
Cherry Blossoms

Sakura’s POV


That night, I left while Jin was still sleeping. He looked so peaceful with his hands curled around the pillow. I didn’t want to make him look sad again.

Before I left, I stole the photo of the two of us at the beach. It was one of my favorite memories with him. I didn’t want to forget it.


I hadn’t seen Jimin in weeks. I missed him. Jin refused to talk to me after I left without saying goodbye. I sent him one text to make sure he was okay, but he said he needed some time apart. I couldn’t begrudge him that, since apparently I was breaking his heart.

I just wished he would make me a priority in his life. If he just had the sense to recognize that we wouldn’t last in that atmosphere, we could still be together. I still loved him, and it seemed like he still loved me.

But I didn’t believe he loved me enough. If he did, he would leave all of it for me.


I spent my days in my musty old bookshop, serving a few customers and devouring books. I wondered how Jimin was doing. If it would be strange of me to stop by his bakery and order a cake. I missed his cake.

A book that he had asked me for had come in. I’d picked out a first edition for him, purchased it specially from an old friend of mine.

“I suppose I could just drop it off. Right? That’s not weird, is it? He’s probably looking forward to reading it. Just because he loves me doesn’t mean we can’t still be friends.”

I gradually convinced myself to stop by his adorable little bakery. I wanted to see him more than I wanted to eat his cake, but I would be lying if I didn’t say cake was part of the incentive.


I saw him through the store window before he saw me. His head rested on the countertop, pudgy cheek splayed out over the granite surface.

The bell dinged as I opened the door. He didn’t look up.

I stepped quietly towards him.


“Mmm.” He raised his head and squinted. “Ugh. I think I must have dozed off. Sorry, so unprofessional. What can I get you?”

“A green tea cake with blueberries, please.” I don’t even think he realized it was me.

“Coming right up.” A huge yawn almost ripped open his mouth. “I’m so sorry.”

I pulled the parcel out of my bag and laid it on the counter while Jimin cut the cake.

“Can I get a green tea latte as well?”

“Sure thing.” Jimin bustled about, quickly preparing my order. “Funny, only one other person gets that order. Most people get the strawberry latte with the green tea cake.”

“I just love green tea everything.”

Jimin turned around holding my cake in his hand. He almost dropped it when he realized who was standing in front of him.

“Sakura?” He peered incredulously at me.

“Yeah, Jimin. I wondered when you would figure it out.” I tried to sound genial, but his stormy expression made my voice quaver.

He set the plate down with a clatter and walked away to prepare my green tea.


“Why the sudden silent treatment?” I slid my cake closer to me and took a bite.

“Why are you here?” Jimin asked coldly, setting the latte down in front of me.

“The book you wanted came in. I thought I would bring it to you.” I gestured to the parcel on the counter.

“Thanks.”” He put it under the counter without even looking at it.

“And I wanted to see you.” I added quietly. I stirred the spoon in my drink, avoiding his eyes.

“Well, you sure picked a day to do it.” He slumped down onto the counter. “Do girls just have it out for me? Is it my face? Do I just have one of those personalities?”

“What are you talking about?”

Jimin glanced up and studied me for a moment, like he was debating telling me.

“Maya came in today.”

“Oh, really? How did that go?”

Jimin groaned and slumped back down on the counter. “She’s married. And pregnant.” He mumbled against the granite.

I carded my fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry.”

“Are you, though?” Jimin removed my hand from his head. “Because as far as I’m concerned, you’re just like her.”

“It’s not my fault I don’t love you, Jimin.”

“I know you can’t help it. But it still makes me feel ty and unlovable.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way.”

He brushed aside my apology. “Are you back with Jin?”

“No. We’re not.” I said regretfully.

“At least he loves you back.” Jimin sounded a little too bitter for my taste.

“Alright, well, I’m gonna get going. Here’s some money for the food.” I set some crumpled up bills on the countertop and quickly strode out of the bakery.


I understood Jimin’s feelings, but that didn’t mean I wanted to stick around for his attitude. I hadn’t expected him to fall in love with me; it wasn’t like I asked him to or wanted him to. He’d done it of his own accord and now he was mad because I didn’t love him back.

A hand grabbed my wrist. I spun around and came face to face with Jimin.

“Sakura, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“No, seriously.” Jimin let go of my wrist and ran his fingers through my hair. “I know you’re not in love with me. It’s fine. You don’t need to be. I just…miss you.” He stepped closer and wound one of my curls around his finger. “I miss you a lot.”

“You do?”

“Yeah.” He released my curl and it sprung back against my face. “I miss hanging out with you and reading books. And eating junk food.”

I wrinkled my nose. “I don’t miss the junk food. It went straight to my thighs.”

“I miss your thighs.” Jimin moved to lessen the distance between us. He ran a finger down my leg. “And your fishnets.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure you do.”

“Do you…miss me, Sakura?” Jimin hesitantly bit his lip.

“Yeah. I miss hanging out with you. I like you a lot, Jimin.”

“Do you miss anything else?” He fished, taking my hand in his.

“Yeah. I miss eating your cake.”

“Oh, yeah?” Jimin tilted his head. “Anything besides that?”

I shrugged. “Not that I can think of off the top of my head.”

He laughed and played with his hair, a habit I found adorable.

“Do you wanna get dinner or something?” He asked nervously. “Nothing serious. Just dinner.”

I hesitated. “I don’t know, Jimin.”

“Come on. Just dinner.” He pleaded. “I know we’re over. I just wanna hang out with you.”

I thought about it for a moment. I wanted to hang out with Jimin, too.

“Alright. Let’s go get dinner.”


Jimin tried to hold my hand as we walked along to his favorite restaurant. I wouldn’t let him and he pouted, showing off a cute side I’d rarely seen from him.

“Jimin, I’m trying not to be wishy-washy, okay? We’re broken up. I’m in love with Jin. Dating you was really fun, but ultimately a bad idea.”

“Why? Because I have feelings for you? If I hadn’t said anything, we would still be dating now.” Jimin’s fingers grazed mine, but I stuffed my hand in my pocket.

“Yeah, and you’d still be hurting.” I reminded him. “So, let’s just be friends.”

“You’re right. Let’s just be friends.” Jimin nodded his head. “You can be my really y ex-girlfriend friend.”

I rolled my eyes. “You make it sound so complicated.”

“It is complicated. I have feelings with you and we’re trying to be friends. We’ve had before. Friends don’t do that.”

“Some friends do.” I muttered. “It’s not like you loved me when we started sleeping together. It’s not even like I’ve known you for that long.”

“It’s been a while, Sakura. Like three months.”


“Yeah.” Jimin smiled and took my hand again.


“This is a friendly hand-holding.”

“I don’t hold hands with my friends.”

“Well, now you do.” Jimin winked at me.


I got a little drunk at dinner. Just a little. My dinner was spicy and I needed something to wash it down, but there was no water in sight. I had about four glasses of wine.

Jimin had to hold me as I stumbled out of the restaurant.

“You’re cute when you’re drunk.”

“Stop flirting with me, Jimin.”

“I’m just telling the truth.” He laughed.

“What happened to moody and melancholy Jimin? Where is all of this good humor coming from?”

“I’m not moody. I’m just…soulful.” Jimin sounded offended.

“You’re moody. Moody and poetic and so dreamy. Why can’t I fall in love with you?” I stumbled and he caught me.

“Well, baby, why don’t you?”

“Because I love Jin.” I sighed and was pretty sure my soul left my body with it.

“Yes, I’m well aware.” Jimin sighed a sigh to rival mine. “Where are we going?”

“Can you take me to my apartment?”

“Yeah, where do you live?”

I told him and he hailed a cab. We were at my place in a few minutes.


Jimin’s POV


“Can you walk me up?” Sakura mumbled drunkenly beside me.

“Yeah, of course. I’m not gonna leave you here to fend for yourself. You’ll probably fall down the stairs or something.”

I supported her weight by wrapping my fingers around her waist. She was wearing this adorable pair of overalls with a flannel and combat boots. I loved it. I loved all of her outfits.

I loved her, just a little bit.

“Stay.” She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me into her apartment. “Spend the night.”

“I thought we were just friends.” I reminded her as I looked around her apartment. She had some framed prints of Audrey Hepburn and James Dean on the walls above a comfy looking couch. The walls were lined with bookshelves. It was cleaner than mine and much more organized.

“I like your place.”

“Thanks.” Sakura flopped down on the couch face-first. “I like yours better.”

“I like mine, too. But yours is nice and clean.” I sat down next to her and patted her back.

“Oh, Jimin.” She sighed. “I don’t wanna be wishy-washy about you. You’re too nice.”

“Let’s be friends. I can be friends with you.”

“But you love me.” Sakura moaned into the couch cushion.

“Yeah, so I wanna hang out with you. Just let me. I’m a big boy; I can handle it.”

“Can you?” She sat up and leaned her full weight against me. Several deep black curls spilled out onto my shoulder. I leaned my head against hers and breathed in her scent. Daisy perfume and musty bookshops.

“I can for you, sweetheart.”

“I like when you call me sweetheart.” Sakura slid her arm through mine and cozied closer.

“Do ya, sweetheart?”

“Yeah, I do.” She yawned, bright red lips leaving a mark on my shirtsleeve.

“Go to sleep. You’re sleepy.” I kissed her hair.

“You wanna stay over?”

“Is that what friends do?”

“Yeah. Friends have sleepovers.”

“You’re drunk.”

“I don’t care.” She swung herself into my lap, teetering a bit before smacking her forehead against mine. She burst out laughing.

I smiled and spun a curls around my finger. “You’re adorable.”

“Let’s be best friends.”

“Alright.” I agreed, a soft, quiet sadness settling over me. “We can be best friends.”

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sugarcookie123 #1
Chapter 23: Awww....my ship is finally properly sailing !!!!
sugarcookie123 #2
I love Jimin's and the OC's character in the story. They contrast and compliment each other.
sugarcookie123 #3
Chapter 22: Jimin is so sweet !!!!!
Do update soon authornim!! I really love this story ;;
sugarcookie123 #5
Chapter 21: Author nim i miss the updates !!!! This story is sooooo gooooood !!!! Please update soon !!!! You're amazing writer!!!!!
sugarcookie123 #6
Chapter 20: Amazing story author nim. Are you by any chance indian ? Nice choice of movies DDLJ is one of my favs !!!! Update soon plzzzzzz.....
armybangtan1 #7
Chapter 20: hello i just started reading this ff and i really don't get why that she is sleeping with jm while she loves jin. the way she teases jimin is not nice cause he loves her and her attitude is a little y(i'm really sorry) i think. i just don't get what she wants. she knows that jimin is hurting. i don't get it
jiminaddiction #8
Chapter 20: No problemo, Eagerly waiting for more chapters :)
jiminaddiction #9
Chapter 20: Thanks for updating. Jimin must've been shocked to see everything.
Poor sakura
Chapter 19: damn shes got to stop thinking about jin whn shes in bed with jimin alrdy. & im so mad at her too, for underestimating jimin's love for her ughh hwaiting jiminnie