chapter 9 - Guilt (second part of Break Down)

Suju's Oneshots Collection

broken!eunhae, yehae, angst, romance



I can’t believe what just happened to me. I never expected that I would meet Eunhyuk here. It’s been two years, I thought it’s enough time for me, so I came back. But it’s look like the angel of fortune wasn’t in my side.

I stopped in my way and walked toward the park bench. He loved me, still really loved me. I was sured about that. Because I could see that clearly in his eyes. his love never changed.

I felt so guilty. Yeah, he was right. I should tell him the truth back then. So he wouldn’t get more hurt. What I thought that was my best decision, in reality, it’s hurt him more.

My phone rang, broke my thought.



“I’m on my way. Wait for me, okay?” I hung up the call.

I stood up and walked toward my car to reach a place where he waited for me.

Thirty minutes later, I arrived in the familiar house. I knocked the door and waited for him to opened it.

The door opened, revealed the beauty that standing there.

“Sungie..”I greeted him as a smile cracked in my face.

Yesung smiled as well as he pulled me inside.

“You take so long, Hae,” he pouted cutely.

I chuckled and kissed his pout away.

“Mian, there’s a traffic jam,” I told him.

He nodded and pulled me inside.

“Wait here, I’ll make you a tea, okay?”

He left me to the kitchen. Then my eyes catched a glimpse a frame placed above the bookshelf. In the picture were me and Yesung in the beach. It’s almost the time before I went abroad. We smiled widely toward the camera with me hugged Yesung tightly from behind. The sun was set beautifully behind of us.

That day, I remembered. It was the day when I canceled my date with Eunhyuk. Because that day was Yesung’s birthday.

I met Yesung one year before I left abroad. I met him when I visited my favourite cafe. He was a new singer in that cafe.

He was so beautiful when he sang. I know it’s wrong to call a man beautiful. But I couldn’t find another word to describe him.

He had an angelic voice that melted my heart since I heard him first. His beautiful smile spread softly in his face. And I know that he was the angel that sent to me.

I know it’s wrong to love two person in same time. But I could do nothing. My feeling toward Yesung was grew stronger and he loved me too. While in the other hand I still have Eunhyuk. And I loved him as well.

It’s hard time for me. I had to lie to Eunhyuk and Yesung. It’s hard that I always need to make excuses for both of them. It’s hard to decided who i love the most.

Till one night, Yesung accidentally saw me kissed Eunhyuk. He then waited for me in my house, asked me for explanation.

Yesung was crying. He was sobbing hard. My angel was crying because of me. and it hurted me to see him in that condition.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I said as I hugged him tightly. He was struggled against me. But I tightened my embrace.

“Please, Yesung..listen to me,” I said, “I love you.”

And he stopped struggling. He leaned backward with teary eyes.

He still looked so beautiful and I know that Yesung was the person that I chose.


I looked upward. Yesung have back from the kitchen. He placed a cup of tea in front of me.

“Are you okay?” he asked worriedly.

I sighed then smiled reassuredly at him.

“I’m okay.”

“Tell me what happened, Hae. I know something is happen, right?”

I turned my face aside, “I met him today, Sungie.”

Yesung kept quiet for a while, “Do you mean Eunhyuk?”

I nodded.

Yesung hugged me, “It’s okay, Hae. It’s okay.”

“But he is hurt, Sungie. He was broken. And that’s because of me,” I said.

Yesung shook his head, “It’s also my fault, Hae.”

I turned to face him and saw him crying.

“Ssh, Sungie. Don’t cry, please.”

He nodded and wiped his face.

I sighed and kissed his forehead.

“Hae... we shouldn’t hurt him like that. I should back off back then. He was with you longer, Hae. I shouldn’t..”

I kissed him to shut him up.

“Yesung, I loved you. I know that what we did was wrong. But i still thought that it’s a right decision and I didn’t regret it.”

Yeah, I know that I have hurted Eunhyuk. I know that what I did was wrong. But I couldn’t deny myself. I loved Yesung. So much that I would do everything to keep my angel by my side. 

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