Chapter 1- DOOMED

One and Only Kyu

She woke up early that morning, only to find out that she was already late from her English class.

She look at the wall clock, it was already 8am. She looks for her cell phone on her bed. There were almost 10 messages saying that her professor was already inside the room and was waiting for her to arrive. But her English class starts on 7am.


She slapped her face, boy she was still sleepy! She had finished her report by 1am in the morning, and she slept almost 2am because of the threaded messages his guy best friend Leeteuk gave her.













Leeteuk just broke up with her almost 2 years girlfriend. The sad thing was, it was a long distance relationship, and the girl had found a new guy, which Leeteuk only found out when he opened his Facebook account. The girl’s status was “in a relationship” with another guy. No explanations needed for Leeteuk, he called his girlfriend and broke up with her. And the only person that he leans on when it comes to his love problems was her girl best friend you.


And so was you.








She still managed to go to school. She ran all the way up to the 3rdfloor to catch up her professor before lunch break. It was already 9:30am.





She stopped at the door. When she was about to knock, the door opened and she bumped herself to the door, and fell on her .


She rubbed her temples, and when she looked up, the next thing she just want to do was to cover, not her turned swollen temple, but her red tomato faced and aching on the floor.







you! What are you doing? It’s already 9:30 am and you still went here! You sure got a brave heart.”






With a frustrated look on her face, she searched for something to hold on just to refrain herself from falling again.


She stood up, and with a bitter smile she said “Is our professor still there? “ but the thoughts that was coming on to her mind was not her professor’s wrath, but the words his another guy friend told her awhile ago. He hadn’t even helped her to stand up, and no apologies were said.


She touched her back to make sure it’s not aching, but the pain was just killing her.






“Yes, and he’s----“.




The next thing she knew, she was doomed.









The bell rang, and every person on their class went out, including the professor whose stare can kill a million demons. He stopped in front of her and stared at her. She bowed down her head to give respect and to avoid the deadly eyes that seemed to reap her soul.












“Jeosong hamnida, songsaengnim, I became so late and haven’t able to pass the report. Jeongmal mianhamnida.”









“Look at me!”, the deadly professor said, with a low and a demon-like tone of voice.












She looked up, and the next thing she had wanted was to


















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i will post the part 2 of The Savior Chapter when I already had 10 votes in the poll. ^^


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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 17: update please..
Shagarin #2
Chapter 17: Ahhhhh please update soon!! She should confess so that Kyuhyun will marry her!!
Chapter 16: I am wonder when will this Kyuhyun Oppa realize she the little girl
Chapter 14: KYUHYUN FTW! XD
Kyu's role makes me melt. If its okay with you I'd like to request more scenes with Kyuhyun. Thank you :DD
Chapter 14: hahaha another cliffhanger from you! XD
well I changed my mind! I guess it'll be much more interesting if it's Sungmin, then Kyu can go all crazily jealous for the whole day! Yippie! XD
I'm waiting for him to finally realize who's this little girl really is! <3
update soon I'll wait for it :)
Chapter 11: Nurse Shindong haha xD
Chapter 13: Updates finally! Been waiting sooo long for this! XD
Kyu is totally making me frustrated! But still he have my heart *sigh*
Well I wish it's kyu! It's time for him to start open up, before another competitor took his spot! XD
Can't wait for another updates! :)
GoSh!!! I'm an English Literature major! Haha!
kyulovewook #10
I hope you update soon... I'll be waiting :D I want to know what happens to Kyu and Kyulovewook!