chapter 2 - Jump Then Fall

Suju's Oneshots Collection

kyusung, fluff, romance



I always kept my eyes on him. Although he didn’t notice me.

I liked the way he smiled, I liked the way he laughed, I liked the way he sang to himself, I liked the way he talked to people, and I liked the way he enjoyed his life. You know, people always loved things that they didn’t have. And it happened to me. I really loved all about him that contrary with mine.

His name was Kyuhyun. He was younger than me. He worked at the cafe which I always visited everyday. He caught my eyes since our first met. He was really handsome. And when he smile, I felt the world brighter. I knew that it was silly, but that was what I felt.

Today was my day to visit the cafe. I took a deep breath before I came inside. I walked toward the empty  seat in the corner of the room. I waited impatiently, couldn’t wait to see his smile. And here he was, standing in front of me, gave me my favorite smile. I felt butterfly in my stomach.

“Good morning,”he smiled to me, made me mesmerized. “what do you want this morning?” he asked me with his soft voice.

I gulped, “I-I want a coffee and a strawberry cheesecake...”

“Anything else?” he asked me.

I shook my head. He smiled and left to get my order. I sighed, as usual, I wasn’t brave enough to talk to him more than that.

He backed few minutes later. He put my order in front of me. I took a glance on him, and shocked that he was looking at me. I blushed, I know because I feel the warmth on my cheeks. And he smiled again. That’s made me nervous.

“I..” I start to talk, but I couldn’t find anything to say. He watched me carefully, waiting.


“Nothing,”  I said, I don’t want to waste his time.

He nodded then left me. Call me coward but I really unabled to make a conversation to people around me.  I paid the bill and left the cafe. As I walked outside, I felt someone looking at me. But when I turned around I saw no one.

I walked toward the library. I worked as a librarian. I love reading the books and the quiet place, so I loved my job. I meant, no one would be noisy in the library, right?

I finished my job as usual. But when I reached on my bag, I couldn’t find my notebook. That was important for me. I wrote some stories there(I wanted to be writer, actually). I’ve rechecked my bag and my  workroom. But I couldn’t find it. I sighed. Maybe today wasn’t my lucky day. As  I came out of the library, I found a figure standing in front of there.  I recognized the figure was Kyuhyun. And he looked mad. I backed inside the building, hiding. I was relieved he didn’t see me. I heard he talked to the security guard. I tried to listen their conversation.

“Does Kim Yesung work here?”Kyuhyun asked.

How can he know my name?’ I asked to my self.

“Kim Yesung?” the security guard repeated, “ Ah, yes, he work here.”

“Is he here now?”

“I don’t know. Wait a minute, I’ll check it.”

The security dialled a numbers in the phone. I know where was he called. Must be the library office. He hung the phone up, and face Kyuhyun.

“I’m sorry but he just left.”

Kyuhyun nodded. “Thanks for your help,” he said to the security guard then left him.

I sighed. ‘Why kyuhyun came to find me and why he looked so mad? Have i did anything wrong? Maybe he find out that I always took his picture secretly. God, what do I do?’ that questions stuck in my mind. I was really afraid that I’ve made a mistake that I didn’t notice.

The next day as I finished my work, I found kyuhyun was waiting again in the same place. And I did a same thing as yesterday. I hide and waiting until he left or I left from the backdoor. That was happened again the next days. I was afraid to meet him, what if I really made a mistake to him.

I didn’t come to the cafe since the day Kyuhyun came to meet me. It was annoyed me that I wasn’t able to meet him. I felt something missing when I didn’t see his smile. I really wanted to the cafe and hear his voice.

Tonight I left through the back door. I was shocked as I face kyuhyun outside the door. I tried to walk backward but kyuhyun gripped my wrist.

“I don’t know why you avoiding me, but we need to talk, Kim Yesung,” he said to me, looked straight in to my eyes.

I just could nodded. We walked along the road to my house in silence. He still hold my hand. When we passed the park he turned his direction and dragged me toward the bench.

As we sat, he made a face me.

“Can I ask you why you avoid me recently?” he asked me.

“I didn’t..”

“Yes, you avoid me. Don’t try to lie to me,” he cut my line.

“I.. I’m afraid of you,” i whispered. Looked down to my shoes. I didn’t have a courage to face him.

“What?” he asked me in disbelief. I know that he must be mad after he heard what I said, I’m waiting for him to scold me. But he just chuckled, “ You scared of me? Why? I didn’t bite you, did I?”

I looked at him. He wasn’t angry. He smiled at me. I couldn’t believe that. I heard he talked, but all I could  think was his smile.

He waved his hand in front of me, “Hey! Are you listen to me?”

“W-what?” I asked falteringly.

He shook his head and said, “You’re spacing out.”

“I’m sorry..”

“It’s okay. Hey, you haven’t answer my question. Why are you afraid of me and avoid me?”

“That was because when you came first time to find me you looked so mad. I thought that maybe I made a mistake to you and you came to scold me.”

“Mad? I didn’t..... wait?! You saw me that day and you didn’t approach me?”

“I was hiding,” I explained. He raised his brows.

“Silly. That day I might be mad. But I didn’t mad at you. Before I arrived in the library, I met my friend that told me that he lost my favorite jacket that he borrowed.”

I widened my eyes,”Really?”

He nodded, “You should asked, so you wouldn’t misunderstandig the situation.”

I smiled slightly. Embarrased.

“So, why are you looking for me?” I asked curiously.

“You left this in the cafe,” he handed me my notebook. I was really surprised, I didn’t think I could find it again.

I looked at him and he smiled.

“Thanks to find it,”I said.

“Of course. I’m sorry that i’ve read the stories that written there.”

“You read it?!” I yelled.

“Yeah. But it was good. I like it.”

“Really? You are the one that have read that stories beside me,” I told him. I felt glad to hear that kyuhyun liked it.

“You should shared that stories to people, they will like it,”he said to me. I looked in to his eyes and saw that he said the truth.

“Maybe someday,” I decided.

“You know, this is the first time I hear you talk this much.”

I blushed.

“But don’t misunderstanding me. I love to hear your voice. And your smile, too. You looked really cute when you smile. You know, you’re not the only one that always looking at me. I was always looking at you too.”

My eyes widened. My cheeks was reddened now. I couldn’t believe what I just heard.

“You know, I always want to talk to you, but you never said anything beside of necessary,” he made a visible pout that I could clearly see.

“I don’t know what to say,” I admitted, slyly.

“You can start with introduce yourself properly. I just get your name from your notebook.”

I took a breath then said,” My name is Kim Yesung, nice to meet you.”

He grinned then said, “My name is Cho Kyuhyun and nice to meet you, too.”

The moment was awkward. We drowned in our own mind.

“I don’t know what’s next,” I tried to break the silence.

“You just can jump then fall into me,” Kyuhyun said. He blushed when he heard what he himself just said. “I’m sorry, I mean..”

I smiled as I heard what he said, “ Don’t worry, actually, I already fall into you, Kyuhyun.”

He watched me in surprised but then smiled brightly. He hugged me tightly. I know since then my world would be really brighter, but it wasn’t just because of Kyuhyun’s smile but because of Kyuhyun himself as the center of my world.

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