I Won't Give Up

My True Love

Baekhyun's P.O.V

Baekhyun feels how the tears streams down his cheeks as he can't stop his hand from holding onto Chanyeol's shirt. Chanyeol hugs Baekhyun tightly in a warm embrace and he doesn't seem to want to let go off him just yet. Baekhyun curses mentally as he buries his face into Chanyeol's chest. He hates this situation so damn much! He wants to tell Chanyeol everything, but he can't.

Baekhyun cries like a fool as he feels how Chanyeol comforts him. Chanyeol has no idea why Baekhyun is crying and he's not trying to force Baekhyun to tell him about it either. All he does is hugging Baekhyun and comforts him. Even though Baekhyun has been so mean towards Chanyeol and the others, even though Chanyeol thinks that Baekhyun doesn't love him, Chanyeol still hugs Baekhyun so tightly.


Baekhyun... I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean to make you cry like this...”


Chanyeol's deep voice echoes through the room as Baekhyun sobs like a fool. He wants to stop crying so badly, but having Chanyeol this close to him makes it even harder to stop. Baekhyun has missed Chanyeol's warm hugs so much, even though it only has been a couple of months since he was forced to breakup with him. Chanyeol's sweet scent and his warmth, it all feels so familiar yet so distant to him.


Baekhyun... I don't want to be mean but... The others will be coming back home soon... Maybe we should... move to my room?”


Chanyeol asks carefully with an unsure and trembling voice. He's nervous and probably worried to scare Baekhyun away. The truth is, Baekhyun would love to go with Chanyeol and talk about everything that is going on behind Chanyeol's back. He would love to make up with Chanyeol and go back to old times. But he can't. If he tells Chanyeol just one small thing and their manager finds out about it, then he's dead.


No... I-I don't want to go...”
“But the others-”
“I don't want to talk... S-Sorry... T-This has nothing to do... with you or... the others...”
“W-We can still talk about it though-”
“No... We can't... Please Chanyeol... don't bother me like this ever again...”


Baekhyun feels how the pain stabs him as he pushes Chanyeol away from him. Chanyeol's warmth and his strong arms around Baekhyun is gone. Chanyeol's sweet scent and calming breath is also gone. All Baekhyun has left is the feeling of being hugged. But soon enough, that feeling disappears too.


“Please... don't talk to me...”


Baekhyun tries to hide his face as he hurries to walk over to the couch. There he sits down and grabs a blanket to curl up under. He doesn't want anyone to see him when they come home. He won't talk to anyone and he won't pretend that he exist. He will disappear into another world, where only he and nothing else exist.


Baekhyun... I-I can't let you go on like this!”
“Leave me alone... Please... Just leave me alone...”
“But, you're obviously not yourself-”
“Leave me alone I said!”


Chanyeol, who tries to get Baekhyun back to his senses, hurries to back off from Baekhyun. Baekhyun has had enough, even though he truly wants all of this to end. He made up his mind earlier and he knows what he will do to end it all. He will leave EXO and he won't let Chanyeol or anyone else stop him. He won't let Chanyeol leave either, because then everything Baekhyun has done up till now will be useless.


I told you... I will quit this group... I will quit working for SM... I will leave and I don't want you to quit because of me...”
“T-This is madness!”
“Then I am mad! I'm crazy and stupid and just idiotic! But let me be like this without hurting my pride or feelings more than what they already are!”


Baekhyun feels how he can't hold himself back anymore. All this frustration and feelings, he can't control it anymore. Baekhyun grabs his phone and skips the keys to the dorm before he rushes over to the hallway. Before Chanyeol can even think about stopping him, Baekhyun has already gotten his shoes and jacket on and leaves the dorm.


B-Baekhyun! C-Come back here! Baekhyun-!”


Baekhyun slams the door close before he runs down the stairs. He won't stay here to get his feelings even more messed up! He won't stop and let Chanyeol convince him to talk! If he does, then everything will be ruined! All the hard work and suffering will be ruined! Chanyeol's career will be ruined! Everything will just be ruined if he stops!

Baekhyun knows that he can't go back home tonight and he knows that he might not be able to face the others tomorrow. But right now, all he wants is some comfort from someone who understands him. He just wants someone who isn't Chanyeol, but still knows him good enough to understand how he's suffering. Once again, Baekhyun only knows one place where he can go to find this comfort he seeks.


Chanyeol's P.O.V

Chanyeol sighs frustrated as he grabs his hair tightly. He did it again! He freaking did it again! How can he even stand himself like this?! He freaking had Baekhyun in his arms and he was so close to finally get him back! But then he ruined it! He scared Baekhyun away and not only did he scare him away, he also made him upset!




Chanyeol roars angrily as he nearly hits the couch in front of him. Why can't he just let Baekhyun be if that is what he wants?! Why didn't he just shut up and let Baekhyun be like he told Chanyeol?! Why?! Someone tell him why!


“W-Was it you who just screamed?”


Chanyeol feels how all the annoyance grabs him even more as he glances over at the others. It's not their fault that Baekhyun is like this, he knows that, but he can't help it. The anger and the frustration needs to get out of him, but he needs to be careful with what he says.


I'm such an idiot! Whatever I do, I do it wrong! I'm trying so freaking hard, but nothing works! Someone just kill me already!”
“C-Calm down man!”
“Y-Yeah, there is nothing to get upset about-”
“I can't help it!”


Chanyeol groans angrily as he hurries to get into his room before he get pissed off at the others. The others just stares after Chanyeol who closes the door behind him. Then he slides down for it and sits down on the floor. It's so cold and quiet in here. The floor is really cold... Everything is cold...

When Baekhyun lived in here, everything was warm. Mostly because the floor was covered with Baekhyun's clothes and stuff. Baekhyun is such a messy person, but no one can stand him better than Chanyeol. But Baekhyun isn't only a burden, he also has many benefits like a beautiful singing voice in the morning or cute humming sounds. He also cracks bad jokes whenever Chanyeol feels stressed or down and he always cheers him up.

Chanyeol feels his heart ache as a tear streams down his cheek. He tries so hard to get him back. He tries so hard to get Baekhyun back, but nothing works. He doesn't understand what he's doing wrong or why Baekhyun seems to hate him so much. What did he ever do wrong? Why can't Baekhyun just tell him why he doesn't like him anymore?

Chanyeol bites his lower lip as he holds in the sobs and tears. He doesn't want to cry, even though there is no one in the room to see him. He just doesn't want to cry because of someone like Baekhyun. Yet, he knows that his tears is only blood from the wounds in his heart. The tears is the way of the heart to tell people that he's hurt and therefor it's aching.




Chanyeol can't sleep. It's already 2 am and Baekhyun hasn't returned. Where did he go? Will he come back? Is he alright? Is he hurt? Did he get to eat properly? Is he warm? Has he somewhere to sleep? Nothing has happened to him, right? Is he still upset with Chanyeol? Will he ever come back? Will he really... leave EXO?

Chanyeol can't stop all the questions from overwhelming him. He can only sit on his bed and listen to the silence. The front door hasn't gotten open ever since Xiumin came back home around 11 pm. No one else has left the dorm and no one else has come back home since there is only Baekhyun who isn't home. Chanyeol is really worried, but there is nothing he can do about it.


Did I... go too far...?”


Chanyeol asks himself as he picks up his phone. Maybe he should text Baekhyun and ask him if he's alright? He can just send a text and ask him if he's alright and apologize for prying too far. Maybe that will make Baekhyun come back home? Or maybe Baekhyun is with... Taeyeon...?

Chanyeol feels a sudden anger or rather annoyance well over him. He can't help but to hit the bed with his fist while letting out a small frustrated groan. He won't lose to that woman... He won't lose to Taeyeon! He knows that something isn't right with Baekhyun and he will find out what! The question is: how? Baekhyun doesn't want to talk to him and Baekhyun seems to hate Chanyeol from time to time.

Another heartache attacks Chanyeol while he thinks about the situation. He doesn't know what he's supposed to do in a situation like this. He wants to talk about it with the others, but he gets a feeling that they won't really support him. But they still don't know that Baekhyun isn't himself right now. The Baekhyun they have seen the past months isn't the real Baekhyun and Chanyeol knows it! He just needs to prove it somehow.


Y-You don't know the real me! I-I just faked everything, remember?!”


That's right, Baekhyun said something like that when Chanyeol confronted him earlier. Baekhyun looked to panic and even freaked out, like Chanyeol had said something he didn't want anyone to know. Also, Baekhyun showed his true self while they talked. He even cried and showed the pain he's carrying in his eyes. Chanyeol knows that something isn't right and he wants to help Baekhyun with it. But he can't help him if he doesn't know what is wrong.

A sigh escapes Chanyeol's mouth as he grabs his phone. First of all, he should try to contact Baekhyun. He needs to make sure that Baekhyun is alright and isn't wandering the streets alone this late in the night. Who knows what might happen if he walks around all alone? But what should he write to him? That he's sorry? That he's worried? Maybe both?

Chanyeol should be honest when he texts Baekhyun. He should admit that he was wrong to pry as far as he did and that he wants to apologize to Baekhyun. He also should ask him if he's alright and not wandering the streets alone when it is this late. Chanyeol nods slowly as he hurries to start write a text to Baekhyun. He's not going to be a fool and not try to fix this mess! Somehow, he will get Baekhyun to talk to him! But for now, he will make sure that he's alright.


Baekhyun's P.O.V

So you're saying... That you came here because... you're upset?”


Baekhyun nods as his hyung, Baekbeom, yawns tired while listening. Well, it's a little late, but taking the bus takes time. Also, it was really hard to not get seen by any fans that would chase him all the way here. Therefor it took really long time before he even could get here.


Baekhyun... You know, you can't always runaway from all your problems-”
“T-This time I really had too. H-Hyung, please just listen to me.”
“Okay, I will listen... But try to not take too long, it's still in the middle of the night and I need to get up early tomorrow.”
“I-I know... I-I'm really sorry for coming this late and-”
“You're my little brother Baekhyun, I can't reject you if you need help. Don't worry about that now and tell me what's wrong. Why are you upset?”


Baekhyun suddenly feels a wave of regret hit him. He doesn't want to talk about this anymore and his hyung, his big brother who is tired and needs to sleep, sits on the couch and waits patiently for him to continue. Baekhyun lets out a sigh and then sobs quietly.


It's just that... everything is against me... Whenever I try to fix something, it comes straight back to him and slaps me in the face...”
“Life isn't easy Baekhyun, you should know that by now.”
“I know that... I-I have been struggling for months now with the same problem, but there seem to be no solution to it.”
“There is always a solution, you just have to look further.”
“But... There is only two ways to solve it and both ways are terrible and painful.”
“Sometimes pain is needed to solve something. It's hard and it feels like it will never end, but it will. Everything will get better if you just stand up and do what you need to do.”
“I'm scared... I-I don't know what to do anymore...”
“I want to help you, but you seem to have a more intern problem that I can't really solve for you. It's hard to say this but... I'm afraid that I can't do anything for you this time. I can always try to cheer you up, but it won't be able to help you with anything.”


Baekhyun nods silently as his hyung looks concerned at him. Well, it's not weird since Baekhyun asks him for help, but all he can do is to say that Baekhyun needs to solve it himself. Oh what a burdensome day this is!


Baekhyun... Do you plan on going home now?”
“D-Do you want me to leave?”
“I-It's not like that! I just want to know if I should prepare a blanket and pillow for you.”


Baekhyun thinks a little about what his brother says and something hits him: maybe he doesn't want Baekhyun here? Maybe he thinks it's bothersome to have Baekhyun here? After all, Baekhyun is a famous pop star that is chased by many fans. Leading them to his hyungs house would be a terrible thing to do.


I-I will take my leave...”
“Are you sure? It's really late and-”
“I'm sure. I can't stay anyway. I'm sorry for bothering you this late.”
“It's not really that bothersome since I barely see you nowadays. I wish I could help you with your problem though.”


Baekhyun nods silently as he stands up to leave. As fast he stands up, his phone plings in his pocket and he fishes it up to see who is texting him. Baekhyun stares at the screen for a couple of seconds and just studies the ID name for while. It's Chanyeol.


Is it something important?”


Baekhyun glances up at his hyung who smiles kindly at him. He probably wants to go to bed now and Baekhyun is here, bothering him. Baekhyun shakes his head as he puts away his phone again.


Sorry, I should leave now. See you hyung.”
“Baekhyun... Before you go... There is something I want to tell you.”
“What is it?”
“Well... I know it's really hard to be you right now. I heard about you and Taeyeon and about the dating scandals. Also, there are rumors going around that you're not on good terms with the rest of the members in EXO. I hope all those are false rumors because I don't believe that my little brother would ever be on bad terms with anyone. You're a good person Baekhyun and if there is something I know so is it that you would never hurt someone. Be strong and follow what your heart says, that way you won't get lost. Okay?”


Baekhyun stares speechless at his hyung for a couple of seconds before he smiles. He's still not sure what he should do with the whole situation, but thanks to his hyung, he feels a little better now. He might be able to go back home after all.


Then, I will leave for real now. I love you hyung.”
“Come here, give me a hug.”


Baekhyun tries to not giggle, but he can't help but to smile like a fool. He hurries over to his hyung and gives him a big tight hug before he decides to actually leave. His hyung tries to stop him from leaving once again by offering the couch to him, but Baekhyun thinks that he will only be in the way if he stays. Also, his hyung is married now and he doesn't want to invade on this private life more than necessary.

Baekhyun leaves his hyung's apartment as he begins to walk towards the nearest bus stop. He knows that he shouldn't walk alone on the streets this late, but he has no other choice. He can't call for a cab and he doesn't have any car himself. He only got one choice left, the bus. He could always walk home, but that would be way more dangerous than actually taking the bus.

On the way to the bus stop, Baekhyun picks up his phone to at least check Chanyeol's text he sent him a couple of minutes ago. He tries to not feel too nervous about the text as he opens it to read it.

Baekhyun! I know that you probably doesn't want to read this,
but please just check your phone just for this time! I'm sorry
about earlier and I know that I pried too far! I know that you're
probably really upset and doesn't want to talk with me, but I'm
begging you to please come back home. I can't sleep knowing
that you're walking on the streets alone! You better be safe and
not walking on the streets alone! If you do that, call me! I know
that we just fought and all, but it's not safe to walk alone! I
sincerely apologize for my behavior earlier today and I want
you to know that I'm worrying myself to death right now. So
please, come back home or at least tell me you're alright.
/ Chanyeol”

A weird feeling takes over Baekhyun as he stops in the middle of the street. He doesn't know what to think or what to do after reading this message. Chanyeol must be really worried about him, which he clearly tells Baekhyun in the message. He also apologizes for something he hasn't done wrong. He only tried to reach out to Baekhyun, to tell him that he's there for him if he needs him.

Baekhyun feels the guilt take over him as he hurries to look up Chanyeol's number. But before he presses the call button, he stops himself and thinks through what he's doing. If he calls Chanyeol, there might be a risk for his manager to find out about this call. Baekhyun doesn't know how or why he would find out, but he gets the feeling that his manager is better at keeping an eye on Baekhyun than what he thinks.

A sigh escapes Baekhyun's mouth as he locks his phone and starts walking towards the bus again. He wonders if he will be able to wake up tomorrow morning after being up this late. On the other hand, who cares? He might quit the group anyway and leave. But if he suddenly decides not to leave? Then he shouldn't oversleep tomorrow and ignore what his manager tells him to do.

Baekhyun's thoughts wanders around a little until they finally finds their way back to Chanyeol. Baekhyun shouldn't ignore Chanyeol's text without sending him something back. He should tell Chanyeol straight out that he's on his way home and that he will forgive Chanyeol for everything he has done. But on the other hand, Chanyeol never did anything wrong and it would be wrong if Baekhyun said something like that.

A sigh escapes Baekhyun's mouth as he stares at his phone. Maybe he should just call him? Even if his manager finds out about it, he can never know what Chanyeol and Baekhyun talked about. It's safer to call Chanyeol than to text him since a text can last on the phone while the conversation will disappear as fast the call ends. But the question is: should Baekhyun even call or text Chanyeol at all?


Ayo guys! Wazzup?! :D

So, today I finally got to update again :D *cheers happily in the corner of my room all alone*.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, because I really enjoyed writing it. Anyway, I want to thank you all for reading and supporting this fiction! ^.^

And thank you for your love you have shown me and this fiction. All upvotes, comments and subscriptions are very appreciate, but isn't a must! Though, like I said, it's very appreciated and it motivates me to write more! ^.^

For now I don't have anything else to say except: let's stay tuned for the next chapter! Have a nice continuing day/morning/afternoon/evening! ^.^

Peace and love to you all! <3
/ Lovelo

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Please please pretty please update <333
Chavindi #2
Chapter 16: Im loving this story..good job authournim..but is this story is gonna be updated?
Chapter 16: Hope you can update this story. :)
sarapinki #4
Hope you can update this story soon
I love it
kashycat #5
Chapter 16: Oh my god, finally they all know! You don't know how much I waited for this story for them all to know! Gosh finally.

Honestly, I hope Kyungsoo will apologize. Kyungsoo was one of the members that treated Baekhyun the worst. Though when I think about it - they all should apologize, Chanyeol too; to just believe Baekhyun would handle or do such things, not even really questioning it - it still makes me angry. They have totally failed Baekhyun; friends should protect each other especially from something like that, but they didnt even look if something's wrong. They just isolated Baekhyun. They were horrible to him. So yeah, I want everyone to apologize, but especially Kyungsoo.

At least I hope you'll write that x)

And Taeyeon... she seems honestly a bit sick. She's continouosly forcing Baekhyun into a relationship, even him (he didnt want to, so yeah it was) and kissed/touched him against his will... while knowing that he's not there because he wants to.

And I'm just so angry with the manager - I dont understand why Baekhyun didn't say it was him who blackmailed him. But I have a feeling that either Chanyeol, from what he knew, or maybe Suho from what he thought went to the manager and told him about their concerns - that'd explain his sudden Paranoia and accusation of Baekhyun telling the others.

Baekhyun's been hurt so many times in this story - from his manager, Taeyeon and even his own members - I just hope, as I said, that s will feel really guilty, apologize and finally protect him. Baekhyun really needs comfort and friends now - but honestly I dont know if I would trust them, after everything that happened. At the moment they don't really deserve Baekhyuns trust and have to get it back.

I'm worried about Baekhyuns injuries too - especially after reading about some of their reactions. I can already imagine his stomach being black and blue and gosh - Baekhyun has really been through hell D:

Thanks for updating here! Although I also read many other stories of yours I've been looking forward to this story being updated almost the most, just because I wanted them to finally know the truth. I hope the next chapter will come soon >.< (which is not meant as pressure, just that I'm looking forward to it, very much)
Chapter 16: Finally, u did a great job baek.. Telling them is the best decision u have ever did =)
Chapter 9: Suddenly i'm crying on my bed >_<
Chapter 5: How my instinct say this is based on the true story >_< Aigoo~
Chapter 3: Poor Chanyeol :'(
Chapter 1: Aigoo >_< These kids so cute ;)