
Cherry Blossoms



I woke up in the morning to strong arms wrapped around my body. Jimin’s snuffling little snores were hot against my scalp, his nose buried in my hair. I wondered how he could breathe through my fearsome mane.

I gingerly turned around, wanting to see his sleeping face. My skirt rustled around my legs and I cursed myself inwardly for having had and sleeping in a dry-clean only skirt.

However, Jimin’s sleeping face was enough incentive to do it again.

His eyelashes fanned out on his cheeks. I had a set of false ones at home that looked exactly like his.

“Why do boys get to have such long eyelashes?” I whispered, tracing my thumb against the skin underneath them. “It’s unfair.”

Jimin opened his eyes suddenly, startling me.

“.” I breathed, my heart pounding rapidly against my chest. “You scared me. How long have you been awake?”

He let out a sleepy laugh, sounding so incredibly adorable that I just had to kiss him. He met my kiss, melding his lips against mine in a drowsy fashion, so lazy and sweet.

Finally, he pulled away and fixed me with a sleepy stare.

“I think I was more than a little tipsy last night.”

I giggled, dancing my fingers across the planes of his shoulders.

“No, seriously.” Jimin said, his voice insistent. Pouty lips puffed out in an effort to look sincere. “I get really when I’ve been drinking. Otherwise, I don’t know if we’d have slept together.”

“Why not?” I whispered, kissing his tattoo. I’d never noticed it before. He had it hidden away, a teeny tattoo of initials and a date right under his heart.

“Cause I’m mad at you.” He took one of my curls in his hands. Jimin had small hands. Where Jin’s fingers were long and thin, Jimin’s fingers were short. Not stubby, just short. I loved Jimin’s hands.

“Why?” I demanded, kind of affronted. “What have I done?”

He stared at me pointedly. “What the do you think?”

“Cause I slept with Jin?” I asked, taking one of his hands in mine. Our rings clinked together.

“No. Because of the way you just left to go to him like that.” Jimin rolled over and rested his head on my stomach, staring up at me. “You made me feel used.”

He walked his fingers along my stomach, nervously anticipating my response.

“I…like you.” I said slowly. “But I love Jin.”

Jimin kissed the soft skin of my stomach. His bangs fell in front of his face, tickling me.

“Don’t love Jin.” He ran his fingers across my stomach. His cheek rested against my bellybutton. “Don’t do it.”

“Hmm.” I wound my finger around a curl, contemplating.


Jimin giggled as my stomach started to growl.

“It’s so loud against my ear.” He covered my stomach in kisses. “You want some food?”

“Yeah. You got any of that pizza left from the other day?”

He sat up and pulled me off the bed with him. “Yeah. A lot, actually. And some brownies.”

“Brownies!” I squealed, skipping to the kitchen and pulling him after me. I hopped up on the countertop while he rummaged through the fridge.

Jimin pulled out a plate piled high with brownies and set it down on my lap.

“Eat as many as you want.”

“What a delicious breakfast.” I picked up a brownie and took a huge bite, chocolate crumbs scattering everywhere.

“You’re delicious.” Jimin stole a kiss, his tongue poking into my mouth to steal some of his brownie. I giggled, spilling brownie out of my mouth. “Eat your brownie and let’s go back to bed.”

“Why? You wanna eat in bed?” I pressed my foot against his thigh as he tugged on one of my curls.

“Yeah. I wanna eat you up.” Jimin leaned in close, staring into my eyes. He was so close that I could see each individual eyelash.

I moved in for a kiss, but he dodged me and took a bite of my brownie instead.


We sat on the countertop side by side, munching away at the plate of brownies. Jimin told me stories about growing up with his sister that made me laugh so hard I spurted milk out of my nose and onto his bare thighs.

“Disgusting.” Jimin laughed, swiping at his legs with a paper towel. I kissed his cheek, stubble brushing against my lips.

He hopped off the counter and went into the living room, selecting a book from the stack nearest to the couch. Jimin’s apartment was covered in books. Everywhere I went, I always knocked over a pile or two. Even in the bathroom. It was ridiculous.

I absolutely loved it.


I spent a few minutes browsing through his bookshelves, noting which books he had that I loved. He had many books I’d never even read before.

“You know, I should hire you. You’d be invaluable if you’ve actually read all of these.” I ran my finger down the spine of The Handmaid’s Tale.

Jimin didn’t answer me, too engrossed in his book.

I picked out a novel and laid down next to him on the couch, nestling myself in the crook of his arm. He adjusted himself so we were both situated comfortably, my feet resting on top of his legs.

He smelled like old books, sweat, and brownies.

“What’s your book about?” I whispered.

“Shh.” Jimin turned a page, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

“I’m reading a mystery novel.” I informed him. He shushed me again and picked a stray curl out of the pages of his book.

“Keep your hair to yourself.”

“You weren’t saying that last night.”

“You said more than me. All night long, I could only hear the sweet sound of your voice saying my name.” Jimin raised his voice an octave to mimic me. “Oh, Jimin. Jimin, you’re so beautiful. Jimin this, Jimin that.” He leaned his head against mine, long bangs falling onto my forehead.

I must have turned scarlet. My cheeks felt like as hot as an oven.

“Say my name, say my name.” Jimin sang.

“Okay, Beyoncé.” I rolled my eyes.

“You ain’t gotta say you love me, baby, I ain’t playing games. I just need to hear you say, say my name, say my name. You just gotta say my name, say my name.”

“Oh, it’s the Drake version.” I said, mildly surprised. “And here I thought you only liked Billie Holliday.”

“I am a man of many tastes.”


We spent the whole day together. Reading, cuddling, eating cold pizza. Just like Jimin had promised the last time I’d come over.

It was nice. I didn’t feel lonely for the first time in a long time.

Jimin was funny, smart, beautiful. Sweet and slightly moody and he had a fantastic collection of feminist literature.


“Sleep over.” He murmured into my shoulder. We were lying in his bed, Jack at our feet.

“Again? Aren’t you sick of me?” I let out a soft sigh as his nose trailed down my arm. He planted soft kisses against my skin as he went along.

“No. Just stay. Look, you’re already in your pjs and everything.” He plucked at the flannel I’d pinched from his closet. The red and black fabric scratched at my skin. It smelled slightly of cigarettes.

“Do you smoke?” I asked, sniffing the sleeve of his shirt. I wondered how I’d missed the scent before.

“Ah…I used to. Every once in a while I light up again.” Jimin’s fingers wandered down my body teasingly, touching my curves through his flannel.

I studied his face as he touched me. His slightly bleached hair fell into his eyes. His eyes narrowed into slits as his breath caught in his throat. They reminded me of a cat’s.

Dark eyes framed by dark eyelashes. Short, thick eyebrows that made him look slightly angry when he wasn’t smiling. But he almost always smiled.

He wasn’t smiling at that moment. No, he bit his pouty bottom lip as his gaze traveled over my body. My heart thumped against my chest as his gaze suddenly flicked up to meet mine.

Fierce and flirtatious, his eyes held my gaze as his fingers hovered teasingly over the first button on my shirt.

“Do it.” I challenged him in a whisper. “I dare you.”

Jimin grinned then, so mischievously. I’d never seen that smile on his face before.

Distracted by his charm, he caught me off guard and flipped me over onto my back, straddling me and ing my shirt in a matter of seconds, full lips burning a path down my neck to my chest.

“.” I let out a strange sound, half laugh, half gasp.


Suddenly, he flopped down on top of me and heaved a sigh.

“What are you doing?” I asked, surveying him through wary eyes.

“I just wanna cuddle.” Jimin’s voice was muffled by the fabric of my shirt. He tucked his head into my neck while his arms came up to nestle in my curls.

“You’re heavy.”

He paid no heed to my complaints and remained on top of me, a leg in between my legs, chest pressed against mine.

He fell asleep like that, breathing heavily into my ear.

I gently pushed him off of me and he immediately cuddled into my side, wrapping his arms around me in his sleep, nose buried in my hair.

I decided I liked falling asleep as he held me.

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sugarcookie123 #1
Chapter 23: ship is finally properly sailing !!!!
sugarcookie123 #2
I love Jimin's and the OC's character in the story. They contrast and compliment each other.
sugarcookie123 #3
Chapter 22: Jimin is so sweet !!!!!
Do update soon authornim!! I really love this story ;;
sugarcookie123 #5
Chapter 21: Author nim i miss the updates !!!! This story is sooooo gooooood !!!! Please update soon !!!! You're amazing writer!!!!!
sugarcookie123 #6
Chapter 20: Amazing story author nim. Are you by any chance indian ? Nice choice of movies DDLJ is one of my favs !!!! Update soon plzzzzzz.....
armybangtan1 #7
Chapter 20: hello i just started reading this ff and i really don't get why that she is sleeping with jm while she loves jin. the way she teases jimin is not nice cause he loves her and her attitude is a little y(i'm really sorry) i think. i just don't get what she wants. she knows that jimin is hurting. i don't get it
jiminaddiction #8
Chapter 20: No problemo, Eagerly waiting for more chapters :)
jiminaddiction #9
Chapter 20: Thanks for updating. Jimin must've been shocked to see everything.
Poor sakura
Chapter 19: damn shes got to stop thinking about jin whn shes in bed with jimin alrdy. & im so mad at her too, for underestimating jimin's love for her ughh hwaiting jiminnie