
Cherry Blossoms

“The food here is delicious.” I commented a couple of hours later to a very giggly girl seated across the table from me. I’d been struggling to make conversation with her for the last three courses. She just kept blushing and tittering at me. It was very off-putting.

“Jimin, did you try the Swedish meatballs?” Sakura asked, rescuing me. She spooned a couple onto my plate. She was talented at playing the role of an attentive girlfriend. I wondered how many functions she’d attended with Jin to be so good at making me feel comfortable in the midst of weird and wealthy strangers.

“Oh, thank you, honey.” I smiled at her, enjoying the blush creeping over her cheeks. I was definitely taking advantage of the opportunity to flirt with a beautiful girl. It had been so long since I’d been with anyone. After my ex-girlfriend Maya had broken up with me, I’d kind of kept to myself. I didn’t really have time after a full day of work and taking care of my sister’s family, but I’d also intentionally avoided going out to meet people. It was hard and I preferred the company of Jack and a few good books. Some nights the loneliness was too much for me and I went out and to the club with my old friends and met up with a few girls every now and then, but nothing compared to what I had had with Maya. I loved her, but she didn’t feel the same way.

“Jimin?” Sakura’s concerned voice beckoned me back to reality. “Dinner’s over. The waiter wants to take your plate.”

“Huh?” I blinked and glanced up to see an impatient waiter at me. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m finished, thank you.”

“What were you thinking about?” Sakura asked. “You look a little out of it.”

“Nothing important.” I reached up to run my fingers through my hair, but she slapped my hand.

“Don’t ruin your hairstyle.” She leaned in and tweaked a few strands away from my face. Her warm touch only magnified the lonely ache suddenly appearing in my chest. It’d been so long since someone looked after me like this; even if it was just for show, I didn’t want it to end.


Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Jin glaring at us. A sudden burst of anger shot through me. Why did a half-hearted guy like him do to win Sakura’s love? Didn’t he know how rare it was to have someone love you like Sakura loved him? I wished someone would care about me the way she cared about him. Undeserving bastard.

He caught me staring at him and glared at me threateningly. I smirked before turning back to Sakura. I took her chin in my hand and pulled her face closer to mine.

“Jimin?” She looked up at me, startled.

“Jin’s watching.” I whispered. She hesitated a moment before closing her eyes. I moved to kiss , but suddenly changed my mind and instead kissed her forehead.

She opened her eyes as I pulled away, a little surprised.

“Sorry.” I shrugged. “I’m not really into PDA. I just wanted to make your douchey ex-boyfriend mad.”

“Jin won’t get mad.” Sakura sighed.

“He was mad before.” I pointed out. “And he looks pretty mad right now.”


My eyes followed Jin as he angrily stood and strode over to our table.

“Sakura!” He hissed, grabbing her wrist. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

The giggly girl across from me gasped. I rolled my eyes internally, wondering if Jin was the dramatic type. He sure liked to make a scene.

“Excuse me.” I said calmly as I removed his hand from Sakura’s wrist. “Please don’t touch my date so casually.”

“Your date?” Jin spat. “Your date?”

“Yeah.” I smiled up at him. “She’s my date. Right, sweetheart?”

I turned to her expectantly. Her gaze darted back and forth between me and Jin.

“Right.” Sakura agreed in a quiet voice.

“Let’s go dance.” I grabbed her hand and led her out to the dance floor.


We were one of the first couples to make it out onto the dance floor. An old Frank Sinatra tune was playing as I wrapped one hand around her waist.

“Sorry.” I whispered, pulling her close to me. “I know that was uncomfortable for you. I shouldn’t have tried to make him jealous.”

“Why did you?” She peeked up at me from underneath her thick eyelashes. Her headband fell slightly forward onto her forehead as we danced. I adjusted it back to its position and kissed her forehead again, softly this time.

“Because Jin’s an .” I said, moving my hand to the small of her back. “And I wanted him to realize what he’s missing out on.”

“You’re awfully chivalrous for a fake date.” She murmured. The song changed to a slow one and she rested her head against my chest. Her head fit perfectly underneath my chin. I let out a deep sigh as I encircled my arms around her waist. God, it had been so long since I’d held someone like this.

“I don’t like guys like Jin. Rich, privileged, spoiled. He’s used to getting what he wants and has never had to work hard for anything.” I tried and failed to keep the bitterness out of my voice.

“You don’t know him.” She reprimanded me quietly. “He’s a good man.”

“I don’t think so, sweetheart, but you can believe what you like.”

“My parents like you.” Sakura told me, abruptly changing the subject. “My mom thinks you’re cute. And my dad says you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders.”

“Good. That’ll make things easier for you.” I rocked her back and forth on the dance floor, enjoying the feel of her soft and warm body against mine.

“I’m surprised, honestly. They’ve always loved Jin.”

“Well, I’m very charming.” I teased. “I charmed you the first time we met.”

“Oh, please.” She laughed.

“No, seriously.” I continued. “Why else would you ask me to be your fake boyfriend? I’m sure you have a dozen guys lined up ready to take Jin’s place. You must have liked me.”

“Jin and I have been together for so long that every other boy has given up on me. I needed a stranger.”

“A handsome stranger.” I quipped.

“Your cakes won me over, Jimin. I thought that someone who made such delicious cakes had to have a good personality.” She giggled. “You’re cute, though.”

Sakura pulled away as a fast song came on. I twirled her around and pulled her back into my arms, grinning the whole time. I’d forgotten how enjoyable it could be to dance with a pretty girl.

“You’re really an excellent dancer.” She complimented me, sashaying along to the music. “I haven’t had this much fun dancing in years.”

“One of my many talents.” I winked at her and she laughed.


We danced for a few more songs before wandering over to the bar. I ordered us a couple of martinis and she gladly accepted one.

“I feel like getting drunk tonight.” She sighed and leaned against the bar.

“Please don’t.” I took a sip of my drink. “You’re my ride.”

“You can take me home.” Sakura waved away my worries.

“I don’t know where you live. We’re basically strangers, sweetheart. Why would you get drunk around a guy you barely know?” I reprimanded her.

“You’re sweet.” She looked at me over the rim of her glass. “And if you were going to take advantage of me, you probably wouldn’t warn me about it beforehand.”

I shrugged. “It could just be a tactic. Lull you into a false sense of security before taking you home to my place and getting you into my bed. You always have to be careful, you know.”

“Do you want me to get into your bed?” She asked bluntly, finishing her martini.

I stared at her in shock. First, how could she ask that kind of question and second, how’d she finish her drink so quickly?

“I’d like another, please.” She said to the bartender. He nodded and prepared one for her as I tried to get my wits about me. “Well, Jimin?” She looked at me expectantly as she took the proffered drink from the bartender.

“Are you offering?” I raised my eyebrows at her. “Because I’d really prefer if you weren’t drunk for that kind of thing. I can’t sleep with a drunk girl.”

“Not even if you’re drunk?” She asked in surprise.

“Ah, that’s a bit different. I don’t make very good decisions when drunk.” I answered honestly. “But drunk is nice. All hazy and giggly and everything feels so good.”

“You sound experienced in the matter.” Sakura ran a finger along the rim of her glass.

“It’s been a while.” I admitted in a low voice. “Quite a while, actually.”

Sakura leaned in conspiratorially and whispered in my ear. “What do you say you and I get out of here and go someplace a little more…intimate?”

“Do you have a place in mind?” I turned my head and her forehead knocked against mine. To anyone watching, we looked like a pair of lovers whispering sweet nothings to each other. In reality, we were almost strangers and I was getting propositioned.

“Yeah.” She snuck in a quick kiss on my mouth, catching me by surprise. “Yours.”

“Are you drunk?” I whispered in her ear. She giggled and place her hand on my waist.

“No. I’ve only had one martini. Don’t look down on me, Jimin.” Sakura set down her drink and wound her arms around my neck. “You’re just really y and I wanna get laid.”

“Huh, well, the feeling’s mutual.” I finished my drink and took her hand. She followed me away from the crowd, giggling uncontrollably. “Are you sure you’re not drunk?”

“Jimin, it’s been fifteen minutes since I’ve started drinking. Of course I’m not drunk.”

“Well, stop giggling. You’re drawing attention to us.” I scolded, pulling her closer so we were walking side by side. I caught Jin’s eye as we hurried past the dining area. People were starting to shuffle in from the dance floor as dessert was being served. Jin looked from me to Sakura before putting down his plate and standing as if to follow us. I started walking faster in an effort to avoid him and make our escape quietly.

“Jimin, I’m wearing heels.” Sakura complained, tugging on my arm to slow me down.

“Yes, and they’re very pretty.” I winked at her. She attempted to scowl at me before a giggle bubbled up past her lips.


We stepped outside the doors into the crisp night air. I motioned to the valet and he brought Sakura’s car around. She tapped her feet impatiently as we waited for him to show up, neither of us noticing the harried footsteps behind us.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Jin’s voice demanded. He yanked Sakura away from me.

“I’m just taking her home.” I explained nonchalantly. I was taking her home. My home.

“Yeah, Jin. Jimin’s just taking me home.” Sakura smiled up innocently at him.

“Stop this.” Jin pleaded. “Just come inside, baby. You’ve made your point. I won’t leave you again.”

“Yeah, you won’t.” Sakura nodded. “Because I’m leaving you first. Come on, Jimin, there’s the car. You drive.”

The valet handed me the keys and I led Sakura down the steps, neither of us sparing Jin a backwards glance.


Sakura sighed as soon as she sat down in the car. I started the engine and began the drive back to my apartment.

“You okay?” I asked, shooting her a quick glance as we stopped at a red light.

“Yup!” She grinned at me and rested her hand on my thigh, precariously close to a certain area. “Are you okay?”

“Oh, I’m more than okay.” I said in a low voice. I kissed her briefly before the light turned green.


We arrived at my house in a manner of minutes. I helped her out of the car and into my apartment building. As soon as the doors to the elevator closed, I pulled her close to me and kissed her roughly, parting her lips and slipping my tongue in. She moaned softly, her hands clinging to my shirt. It had been so long since the last time I’d done anything like this. Too long.

The elevator dinged and I practically dragged her down the hallway to my apartment. She giggled as she stumbled along, slipping off her heels as I fumbled with my keys. I threw them to the ground and locked the door behind us as she tugged at my bowtie, my heartbeat rapidly increasing with each burning touch.

I kicked off my shoes and she leapt up into my arms, looping her arms around my neck and leaning in for a passionate kiss. I carried her over to my bedroom door, where we could hear Jack barking madly. I fumbled for the doorknob and threw the door open. Jack immediately bounded over and sniffed the pair of us, his loud barks ringing in my ears.

“Out, Jack.” He whimpered at me, but obeyed. I locked the door behind him and gently let Sakura down onto the bed. She tried to undo my belt buckle as I lowered myself onto the bed, tearing at the buttons on my shirt.

Once I’d shucked off my pants and shirt, Sakura shimmied out of her dress. I chuckled at the sight of her in just a slip and a headband.

“Now you’re really like Zelda Fitzgerald.” I whispered, laying down next to her. “God, you’re so beautiful.”

“Yeah?” She propped herself up on one elbow. “Ya think so?”

“Yeah.” I rolled over on top of her, wedging my knee between her legs. “I’m feeling pretty lucky to have such a beautiful girl in my bed tonight.”

“You’re sweet.” Sakura pressed her palm against my cheek.

“Ah, .” I sat back and ran a hand through my hair. “I don’t have any condoms.”

“It’s okay.” She grabbed my hands and pulled me back down on top of her. “I take birth control.”

“Okay.” I kissed her forehead. “Are you sure about this?”

“I’m the one who suggested it, Jimin.” Sakura reminded me. “I’m sure.”

I smiled down at her and slowly slid my hand under her slip. She let out a soft sigh before arching her back, waiting for me to start.

“Hurry up, Jimin.” She whined.

“Okay.” I grinned at her before reaching over and shutting off the light.

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sugarcookie123 #1
Chapter 23: ship is finally properly sailing !!!!
sugarcookie123 #2
I love Jimin's and the OC's character in the story. They contrast and compliment each other.
sugarcookie123 #3
Chapter 22: Jimin is so sweet !!!!!
Do update soon authornim!! I really love this story ;;
sugarcookie123 #5
Chapter 21: Author nim i miss the updates !!!! This story is sooooo gooooood !!!! Please update soon !!!! You're amazing writer!!!!!
sugarcookie123 #6
Chapter 20: Amazing story author nim. Are you by any chance indian ? Nice choice of movies DDLJ is one of my favs !!!! Update soon plzzzzzz.....
armybangtan1 #7
Chapter 20: hello i just started reading this ff and i really don't get why that she is sleeping with jm while she loves jin. the way she teases jimin is not nice cause he loves her and her attitude is a little y(i'm really sorry) i think. i just don't get what she wants. she knows that jimin is hurting. i don't get it
jiminaddiction #8
Chapter 20: No problemo, Eagerly waiting for more chapters :)
jiminaddiction #9
Chapter 20: Thanks for updating. Jimin must've been shocked to see everything.
Poor sakura
Chapter 19: damn shes got to stop thinking about jin whn shes in bed with jimin alrdy. & im so mad at her too, for underestimating jimin's love for her ughh hwaiting jiminnie