One and Only Kyu



“Ah, no thanks. We’ll be going now. C’mon you.”






Then he your hand and looked  at you meaningfully. You were dumbfounded with his refusal to the invitation of the poor girl. You can’t believe he refused.










You stood up and you tried hard not to walk limply.







“Faster! You won’t want to be late again, do you?”. This time he dragged your hand and you bowed to the girl. You saw the disappointed look on her face.


















When you were already near the staircase, you stopped walking.












“What’s wrong?” Kyuhyun asked.






“Ah none. Maybe I’m just tired of running,” you replied just to hide the pain your feeling on your .








Leeteuk saw you and walked fastly near you and Kyuhyun.



Leeteuk: “What happened? you Gwaenchana?”


you:“This is nothing. I’m just tired of running.”


Leeteuk: “Why did you run?”



Then Kyuhyun answered, “there was a stray dog in the canteen, so we ran because we might be bitten”



“Ah  jeongmal? Hmm that’s bad. C’mon let’s go to our class now. Or that dog that you’re saying will ran after us.”



you and Leeteuk were sitting on a bench outside your school because you’re waiting for Kyuhyun to finish his work in the Music Hall.




“You sure got very nervous when you’re with him alone awhile ago”, he said then he laughed.





“It’s not that. If only you know.” Then you looked away, thinking of how will you survived later when the three of you walked home.
















“I’m here. Sorry to keep you waiting.” Then he smiled.


You stared at him for a couple of seconds, looking at his face that was being lighted by the sun. You suddenly thought of him shining and sparkling.












“Ya you Why are you staring at me?” Kyuhyun smirked at you. You forgot about the long walk to your home.



“Ah, I was just thinking of something”, you lied.



















“Think Happy Thoughts and nothing will go bad you” she said to herself. The two boys were talking about Leeteuk’s break up. You feel a burning sensation on your back.










Then you suddenly sang



"I’m walkin’ to the day.. I’m walkin’ to the today.. Eh Eh Eh”




The two looked at you weirdly.


“Wow, Super Junior fan” Leeteuk said then he smiled.





You looked away to hide the embarrassment.





You breathe heavily. “This is taking too long.”







Kyuhyun looked at you and said, “Are you tired?”









You want to answer, but all you want to do was to cry because of too much pain on your back.







Leeteuk also looked at you and became suspicious, “Did something happened to you awhile ago? You’ve been acting weird this day.”












And that’s when you decide to look at them, and you tearfully said,









“My back hurts”.






Leeteuk was shocked then searched for a bench. You sat there, and Kyuhyun asked



“Is it because when we ran?”







You are hesitant to answer because you don’t want to blame him.





“I fell on my bed that’s why”, you lied.





You’ve been lying so many times today. And all because of Kyuhyun.



















(Play this while reading :) dis is not sung by an asian, but it's cute :))




But Kyuhyun remembered the incident when you were on the floor when he opened the door.

























“C’mon. Ride. “ He sat infront of you.










 “Wae? What for?” you asked.














“Just ride” Kyuhyun seriously said.










You put your arms on his neck, and you’re thankful that he can’t see your face, because you’re really going tomato red.




Leeteuk looked at you.




Then on Kyuhyun.






He can’t figure out what happened to the both of you.


You looked at him then you whispered “I’ll tell it to you later.”

















You were really shy this time. You can’t move because he might get tired. You can’t rest your body on his back because you really felt embarrassed on that situation.










“Hold tightly”, he said with a low voice.



“And sleep if you want. I don’t mind”





“I can manage” you said, but you feel that his voice soothes you and your back. You slept without knowing.

















 “I’ll be going. Tell her I will just change my clothes then I’ll be back.” Leeteuk said, then he smiled at Kyuhyun.



“Take care of her” then he went away.































He reached your house then opened the gate.He went in then he laid you gently on your sofa. You were

still sleeping. 










the picture was funny :D haha sorry! just imagine that you're piggybackriding kyu ^^v

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i will post the part 2 of The Savior Chapter when I already had 10 votes in the poll. ^^


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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 17: update please..
Shagarin #2
Chapter 17: Ahhhhh please update soon!! She should confess so that Kyuhyun will marry her!!
Chapter 16: I am wonder when will this Kyuhyun Oppa realize she the little girl
Chapter 14: KYUHYUN FTW! XD
Kyu's role makes me melt. If its okay with you I'd like to request more scenes with Kyuhyun. Thank you :DD
Chapter 14: hahaha another cliffhanger from you! XD
well I changed my mind! I guess it'll be much more interesting if it's Sungmin, then Kyu can go all crazily jealous for the whole day! Yippie! XD
I'm waiting for him to finally realize who's this little girl really is! <3
update soon I'll wait for it :)
Chapter 11: Nurse Shindong haha xD
Chapter 13: Updates finally! Been waiting sooo long for this! XD
Kyu is totally making me frustrated! But still he have my heart *sigh*
Well I wish it's kyu! It's time for him to start open up, before another competitor took his spot! XD
Can't wait for another updates! :)
GoSh!!! I'm an English Literature major! Haha!
kyulovewook #10
I hope you update soon... I'll be waiting :D I want to know what happens to Kyu and Kyulovewook!