
My True Love

Baekhyun's P.O.V

When things slowly got a little better, Baekhyun thought that everything would get back to normal. But now everything hit him right in the face again. To be honest, he had hoped that he could try to tell everyone about what's going on. But right now, no one will believe him.

The whole car Baekhyun is sitting in is silent. No one says anything, not even the manager tries to talk anymore. The only sounds comes from the cellphones and from the radio that is playing quietly in the front by the chauffeur. Baekhyun also sits with his phone to try to get his mind of things. But as fast be browse the internet, he comes across picks of him and Taeyeon.

Baekhyun sighed quietly, rumors about him and Taeyeon dating really spreads fast and now they even got pics of them. Usually Baekhyun would probably have reported this to his manager, but he's pretty sure that he's fully aware of the photos already. And why would he even care about the photos? He wants Baekhyun and Taeyeon to be together anyway.


Manager hyung, how long will the radio interview last?”
“We will be at the radio station for around 3-4 hours.”
“Can we fetch lunch afterwards?”
“A quick lunch then.”


Baekhyun glanced over at his manager who glanced back at him. He didn't even try to smile at Baekhyun who looked away as fast as possible. He doesn't want to stare into his manager's eyes right now.


But seriously guys, what's wrong?”


The manager finally asks as everyone in the car looked up at him from their phones. Baekhyun kept look out through the window as he waited for everyone to just drop the bomb on him.


Well... We're just tired.”
“Yeah, tired of a lot of bull that is going on.”
“But mostly just tired from last night.”
“If you get that tired, then why do you have those special nights?”
“Because the thought with them is to get the group become closer to each other and have fun. But some people don't understand that as we do.”


Baekhyun felt hit by the words and he admits that he wanted to say something back, but he just stayed silent as he kept scrolling on his phone. He doesn't want to get into more trouble than what he's already in. Also, everyone will have to act like everything is alright at the radio station later anyway. Why start a fight when they will have to be “best buddies” later?




Welcome back to the program and today's guest is no other than EXO! Now, before the break we asked our dearest guests about their latest performances and about their new hit song 'Call me baby'. It's a great song by the way!”
“But now we thought we would like to ask some individual questions.”
“The first question is pointed to the leader, Suho.”
“Ah yes, I'm very honored to get the first question.”
“As the leader of EXO and also the guardian of EXO-L, you're working day and night to take care of the members. The fans wonders if there is any special member who you watch over the most.”
“A very good question! But I watch over all my members and take good care of them. I hope they feel the same!”
“Very touching and happy to hear!”
“The next question is to Baekhyun! There have been a lot of rumors going around lately about you dating someone. Is this true?”
“Well, that's actually a good question. All I can say that I'm not very sure myself.”
“So the pictures of you and Taeyeon are false?”
“Many of those pictures are from during my musical rehearsal. Taeyeon worked with me and we decided to have dinner since the other members from our own groups had already eaten or was too busy to eat with us.”
“Thank you for your answer! Now, Xiumin! We have heard that you have become quite strong lately! You only have shown your strength in 'EXO Showtime', but also on stage with your fierce moves! Now the fans are wondering; have you gotten any abs yet?”
“Haha, that question keeps popping up! I'm going to be honest, right now I don't have that much to muscles around that area, but I will stay fit, I promise!”
“And then...”




Oh man! That was a long interview!”
“But now we got to fetch lunch as quickly as possible before our next activity.”
“Let's go guys!”


Suho begun to lead the way towards the hallway where their manager should stand and wait for them. As fast they arrived to the lobby, the manager came walking towards them with a big smile.


Good job boys! Let's move on to the next thing right away!”
“But what about lunch?”
“Oh right, that... Okay, you guys move on to the training rooms and start rehearsing right away. I will order some lunch for you all.”
“If you say so manager hyung.”
“Okay boys, get to the cars!”


Everyone begun to walk towards the cars except the manager who spotted Baekhyun easily and stopped him from joining the others. Baekhyun felt his manager's intense stare as he knew what he was thinking.


You and I are going to have a meeting in my office when we arrive to the SM-building.”
“Okay manager hyung... Can I go now?”
“Yes, hurry up.”


Baekhyun walked fast towards the cars as he felt his manager intense stare. He doesn't like this feeling he gets from him. Baekhyun tried to ignore his manager for now as he got into one of the cars that was filled with chatter until Baekhyun entered. Baekhyun decided to listen to music during the car ride as he plugged his ears with his earphones.


Chanyeol's P.O.V

Baekhyun seemed really chatty and happy during the time at the radio station, but now he's back to the quite guy who no one wants to talk to. It's funny how easily Baekhyun gives up on talking with the others. Everyone is talking happily with each other except with Baekhyun who is sitting by himself in silence.


I have ordered chicken for you all, just so you know! But when we arrive, you start your rehearsal and I will send someone to fetch the food.”
“Yes sir.”
“Also, I would like to have small meetings with each member like always. Today I will start with Baekhyun and then I will go in alphabetical order. So Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Chen, D.O, Kai, Lay, Sehun, Suho, Tao and Xiumin. Okay?”


Chanyeol glanced over at Baekhyun who seemed to be gone in his own world. He stares out through the window, looking so distant yet he's so close somehow. Chanyeol felt how he sighed and looked away from Baekhyun, he truly wishes things could just go back to old times again...


Baekhyun's P.O.V

Baekhyun walked after his manager towards his office. They walked in silence and smiled and greeted other employees at the SM-building. After some meters, they finally arrived to Baekhyun's manager's office as they entered it. Baekhyun does not like this situation he has gotten himself in.

The manager slowly closed the door after Baekhyun had entered the small office room. It didn't take long before he told Baekhyun to sit down and then he sat down on his own office chair. Baekhyun watched his manager stare at him in silence for a long time, like he tried to make Baekhyun understand that he has done something wrong. But what?


Do you know why I actually wanted to talk with you?”
“No sir.”
“At the radio station, during the interview, you got a question about you and Taeyeon.”
“Yeah, and I did answer it honestly in a way.”
“You were supposed to say the truth!”
“I was-”
“Do you think this is funny?! We have already officially planned to tell everyone about you and Taeyeon!”
“When did I ever agree to this...?”
“What did you say?”
“Stop mumbling!”
“Can't you speak or what?!”
“I said I'm sorry.”
“You and Taeyeon is a couple now and that is how it's going to be!”
“Y-Yes sir...”
“Don't make me your enemy Baekhyun, you won't like it. You have already crossed one line with going against my orders once, don't ever do it again!”


Baekhyun sat silent as his manager leaned back in his chair to calm down. Baekhyun waited for his manager to dismiss him before he can actually stand up and leave.


You're dismissed.”
“Yes sir.”


Baekhyun got up and left the room quickly. He then walked towards the rehearsal rooms where the others at. It's going to be interesting to see how they will treat him now.


Chanyeol's P.O.V



Chanyeol turned around as fast he heard his voice as he faced someone he hasn't really faced for a long time. Baekhyun. He looks weird, his eyes is filled with an uncomfortable feeling and his body screams tensed and tired.


It's your turn to talk to manager hyung.”
“Oh, right, manager hyung...”


Chanyeol had almost forgotten about the manager and for a second, he thought that Baekhyun wanted to talk with him. But he guesses that Baekhyun doesn't want to do that. Baekhyun walked away from Chanyeol as fast he had delivered the message about Chanyeol's turn to talk to their manager. Well, that was much of a conversation they had.

Chanyeol sighed silently while he begun to walk towards his manager's office. He met some familiar faces on the way and greeted them, but it didn't take long before he had arrived to the office. He knocked on the door before he entered the room as he smiled at his manager who smiled back at him.


Chanyeol, come in! Please sit down.”


Chanyeol closed the door behind him before he sat down in front of his manager who smiled at him. Chanyeol's manager fixed a pile of paper that was almost tipping over while Chanyeol took his seat, then he looked up at Chanyeol and smiled once again.


So, how are you doing?”
“Uhm, good I guess.”
“Well, I hope so, I mean, here at SM we want everyone to be happy.”
“Yeah, I know and I feel pretty good.”
“I'm glad to hear that. About today's interview, you did a really good job, but I want you to work with your voice a little. You're sounding a little... down today.”
“Ah sorry, I have a lot on my mind. I will work harder, I promise.”
“Good, that was actually all I had to say. Do you have anything you want to say?”
“Uhm, not really.”
“Then if you feel like this meeting is finished, then feel free to leave.”
“Okay, then I will go back to the rehearsal then.”
“Good, can you tell Chen to come?”


Chanyeol smiled at his manager who smiled this really big smile back at him. Then Chanyeol left the room to get back to other others, but also to fetch Chen. But he can't help to wonder, how will everyone treat Baekhyun after yesterday?


Baekhyun's P.O.V

Baekhyun sat and read through the lyrics as Chen, D.O and Suho sat and practiced on their own. Baekhyun glanced over at them from time to time, but they ignored him totally like everyone else. Baekhyun thought that it couldn't get worse, but as fast Sehun came walking with his phone in his hand and showed the others something, they all stared over at Baekhyun who has no idea about what's going on.


You son of a bi-!”
“Don't use those words please!”


Suho pleaded to Kyungsoo who had flew up from his seat and walked fast towards Baekhyun who stared dumbly at him. What is going on? Why are they all staring at him like that?


So you are dating Taeyeon after all?!”
“Don't lie to us! Sehun, the phone!”


Sehun hesitated before he walked over and held out his phone to Kyungsoo who showed the screen to Baekhyun. It's the pictures Baekhyun saw earlier this morning on his way here. He had totally forgotten about everyone not knowing that he's together with Taeyeon. He always avoided the question when they asked and now they got proof.


Well, those pictures are from-”
“Don't come with the same bull you said on the radio station!”
“But it's true that those were taken during that time-”
“So you admit you're dating her?!”
“You're such a coward! If you break up with Chanyeol and then goes straight to her, then at least be confident about it! But no, you're acting all-”
“Kyungsoo, I think that's enough.”
“Enough with what?! Enough with him acting all rude and childish?! Someone has to say it! Or are we just going to sit here like idiots and let this stupid idiot do even more idiotic things to hurt everyone's feelings and make the group feel like we're splitting up?!”


Baekhyun sat silent as Kyungsoo calmed down. By the door opening stood Kai and Lay who looked worried with a calm Xiumin hyung who walked over to them all.


I'm not the leader, but as the oldest of us I think what you just did was more childish than anything else Kyungsoo. I know you're frustrated, but Baekhyun is just trying-”
“Fine, I might have gone too far, but he's going even further! I'm just saying!”


Kyungsoo walked back to his seat as Xiumin sighed tired. Chen was about to open his mouth when Chanyeol entered the room. Baekhyun can tell that he could sense the bad aura right away, his face said it all.


What's going on?”
“Nothing is going on. Who's next?”
“Well... Chen is next.”
“Then I will go, but first, everyone calm down. If we continue like this-”
“We get it Chen, we will calm down.”


Suho spoke calmly with a smile as Chen nodded. He knows that Suho will take over the situation now. Baekhyun on the other hand doesn't feel that well anymore, he wants to go home and he just wants to lie down in a big soft bed and drown in the blankets and sheets.


What happened here?”
“Nothing? You know what...?”


Baekhyun stood up from his place as everyone stared at him. He has had enough for today and to be honest, he's scared. He's scared to get Chanyeol kicked out of the group, from the group he loves and from the work he has worked so hard for. This is his dream, his passion and his prize for all his hard work. How can Baekhyun take that from him? The answer is; he can't.


I'm tired of you all being pissed off about me... Therefor if you have something to say to me, anything, just freaking tell me right here and now. Don't hold back, I won't say against you! Just say it right to my face and get it over with it! I know you all want to say something to me, right? Then just do it!”


Baekhyun stared at his so called friends and co-workers. They all stared dumbly at him expect for Kyungsoo who chuckled form his seat.


Fine, I will tell you.”


Kyungsoo stood up and walked over to Baekhyun who felt less confident now. He should have kept his mouth shut, but he's tired of running away from his problems. It's time to face one of them.


You're a freaking who probably has cheated on Chanyeol during all this time! After so many things he has done for you, you're just throwing him away! He won't say it because he promised you that if you wanted to breakup, he wouldn't say anything! But the sudden change is too obvious! Everyone thinks you're an who has pretended to be the nice little guy you have been up till now! But now you just seem to be an arrogant cheating idiot who just works to gain money and fame and nothing else! That is what mostly of us think!”


The words hurts, Baekhyun knows that, but he can't let himself down. But on the other hand, he can't tell the others about everything that is going on. All he can do is to stay silent and wait for someone else to tell him that it's okay to be this he appears to be. But no one will say that. It's up to Baekhyun to defend himself.


You think that huh? Is it true?”


Baekhyun looked at the others, but barely anyone of them looked him in the eye except for Tao who has been sitting in a corner and looked through his lyrics the whole time. Baekhyun feels disappointed, even though he knew that no one would say against him.


Thank you, now I'm sure about what I should do in the future.”
“What the hell do you mean with that?”


Baekhyun hesitated before he took a deep breath. He knows that this will ruin his one and only chance and to be honest, he hates to admit it, but this is for the best. Even though he hates the thought...


I'm going to quit.”


Ayo guys! I'm back! ^.^

I will try to make this message short. So I have had SOOO much to do and I'm so sorry that I didn't update for like ages! I hope you guys will forgive me! ^.^

But anyway, I want to thank you all for your wonderful support that you're showing me! I love you all and I'm so thankful that you guys read my fics (even though if they sometimes) ^.^

Subs, comments and upvotes are all up to you, but it's not a must! But it's very well appreciated! ^.^

Well, that was all I had to say for this time! I hope I see or hear from you guys soon again! Love you all! ^.^

Peace and love to you all! <3

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Please please pretty please update <333
Chavindi #2
Chapter 16: Im loving this story..good job authournim..but is this story is gonna be updated?
Chapter 16: Hope you can update this story. :)
sarapinki #4
Hope you can update this story soon
I love it
kashycat #5
Chapter 16: Oh my god, finally they all know! You don't know how much I waited for this story for them all to know! Gosh finally.

Honestly, I hope Kyungsoo will apologize. Kyungsoo was one of the members that treated Baekhyun the worst. Though when I think about it - they all should apologize, Chanyeol too; to just believe Baekhyun would handle or do such things, not even really questioning it - it still makes me angry. They have totally failed Baekhyun; friends should protect each other especially from something like that, but they didnt even look if something's wrong. They just isolated Baekhyun. They were horrible to him. So yeah, I want everyone to apologize, but especially Kyungsoo.

At least I hope you'll write that x)

And Taeyeon... she seems honestly a bit sick. She's continouosly forcing Baekhyun into a relationship, even him (he didnt want to, so yeah it was) and kissed/touched him against his will... while knowing that he's not there because he wants to.

And I'm just so angry with the manager - I dont understand why Baekhyun didn't say it was him who blackmailed him. But I have a feeling that either Chanyeol, from what he knew, or maybe Suho from what he thought went to the manager and told him about their concerns - that'd explain his sudden Paranoia and accusation of Baekhyun telling the others.

Baekhyun's been hurt so many times in this story - from his manager, Taeyeon and even his own members - I just hope, as I said, that s will feel really guilty, apologize and finally protect him. Baekhyun really needs comfort and friends now - but honestly I dont know if I would trust them, after everything that happened. At the moment they don't really deserve Baekhyuns trust and have to get it back.

I'm worried about Baekhyuns injuries too - especially after reading about some of their reactions. I can already imagine his stomach being black and blue and gosh - Baekhyun has really been through hell D:

Thanks for updating here! Although I also read many other stories of yours I've been looking forward to this story being updated almost the most, just because I wanted them to finally know the truth. I hope the next chapter will come soon >.< (which is not meant as pressure, just that I'm looking forward to it, very much)
Chapter 16: Finally, u did a great job baek.. Telling them is the best decision u have ever did =)
Chapter 9: Suddenly i'm crying on my bed >_<
Chapter 5: How my instinct say this is based on the true story >_< Aigoo~
Chapter 3: Poor Chanyeol :'(
Chapter 1: Aigoo >_< These kids so cute ;)