chapter 5 - I'll Make It Better (second part of 'Tell You Goodbye')

Suju's Oneshots Collection

yebum/kisung, broken!kyusung, romance



It’s hurt to see you like this. It’s hurt to see you broken like this. You came to me, tell me that you would stop lovin him. That you would stop thinking about him.

But why do you cry? Why does your smile tell me that you still love him? Why?

But I’d make sure that your smile that I adored so much would come back to your beautiful face. I’d make sure that you wouldn’t hurt anymore...


I hugged him tightly. The tears that streamed down his cheeks drenched my shirt, but I don’t care. The most important thing that he was in my arms, sobbing hardly.

“Yesungie, please stop crying,” I rubbed his back gently.

“I tried, Kibum.. I tried... but it doesn’t stop...” he cried harder and it hurted my heart so much. “I think that stop loving him would be easy after all the times he hurt my heart, but it’s so hard,” he continued between his cries.

I hate him. I hate the man that hurted the one that I love. The man that Yesung loved so much. The man that had all of Yesung’s love but wasted it. The man that claimed yesung as his bestfriend but never treated him like ones.

I met yesung when I was in high school. I was falling in love with him in the first time I heard him singing with his angelic voice. But I never confessed to him because I know that he loved someone else. He loved his bestfriend, Cho Kyuhyun. Yeah, I admitted that Kyuhyun was so good-lookin. And he had a beautiful voice, too, that made the girls head over heels at him. But what Kyuhyun always did was hurt Yesung. It was so obvious that Yesung fell for him. But that stupid-man couldn’t see that.

I knew that, so I chose to be Yesung’s close friend that would always support him whenever Kyuhyun hurted him. Yesung never cried in front of anyone but me. Even Kyuhyun never saw him cried.

Call me a bad guy because I always felt a bit happy everytime Yesung came to me and broke down in front of me. Because whenever he came to me, he would really need my support. He would hugged me tightly and cried his heart out. But after that he would give the most beautiful smile to me. Then we would buy ice cream and watched movie in my house all night. I really love those nights, because I could have him by my side all night, cuddled with me.

“Yesungie, let’s watch some movies, okay? I’ve bought you vanilla ice cream that you loved so much, it would made you feel better, right?”

“Thanks, Kibum. I’d like to...” he whispered in his cracked voice.

I got up and left him in the couch as I walked toward the kitchen to grab him a bowl of ice cream.

He was spacing out as I approached him. He didn’t realized when I took a seat next to him. I studied his face carefully. His black orbs that looked at nothing. His plump lips that I wanted to taste badly.

Why do you looked so sad, baby.. I hate to see you like this. I hate the fact that now your heart broke in pieces that made you cried.

“Yesungie...” I called him gently.

He was startled and turned around to face me.

“Kibum, you surprised me,” he said.

“I’m sorry,” I smiled softly. I handed him the bowl of ice cream. But he just stared at it.

“Yesung...” I called him.

He looked up at me with a questioning look.

“Yesungie, would you give me a chance?” I asked him.

“Chance?” he repeated, “What chance?”

“Yes, a chance. Chance for me to put all of the pieces of your heart back to the place. Make it just like new, for a new love,” I said doubtlessly.

His eyes widened in surprised,” Kibum?”

“Yesung-ah, I love you so much more than my self. Please give me a chance, I’ll do my best to make you feel better,” I pleaded him.

He looked at me with unreadable gaze.

“But, Kibum. You know that I love Kyuhyun, right?”

“Yeah, I know that clearly. That’s why I never tell you that I love you,” I said to him.

“When do you start love me?” he asked curiously.

“Since our first year in the high school.”

He laughed. But I could heard a bitterness in his voice.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked him.

“Because I just realize that I’m as insensitive as kyuhyun. I blamed him that he never aware about my feeling, but now, here I am do same as him, that I never aware about your feeling to me,” he laughed again. But the tears started streamed down again from his eyes.

“Yesung-ah, please stop. I’d never blame you that you never realize my feeling. I’d never blame you for anything because falling in love with you is my best feeling that I ever had.”

He stopped at looked at me with his swolen eyes.

“Is it true, Kibum? Is it true that you wouldn’t blame for not realizing your feeling for me just like I did to Kyuhyun?” he asked hesitantly.

I smiled at him and nodded.

He looked so confused that what I wanted to do was came to him and hugged him tightly. Assured him that everything okay.

“Would you give me a chance then? I’ll do my best to make all those tears go away. I’ll love all the hurt away. I promise you.”

“Kibum, what if it took a long time. What if it need the years for me to recover my heart and start loving you?” he asked me.

“Then i’ll give you those times,” I answered,”I’ll give you the years that you need to love me. I’ve waited you for years , Yesung-ah. Add some more years and I’m sure that I can bear that.”

“Kibum...” he said hesitantly, “I’ll give you the chance.”

I feel a spark in my heart. Happiness filled my heart as I heard his words.

“But, if you were tired when you wait for me, I wouldn’t hold you, Kibum. You deserve a better person than me,” he said.

“No, I wouldn’t tired. I wouldn’t give up after these times, Yesung-ah. Don’t worry, okay?”

And then he smiled his smile that I loved so much. A smile that I would do everything to  get all the time in my life. And I would do anything to keep his smile plastered in his beautiful face.

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409 streak #1
Chapter 14: 14 chapter 14 - The Night's Meetings. Sorry author-nim, I need to mark my latest chapter that I've read so that I won't be confused when I need to comeback
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Chapter 5: oh! you put this here. already read it~
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