodyguard I find him. I walk forward into the building and look all over. I even get on my toes searching for him. Before I ask the front desk about him someone’s hand slams down hard on my back.
“Mark! There you are. You’re late,” Jaebum, my boss says. 
“What are you talking about? I start in an hour,” I tell him. He hands me a cup of Starbuck’s coffee.
“Change in plans. Someone came in today and I really need you there,” he says.
“Just tell them to off.” I sip my coffee and spit it out. “Ah hot!”
“No it’s coffee.” Jaebum leads me into his office. He straightens his tie and then closes the door behind him. 
“Good morning Mr. Wang,” Jaebum says. My eyes widen. Wang?
“Goooood morning.” The person replies. 
“Please sit on the couch. The chair and desk setting seems way too formal for a man like you,” Jaebum tells the guy. The guy and his bodyguard move to the four sets of couches. Bodyguard. It’s him. Jaebum pats my shoulder and leads me to sit in the couch with him. I stare at the guy in front of me. He’s even hotter without sunglasses. He turned his cap around so WANG is no longer visible but I don’t mind that’s more of his face I get to see. Jaebum hands me a file.
“This is Mark Tuan, my assistant. He’ll be joining us for our meeting today. If you need anything at all he’s the guy to go to,” Jaebum says. I nod at the guy with a small smile. The guy gives me a slight wave then widens his legs.
“Okay shall we get started?” he asks. Jaebum nods.
“Of course.” As the meeting goes on I focus on two things. One Mr. Wang’s file. Two Mr. Wang’s voice. It sounds so alive and happy yet deep and seductive all at once. It’s driving me crazy. It says here his name is Jackson. He’s twenty, younger than me by a few months. And he’s a fencer. Sorry. A gold medalist fencer. That’s why he’s so famous. And I’m just some guy’s assistant. No way he’d see in me what I see in him. But I want him. He laughs. His laugh caught me by surprise. I look up so quickly the file falls off of my lap. His laughs fill the room. And it’s so unique. We make eye contact for 1, 2, 3 seconds and he turns back to Jaebum. He sits back in his chair like he’s finally getting comfortable.
“I want a jacuzzi,” he says.
“Um what?” Jaebum asks. He’s just as confused as I am. Which is weird since he’s the one who’s been talking this whole time. Jackson nods his head.
“My last manager gave me a jacuzzi.”
“Jackson, your last manager was your dad,” Jaebum says as if he’s talking to a child.
“And your point?”
“Now it’s Mark and Mark is not your dad.” I look back and forth between the two.
“U-Uh what?” I ask.
“Oh you didn’t know? Mark you just got promoted. Babysit Jackson Wang for ten years.”
“Excuse me?” Jackson says. He doesn’t seem pleased with this. The conversation seems to take an off turn. It sounded pretty nice when I was just listening. Maybe I read the situation wrong.
“Oh come on Mr. Wang you know I don’t mean that seriously.”
“Seriously as in I don’t have to babysit him or seriously as in he’s not my responsibility?” I ask.
“Sorry. I’m just confused.”
 Jaebum plucks the file from the floor and sets it on the coffee table between us.
“You see Mark. Jackson wants to be an actor,” he tells me.
“I do not,” Jackson protests.
“And in order to do that. He needs to be signed under a company with a manager and everything. And nobody wants to be his manager because he’s a spoiled brat. That’s where you come in.”
“I don’t want to be an actor. I could just leave,” Jackson says.
“And miss out on a golden opportunity?” Jaebum asks. He looks over at me. “This guy did one commercial. One! And everyone in East Asia wants to see him act more. I have five scripts with his name on it. He doesn’t even need to audition just walk in with a manager and a contract and he’s got a job for the next 8 to 12 months. Unbelievable, right?”
“That is pretty cool,” I tell him.
“Too cool to be true.” Jaebum sits back staring at Jackson like something is seriously wrong here. Something is wrong.
“But he’s a fencer,” I say out loud.
“I am! And I’d like to go back to  China and fence now,” Jackson pouts. Cute.
“China? You’re Chinese?” I ask. Jaebum picks up the file and hits me in the head with it.
“How much of this did you read?” he asks.
“Sorry he’s just so fluent in Korean.”
“He went to an international school,” the bodyguard replies. He looks at Jackson who’s still pouting and then back at me. “He can curse you guys off in six different languages.”
“And I can flick you have in ten,” Jackson threatens.
“Uh what?” Jaebum says.
“I’m sorry. But if you don’t want to do this. Then why are you here?” I ask.
“Ask him,” Jackson says pointing at his bodyguard. I blink several times. Obviously this guy is not his bodyguard he’s just some guy. Now that I actually look at him the guy looks nothing like a bodyguard. He has a rather slim body and a handsome face. Handsome people don’t become bodyguards I should know. Even his hairstyle was too cool to be of a bodyguard I just assumed he was because he’s wearing all black.
The not bodyguard puts a hand on Jackson’s knee and tightens his grip. I frown. They seem close too close.
“I think Jackson has potential to be anything and everything. Heck, he could probably become a kpop star if he wanted,” the guy says. Jaebum laughs.
“Yeah right,” he says. The guy just ignores him.
“Anyway when I found out that fans want to see Jackson act I decided we should go for it. And we picked Korea because that’s where most offers are filing in. Besides everyone watches Korean dramas. Even Jackson and he’s not Korean.”
“And what is your name again?” I ask.
“Song, Mino,” the guy says with a smile. His smile is so perfect that I start to feel faint. I reach for the file and Jaebum swats my hand.
“He’s not in the file don’t bother,” Jaebum mutters. He then stands up and straightens his suit jacket. “Anyway Mr. Wang do we have ourselves a deal?”
“What? No!” Jackson shouts. Mino stands up.
“Yes, yes we do,” he tells Jaebum. And they shake hands.


My best friend sold my soul to the devil. I’m sorry I feel like that should be repeated. MY BEST FRIEND SOLD MY SOUL TO THE DEVIL!!! And how could my life get any worse? Well there’s the fact I’ll be living in hell for the next ten years. I watch as he shuffles the documents and puts them into his fancy folder. When did he get that? I’m done protesting. I’ve been complaining and saying no since he came up with the idea but there is no beating Mino. With his charming words and convincing face. Did I say that wrong? No the guy actually has a convincing face.
“Would you like to sign it now? Or take it home and read it?” Jaebum a.ka. the devil asks. Mino looks at his folder from an odd angle then smirks at me.
“Hand me a pen,” he says swiftly.  They both move over to the desk and I watch as Mino signs my life off to this guy. I’ve only known him for twenty minutes and I hate him already. I look over at my new manager his hair reminds me of fire and strangely  of candy at the same time. Red but not completely red almost pink. He stands up and tuck the blue file under his arm.
“Well Jackson it looks like we’ll be spending a lot of time together,” he tells me with a clipped smile. I pull my cap off and put a hand through my hair.
“You think?”
“Make sure to contact me if you need anything.” I hear Jaebum say. I look back at the two at the table. Mino stands up and smiles at me.
“We will,” he says.
“Can I get you two anything? You must be tired from your flight,” Mark says. 
“No thank you. I believe Jackson and I need to talk.”
“Like hell we do.”

We enter my new ‘upscale, top notch’ apartment. Sure it’s in the nicest part of Seoul and sure it has an amazing view and it’s fully furnished with high tech items and things that are totally my style. And sure it’s really nice and better than my house back in China but it’s not all that.
“Nice view,” Mino says looking out the sliding door.
“Mino,” I say in a very serious tone.
“Hmm?”  he says turning to face me. Then he sighs. “I know you don’t want to do this.”
“I sure hope you know! I’ve been against it since the moment you came to my house telling me ‘Jack I have an amazing idea you have to do’.”
“Come on Jack it can’t be that bad,” he says.
“That bad?! That bad? Mino! You sold my soul off to the devil for ten years! Do you know how long that is? It’s a decade! They don’t call it a decade just for the heck of calling things a decade!”
“Uh yes they do,” he corrects me. I flip over the coffee table. Remotes and batteries spill out from its shelves. Wait coffee tables have shelves?
“Mino! That’s not the point. The point is I don’t want to do this! And now I have to for ten years!” Mino rushes forward as he shushes me. He places his hands on my face.
“Jacks you have to think positive here,” he tells me. “There’s one positive thing about you being here.” I roll my eyes.
“And what’s that?”
“You’re here with me.”


I’m not sure how I should feel about this.
On one hand I got a promotion on another I’m basically somebody’s babysitter.
On one hand I’m the babysitter of the hottest guy I’ve ever seen in my life. On the other he hates the idea of doing this. I stand up and stalk JB’s desk. 
“Jaebum, you mind telling me why exactly we’re forcing him into acting?” I ask. He doesn’t look away from his laptop.
“Because, Mark. He’s going to help us make millions.”
“And if he ?” I ask.
“He doesn’t.”
“How do we know? He’s only done one commercial.” Jaebum turns and smiles at me.
“Then you’ve got to see this,” he says. He clicks a few things on the screen and turns it to face me. “This was him in a play. His teacher and parents made him do it so he can speak English better. Time two years ago.” I watch the play intently. From the moment it started I was already drawn in and that’s not because of his good looks. He was amazing. From his English accent right to his acting skills.
“Wow,” I whisper I’m absolutely stunned.
“Yeah,” Jaebum says spinning in his chair. “Kid’s got talent. All you need to do is force him and he’ll go through with it.”
“The guy- Mino. Who is he exactly?” I ask.
“Mino? Song Mino? You don’t know who he is?” he asks.
“Do I look like I do?”
“Oh man. Wait that’s right he has yet to debut. That’s why the fans weren’t screaming his name,” Jaebum mutters to himself.
“Uh JB?” I call to him. He snaps out of it and looks at me.
“Song Mino is in a duet group with Nam Tae Hyun called Losers. Both boys have skill. They’ll make it far like Jackson will.”
“A duet group called Losers?” I ask.
“Yup. Ridiculous right? I mean who starts duet groups anymore? Like JJ Project now that group was lame.”
“Yeah they only came out with one single,” I tell him. JB sits up quickly.
“Right!? The nerve of some people. Tch and Jr. became a dancer.”
“While JB became a CEO of a sub unit in JYP. Everyone’s happy,” I tell him.
“Yeah right.” JB mutters. I’m not sure if he misses the days when he was in JJ Project or not but he always seems bitter when he talks about it.
“Anway so Song Mino is he um-.”
“What is he to Jackson? Nobody knows. Losers hasn’t debuted yet because he kept making trips to China. Now we know why he kept going to China,” JB shrugs.
“For Jackson,” I whisper. But why?
“My best bet Jackson’s his savoir.”
“Like the wind beneath his wings.”
“Okay you’re not making sense anymore.”
“Honestly Mark, do I ever make sense?” he asks.
“No sir,” I tell him. He taps the table.
“Exactly! And I never will.” He takes his coffee cup from the table and flips it upside down. “It’s empty,” he mumbles. “Here refill it.”
“Uh I can’t,” I tell him. He stares at me.
“And why is that?” he asks.
“I’m not your assistant anymore,” I say with a big smile on my face. “I’m a manager now so kiss it.” I walk out the office feeling like a million bucks. Then I think about Jackson Wang and feel bad for him. Nobody should be forced into things they don’t want to do.

I'm finally done with my finals!! I'm so happy yet not at the same time. I might upload A Tiny Obsession later today or tommorrow. I'm currently writing a new chapter. Anyway. . .

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Zico01 #1
Chapter 20: Awhh 대박 this was perfection I love this story soooooo much, so sad it had to end though :(
workluvaffair #2
Chapter 19: "Save up for me Mark." ..... WHY ㅠㅠ how can I get past this line at work!! I am not prepared to go to the next chapter because this is too good to end! :(
workluvaffair #3
Chapter 18: I was absolutely not expecting that JJ Project part! Hopefully you branch out to a JJP fic as an extension haha.
workluvaffair #4
Chapter 14: Dang, this is my second/third time reading this chapter and I still get the feels! Good job. ^^
Marzially #5
Chapter 20: This was amazing! It kept me awake till almost 5am! Thanks
Chapter 20: I found this story yesterday and read in one! It was amazing, I really enjoyed reading ^^ I don't have favotite chapter, but I have to say I LOVED Youngjae's character!! When he appeared, I was laughing so hard xDD And Yugyeom was a cutie pie ^^ And of course I liked all of the other characters too, even Mino :D Thank you for sharing this story with us ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: The ending makes me cry tears of joy. Wow!! This story is so good!!! I'm probably gonna reread it again tomorrow.
Mautjezwik #8
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: I read this fanfic in one day because I was so addicted!! Thank you so much for this story! the last chapter is the best end of all fanfics I have read so far.. I would love some extras! Anyways, thank you so much for this. I loved it!
Pandabearsareawesome #9
Chapter 20: Omg!!! I loved this!! And I love the 'it's not hard' reference . I cracked up at that. I'm sad it's over, but hopefully you'll make a new markson fanfic. I would love extras! Anyway, great story I loved it!